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Everything posted by Forestluv

  1. There are porn-related ads and redirects to aggressive spam with the link. The video itself looks fine, yet please don’t post links to websites that are unsafe.
  2. I think Biden has been engaged in a lot of generic unethical political behavior. Such as getting his son a high paying position he is unqualified for. Yet I would consider Trump’s behavior two orders of magnitude worse. One of Trump’s strategies is to deflect and muddy waters with false equivalencies. My hope is that Biden falls out of the democratic primary and the focus stays of Trump’s wrongdoing. Biden is is a garden-variety corrupt politician - like 80% of politicians. Trump is much worse. He is the worst corrupt politician in the U.S. right now.
  3. This is some very encouraging polling that came out today. Americans are waking up. This is an enormous shift in public sentiment since last polls. 55% of the public now supports impeachment proceeding. A couple weeks ago, it was about 35%. For those that ask “why impeach if the senate will acquit?”. This is one reason why. Democracy is based on public consent through elections. If the public is unaware what is happening, they cannot give informed consent and it is no longer a democracy. Impeachment proceedings give the House more power to investigate wrongdoing. It gives them more power to attain records and compel witnesses to testify under oath. And it provides information to the public - allowing them to make informed decisions of whether to give consent to the president or withhold consent from the president. And don’t assume the senate will acquit. The majority of senators dislike Trump and think he is unfit - the would much prefer a different conservative as their leader. They are afraid of Trump and suffering Trump’s wrath like others who have spoken out. And they don’t want to get primaried and lose the senate seat. Trump continually reinforces this dynamic of intimidation. For example, Trump recently compared whistleblowers to spies and wished he could deal with them like we used to in the good ole days (we used to execute spies). This sends a clear message that Trump sees any disloyalty to him personally the same as treason to the country. And anyone disloyal to him will suffer extreme consequences. This is red on SD.
  4. Sure, this is related to what you wrote in an earlier thread about left and right. We could consider this on a left vs right axis. Yet there are other axes we could draw as well. In terms of SD, this gets into Yellow. It is the reason why Green level progressives get so frustrated with blue/orange regressives. However, Green is not fully aware of the underlying dynamic. This gets fully revealed at Yellow. It’s not about making a claim and not providing a source to back it up. It’s about the underlying orientation and personal energetics. There are a lot of things going on with attachment/identification, survival, fear etc. Yet to get it simple, one way this is revealed is through the underlying orientation and energetics of “show me”. Those that are in touch with their intuition know this intuitively recognize this dynamic. As well, it becomes obvious to anyone that has introspected and personally worked through it. This isn’t a left or right dynamic. It is on another axis. It is about resistance to development. It commonly occurs in progressive vs regressive discussions due to resistance to evolve. For example with Green and Blue/Orange. I’m willing to have an Orange level discussions, yet when this dynamic pops up it takes precedent over the underlying topic. There can be no discussion of the underlying topic due to orientation and energetics. Trying to engage usually makes things worse and is counter-productive. The personality goes into debate mode and hyper-contracts. Engaging in debate at an Orange level will only intensify the contraction through various defense mechanisms. There needs to be at least a little bit of openness, curious and willingness to make progress. When I see this dynamic, the dynamic itself becomes more important in the contraction the person wants to defend. In terms of developing higher consciousness, if there is a basic level of openness/willingness one can use rational thinking to guide a person through it. Yet this takes an extraordinary amount of patience and skill. There are all sorts of land mines that can get triggered. And I generally don’t like this approach. Imagine someone acting like a dog. You see them on their hands and knees sniffing other dog butts. The person wants to debate with you whether bulldogs have the best smelling butt. They say “show me evidence that bulldog butts aren’t the best”. However, you realize that this person actually thinks they are a dog. You ask: “You realize you are a human and not a dog, right?”. The person then gets defensive and says things like “You think you are at a higher level and better than me. You are being dishonest and won’t show me evidence that bulldog butts don’t smell the best”. At this point, it becomes obvious that they are contracted within a personality dynamic of thinking they are a dog. So. . . What becomes more important: to debate whether bulldog butts smell the best or to reveal to them that they are a human, not a dog? For me, expanding consciousness toward self actualization is much more important. Orders of magnitude more important. So I will pull out a mirror and say “Look. That is you. You are human not dog”. If the person refuses to look and says “You think are some special human calling me a stupid dog. And you haven’t even shown me evidence that bulldog butts don’t smell the best”. There is nothing an do. I can’t force them to self actualize. I may give in and provide evidence that St. Bernard butts smell better than bulldog butts. . . and how will the person respond? “Now way!! That doesn’t validate the superiority of St. Bernard butts!!! How many bulldog butts have you even smelled?? Are long have you studied butt aroma??”. . . .Do you see the problem? Engaging in this debate can cause further contraction into the dog fallacy. The are missing the more important point that they are not a dog - they are human.
