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Everything posted by Forestluv

  1. There are many constructs we could create. I offered a construct that could be interpreted as material neuroscience, neurotransmitters etc. We could create other constructs that would be considered immaterial. We could also create constructs that are hybrids of material / immaterial. Or we could drop the categories referred to as "material" and "immaterial". Material = Immaterial. We are creating distinctions. That's just what humans do. Why is the dream so consistent? What makes it consistent? We can create all sorts of constructs to answer that question. It's all relative. . . You are creating a dream that appears consistent relative to you. How are You doing it? How could You create a dream that appears inconsistent relative to you? . . . It's so mysterious, isn't it? We could say it is impossible, magical. It sounds like you want to know how the magic trick works. . .
  2. @Key Elements I'm not referring to a personal agenda or career-motivated type of social intelligence. I'm referring more of a Nelson Mandela form of social intelligence. To be aware of social intelligence at a collective level. Not so much me manipulating social dynamics toward an intended goal (although that is part of it). Part of it is the social intelligence at a collective level in which there is no "me here" and "society there". For example, an anthill has individual intelligences of thousands of ants - yet also has one collective social intelligence as well. I would like to increase my sensitivity of individual and collective intelligences - yet not through intellect. Sensitivities to energetic dynamics, empathic, intuitive, the knowing prior to thoughts, etc. . . I would agree that Trump has a form of social intelligence - he is in tune with the dynamics of a social group and vibes with that group. Yet I wouldn't say Trump created or is directing the Trump group. Trump was also selected and created by the Trump group. It is a fascinating dynamic of Queen Ant and worker Ants. . . Yet Trump has focused his social intelligence and social skills to focus inward onto himself. This leads to a form of corruption. . . In contrast, Bernie Sanders also has social intelligence, yet Bernie diffuses it outward rather than inward. As well, I think most of Trump's social ability is subconscious, while most of Bernie's is conscious.
  3. I'm feeling "the hand" exercise here. . .
  4. Existence vs non-existence is a duality. . . Dualities can have practical purpose, for example if someone needed to have a brain tumor removed, it would be practical to choose a brain surgeon that believes brains exist. All dualities have an infinite number of inter-connections. Such that the duality simultaneously IS and IS NOT. Ultimately, all dualities collapse. Human minds are programmed to think in opposites and become attached to one side of a duality. For example, most humans believe that brains exist and saying that brains don't exist is woo woo nonsense. Here it is helpful to show them the other side of the duality, that brains do not exist. Perhaps the most effective way to do this is to go "all in" on brains do not exist. If a person can see the other side of the duality, it opens up a whole new arena of exploration. Yet tendency for the human mind is to become attached to the other side of the duality. "If brains don't exist is true then brains exist must be false". The next stage is to recognize the paradox that brains exist and don't exist. . . So I don't disagree with Leo's video "why brains don't exist". . . If someone could only see the "heads" side of a coin, we might make a video called "why heads doesn't exist". This could help the person see the tails side. The next step is to see that the whole coin is both heads and tails. Yet this is much more difficult since humans are conditioned to think in opposites and have a very difficult time with paradoxes. Another answer would simply be that it's all a dream. . .
  5. @Nadosa It's a balance between love and fear. Love yourself and be good to yourself. Sometimes loving yourself means facing fears and working through them. To free oneself of fear. What a loving thing to do! And we can do it in a loving way. . . Imagine a child afraid the dark because there is a monster hiding. The loving thing to do would be to help the child work through this fear and become free of this fear. We don't want someone going through life afraid of the dark. And not just freedom of this fear. There is also beauty in darkness. Imagine never enjoying a star-filled night. . . We can help in a loving way. We wouldn't pretend to be a monster and scare the child at night. This would just traumatize them. We may give the child a night light and allow them to acclimate to the dark. Or perhaps read a story to the child at night as they fall asleep. Yet along the way, there may be some uncomfortable moments. I wouldn't push the meditation to the point of traumatizing yourself. Yet I also wouldn't create a scary story either. That just creates a whole new conflict and makes it harder to work through the original issue. . . Perhaps do a short meditation and sit with some discomfort, knowing that you are allowed to stop if it gets too intense. Or perhaps go out in nature and meditate, you may feel safer there. Or perhaps meditate with a supportive person or group. . . Meditation isn't just an escape. It is also a form of introspection and some inner stuff may arise. This is a good thing. It allows us to become aware of inner turmoil and blocks. Working through this allows a healthier mind and body - it allows a new freedom. I have gone through anxiety issues like you describe. Walking through it to the other side is liberating. It's worth the work and discomfort
  6. Inland like Fresno, maybe. Anywhere near the coast? No way. Unless you are SINK and live with roommates or DINK living together. The average 1 bedroom in Santa Cruz is $2,325 and 2BR is $3338. Santa cruz is mostly nice, yet has run down areas too. Its not upscale like carmel.
