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Everything posted by Forestluv

  1. @Aakash I don’t mean to imply that contextualizing into an experiential thought story is “bad”. At the human level, it can have benefits and practical value. Yet there is also a tendency for the ego to step in, take ownership and become attached/identified. At the human level, that can cause problems.
  2. Be aware of the mind’s tendency to contextualize experience. There is nothing wrong with that, it’s what human mind’s do. Yet be aware of the tendency to become attached and identified with the memory of an experience. It is no longer direct experience occurring Now. It is a memory and thought story appearing Now.
  3. @Peo On the one hand, it’s a great indicator of a mind and body that let go of attachment and identification. A wonderful glimpse into a state of consciousness. On the other hand, be aware of the mind’s tendency to contextualize the experience and desire to chase the experience. I’ve been there - it is so tempting. Yet I’ve found it best to drop those expectations and desires, let go and be present in the moment. The good news is that there are many flavors of that type of experience and they go much deeper.
  4. What is the strangest / most exotic thing you have eaten? For me, I’d say alligator tail in a New Orleans Cajun restaurant. I’m vegetarian, yet made an exception to try it.
  5. @Ampresus I know a lot of meditators have a “no pain, no gain” mindset - yet I’m at the point in which I don’t resonate with forcing my body into static positions for extended periods that aggravates chronic knee and back pain. That may be great for some, yet I’m not willing to risk a herniated disc. I would highly recommend trying Yin Yoga. Each position is held for 4-8 min. Some positions are uncomfortable and involve letting go and surrender - yet they are not painful. Each position is held long enough to relax deeper and deeper - mentally and physically. The positions rotate through the entire body and offer deep therapeutic relaxation and stretching of muscles, ligaments, tendons and fascia. I’ve reached very deep meditative states of consciousness. And get this. . . it’s actually super healthy for the mind and body. . . And with yin yoga, I’m now able to do 30min. traditional sitting postures pain free.
  6. Ok. By your request, I’ll shut this thread down. I recommend reading through the 5-meo-dmt mega thread. There is a lot of information there.
  7. Posting about drug sourcing is against forum guidelines.
  8. $165 for 25mg is waaay overpriced. It is recommended to start with a low dose of 10mg to test sensitivity and to acclimate, then gradually work your way up - 15mg, 20mg etc. As well, some technique is involved for roa. 5-meo is serious business. I’d recommend starting out with standard psychedelics like lsd - they are also powerful tools.
  9. Both are real imaginations. And please be mindful of strong trips on consecutive days. Be kind and nutritious to your mind and allow time for recovery, reflection and integration ♥️
  10. At the personal level, I’d prefer to use the term “expand” rather than “enlightenment”. Ime, any practice that disrupts a person’s attachment and identification to a grounded sense of reality helps to expand consciousness. Lucid dreaming certainly does this for me. Yet one needs to be receptive. Disregarding dreams as just imaginary hallucinations and not “real”, would severely limit one’s potential. Having direct experience that imagination = reality and waking life is also a dream will open up expansive potential in this area. . . I had tried to lucid dream for years prior to these realizations and was unsuccessful. I was too analytical and just wasn’t open and receptive enough. . . Yet other people puck it up much easier. Especially kids - many kids are masters at lucid dreaming - they haven’t become contracted adults yet.
  11. @Nahm has recently been double certified at the Teal Carebear stage of enlightenment, which is a level higher than the generic nondual enlightenment level. To appeal this certification, one would need to petition the Court of Beyond Absolute Enlightened Masters.
  12. A few things I found helpful starting out: First is to remember dreams and get involved with your dreams. Make it clear to your subconscious and the universe that dreams are now important to you. When I go to bed, I set an intention and request to remember my dreams. As I fall asleep, I imagine dreaming. Also, it’s important to have a dream journal by your bedside and write down every dream. Most dreams occur about 4-6 hours after falling asleep, so it can be a bit inconvenient rising at 4am to write down a dream. . . When I start to recognize a dream and I’m in a semi-lucid state, I might think “wait, this isn’t a real dream, I’m just imagining and thinking” or “I want to go back to sleep, I can write down the dream in the morning ”. Yet I’ve found it essential to write the dream down in the moment or it’s almost guaranteed to be forgotten. Even in the moment, it can be challenging to recall and “catch”. Also, I periodically read over the dreams and reflect on them. Again, this builds a relationship with the dreams. I’m at the point in which I remember 1-3 dreams per night and reach semi-lucid states of consciousness in which I’m acting within the dream semi-consciously, yet it’s not clear whether I’m still dreaming or half awake. I’ve begun to do “reality checks” during the day to better my chances of entering lucid states deeper within the dream. As well, my memories of the dreams have a clear storyline - as clear and real as the storylines of waking life memories. Yet the dreams are not visually vibrant and clear. I also want to improve that.