  5. Exactly. This is the problem with the “show me” trap I was trying to avoid. There is nothing I can do at this point other than wish you well. . . Leo mentioned the same thing earlier in the thread. However, I thought I’d give it a try. Unfortunately, to no avail. Hopefully, our dialog may be helpful to other people reading the thread. ? If anyone is interested in this “show me” trap, Leo does a great job pointing to it at the end of his “What is Truth” video with the donkey and the mirror. Somewhere in the last 15min or so.
  6. @Hansu You are missing something regarding intention and orientation. Context is important. For example, if someone was lost in a foreign city and asked someone for directions to the train station and the other person starting going into abstract concepts like how train stations are illusions and everywhere is nowhere - it would be crappy in this context. Yet there are other contexts that have very different dynamics. . . For example, there is a particular “show me” dynamic which restricts a person. My effort was to reveal that dynamic, yet I was unable to. At point, I just listed out the statutes. Yet there is something going on deeper than the statutes, which is a much more profound realization. If you saw someone that was unaware they were stuck in a bear trap, what do you think would be more helpful: to show them a map of the train station and walk away . . .or to show the person the trap they are in and help them get out? This is a very different context. In this context, showing them the map and walking away would be the crappy thing to do. However if the person responds “I’m not in a trap!! I’ve been free of traps for years!! You just think you are better than me. Well you are not!!!” - then there is nothing we can do except wish the person the best and move on. . .
  7. Some nice eep insights through direct experience. Thanks for sharing them with us ? ♥️
  8. @samedm9 You don’t seem to be resonating with what I am pointing to. We are not on the same frequency. That happens sometimes. Regarding laws: One of the laws is a campaign finance laws, such as title 52, code 30121. You may also be interested in looking into anti-bribery statutes such as Title 18 code 201 and McDonnell vs. the United Staes, the Hobbs act and obstruction of justice such as Title 18, code 1519. This is more than enough info to get you going on your research into the matter.
  9. @dimitri Hmmm, maybe one side of the coin represents head and the other side represents heart. Or one side intuition and the other side thinking. When the coin is in the air, is does a hope arise that it lands on one side? That may give some insight.
  10. In some regards, we have passed a point of now return. Melted glaciers, destroyed forests, destroyed coral reefs and all the extinct plants and animals aren’t coming back. Old growth forests and coral reefs take hundreds of years to develop. And technology isn’t going to reduce oceanic temperatures. This is one of my concerns with perceptions of climate change. Many people think that it’s something out there that may happening. However, this is it. We are in the process right now. It’s like someone stage 2 cancer wondering if cancer is real and how bad it would be to have cancer - and the doctor is like “You have stage 2 cancer. This is it”. Unfortunately, this view is prevalent in the U.S. Other developed countries are more evolved, on average. I’m hopeful that the U.S. can catch up and become a leader in this area, rather than drag the planet down.
  11. @dimitri How do you determine which option is “heads” and which option is “tails”?
  12. @samedm9 You want to stay within the contraction, which is fine. Yet there is nothing I can do. If you want to grow beyond this stage, I would recommend watching Leo’s video on “65 keys to a good life”. Imo, this is his most foundational video. He has done other videos that go deeper on a particular issue, like self bias, yet I think the foundational “65 keys” would be more beneficial here. As well, it’s not just theory. Direct experience of insights is super important. The foundation of which is practice.
  13. This reminds me of how Trump gives nicknames to those he sees as person opponents. Especially the ALL CAPS. Very Trumpian. Lol If you wear a red lens you will perceive in red. I am not saying a red lens is wrong. Red is true for that lens. What I am saying is that a red lens will restrict a person within a contraction. Attachment and identification to that red lens will prevent expansion. Right now, it is most important to become aware of the red lens. Without that awareness, everything will be interpreted through this red lens and the person won’t even be aware of what is happening. This attachment/identification is due to many inputs - Leo has made many videos on this and I would be happy to direct you to those videos. Yet you seem to be more interested in arguing through your lens than expanding beyond your lens. In this situation, there is nothing I can do. Anything I show you will be interpreted through this red lens. I can show you blueberries and you would argue they are red. Which is true when viewed through a red lens. That is the dilemma of this trap. This is what I am referring to as more fundamental. Without this awareness, one will not understand interpretive filters and contextual manipulations to fit a narrative one is attached to. A wise person can perceive through many lens. . .
  14. There is a dynamic going on here you are not seeing. There is a “show me” dynamic that may appear very innocent - yet it is a major block. It portrays a false sense and portrayal of openness. As well, it places the burden of growth on another person. Yet this is still within the contraction. Once a something is shown, the defense/attachment/identification returns. If you want to grow, you need to take responsibility for your growth. At times, you will need to take action, show yourself, look at yourself and grow. If this was your orientation, you would already have found the information online. It is widely accessible and easily found. You would be reading articles.about this law, learning and growing. Yet this is not your orientation. If your desire to expand is greater than your desire to stay contracted, there will be an energetic shift and your orientation will shift.