  7. @Schahin I know. I gave a nondualish answer. . . Hmmm. . . something nondualish sounds nice for Halloween. . . Below is a summary of Maharshi’s talks on feee will and determinism. This may help to explain what he meant. Maharshi seems to acknowledge human constructs and points to the transcendence of those constructs in the realization of “I”. To me, it seems a nondual perspective is Now. Appearances occur Now, including thoughts of past and future. A singular one happening. A dualistic perspective would focus on movements through time, causes and effects, subjects and objects. Yet ultimately, nondual vs dual is itself a duality that also collapses.
  8. Nice insight. You looked under the hood of human conditioning and personal filters. I wouldn’t say that interpretation itself is a hindrance to awakenings, yet more the attachment and identification to that interpretation. For example, my mind could interpret a bird chirp as different than a dog bark. There is no problem with that. Yesterday I created concepts about how athletes get into individual flow states within collective flow states. Fun stuff. Yet there is no “owner” that is attached to these concepts. They are like bird chirps and dog barks floating around. In contrast, I could create a construct of “enlightenment” as the real deal. I could become attached to that construct and believe it is objective, universal and true. I could spend years seeking this idea of enlightenment and consider myself a seeker on a path. I could find teachers to validate and encourage my interpretation. I could find books supporting my idea and judge other peoples’ ideas as being wrong, as not true “enlightenment”. This is a contracted, static mind. . . It’s not so much the interpretation, it’s the attachment/identification to the interpretation.
  9. This is what I’m pointing at. You have created a construct that has practical purpose. I’m not denying that. Your construct involves profound mastery attained through discipline and consistent practice. What I’m pointing at is the use of this relative construct as absolute. When you write “IS”, you are creating a relative and presenting it as an absolute. It’s like saying “a IS b” without realizing that “a” is also not “b”. When you create a construct of “embodiment” there is automatically “non-embodiment” to contrast embodiment with. There are many such dualistic opposites in your writings: embodiment vs. non-embodiment, psychedelic vs non-psychedelic, temporary vs. permanent, awakening vs non-awakening. All of these constructs collapse into Nothing/Everything. The human mind loves to construct, yet becomes attached to such constructs. I doubt you would be able to discard all of the constructs you have written about as if they were an old newspaper. This would be liberation. To be liberated from any construct, including spiritual constructs like embodiment, insights, meditative states, enlightenment etc. . . What you write about has relative value. Training to become an Olympic gold medalist in the decathlon also has relative value. Yet in the absolute, it has no more relevance or more ISness than bird chirps. Regarding psychedelics. . . one thing psychedelics (especially 5-meo) do is dissolve dualities. One can observe the deconstruction of dualities to nonduality and the reconstruction back to duality. Deconstruction to Nothing and re-construction to Everything. Such that Nothing = Everything. Not in theory. In embodiment. Knowing. Permanent embodied knowing. Eternal. . . . I meditated over 20,000 hours without any drugs. Then I tried 5-meo and it blew away all the meditation. It’s not even close. And not just the peaks, the embodiment. When I was shown Mu and infinity, that realization never left. I can’t unsee it. I also did 24 consecutive days of 5-Meo in which a consistent nondual consciousness manifested. There was no difference between 5-meo and no 5-meo. No difference between meditation vs non-meditation. There was continuous singular nonduality. When duality finally reappeared, the contrast between nondual and dual was striking. So striking that I went into an insanity zone because my mind couldn’t handle it. And then the duality between dual vs nondual collapsed. This has been embodied and permanently accessible Now. . . Perhaps the previous 20,000 hours of meditation and 500+ hours of psychedelics provided structural support to embody the realization. I don’t know what would have happened without that previous experience. And perhaps this description doesn’t qualify as deep insight, permanent, embodiment or enlightenment within your construct. Which is fine. All constructs are relative, including the one I describe. And in the absolute, all the deep deepness I describe is no deeper than a butterfly pollinating a flower. Not in theory, in knowing that comes prior to theory. ? ?
  10. It’s much milder than smoking. There is only a tiny burn. And each breath is a baby step. 3-4 breaths does me good. Yet it’s not like an overwhelming breakthrough wave. For that I would plug. Vaping at 428F is very gentle.
  11. I think the vaporization temperature is more important than melting temperature. I think 428F is below the optimal vaping temperature, so it is slow - which I like because it allows me more control over the intensity. If I want to be overwhelmed, I’ll plug. As well, 428F is likely inefficient, yet inly a few mgs are needed so the losses are minimal. I’ll do two rounds on my vape.
