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Everything posted by Forestluv

  1. This sounds like an opportunity to experience and expand, yet not really a “retreat”. When I’ve traveled, the most important thing in terms of consciousness expansion is to dissolve the story of “me” and the character I play in life. Most importantly, to distance myself from all the subconscious reinforcements of my story, beliefs and assumptions (which are mostly subconscious). Getting off social media and technology is a top priority. As well, avoiding communication with others that involve talking about “me” and my story. The whole story of where I’m from, what I do, things I need to do, what I want or need in life etc. I’ve found extended time in nature to be helpful. It’s trickier to do around other humans, yet I’ve found it possible with the right mindset. Once identification and immersion of the personal story dissolves, a form of liberation arises. A Beingness without the chains and restrictions of “normal life”. An ineffable freedom arises. Once this place is “reached”, interactions with life is transformed into a purity and there a form of magic that arises. At this point, I can engage with other humans and who/what arises is magnificent. It becomes dream-like, yet also more real than the story I had assumed was real. This is what keeps calling me back to solo travel. Ime, when done with intention, effort and mindfulness, solo trips can be highly effective in consciousness expansion and awakening.
  2. I’ve found immersion in nature to be helpful in understanding the human mechanics of suffering. Within nature there is what humans would perceive and categorize as life/death, growth/decay, pretty/ugly, pleasure/pain etc. Yet nature has no such categories as these are human constructs. Nature simply IS, ISing along. This is a “blank canvas” that provides contrast as we paint our human constructs onto it. Observing this takes a form of effort and concentration, to relax and let go of mental conditioning and human stories.
  3. Self righteousness belongs to narrow-minded. — Toba Beta
  4. @Gili Trawangan “Is deep sleep the absolute?” Absolutely
  5. Godspeed ? ♥️
  6. This seems to assert that there is an ego and there is a God - and that they are two different things.
  7. Last month I was meditating on the rim of the Grand Canyon and noticed a heart in the center. . .
  8. What you write makes sense from a human contextualization. However, there is no objective external reality. Saying it is “an alteration in consciousness” is a human contextualization. You are within a human contextualization of reality and believe it to be objectively true. This provides grounding and stability to the human mind-body and has practical value. Yet, this is a drop in the ocean. As well, ANY state of consciousness is “an altered state of consciousness”. You are in an “altered” state of consciousness right now, yet assume it is the unaltered default state.
  9. @Kushu2000 Everything you write makes sense from a human perspective. I cannot comment on the fetus contextualization, yet I am aware of “stuff” that is impossible to contextualize and communicate in human form. Another way to think about it. Imagine going back a million years in time and trying to communicate to Neanderthals what human existence is like today. It would be impossible. Similarly, if a human from one million years in the future tried to explain to you what human existence is, you would not be able to comprehend it. At all. He would make what Leo is saying look tame and you wold have a similar reaction to future man. You are unaware how limited standard human consciousness is. Rather than calling this type of thing “misleading”, I think a better phrase would be “unhelpful from the perspective of one’s person”. . .
  10. I have considered and replied to each of your speculations in the context of conscious evolution. As I sit here, I cannot think of a fundamental aspect/value of conservatives that is at a more expansive conscious level than liberals. Yet I am not a political expert. There may be an example. I don’t know of one. I don’t think “equal” is the best term. I think developmental stages is more accurate. Like the developmental stages during grade school. An 8th grader is not better than a 4th grader. They are just at different developmental stages.
  11. @Kushu2000 You are unable to grasp what I am trying to communicate because you don’t have this trans-human experience. Thus, you don’t realize you are contextualizing through a human mind because that is all you know. Like I said, it’s like going from the consciousness of an ant to a human. An ant will be incapable of contextualizing it. This goes waaay beyond what you are currently aware of. And from a human perspective, everything you wrote makes sense.
  12. For a mind-body without direct experience of trans-human consciousness, it would appear as insane. The potential and power available is unfathomable to 99.99999% of humans. At the human level, the deeper fears are not of our limitations, but of our potential. The few humans that have tapped into these realms will resonate with some humans and will be ridiculed by others. Imagine being an ant and expanding to the conscious level of a human - and then trying to explain what its like. Your fellow ants will think you cray cray when you try to explain solar systems, algebra, countries, oceans, expansiveness of earth etc. Kinda like that.
