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Everything posted by Forestluv

  1. This is based on “nature and nurture” theories. It has value in relative contexts, yet ultimately it all collapses to nothing/everything. There isn’t even a “you”. What caused your gene sequence? And what caused those causations to cause your genetic sequence? And the causations of the causations of those causations that caused your genetic sequence? Eventually you get to One everything/nothing and the whole “me” house of cards comes crashing down. It goes even deeper. That “you” in bold doesn’t exist.
  2. It can not be explained through the lens you are looking through. However, I’m not saying that lens is “wrong”. It’s like someone wearing infrared glasses asking someone to show them UV light. There is nothing “wrong” with infrared glasses, yet one will not be able to see UV light while they are perceiving through infrared glasses.
  3. I’m not addressing you personally here. These are general observation of social dynamics. The above sentiment could come from someone at Green/Yellow trying to pull Orange up to Green. Or it could come from Orange resisting Green and trying to maintain Orange. These two positions are very different orientations driven by different values and desires. The Green/Yellow person may see the collective good in BI, yet may realize that it may not be practical to implement and there may be unintended negative consequences. The key here is that Green/Yellow values that collective goodness and will advocate for it. Such a person will want things to progress and offer ideas to keep the progress going. For example, they may see some drawbacks in the structure of BI and offer some ways we could modify it to address those concerns and make the proposal more efficient. For example, if BI is funded by rerouting social security funding - it could make both BI and social security programs vulnerable to future dismantling (since social security has much deeper infrastructure). If both B1 and social security was lost, this would not be good for the collective. We may say in this context that the current BI proposal is not good for the collective - yet let’s re-work it to address this concern. Or, a Green/Yellow may say that the most important here is the underlying value of meeting basic needs, yet BI is not the best way and offer other another option to achieve this goal. Orange will have a very different orientation. An Orange person may see the collective good in BI, yet not want to move in that direction because they are anchored in Orange. Similar to Green/Yellow, they may voice support for the underlying intention of the proposal and voice “concerns” about how it’s not practical or it will have unintended consequences. Yet Orange will not want to progress, so they will not offer energy and ideas to progress. Rather, they will delay, stonewall, drag their feet, undercut and make excuses. For example, over the last six years, the workforce at my job has gone from 150 years of being 90% upper-class white to being highly diverse - ethnically, socially and economically. This is had positives for the image and economics of the institution - which is attractive to Orange administrators. The problem is that the administrators are still all upper-class straight white men. There is a lot of grass roots Green, yet Orange administrators resist. They know they can’t resist by rejecting Green values, so they try to appear supportive of Green. Yet they aren’t. They try to appear as being pragmatic and concerned - yet they keep avoiding, delaying or resisting any new initiative toward progress. And often try to slip in Orange level constructs. Just like conservative Blue has “dog whistles” that Green has awakened to, Orange can speak in “code”, in which Green is awakening to. This dynamic can also be seen with corporate Orange Democrat’s resisting progressive Green Democrats.
  4. Great question. True resolution won’t come from the same mindset that created the situation in need of resolution. That mindset keeps the mind engaged within that game and will perpetuate the game.
  5. And that is where ethics enters regarding personal gain, corporate toxicity and public wellness. E.g. Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf. His behavior was certainly profitable for him at a personal level, yet was harmful at the societal level.
  6. A good video on the conflict between mainland china and hong kong
  7. @Bodigger I agree that personal responsibility and empowerment is an important factor, yet just one factor. Taken to extremes anything becomes unhealthy. 100% independent is unhealthy. 100% dependent is unhealthy. I find it healthiest having a balance between the two - aspects of independent and inter-dependent. I am an individual consciousness and within a collective consciousness. No one is 100% separate and dependent. At the collective level, there is a shared inter-dependence within a community/society. Denying that aspect of being cause a shift toward being a separate self from the whole, which leads to suffering. I’m not saying 100% collective is healthiest. I’m saying a balance between individual and collective is healthiest. Sometimes, people can shift too far toward individual, other times too far toward collective. I try to keep a balance. Right now in the U.S., I think the shift is too far toward individual/tribal and it would be healthy to balance that with more holistic collective consciousness.
