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Everything posted by Forestluv

  1. I get a lot out of weed. It is one component of my “spiritual” program. In particular weed and yin yoga synergize beautifully. It’s taken me to some amazing spaces.
  2. I listened to the lottery draw discussion part about halfway through. The religious man gives a common ideology to argue the existence of an intelligent creator - it’s a variation of the “fine tuning argument”. That is, imagine a lottery draw of 1 million numbers. To get a particular combination is so infinitesimal that it’s virtually impossible. Yet that is from the perspective before the lottery has taken place. After the numbers are drawn, there is a 100% chance those numbers were drawn. There is a 100% chance that what is IS. I’m not arguing that some form of “supernatural” intelligence doesn’t exist. It’s just that this particular argument for an anthropomorphic god is nonsense to me. I appreciate how respectful they were to each other.
  3. Ime, weed can be a great tool, yet psychedelics have powers that weed does not.
  4. It’s much easier to speculate about SD stages beyond Turquoise than actually embodying stages up to Turquoise.
  5. That is the Perfect perception for your mind to be having right now. How could it be ant other way? Just be mindful of a mind’s tendency to hyper personalizing things and drifting into name calling.
  6. @Leo Gura Nonduality can be hard to communicate without a self entering and becoming attached/identified. It can be very subtle and sneaky. I notice that dynamic appear in my mind from time to time.
  7. @Fountainbleu That is a low dose and frequency. You may be hyper sensitive to it, or perhaps some additional environmental inputs are contributing as well.
  8. I don’t think we are on the same frequency and it’s best I step aside here. I think I would be counter-productive at this point. ?
  9. I can see JP pulling up some people up to blue/orange. Yet his demonization of Green will make it much harder for them to transition into Green. They would need to recondition a lot of beliefs. I’d much rather see some that simply pulls people up to Orange.
  10. This is the fundamental root of the block. The particular “fact” is irrelevant. It is this orientation of the mind which will resist expansion and keep it contracted.
  11. Correct. And you don’t seem to be open or interested in seeing what is being pointing to. This is a common dynamic of the psychological self. The self clings to objectivism for a sense of grounding.
  12. Of course. Yet the difference between us is that I realize I am a somewhere pointing to a nowhere. You haven't yet had the direct experience of nowhere yet. Thus there is no contrast between nowhere and somewhere.
  13. Sounds like attachment and identification to a perceived external objective reality. This provides the mind-body with a sense of grounding, yet will eventually collapse upon closer observation. Trying to "back up" a relative view with "evidence" is a classic external objective reality delusion. It happens all over. Science, philosophy, spirituality etc. . .
  14. It sounds like this approach is resonating with you. I love to see that
  15. This seems to be getting into dualities and attempts to define love in relative terms. That doesn't resonate with me, yet it may with others. For example, if love is surrender - then love isn't non-surrender. I've seen and experienced forms of non-surrender I would consider love. That is why I'm saying these relative definitions are limited.
  16. That sounds like an expression of love. It just feels limited to me - like a story of what love is. Yet that's just my sense. I'm still exploring various dynamics of love.
  17. Two threads on this topic have been merged here. Please use this thread for discussing favorite teachers.
  18. To me, martyrdom can be a beautiful expression of love, yet I don't see how martyrdom is a requirement to reach such deep levels of love. To me, it can be sufficient yet not required. It is one of many expressions of deep love. Some of the deepest expressions of love I've seen and experienced have not involved martyrdom.
  19. Why add martyrdom as necessary to reach the highest love?
  20. I would say the dose depends on experience, mindset and setting. If this is your first time, you are basically mentally stable and plan to trip in a relatively peaceful environment, then 2g would be standard. 1.5g would be a bit more cautious yet would likely be enough to get you into another "zone". Intention varies on the person. I've had specific intentions like asking that deeper blocks be revealed or I've asked that more expansive states of awareness be revealed. I've also gone in open-minded to whatever lessons may arise. I would go into it humble and open. Going in with expectations / demands to get something specific out of the experience doesn't seem to work so well, at least for me anyway. I would also contemplate your setting. What type of environment will you be tripping? This can have a big impact on the trip.
  21. This thread seems to have run it's course.
  22. You seem to have a *place* in *time* in which there is peace. What you describe certainly sounds very relaxing and would likely allow a person to explore deeper states of consciousness without distractions of the rat race. I imagine it could be very beneficial to the mind-body. Yet what you describe is still within the fantasy of the mind. "If I only had abc, then I could do xyz and reach true peace". There are people that spend years, even decades, searching for that place in time. Yet that place is not Now. The transcendence of peace vs. no peace to Peace cannot be found in some place within the timeline - it can only be found Now. Imagine spending 20 years saving money to reach that place and one day finally being able to simply meditate and do yoga all day - and realizing "I'm still in dis-ease. This isn't the pure peace like I had imagined".
  23. @Dodo I've been noticing this lately. From a state of beingness there is a sense of effortlessness. The mind-body is simply doing. It is running, thinking, typing, eating, working etc. It's almost like awareness is simply observing.
  24. The results are encouraging: 48% yes is higher than I would have guessed. They will need to modify the initiative to address some community concerns and continue to increase awareness. I predict the next time on the ballot will pass. There will be more no-to-yes vote changes than yes-to-no over time. Below is an article with a local perspective:
  25. @Edelweiss To me your mind seems to be deeply immersed within a complex story. Personally, I would step outside that story and observe the nature and dynamics of this story (and other stories) themselves. Rather than getting deeper immersed into a single storyline. My mind-body feels a lot of relaxation and freedom with that.