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Everything posted by Forestluv

  1. @seeking_brilliance Beautiful ♥️ ?
  2. “Deep” or “Shallow” are human constructs. Ultimately, there is what IS. Yet, humans love to contextualize. It’s part of the human experience. So without further ado, let’s go for it. . . I think this is a beautiful video showing partial dissolution of the construct of a personal story and the construct of time. Notice how there is a different perspective of his person from a more transcendent state of consciousness. I don’t remember his exact words, yet it was something along the lines of “my gosh, I’ve been chasing attention and to be loved my whole life. I don’t need to do that. I’m whole in this moment right now. Just being”. This isn’t on the level of the intellect trying to figure shit out and convince itself that I’m good enough through positive affirmations. It is a deeper level of direct experience and knowing. Integrating and embodying this after the trip is key. As well, can you feel his relationship with Now? It is much much more intimate than “normal”. He is not trying to explain or figure out Now. He is having a direct experience Now and is in awe. Notice how he keeps saying “prescence”, “love”, “Now”, “Being”. He is having a deep connection and experience of presence. As well, I notice how he says “I love you” and other times simply”love”. My sense is he in a moderate nondual state in which separation between “I” and “you” is dissolving. Who is loving who here? What is loving what? There is simply the presence of Love and a quasi-sense of separation. To me, this seems like early realizations in transcending the ego and personal story. “Oh my gosh, I’m not this story I created. I am Now. Just Being””. This can be extremely transformative and liberating - if it is integrated and embodied. It is also possible that the ego/personality re-emerges and regains control of the narrative. After the trip, it can get re-contextualized as a profound experience in which one now questions their entire story and begins to let go and become free. Or it can get contextualized as a whacky trip, something like “ hey guys, I had this whacky trip where I was so connected to a flower I couldn’t tell the difference between me and the flower. That’s some crazy shit, huh?”. The ego mind can blow it off. At one perspective, this is incredibly deep. Now is infinite. . . From a human perspective of what is available, this video is the tip of the iceberg. It’s still mostly within the transition of transcending the ego/person. This can be extremely profound, awe inspiring and magical for a human mind -body to break free of it’s conditioning and experience this. It can be life transformative. . . Now is all there is, yet from a human perspective - there is much more to explore. The potential of exploration and growth is extremely expansive - way beyond what we imagine.
  3. Any meaning is within infinity, so it’s not something one figures out. Direct experience is more impactful. In terms of imagination, it might help to image it as “Everything”. Show me a thing outside of Everything. You can’t. Leo does a nice job explaining here.
  4. Contemplation can have benefits, yet getting too immersed in thought stories can be counter-productive. Sometimes it’s nice to give the thinking mind a break. Go for a walk, spend time in nature, do some yoga etc. Get back to what is happening Now.
  5. Direct experience is Now. It is Free. It is infinite. The mind loves contextualization into an “experience” - which can have many forms. The mind may contemplate what it now calls “experience” and try to make sense of it. It may integrate that experience with other experiences. At the level of the human and human story, it may be beneficial to reflect and “grow” from constructs of experience. Yet the ego / personality structure can take ownership and create all sorts of stories and beliefs of these experience stories and get immersed and identified - and use it in egoic ways. To ask if direct experience can be trusted is from the perspective of the personality structure. Yet there is nothing to trust and no one to trust or distrust. It’s like asking “can Now be trusted”? At the level of the personality, the question is “can my personal interpretation of Now into an experience story be trusted”? “Can I trust the stories I am making up about reality?” I think it’s a good start to question the validly one’s own interpretation as this shines light on the personality dynamic, yet it’s still within the personality. The deeper step is to surrender the personal desire for control and be Now.
  6. @Pateedm Ime, using psychedelics in a mature and efficient manner is a learning process. They can be an extremely powerful tool when used wisely and counter-productive when used unwisely. Psychedelics resonate with each person differently. It’s great to learn from the experience of others, yet also listen and trust your inner guide. Based on my experience, here are a few things I think are worth considering for someone that wants to introduce psychedelics into a spiritual program: 1. For newcomers, I would not recommend a full, solid trip more than once every two weeks (e.g. 100ug+ of LSD). More frequent use like every 7-10 days will cause tolerance issues and the “magic” fades. For someone inexperienced,realizations may pile up and confusion and excessive instability in one’s life. For most people, it’s just not tenable long-term. Perhaps one strong trip per month if the mind and body are stable and there is a “calling”. . . One can do dmt and it’s derivatives like Aya and 5-meo much more frequently. Yet I would be extremely cautious about frequent use of dmt related compounds for the inexperienced. Aya retreats can be deeply profound within a mature, grounded spiritual community, yet I think using dmt related compounds multiple times per week solo for a newbie carries huge risks. 2. Integrate. When I first started out, I had very strong seeking energy toward psychedelic realms and integration seemed like tedious side-work. Yet I’ve found integration work to be really important for the mind and body to expand and grow. I would dedicate time between trips to integrate with whatever method works for you. 3. Have a well-rounded spiritual life. I’ve found it important to do other spiritual practices - meditation, yoga, contemplation, running and time in nature - sober. 4. Try different dosages and psychedelics - find what works for you. At one poInt, I found alternating between mini and strong doses to be beneficial. Strong trips are harder to integrate than light trips. For example, I did a strongish trip about once per month (100-150ug for me). and a mini trip of about 50ug once or twice a month. 50ug mini trips in nature were sooo helpful. They are not very taxing on the mind-body and can help integrate stronger trips into “regular” life. As well, microdosing can be beneficial to integrate into regular life. Since microdosing is subthreshold, one can do it anywhere. 5. If you want to explore 5-meo and can get the freebase form, I would recommend an initial exploration through vaping (not smoking). With vaping a person has control on modulating the intensity of the experience in real time. It can be very gentle. One can sit on their regular meditation cushion and reach states in which the ego / personality partially dissolves. If anxiety and panic arises, one can simply put the vape down and relax into the groundless. Over time, one can go deeper and deeper while being kind to the mind and body. I see so many people watching dramatic videos of people on 5-meo flopping around like fish and reading reports about traumatizing ego death experiences- it doesn’t need to be like that. . . In the future I think gentle 5-meo vaping will be used in chill environments integrated with something like Vipassana and nonduality retreats. For example, a morning sober meditation session followed by a nonduality discussion, followed by a gentle 5-meo meditation session, followed by another nonduality discussion.
