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Everything posted by Forestluv

  1. Nice retreat and report. It looks like a lot of embodiment occurred. Exploration, observation and direct experience is so important. ❤️ ?
  2. A person is a mixture of elements along various lines of development. For example, a person can be a mixture of Orange and Yellow along the cognitive line, yet their Orange framework might be a weight on development and we might say they are “centered” in Orange. Along the emotional line of development, that same person may be a mixture of Orange and Green. As well, the expression of a developmental level will not always look the same as it is expressed through a given personality. For example, someone might show aspects of Turqoise, yet it may appear to be “quirky”, while Turqoise appear mystical while expressed through another personality. One could say there are maturity levels within a SD developmental level. There are lots of videos that poke fun at immature expressions of Green spirituality.
  3. This is just my impression: to me, it sounds like direct experience of a detached observer combined with a lot of mental distractions. Plus, a lot of thought stories of who I am, what the problem is and uncertainty of what the solution is. There seems to be a back-and-forth between disidentification and identification. What I’ve found is that when I I get immersed into an expanded timeline, the sense of groundlessness and discomfort can increase. I like the image of Now being a vertical line and the construct of time (past and present) being on a horizontal line. Much of the seeking energy and discomfort I experience Now is related to stories along the horizontal timeline. Often, the further I go out, the more discomfort arises. The horizontal timeline/storyline is groundless. The story is constantly changing. My preferences, my goals, my friends, beliefs, feelings - is fluid - it’s not a grounded within the timeline. The story is constantly getting updated and changing. Personally, I’ve found the further out I go in the timeline, the more groundless it gets. Being immersed in today feels more grounded than being immersed in a lifetime. For example, “My whole life, I’ve been disorganized and unproductive. I’ve also got ADHD and I’ll never be able to find a lifetime career and live a meaningful, successful life”. That is waaay far out in the timeline and would lead to a lot of distress in my mind and body. It would feel overwhelming. There are times when I explore a lot in groundlessness and it becomes too much. My mind and body tell me to slow tf down, rest, integrate and stabilize. In regards to PD, sometimes my mind and body has a hundred different fragments of realizations and aspects of reality popping up all over the place. Rather than make it more complicated, sometimes it’s helpful to simplify and deconstruct. I would listen to what my mind and body is trying to communicate. If it is trying to communicate we are waaay off balance into groundlessness, I would get in touch with that. Rather than getting immersed in disorganized thought stories, I would try to listen to the wisdom of the mind and body. Perhaps the body wants a sense of routine and structure. Perhaps a daily schedule. Perhaps the mind and body wants to take a break from consuming nonduality ideas and spend a bit of integrating. Perhaps the mind and body wants a short term goal to work toward. This can give a sense stability. For example, training for a 10k race or starting a 30 day yoga series. This type of structure, routine and short term goals can help recondition the mind and body. I would also spend some time contemplating each day, without spiraling down into the rabbit hole. Perhaps spend some time developing awareness of patterns of thinking/feeling that arise in the mind and body. Observe the nature of these patterns and the desire to change - without going down a storytelling rabbit hole. Or perhaps consider building attention and focus skills. Just some ideas arising in my mind. Perhaps some may be useful, perhaps not. ?
  4. How about “There are perspectives within reality”? Humans have a tendency to create a grounded, objective, external, universal reality. It can offer a sense of stability to the mind-body - yet it is untenable.
  5. I haven’t imagined it like that before. I now imagine that the interpretation of a subjective human experience could be limited to their pre-conceived assumptions of material existence. Immaterial is still integrated with material, yet kinda filtered out in the perception / contextualization of the human mind. For example, I am a physical being distinct from other physical objects like that chair over there. And my physical hand got bruised when it was struck by a physical hammer. This seems quite obvious on the surface. It seems to get murky when we discuss feelings. If I asked someone if a car was material, they would look at me like I’m crazy and say “of course”. Yet if I asked them if the experience of a feeling is material, they would likely pause and be stumped for a bit. To stay within their material framework of existence, they may respond with something like “Well I guess feelings are material - they are hormones and neurotransmitters and stuff like that”. Yet that wouldn’t be a very satisfying answer since there is something deeper they are catching wind of. . . Just some musing floating through my mind. . .