  13. And the wind, trees, ocean, dreams. . . Seekers put waaay too much emphasis and dependency on human teachers and theories, imo.
  14. Remaining assumes a timeline. There is no remaining in Now, because Now is all there IS. One cannot enter or leave Now. From the personal perspective, the subjective experience is that one is entering, leaving, entering, leaving different states. In other words, a sense of expansion, contraction, expansion, contraction. . .
  15. @CelticQueen17 I wouldn’t place too much emphasis on thoughts. The real action takes place prior to thoughts. By the time thoughts arise, the train has already left the station. Getting in touch with energies/frequencies/vibrations/feelings/intuition/essence is much closer to the action than thoughts. Even images are closer imo.
  16. @Annoynymous Ime, a key has been to regularly break out of my conditioned state of reality. That which my mind-body assumes is real and feels grounded in. Psychedelics are a sure fire way, yet I have found other ways as well. 1. Lucid dreaming. With practice, I’ve been able to semi-lucid dream (both sleeping and awake). The distinctions between “unreal” dreams and “real” reality can dissolve. For example, “real” memories and “unreal” dreams begin to collapse and all become dream memories. 2. A cannabis edible and a sensory deprivation float. This has brought me to far away imaginative realities as real as “normal” reality. A cannibis edible and 6+ hours in nature - away from ALL human interaction and technology - has also done the trick. 3. Four+ hours lying in nature. I like to lay under a tree on a breezy day or on a lake beach, close to the waves. The sound of the wind/waves and staring at rustling leaves relaxes and deconditions my mind. For the first hour, I focus on the details of the wind/waves. There is A LOT of sound detail we filter out. It becomes like a symphony. Then I imaginative realities as real as any other. Listening to nature recording don’t work for me. I need the real thing. These experiences are like putting on a VR headset into another reality. After enough times, one realizes that the “real” normal reality is just another type of VR headset. Yet, it can be very destabilizing, frightening and ungrounding to the mind/body at first. It can feel like one is losing their mind, well because they are. . .
  17. I think that would be an interesting social study. If hatha yoga centers provide a supportive orange to green transition environment. Ime, mainstream yoga classes associated with academic campuses, gyms and workplaces tend to be more orange-centered. More oriented toward health, fitness and personal image. The instructors may mention stuff about balance, harmony, flow and being in the moment, yet it’s pretty light. And many practitioners conspicuously tote around their yoga mat as they mention they did Power Yoga this morning and will do Pilates tomorrow. The smaller, private, intimate yoga classes and retreats seem to attract more green-centered practitioners.
  18. Gotcha. My hunch is that they were upper Orange transitioning to Green. In American politics, those that are solid green are the progressive left wing of the democratic party. They are fueling the opposition to trump. Examples include Sam Seder, The Young Turks and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
  19. I wouldn’t consider them centered in green. A fearful person centered in green would find security in a candidate at a higher conscious level than trump. And how many Green American trump supporters have you met at meditation retreats in England? . . . That’s like spotting a polar bear in the Grand Canyon of Arizona. Seems odd.
  20. @Gadasaa Thank you for sharing your experience. I’m not an expert on the psychological classification of DP disorder. I was just sharing more of an imagination from my experience.
  21. You are placing conditions on what is good from a human perspective. (good = human happiness ; bad = human unhappiness). That is relative goodness. Perhaps spend some time deep in nature with no humans around. No human happiness present. Yet you may sense a deep essence of nonhuman happiness and goodness. Absolute Goodness is not limited to humans.
  22. I doubt it for someone centered in green. That’s like saying a green going on a yoga retreat may choose an alcoholic yoga instructor that chain smokes and has a restraining order for domestic violence . . . if the green has lower stage shadow issues. . . Unlikely.
  23. @Libiin For me, the subjective experience of depersonalization feels disconnected. It is a type of self awareness trying to separate from the personality structure and body. It’s a fragmented self. For example, to seek relief from an uncomfortable experience/memory. In contrast, “not self” is an expanded consciousness intimately connected to everything: trees, birds, wind, barking dogs, cars etc. This expanded consciousness would also include thoughts / feelings within the mind/body if they arose. Yet there is no identification/attachment, so such thoughts/feelings would have no more relevance than bird chirps.
  24. Fake vanilla is some hard news to swallow. What next? You guys gonna tell me maple syrup is fake too?
  25. What’s the best route to Here?