  7. @Beeman See if you can stop directly experiencing Now. That’s it. ISness right Here and Now.
  8. You are creating the separation. Sit in stillness and observe your mind create the separation. You are not going to figure it out intellectually, you’ve got to observe it in your direct experience. When that completely dissolves, you will have the direct experience of everything/nothing and know. Yet there are various degrees of dissolution. Once “me” is transcended, the question will lose all relevance and disappear (because the question is only relevant to the person). You will see how you created your self at this transcended, expanded consciousness. Yet the ego will resist going there.
  9. Yes, You are IT this moment and every moment - there is only this moment. Yet the mind is contracted within a human story of life, reality and it’s self that occurs within a construct of time. The ego doesn’t want to surrender that story and narrative. Awakening can only occur Now since there is only Now. Yet when a mind is contracted within a human story of self, the subjective experience is that it is a process that occurs over time because it’s existence is within a timeline. It boils down to the ego wanting to remain in a contracted state for it’s own sense of survival.
  10. It’s not some external entity that wants to find you. You’re IT. You are Everything. The belief that some external entity will one day desire to find you and wake you up will keep you contracted within a limited finite self. From the perspective of the person, there is effort and work involved over time to dissolve attachment and identification with a self. The ego doesn’t want to die and become God.
  11. Delicious ?. There is a special place to be found after cycling 150km or so. ?‍♀️
  12. @lmfao Ahhh yes. One of the deepest human desires: to just Be. We think we are so evolved, yet can’t do something every other plant, animal and thing on earth does effortlessly: just Be. We spend our lives chasing something so simple that is available to us every moment.
  13. @arlin I’d recommend finding a teacher that resonates with you. Yoga with Adrienne is very mind-body-spirit integrated. She is super loving, gentle stage green/yellow. For more kick ass challenging power yoga, check out also yoga. They get pretty serious tho.
  14. @arlin Yes. Tons of YouTube videos. It slow and chill. It’s like meditative yoga. The postures are held for 4-8 minutes, which can be challenging in it’s own way. Yet one can go deeper and deeper into uncomfortable relaxation. My favorite is Aprille Walker at yoga ranger studio. She has all sorts of different videos focusing on body energetics. Maybe a few on emotions, yet that’s not her direct focus.
  15. There are many forms of yoga. Different forms focus on different aspects. In terms of amount of relaxation and body motion - slowest to fastest: Restorative, Kriya, Yin, Kundalini, Hatha, Vinyasa. I do multiple forms and prefer yin yoga in releasing blocks.
  16. @Anderz It’s cool to watch your mind creating sophisticated models. It’s like watching an artist create music. ❤️ ?
  17. @Anderz Sounds good. As well, sometimes it’s nice to experience what IS simply as it IS, without any models added in. . . And sometimes creating models can be fun entertainment. I also find creating art and food meals can be fun entertainment too.
  18. Of course, yet they are not necessary. They are simply appearances in Now with no more relevance than a dog barking or a train passing by. All appearances in Now. Now can also be absent of all thoughts and models. Thoughts and models can be fun stuff to entertain a mind, yet thoughtless Now is deeply intimate with Now. Spend an hour or so without a thought - the direct experience of thoughtless Now is deeply profound. It blows any model away, ime. Yet to each their own - some minds like to get immersed in thought stories - that’s cool too ?
  19. You are experiencing a classic yellow vs mustard duality delusion. Upon transcendence is the realization and embodiment of absolute yellow. It can be uncomfortable at first, especially since one can no longer differentiate between their sports team and the opposing team. Yet the bright side is that it makes toads and dragonflies look really cool at night. And as an extra bonus, the song “Yellow” by Coldplay will take on whole new meaning. ?
  20. Notice the relationship between engaging in mental thought stories and the feelings experienced in the body. What is happening right Now? Here and Now - not off in la-la land of imaginative thought stories of reincarnation, nirvana and what could happen in future lives of pain and suffering. Humans seek to return home to Here and Now. It cannot be found in any other place or time. Only Here and Now.
  21. I agree that is an interesting model. And what is Now without any models, definitions and meanings?