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Everything posted by Forestluv

  1. @MAYA EL We aren’t on the same frequency. That happens sometimes. I wish you good journeys. ❤️ ?
  2. Reminds me of Leo’s bullshit video when he recited dozens of mental constructs as bullshit.
  3. I tried to explain it in a logical way which didn’t connect. So I tried to explain it in a post-logical way - which also didn’t connect. Sometimes non-sensical pointers can bypass mental barriers and lead to back door realizations. We can miss something about the contextualization of experience because if we are subconsciously immersed as the contextualizer of experience. It’s human nature to believe we have experiences and that others have experiences. The breathrough comes when one has the direct realization that their experiences never happened and there are simply constructions appearing Now without an experiencer. Yet this involves a deep level of personal death. I could speak more, yet you don’t seem open or interested, which is fine. People can be interested in different things and can be on different frequencies.
  4. Are there things you could do to increase your chances of being struck by lightening? You bethcha. . . During a lightening storm, you could climb to the top of a hill and hold up a metal rod. . . Are there things you can do to increase your chances of a mystical experience? You bethca. . . You can take a psychedelic. You can do a sensory deprivation tank. You can practice lucid dreaming. You can practice flow states of consciousness through playing music or sports. You can attend an Ayahuasca retreat. Regarding the "if god doesn't want it". You seem to have a framework that there is an internal person called "Schahin" in your head and an external thing called "god". Some type of external entity that wants or doesn't want things for the Schahin person. . . This is a common construct in religions and can be transcended. . . Imo, the belief in an external anthropomorphic god interferes with letting go, transcending the illusory self and having mystical experiences. . . If I believed an all-powerful space kangaroo was deciding whether or not I was allowed to have mystical experiences, it would be a distraction to actually having mystical experiences.
  5. @MAYA EL Mesmerizing Captivation. In the silence, an owl calls! By grace the trance is broken. Home is revealed.
  6. Is there any type of governmental oversight for religion-approved Ayahuasca ceremonies? Such as competency and safety standards/regulations. Or can a group apply for a license as a religion and do their own thing?
  7. I haven't heard of that one. Sounds like something out of Harry Potter, lol. Good luck and keep us posted. . .
  8. Yes, the OP offered a contextualized experience. Notice how you also offer a contextualized experience. . . We can create an infinite number of contextualized experiences: The OP had psychedelic hallucinations and is delusional. . . . The OP had an awakening that only psychedelics can induce. . . The OP had some insights, yet now needs to integrate those insights and get grounded. . . . The OP had some insights, yet those insights don't have any practical value. . . The OP is misinterpreting the insights due to his inexperience with psychedelics. . . The OP has had a spiritual breakthrough that would have taken years of meditation. . . and on an on. We could spice up our contextualization by adding in "authorities" on the matter. "Martin Ball says the OP's experience is. . . Leo says the OPs experience is. . . Manny P says the OPs experience is. . . Ram Dass says the OPs experience is. . . ". A sprinkle of alchemy adds some lovely flavor. . . All experiences are contextualized. You can create all sorts of contextualized experiences. . . Yet an actual "experience" never happened. A creation of a thing called an "experience" is occurring Now. . .
  9. @mandyjwInteresting. I wasn't aware of gender difference and color perception. Sometimes I wish I could experience someone else's perception for a day. I know you are involved in creating art. Have you ever noticed this difference as having an impact with artist? I would imagine artists are more sensitive to color perception than the general population. It's all stories. Including the story about Infinite Creativity. . . We humans love to create and tell stories. This can be wonderful. Yet humans also have a tendency to get attached to the stories we create. With the transcendence of material, it is tempting to grasp immaterial and reject material. Yet, this is another duality. Immaterial = Material. Cone cells/neurological structures have absolutely nothing to do with color and absolutely everything to do with color. I was telling a story about how cone cells and neurology relate to color. . . I could also tell a story about how cone cells and neurology don't relate to color. . . So many stories, so little time. . . Don't forget about the Causeless Cause vs. the Non-Causeless Cause duality. . . Nice story. I like all sorts of stories. Thanks for sharing this one. Terms like "is" and "there are" are great for constructing stories. Yet all constructs also deconstruct. Redness is Quintessential. . . . Redness IS Redness. . . . There are are-ness. . .