  13. There is no entity to take ownership of ideas as “my opinion”. As well, objectivism is a stage orange trap. There is no external objective reality. At this level of discourse, it would be best to say there is a lot of evidence supporting a model in which liberals are at a relatively higher conscious level than conservatives. Yet one should also consider that there are multiple lines of development, such as intellectual, emotions and spiritual lines. So there are many nuances.
  14. @Synchronicity The SD model is based on many years worth of extensive research and empirical data. It is perhaps the most well-supported and sophisticated model of consciousness evolution. I’m not aware of any other model of consciousness evolution that would put conservatives higher than liberals. It’s like saying: “In some ways, 4th grade children are more advanced than 8th grade children. And in other ways, 8th graders are more advanced”.
  15. That is certainly true when evolving from red to blue. It is a stage blue value. I didn’t push it down to blue. I didn’t create SD. Self restraint as a value appeared with the rise of blue. At that time, it allowed evolution from stage red to stage blue . As you suggested, it helped suppress stage red egotistical needs and actions. This was critical for the rise of stage blue civilizations. Later, the call of self restraint was used to hinder progress up to Orange and Green. Lack of self restraint at Green is very very different than red lack of restraint - yet blue stage conservatives love to conflate the two. Such as portraying politicians like AOC to be scary hate-filled stage red savages.
  16. That is Tier2 personal transcendence. Tier 1 levels are distinguished by levels of "brazen" self-conscious interest. Orange has a very low level of transcendence for that brazen conscious self-interest. Green has a partial transcendence of that brazen conscious self-interest. It is not until Tier 2 in which a high proportion of that brazen conscious self interest is transcended. Neither has transcended deep unconscious self interest. For example, Green has an understanding and embodiment of cultural relativism that Orange lacks. Yet, Green does not understand that their own perspective on cultural relativism is relative. This is a deeper level of self interest that is transcended toward Tier 2 yellow into turquoise. That depth of transcendence is a main aspect of how turquoise is more expansive than green.
  17. That was not my point. The point is that underlying values and abilities are the criteria in SD, not how someone labels themself.
  18. Green is still Tier 1, they have not gone trans-personal yet. If a person wanted an egalitarian society for mainly self-interest, that is Orange - not Green. An example would be someone joining a diversity committee and work because it would make them look good and help them get a promotion. The underlying individualistic motivation is Orange, not Green. Green values egalitarianism due to empathy and a sense of collective. That is Green. If you take that away, it is no longer Green.
  19. It's not about identity. It's based on the criteria of the SD scale: Liberals are a conscious level higher. Identity has nothing to do with it. An olympic marathon runner is at a higher level than an amateur marathon runner. Their personal identities is irrelevant. The judging criteria is not based on personal identity.
  20. That is generally considered Blue and Orange level values on the SD scale. Noticed how you wrote a "logical" tone. Logic is relatively low on the SD scale (Orange). Green can utilize logic and basic relativism. That is one reason there arguments may seem less logical. Orange uses binary and logical modes, while Green uses binary, logical and relative modes. My experience is that most conservatives are willing to agree to disagree because they sense they have an inferior position. When I was in centered in Green I had conversations with conservatives they often backed down when they realized they were in a contracted position. For conservatives, "agreeing to disagree" is often going for a draw in a contracted position. They best they can do is try to equate their contracted position to a higher level expansive position. No it's not. This expression arises because Liberals have a more expanded sense of community (collective conscious) than conservatives. The discussion is why conservatives and ranked lower on the SD scale. It has nothing to do with personal opinions. It's based on criteria of SD. And SD is not Absolute. It is a relative scale.
  21. @Synchronicity Be mindful of the distinction between principles and personalities. Consider the collective conscious level/values of red, blue, orange and green. Which has the most expansive level of collective conscious? What is an example of "community" to a conservative and an example of "community" to a liberal? Which is more expansive? An average liberal has a more expansive sense and embodiment of community at the collective conscious level than a conservative. Similarly, consider modes of thinking. Being in green, liberals can operate in logical and a basic level of relative. Being in Blue and Orange, conservatives are contracted within binary and logical thinking - they lack understanding and embodiment of relativistic thinking - such as cultural relativism. Liberals are much better able to see other POV's and empathize with others because of this expanded consciousness. Also consider why a scientist is ranked nearly a full level lower than a hippy. . . The degree of conscious expansion is not just about intellectual ideas. . .
  22. Helpful to me: raise the sitting position, change position, yin yoga. I used to sit through numbness and tingles, yet no more. It takes a toll on the body.