  15. You are placing more value on the tree than the sapling through personalization. That is a form of hierarchy on a vertical axis. I am saying there is another form along a different axis. There are certain patterns of thinking dynamics that trump defenders have. For example, the arguments you present here are the same as the arguments all trump defenders are contracted within. There is an individual element, yet also a collective element. Part of the contraction element is through personalization/attachment/identification. The revelation of aspects of truth toward a more expansive holism involves letting go of this.
  16. @samedm9 If you are not willing to put in minimal effort, you are not willing to expand. If you want to stay in a contracted state, that’s fine. I am not saying that you are wrong. I understand your narrative and that it is true from your relative perspective. I am saying that you are contracted within this perspective and are missing something. Many somethings. These somethings would allow you to grow and expand, yet you would need to let go of defending a personal contraction, which you don’t seem willing to do. So there is nothing I can do. I can point you to a mirror, yet I can make you look in the mirror. Nor can I make you realize you are looking at yourself in the mirror.
  17. It is not directed at you personally. It is something I’ve been observing for years n Trump defenders. Trump defenders have a psychology I find interesting - especially in the context of SD.. It is an impersonal thing. This is hard to see when there is contraction within a personal dynamic. I don’t think a hierarchy of lower/higher or worse/better is a good frame. Another way to see it is through developmental stages. We would not say a tree is better than a sapling. They are just at different stages of development. It would not be condescending to say that the developmental stage of a sapling is fascinating.
  18. Look at your orientation. If you wan to expand, you will need to put in some effort. If one has an orientation to defend a pre-conceived narrative of reality, there is nothing that can be done for them. From this orientation, everything will look black and white They will defend their position by arguing and will become further contracted. Expansion of one’s consciousness involves open-mindedness, letting go, willingness and effort. I can point you in the right direction, yet it is up to you. In this case, let go of your pre-conceived story that you are attached to and identified with. Get curious and put some effort in. Go look up the law and read some articles from constitutional lawyers. No one can make you grow, only you can.
  19. The psychology of Trump defenders is fascinating. It would make a great PhD dissertation. One could add in SD as well. For example, how is it that Trump defenders can suspend Orange level rational thinking and blue-level values such as rule of law, respect, dignity etc? I would guess that cultural identity is over-riding other values.
  20. In the United States, it is a crime for a president to solicit a foreign country to investigate a political electoral opponent. You may think that the law is stupid or breaking the law was justified, yet that is a separate issue. As well, you are trying to contextualize this with euphemistic terms, such as “suggest”. When the mob boss “suggests” someone do a favor for him, it is not a “suggestion” in the traditional sense. Trump is at a red level and will use terms like “suggest”. Don’t fall for it. As well, you are creating deflection and a false equivalency with the generic unethical (yet legal) behavior of Biden’s son.
  21. @samedm9 You are not making the distinction between a crime and justification for that crime. For example, driving at 200km/hr on the highway is against the law. However, breaking the law may be justified in some cases. Perhaps someone in the car is having a heart attack and the driver is speeding to the hospital in an effort to save their life. Trump broke the law by soliciting foreign aid against a political opponent in an election. That is against the law. It is a crime. The White House knew this was wrong because they hid it on a coded server for the highest classified information that very few people have access to. You might think this law is stupid or that breaking the law was justified in this situation. That is a separate issue. Trump broke the law and committed a crime. Was he justified in committing the crime? I would say no. I consider Biden’s son on the Ukraine’s board to be unethical, yet it is not illegal. It is the type of generic unethical behavior that is commonplace in politics. There are thousands of instances of unethical behavior occurring in U.S. politics that is legal right now (including in his own administration). Trump chose to go after his political opponent, which benefits him personally. Trump’s behavior is at a higher unethical level than Biden’s son AND it is illegal. Biden’s son is at a lower unethical level and was legal. You are creating a false equivalency. That is a crime in the United States. You may think it is a stupid law or that breaking this law was justified - yet that is a separate issue. As well, demands via quid pro quo would be a second crime. Simply “asking” is sufficiently illegal. Yet you are not seeing the context here. It’s not like Trump simply asked for a glass of water. When the mob boss “asks” for a couple favors, it’s more than a simple request. Relative context is important.
  22. @Thewritersunion I also like storytelling. There are so many forms of storytelling and so much to explore and create. I work as a teacher, so I create stories to explain things. I’d like to create stories that change the way people think about life and reality. . . Wish I was good at poetry, it is a great creative expression. Imagine if we could create AI that creates. AI that can create comics, music, stories, games, magic - beyond what we can imagine
  23. 30 years At 14 y.o., you have gotten an early start. Nice work
  24. @Commodent Curiosity and creativity can also be motivations for contemplation and conceptualization.