  10. Ime, 70 hours per week is not sustainable. I worked 70 hours per week at times during Grad. School and during a new teaching job. Yet these were short periods (up to four months). It was a high price to pay, yet the reward was high as well. After a month, mental and physical health consequences appeared and after three months, I was so fried and counted the days until it would end. I suppose it also depends on the type of work and how much you love it. If part of the work involves easy-going, relaxing tasks that can help.
  11. You are a handsome musician with girls approaching you!?. . . That is a huge asset. Just let go of the needy stuff. . . Imagine you are playing the role of a musician that attracts women. It shouldn't be that hard to do, because it's already happening. It's like someone who is 7 foot tall playing a game of pick-up basketball with high schoolers and saying "I'm know I'm 7 feet tall, yet I'm not very good at basketball because I'm worried about what people will think of me if I dunk the ball and block their shots".
  12. My understanding is that the optimal vaporizing temperature of 5-meo is considerably higher than 428F, yet my dry herb vape only goes up to 428F. At 428F the vaping efficiency is inefficient and there are losses. Yet I only use a few mgs per session so it it is only 50% efficient, I don't mind losing a mg here and there. I would need about 3-4 inhales for a significant effect. I have not tried 390F, yet the vaping efficiency would be even lower. If you have freebase and just want to check to see if it's legit - you could try dry herb vaping a few mgs at 390F and take 7-8 inhales. You may get a moderate effect and know it's good. Yet I doubt 390F would be good for exploring all the potential of 5-meo. Yet it could let you know its legit and then you could plug. . . Or who knows, maybe 390F would work for you. Try it out. At worst, you lose a few mgs. You got 500 mgs. I've only tried vaping freebase. My understanding is that salt forms don't vape very well,.
  13. Colors don't exist. You have cone cells in your eye that convert wavelengths of light into projections of color. There is no color. It is a hallucination that your mind is creating. Humans have three different type of cone cells - each produces a different subjective experience of "color". These three types of cone cells can interact with each other producing a perception of various colors. In theory, there is an extremely large number of mixtures possible. There are subjective colors that cannot be imagined due to neurological limitations. For example, dogs only have two types of cone cells and cannot create a subjective perception of red. They cannot create this hallucination due to having only two cone cells. In contrast, the mantis shrimp has 16 types of cone cells. This expansive set of cone cells allows the mantis shrimp to create hundreds of color perceptions that humans cannot - humans can't even imagine these colors because we only have three types of cone cells. I think the subjective, relative nature of color is one of the best ways to break through attachment to an external, objective, universal reality. . . Most people see a tree and say "that tree is green". There appears to be an objective, external reality of a green tree. . . "Duh!! That tree is obviously green, just look at it!!". Yet that tree isn't green. There are no objective, external colors. The mind creates color internally. It just makes it up. Color is a relative hallucination. Different beings perceive different colors and we have no idea if we perceive the colors the same. What you hallucinate as "green", I may haullicante as "blue". Humans just agree to call a certain colorless wavelength as "green" and another colorless wavelength as "blue". . . Imagine in the future, we can temporarily trade visual systems. . . If you got to experience my visual system you may be surprised. You may realize "Whaaat??!! You've been calling Yellow, Green!!".
  14. When you say "my place", will you be living in Latin America? If you are tripping solo at your place in Latin America - it essentially boils down to aquiring 5-meo and traveling with it. Once you have 5-meo, it is easy to travel with and trip. I've traveled and tripped with various psychedelics solo throughout Latin America without problem. A half gram of 5-meo is tiny and essentially odorless. It's not like you are traveling with a kilo of weed or cocaine. . . You just need to be mindful about where you trip. I would be very careful about tripping in public. Traveling with a psychedelic is a piece of cake, maintaining your composure while tripping is more challenging. Imo, that is the greater risk of getting caught. For example, tripping at a cultural event, getting overwhelmed, freaking out and creating a scene. In terms of "reality enhancement" in foreign lands, I wold choose other psychedelics over 5-meo. For example, I took a low dose of 4-Aco-Dmt and hung out in the town square of Antigua, Guatemala. It was indescribably beautiful. The colorful clothing, the music, trees and water fountain. And I chatted with so many beautiful people - both locals and travelers. . . LSD is super easy to travel with. It's just a tiny piece of paper. I'm totally comfortable traveling with LSD anywhere. Including airlines. I just put a couple tabs in a book or my wallet and don't even think about it. . . It's actually hard to get caught. Someone would have to put in effort and try to get caught traveling with LSD.