  8. Journaling is a useful tool for many people. There is a sub-forum for personal journals. You can start one if you like.
  9. @theking00 I would keep in mind things you are into, You mentioned you like nature a lot. Perhaps find a meetup or activity that is nature-related. Even if you don’t find a date, you are still engaged in something you like and spending time with people with common interests.
  10. Be careful with that quote. There are different levels of awareness regarding “you”.
  11. I’d let go of beliefs that others programmed into me. Let go of those beliefs that are causing me pain by interfering with my desire and capacity to love. We are allowed to do that, it’s totally legal. We can get rid of old beliefs and see the world with a new pair of glasses. Then we can be open and follow our heart and true desires. I also grew up with racist parents. They mocked dark skinned people too. The same crap got conditioned into me. I got into a relationship with a black woman I really liked. And that crappy conditioning came up. I didn’t even know it was there, it just came up. She could feel it and I felt bad. Then I realized there was subconscious racism conditioned into me. It was all bullshit that and holding me down. I wanted to be free of it, so I got rid of it. Then I was free to love her.
  12. I’d like to add that holding speculation as knowing is widespread. In science, we do tons of speculation. This can be beneficial in that it allows space to explore possibilities and to develop new models. Yet problems occur when speculation is held, portrayed or received as knowing. This happens a lot in science and it compromises the efficacy of science. Sometimes holding speculation as knowing can be mostly subconscious - other times it’s conscious and intentional - which raises ethical issues. I’ve been at science conferences in which fights over speculation vs. knowing turned into bloodbaths. It can be a battle to control the narrative and claim a type of power.
  13. On some trips, not knowing what you ingested or the dose could cause a really bad dynamic. . .
  14. I would vote for the highest consciousness candidate with a shot at winning, so in this case - most likely candidate B. However, if A and B were similar and I only had a slight preference for B and really liked C - I’d vote C to help support that party for the long run.
  15. @Yog The rational mode of communication isn’t working for me here and I’m unable to find another channel to communicate on. . . I wish you the best on your path ♥️ ?
  16. Letting go of one’s own POV and really understanding another’s POV, expands the mind and reduces suffering due to attachment/identification and separation. If you were a young attractive woman that had to deal with unwelcomed sexual advances from guys many times everyday and it made you feel uncomfortable and unsafe - do you think you would have the exact same opinion about masculine toxicity as you have now? Really try to imagine what it would feel like to be her and have to live with this everyday. If you can do this at a deeper level than the intellect, it will be mind expanding and you will be able to relate to a wider range of people. As well, one could directly ask women what’s it’s like and really try to understand her as if it was you. This isn’t an intellectual issue. You aren’t writing a thesis on this for school. This is a personal issue driven by emotions. You have a set of emotions that you are uncomfortable with. She also has a set of emotions that she is uncomfortable with. Try to imagine, experience and understand her feelings and what she has to go through. Women are the ones who bear the brunt of toxic masculinity. It seems to me they should have a large say in what counts as toxic masculinity. They are the ones that have to deal with most of that crap.
  17. Not when someone has embodied it. An empath quickly knows a cold heart. They receive this gift at green and it becomes a superpower at Turquoise.
  18. You missed the context. Notice how your mind wants to control the context and the narrative. You are seeing it through your POV and want to define what toxic masculinity is. I asked you to see it through another POV and consider what toxic masculinity is from that POV. Yet you simply restated your POV. And I’m still curious. . . Can you tell me some of the precautions you take everyday to protect yourself from sexual harassment and sexual assault?
  19. We don’t see the green because there is no green. No excuses. If you want to see what a psychologist who has embodied green looks like, watch Gabor Mate. Night and day. JP ain’t got it. And notice how you assert JP’s Green-ness with Orange intellect. If you want to highlight one’s green-ness why not use green modes of communication? Orange-splaining green sounds quite silly.