  6. Absolute Freedom has no conditions. It is Absolute. No, it is one component of a much more expansive theory.
  7. With each mind fuck, an angel gets their wings ?
  8. @arlin You seem to like SD theory. In SD terms, Orange is a rigid intellectual mode based on objectivism. Yellow is a fluid mode of being, as it understands and has embodied relativism.
  9. Two threads on Teal Swan’s teachings have been merged. Please discuss here ?
  10. They are both chemicals - different chemical structures.
  11. It’s not “bad” or “good”. Logic and reasoning is “within” something more expansive. Being contracted within logic and reasoning isn’t “bad”, it’s just limiting. As an analogy, imagine someone was contracted within Switzerland. There’s nothing “bad” with that. Switzerland is a lovely place. I loved it there - beautiful landscapes and people. Yet if a being is contracted within Switzerland, they will not realize Switzerland is within Europe. They will be contracted and limited to Switzerland and won’t get to expand and explore beyond Switzerland. To me, it sounds like you have a conceptual framework and could use some mystical experiences.
  12. There seems to be a contraction within logic - wanting evidence, proof, confirmation etc. Eventually, the desire for, and attachment to, an objective external reality is transcended. All of this logic, reasoning, science etc. is “within” something more expansive. “Within” isn’t quite accurate, yet I can’t think of a better word. The words “integrated” and “inter-connected” are also somewhat accurate.
  13. @arlin To me, you seem to be off-balanced toward conceptualization. Direct experience is really important. Without direct experience, the mind will be speculating, figuring and intellectualizing from “below”.
  14. I think the brain naturally produces DMT after extended periods in darkness, not 5-meo-dmt.
  15. I think you are asking genuine, thoughtful questions. You may find self inquiry to be helpful. For example “What is a problem?”. The key is not to get intellectual or analytical. I think Leo has done a video on self inquiry.
  16. Seeking is also This. Seek or no seek. It’s all within Everything. Whatever arises, arises. Seeking is within Everything. Not seeking is within Everything.
  17. Like taking a trip in a Self-driving Tesla. Just along for the ride.
  18. The mind-body likes to seek. Didn’t you play hide-n-seek as a kid? It’s part of the human experience. Yet there is no “thing” to find. Everything = No-thing. From the perspective of a person, the journey is the destination. You have already arrived, yet the journey continues.
  19. Time to make some popcorn and watch it unfold ☺️
  20. Desire is an appearance within the mind-body. Rather than create thought stories about it, I’ve found it more helpful to explore my own direct experience of desire. To deeply observe it and deconstruct it. You need not other people’s theories - you have everything within you. You are your best experiment. Put yourself under a microscope and simply observe without criticism, judgement or analysis. The movement of desire through the construct of a timeline is fascinating to observe. The word “something” in the above statement is kinda key ime
  21. It’s about good or bad truth. I found the teacher’s quote to be nonsense. That’s why I wouldn’t listen much. Find beings you resonate with and trust your intuition. You will get glimpses then a really good look.
  22. I wouldn’t listen much to such teachers. In the way of what? Where are we trying to get to? What are we trying to attain? The personality construct is within Everything. It’s not in the way of anything. It’s like saying a fish is in the way of the ocean. . .
  23. How is Everything “a trap”? That is a thought story of the mind. You made it up. The thinking mind loves to create problems and figure out solutions. All part of The Game. There is no problem in need of a solution. Everything is Perfect as it IS.
  24. You get Everything and the ego says: “yea, but what’s in it for me?”.
  25. Desire of Truth for Truth’s sake can be powerful energy for some humans.