  12. Please don’t post while tripping. Have a wonderful trip and let us know how it went afterwards. ♥️ ♥️ ? ?
  13. One common strategy is to manipulate the pain/pleasure dynamic to your advantage. Try to create an environment/mindset in which procrastination/screwing off is more painful than taking action. And taking action is more pleasurable than procrastination. Second, set up both short term and long-term goals. Third set up accountability. Fourth create a habit. Fifth create an inspiring social group. Sixth create a lifestyle. Seven - give back and help others that are struggling like you had. Eight, along the way - maintain momentum through PD work and identifying blocks. For example, if someone is overweight and out of shape, they could write down how painful it is to be unhealthy and out of shape. How painful it is to be missing out on things in life. They could also write about how pleasurable it would be to be in great shape. All the exciting new things they would do. How awesome it would be to feel and look healthy and strong. Yet this can’t be half-assed. You only get one real shot at it and have to go “all in”. The pain needs to feel painful and the pleasure pleasurable. This person could set a short term goal of running a 5k in a month, a 10k in two months, a half-marathon in six months and a full marathon in a year. This person could set up accountability by telling their friends and family their goals. They can find a training partner to go to the gym and run. You hold each other accountable and don’t let each other down. You celebrate small accomplishments. You join a local group of runners and are now surrounded by healthy people. Within the running group you are exposed to all sorts of new healthy things on life. You have created a habit. After a month or so the new normal is working out and running. After a year or so, it is a new lifestyle and living any other way would seem weird. You are no longer trying to be a healthy person. You now ARE a healthy person. And you can inspire others that are struggling with watching YT/gaming all day. And it always starts Now. Right now, write down two things you have been procrastinating and avoiding. Then write a list of all the pain of procrastinating and all the pleasure of taking action. Then write two action steps that would lead to significant progress toward that end. It could be making a phone call, cleaning, running a mile etc. Then take that action Now. Get psyched up and do it. Then feel that small sense of empowerment. Start some momentum to change orientation.
  14. @Raptorsin7 Enlightened/mystical experiences are difficult to predict or create there are so many variables. Even people that have dedicated their entire lives to teaching awakening cannot willfully transmit it to another. Consider people that spend years in therapy. The counselor may know the person’s block, yet is often unable to stimulate that in the patient, such that the patient has an “Ah ha!” realization and “gets it”. In a way, it’s like getting struck by lightening. It’s rare, yet we can increase our chances. We could climb to the top of a hill during a thunderstorm and hold up a metal rod to the sky. If that person was wearing a rubber suit, the odds would go down. Similarly, there are various methods to help induce getting struck by spiritual realization lightening. If someone is meditating drunk, I would say the chances go down. If someone was obsessed with getting revenge on someone, the odds go down. If someone is ocd worrying about failing a chemistry exam, the odds go down. I knew a recovering alcoholic who told me about his last drink. He took his seven year old son out boating to go fishing. He drank for hours and got sloppy drunk. His son fell out of the boat and was struggling to get back in. The drunken father was yelling and slipping as he sorta tried to get his son back in the boat. Then he had a moment of clarity. He said it was like an out of body experience in which he clearly saw himself and his son. He saw the fear and struggle in his son. Not just fear of drowning, also the fear the son had of the drunken father. He observed himself in relation to his son. No rationalized bullshit, justifications, defenses, avoidances etc. He saw clearly for a moment and it stuck. He said he snapped back into him and no longer felt drunk and was now on a new path. That was his last drink. I met him 20 years after that incident and he said he still remembers it like it was yesterday. Timeless and transcendent. His relationship with his son was transformed and he started to help other alcoholics to recover. . . . This is a rare event, yet it happens. How and why does it happen? We don’t know. Was it divine intervention? Or perhaps trillions of inputs that came together at that one moment to create a “big bag” awakening. . . . The closet we have at his point to stimulate such awakenings is psychedelics. They greatly increase the chance, yet the odds are still relatively low on a single trip. There are so many factors. Yet as we learn more about the mechanism of psychedelics that number will increase. @SoonHei Great video. I haven’t come across Paul. He expresses nonduality well. Thanks ?
  15. @Paulus Amadeus Consistency is part perception. Part of what you refer to as consistency are neurological “brain maps”. This allows the mind to create consistent images of physical things such as trees, signs and buildings. This allows the mind to filter out the majority of your perceptual field so the mind only has to process a small portion. Most of your visual perception is internal brain activity. . . As well, each of your senses is processed at a different rate. It takes your brain about 0.5 sec. to coordinate all the senses to give the perception that everything is happening together “now”. We can scramble these maps using psychedelics. As well, different organisms have very different perceptions. . . . Imagine having the following perception: 1 min psychedelic, 1 min dog, 1 min ant, 1 min. schizophrenic, 1 min. lucid dream, 1 min. “normal” human. This 6 min. cycle repeats over and over in random order. How consistent would perception be?
