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Everything posted by Forestluv

  1. Nearly twice as much sugar. Lemons are 70% sugar, yet the acetic acid overwhelms the sweetness.
  2. Avocado has highest protein content of all fruit. Cabbage is 91% water. Cherries are a member of the rose family. Lemons contain more sugar than strawberries. Honey is the only edible food that never goes bad. Eggplants are fruits and classified as berries.
  3. Permanence requires a construct of a timeline. Now is eternal. It is all there IS.
  4. @Wekz Perhaps the mind and body is processing and resolving some negative stuff. I hope you are well. ?
  5. @Natasha That photo looks so wonderfully 1980s ♥️
  6. @Shaun Ime, one key is to surrender to whatever is happening now. It can be extremely difficult at times. I know. My mind-body has been going through a suffering dynamic recently. There are actions one can take to relax the mind-body and provide relief, yet absolute freedom is Now. Letting go of the thought stories and just being Now. Listen to the body and become One with the environment. It’s difficult because of the desire for an imaginary better now, that is not Now. At the human level, I’ve found activities that relax the mind body to be helpful. And connecting to others in meaningful and loving ways.
  7. I’ll be making the fruit smoothies ? ? ? @Aakash I wish you well, unconditionally, my friend.
  8. @Nahm From what I’ve read, it’s a roughly 1:5 ratio for fresh truffles - so about 20g dried shrooms. Much more if they are dried truffles. @Conrad It is a reckless, irresponsible dose. As Leo stated in your other thread, please don’t discuss reckless irresponsible use of psychedelics on the forum.
  9. @Mikael89 You have access to the source. Now is the best teacher. Spend time in nature, let go of thought stories and open to receive that which is freely Now. Just be and observe nature. She is an amazing teacher. Theories tend to be too complex and keep the mind in thought stories.
  10. J@John876 Thanks for the links. Two weeks ago I suddenly started remembering my dreams every night. Yet I haven’t yet been able to enter lucid dream states. I also find it interesting the similarities between sleep dreams and wakeful dreams (of thought stories, memories and imagining). We assume our wakeful thought stories of life is “real” and dream stories are “unreal”. Yet that duality is breaking down the deeper I go. Most of these dreams have been kinda boring with some type of moderate anxiety. Like I need to get somewhere yet can’t get there. I wish they were more profound and spiritual/mystical in nature. Yet, perhaps I’m not appreciating the profundity. I’m thinking about asking a question and setting an intention before I go to sleep
  11. The ego likes to fragment itself into a “Good ego” vs “Bad ego” dynamic. It allows the ego to stay relevant and keeps The Game going. Good ego says “I need to be in control or Bad ego will run riot and cause harm!!” . . . It’s all within human personality thought constructs. Fundamentally based in survival instincts.
  12. The below video from Leo’s blog is great for those learning about absolute and relative. It is simple, yet profound. The tendency of a thinking mind may be to dismiss it as too simple and the mind may want to analyze. Yet if one can relax the mind, simple direct pointers can be very effective in promoting insights.
  13. @possibilities You are conflating absolute and relative. Any thing can arise from emptiness. We are not on the same wavelength here. I wish you the best along your path ?
  14. There is no position to understand. You are debating yourself.
  15. @possibilities All positions ultimately collapse. Within a contracted mindset, it will appear as if I am taking a position when I point you to Absolute. I cannot pick up a beach and show it to you. I can point you to the beach or show you a handful of sand. If you contract yourself within that handful of sand, you will not see the beach.
  16. @possibilities You are still contracted within human thought constructs. you don’t “know” the infinite. You *are* infinite.
  17. @possibilities Langan’s theory is within Absolute. One cannot capture it in a theory. The Absolute blows away an IQ of 190-210. That is like asking if a smart ant is more intelligent than a human. . . . Absolute is waaay beyond human intelligence. This is much more radical than you realize.
  18. @Shaun This is a construct that works for me, perhaps it will be helpful - perhaps not. . . I imagine a dream character - let's call him Paul. The entire dream is created within One higher consciousness (my subconscious mind). Paul is not creating or controlling the dream. He is not attracting anything into his life. Yet, Paul is under the impression that he is. That is his subjective experience. However, it is all being created by the higher consciousness (my subconscious mind). Similarly in my waking life, there is a conscious level higher than my personal character. At times, this character appears and comes in handy - for example, when I am interacting with people at work and in the supermarket. Other times, this character dissolves and a higher consciousness becomes more prominent. For example, when I am hiking solo in the woods - there is no need for this character to be active in my mind - it can dissolve to allow expansion for a higher conscious level.
  19. @mandyjw I hope you all feel better soon. ♥️
  20. In addition to all humans, unconditional Love also includes mosquitoes, viruses, nausea and diseases. All ISness.
  21. @john23 @DrewNows I’ve had on and off insomnia issues for many years. Prior to any psychedelics. I have an active mind and I’m a light sleeper. Psychedelics amplify my insomnia and I’ve had to plan accordingly when using them.
  22. @Arhattobe I don’t know Martin, yet I’m thinking positive thoughts for him and his family and I hope he recovers soon. I’ve had a few bouts with insomnia. Not as severe as Martin’s, yet my insomnia caused me a fair amount of pain and suffering. I’ve only averaged three hours of sleep per night this week. It’s awful.
  23. @Paulus Amadeus Good point. Caution and listening to one’s body is wise with this substance. It aint like smokin’ a doobie with giggles and munchies.