  15. @wk197 It’s context dependent. A 22 y.o, dating a 19 y.o. generally isn’t much of a mismatch. Yet that is very different than a 42 y.o. university professor sleeping with one of his 19 y.o. students.
  16. @beatlemantis I’ve been in a similar situation. Things that helped me. . . .First, get space and distance from the toxic ex. No contact period. Time itself creates space and distance. Any contact resets the clock. Also, don’t revisit her photos or her social media. Those images stir up memories, emotions, attachments etc. Cut all that shit off. If memories of those “good times” arise, get clear on the toxicity and turn away. There will be plenty of opportunity in the future to reminisce about the 10% of your time together that was healthy and magical, yet not now, The ex is like gravity and we are trying to break free of that gravitational force. When her force was overwhelming, I would write about it in a journal to get it out. I talked with a friend occasionally, yet I didn’t want to burden her, so I mostly wrote about it. Over time, I needed to write less and less. My writings started off in despair, then regrets, then resentments. Then as I started to become free, I started to learn a lot about myself and dynamics in relationships. The flip side is to start taking care of yourself, loving yourself and becoming friends with yourself. I know it’s not easy, yet start moving in that direction. One thing that helped me was an at home solo retreat. I started doing yoga everyday. I did some fun reading each day. I got some plants. I made myself healthy dinners. Some nights I lit candles and put on soft music while I ate. I made fires in my fireplace and would stare at the beauty of fires. I learned how to do self message. I took bubble baths. In the depths of the darkness, I didn’t think it was was impossible - until it happened: I fell in love with myself. And you can too. Start asking how you can be kind to yourself and become friends with yourself ♥️
  17. It’s a pretty good sign it’s getting close when one asks “when do you know it’s time?” ? For me mind, body and spirit seem to be aligned. It’s often a spontaneous thing. I haven’t tripped in five months and have been wondering “I wonder when it will be time”. I can feel it’s getting close, yet each weekend it doesn’t quite feel time. Maybe this weekend.
  18. It’s context dependent. Tell us what you are looking for. Are you looking for a 5-meo retreat in Latin America? Are you looking to live in community in which 5-meo use is relaxed? Do you want to buy synthetic 5-meo and travel through Latin America solo? . . . You just started a thread about the safety of tripping solo the first time and now a thread about the legality of psychedelics in Latin America. Give us some context of what’s going on. It’s not so much wether it is 100% legal in every context. It’s which areas are best for what you want to do with the least amount of risk. If you are in the wrong place at the wrong time with a gram of of 5-meo you are going to have a problem. Similarly, if you play it smart you won’t have a problem, even if it’s not fully legal in the country. I traveled throughout Latin America with various psychedelics without concern or issue. Yet I would never travel through Japan or parts of the Middle East with psychedelics.
  19. 1. Is a particular dream board optimal? For example a dry erase board or cork/pin board. Can a designated wall area to tape things up work? Or is the dream board figurative, not literal? 2. Can any expression / symbols be placed on the dream board? A picture of a healthy body or a travel destination? A poem? A drawing? A guitar pic? The symbol of Mu? . . .
  20. @Eezorp If it’s freebase and you have a dry herb vape, you can give it a test by vaping a couple mgs at 428F or higher. . . . I suck at trying to vape with a glass pipe. . . Or you can dive in and plug 10-15mg.
  21. Descriptions and things are constructs. There is no “thing”. There is Nothing. Any thing is a construct. Any “it” is a creation. Any description is a creation.. Of course an it that is described is within creation. That is Ike saying a somewhere is within everywhere. This is evident. One cannot hear spokenless speech if they hear what is spoken. If a mind holds ideas of God and Not God, they hold a construct. This is infinitesimal. This story can be transcended. That’s not what is being pointed to. There is more to be revealed. This is precisely why 5-meo is so powerful. This is the type of stuff that takes years or decades of dedicated practice to transcend, yet 5-meo can blast through it in minutes.
  22. Of course. Time is a construct and any construct can be deconstructed and recontructed an infinite number of ways.