  16. Death vs Life is a duality you create. Nothing wrong with that, it cones in handy. If you create a construct of death defined as “death is the termination of the physical body” and after a trip you “come back to that body”, you have not died (according to your definition of “death” you have created).
  17. @Raptorsin7 It seems like you are using a personal construct of enlightenment. In this context, any person can become enlightened yet there are different likelihoods. It would be more likely that a master yoga teacher becomes enlightened than Trump. Many alcoholic/drug addict may have the disadvantage of being immersed in delusion, chaos and self survival. Yet many may have the advantage of extreme suffering. I’ve met many alcoholics/drug addicts that suffered badly for a long time and had awakenings. This is one idea based on how a person might create a construct of “enlightenment”. There are many other creations possible.
  18. @fridjonk With 5-meo, I would use the term “clearer” rather than “cleaner”.
  19. I’ve vaped with a standard vape commonly used for dry herb. 428F gives me good results. It probably isn’t the most efficient, yet inly a few mgs are needed. As well, it doesn’t have the wave like effect of plugging
  20. @ardacigin You make good points from a personal/human perspective. Many of the issues you raise are very important to a person/human. In particular, your orientation has a destination in mind. A thing to achieve. A place to arrive. Relatively, that destination appears to be highly valuable to a person/human. Yet it is exclusive. For example, you seem to create two categories: a temporary psychedelic-induced “altered reality” and a permanent sober real enlightened reality to be attained. In doing so, a story is created in which psychedelics are some temporary alteration of mind to be used as a tool to achieve a goal of an abiding sober enlightened consciousness. This is a relative orientation. Having such an orientation will contract a mind (regardless of how deep and profound that orientation appears to the human). Notice the following orientation: psychedelic mindstates can be a tool or distraction to an ideal sober mindstate. This is in opposition to the orientation: sober mind states can be a tool or distraction to an ideal psychedelic mind state. If the destination was to achieve an ideal psychedelic state, then everything you are writing gets flipped. Now, SDS sits becomes the distraction. Yet this will be very difficult for a conditioned human mind to see and accept. 99.99% of humans mind conditioning is toward a sober orientation. If 99.99% of human life history and mind was conditioned in psychedelic state, humans would have the opposite orientation - the psychedelic state would be normal/sober and the non-psychedelic state would be a temporary alternative reality. By considering psychedelics as an altered state that can be a tool or distraction from achieving a “real” non-psychedelic destination, there is an assumption that the standard of what is real and what should be attained is non-psychedelic. With this assumption, one will not be able to see (or accept) that the psychedelic state is as real as sober state and sober state is as hallucinatory as psychedelic state. Psychedelic vs. sober is a duality and with enough direct experience, this duality collapses, like all dualities. One begins to see inter-relationships between psychedeluc ad sober. One sees grey areas and begins to question “what is psychedelic? What is sober? What aspects of real-ness are within psychedelic? What aspects of hallucination is with sober?”. This opens a whole new world of realizations and awakenings. Eventually the duality collapses: sober = psychedelic and psychedelic = sober. This is not simply theory. One can directly experience this in that they have a difficult time distinguishing between the two mind states. They don’t know if they are on 5-meo or not. There is no longer “”breakthrough”. Yet ime collapsing thus duality takes a lot of experience and work - both in psychedelic and sober realms. . . . During my first Aya ceremony, I sat next to a man who had done over 100 ceremonies. Before the ceremony, I asked alit of questions about the altered Aya state of mind and how to use that toward sober awakening. He told me that the two worlds will gradually come closer together until they are One. It seemed so foreign to me at the time. Yet after over 100 trips, I now know what he was pointing to. You are tripping right now, yet don’t realize it.
  21. @jd1279 They have different orientations, intentions and desires. In terms of SD, Trump is a mixture of red, blue and lower orange. Bernie is solid Green.
  22. I’m referring to a different context and perspective. We are not on the same frequency.
  23. You’ll be fine with 5 inches. There are so many variables. If you can make intimate emotional connections and know how to use your tongue and all 5 inches, you are fine. If you were sportin’ a two incher, that would still be a different story. . . And too long wouldn’t be so good. If you had a nine incher, you couldn’t go balls deep with most women because you would hit her cervix and cause her pain. You wouldn’t be able to go hard with pelvises slamming - which a lot of women like.
  24. That is the newbie course. . . The masters course is 52.5 miles per day for 100 days.