  20. Question answered in previous thread linked above.
  21. You are seeing Now as a subset of infinite possibilities. Let’s look around now. Hmmm, no unicorns, no belly dancers, no giant spiders, no Coldplay music around me now. So obviously, not all of the infinite possibilities are happening right now. That is one side of the duality and a legit perspective. Can you also see that Now is infinite? This is not an intellectual thing. It is a direct experience thing. Now is infinite. There are no possibilities outside of infinite Now. However, this does not suggest the opposite is false. The key is to not be locked into oppositions - that if a thing is true, that means it’s opposition is false. Let go of the opposition and see the truth as itself - opposing nothing. Regarding coincidence. . . it’s a thought story. Drop that story and be amazed by the magic of synchronicities all around you.
  22. This is precisely why JP is Orange. Orange can use both blue (binary mode) and Orange (logical, analysis, spectral modes). This is expected of an Orange level person. Some Orange level people can be highly sophisticated in blue and Orange modes - especially philosophers and scientists. As well, an Orange level person does not necessarily bash lower stages - especially when they have significant grounding in that stage (JP still has grounding in blue). As well, someone can have rudimentary ability with integral and systems thinking and not be tier2 yellow. As I’ve said, Orange often finds yellow thinking to be attractive. They may try to bypass green and emulate yellow. Yet that ain’t it. JP lacks green modes of being and relating. As well he has attachment/identification to his ideas, is contracted within objectivism and has not embodied relativism. How can a being be integral if they lack green modes and relativism? How can one have yellow level fluidity when they are contracted within personality dynamics and attached/identified to ideas and see their own ideas of objective and not relative? Show me one video in which JP communicates through post-rational modes - there are none, because he can’t. I’m not saying JP is not highly intelligent. Quite the contrary - I think he is quite high in certain (Orange) areas of intelligence. I’m not saying JP doesn’t have insights - I think he has many insights and has made contributions to psychology. As well, saying a person is not Tier2 is not demeaning or any less of a person - that form of hierarchy is no longer used that way in Tier2.
  23. @Yog I didn’t say JP cannot philosophize about an external, universal, objective reality. That is at an Orange level. Orange intellectuals can be very sophisticated with philosophy, including metaphysics and existentialism. Rather, I said JP has a fundamental belief in an external, universal, objective reality. I should add “moral” in there as well. . . . The term “belief” is probably not the best. The term “assumption” or “orientation” may be better, since awareness of this is revealed in Tier2 - of which JP has not embodied. It is common to confuse sophisticated Orange intellect for yellow. Someone can have a sky high intellect and still be Orange. Yellow is a transcendence of the intellect. That is one reason green is so important, because non-intellectual modes of being and communicating arise. Rising into Tier2, the personality construct is largely transcended and intellectual (Orange) and non-intellectual (Green) modes of being become integrated and the being utilizes all modes of being (although their may be more weight toward certain modes). Once yellow is embodied, deficiencies are totally obvious (such as JPs deficiencies in green and lack of understanding/embodiment of yellow level relativism).For someone transitioning into Tier2, they start learning how to spot it. For example, Orange intellectuals will want to identify as Yellow and disregard green. They will come across as a faker, regardless of their intellectual level. They can go sky high with Orange intellect, yet that ain’t it. An Orange that wants to identify as yellow will not understand green or be able to use those modes of communication. Someone like Wilbur can skimp on green and have deficiencies, yet one cannot fully bypass it and be a well-integrated Yellow. A reliance on intellect is another sign that JP shows. That is his only tool and that’s an Orange tool. Thirdly, relativism. Not intellectual conceptualization of relativism. Direct experience and embodiment of relativism is key. JP doesn’t have it. Lastly, depersonalization. JP has attachment and identification to his ideas and worldview. That attachment/identification becomes dissolved.