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Forestluv replied to Dylan Page's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
It seems like you have created a construct in which there is no justification that you will find satisfying. -
Green spirituality in a nutshell.
Forestluv replied to MrDmitriiV's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Cannabis edibles can be powerful and lead to really uncomfortable spaces. This is why it's important to increase dosages gradually. Going from 10mg on a full stomach to 30mg on an empty stomach is a huge jump. This is why people were suggesting to only increase to 15-20mg. I've had many of these types of trips - they are mini traumas. The mind and body usually recovers. I would be kind to the mind and body for a while - take a break. If you feel a calling to edibles again, I would reduce to 15-20mg in a nice serene setting. -
Humans can be so silly. . . .
Forestluv replied to Adam M's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
If we let go of "getting there" and "moving forward", what remains? -
Forestluv replied to Javfly33's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
It's not a thinking thing. If I say the image below is a young woman, I am both right and wrong. If I say the image is an old woman, I am both right and wrong. If my mind is attached/identified to the young woman, I can't see the old woman. If my mind is attached/identified to the old woman, I can't see the young woman. Is there awareness of both without attachment/identification to either? -
I would say it depends what you are looking for. If you are interested in re-visiting Colombia, go for it. Yet I wouldn't invest much mindspace in developing a monogamous LTR. That seems long a longshot. Would you willing to visit Colombia once a month and have regular "dates" on skype? How long could that be maintained? After a few months of that, it gets old and unsatisfying. Plus, she seems immature. I would be flattered by a foreign woman telling me she loved me, yet I wouldn't take it seriously. You crossed paths in a coffee shop and now she "loves" you? Sounds a bit immature to me. If I was interested in a STR, I would consider it. Re-visiting Colombia and learning about another culture would be cool. Yet I wouldn't have any hopes or expectations of things going long-term. Also, if I re-visted I would be cautious about things like her getting you to visit her family. And I would have a back-up plan in case things got weird when I re-visited.
Forestluv replied to Javfly33's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Javfly33 Notice the dynamics in the mind. There is the formation of an internal "I am" and an external "ISness". That is a separation into two. One hurdle for me to get over was the idea that this separation is "wrong". I find it more helpful to realize that this separation is extraordinarily beautiful. "I AM" experiencing "ISness" is a form of love and beauty. It's not a place I'm not "supposed" to be. Knowing that I don't need to reject this separation allowed space for me to let go of the separation. Some of my realizations came through listening to birds chirping during my meditation. With me eyes closed, I noticed the bird chirps were "out there". The mind is very good at doing this. My mind could determine how far away out there the bird chirps were. Then the "internal" vs "external" perception dissolved. I saw how my mind was creating it. Then there was simply bird chirps appearing. There was no "I AM" listening to the "ISness" of bird chirps "out there". There was no difference between the sound "out there" and my hearing it "in here". There was simply One without separation. With vision, some people refer to this as "empty looking". Here, there is no filter, there is simply looking. There is no separation between that which is looking and that which is seen. Oneness is super cool, yet so is Twoness. Why not have both? -
Forestluv replied to King Merk's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
This area is super interesting to me. Thanks for sharing the article, It had a new twist and revealed an assumption I had. . . I assumed that everyone had this "internal dialog" of a thought story in their mind. A person has this internal thought story, yet there can be "gaps" in the thought story. For example, someone could temporarily get in a "flow state" where they are simply being - such as a flow state while skateboarding or playing the trumpet. No thoughts just being. About a year ago, I met someone who told me he hadn't had a thought for about a year. It wasn't some guy bragging about his meditative prowess. There was something going on that I couldn't put my finger on and it challenged my idea of "thinking". If I would describe my experience, it would be that there is an internal narrative of thoughts. It's not like a literal sound like listening to music. Yet I don't know of a better way to describe it than an internal narrative or "voice". For example, I may be walking in nature and I may be thinking about my work or plans for the weekend. . . .So when this person said he no longer had "thoughts", I was bewildered. How could one possibly survive without "thoughts"? One thing I started contemplating is "what is a thought?". Not intellectually, in direct experience. Then stuff started arising. A month later, I was having a conversation with a woman without "thinking". There was simply direct speaking happening. There was no filter and thoughts like "Maybe I shouldn't mention that I've been in therapy, because I would look bad. Maybe I should talk about how I do yoga". That background thinking wasn't there. There was simply just speaking. It was weird. At one point, she went to the restroom and then the thinking returned "she seems like a nice person. She travels a lot. Maybe we could go on a trip together". This internal dialog had a different essence that pure speaking and changed my relationship with thinking. Another space I've entered is "thinking" in images, not words. I went into deep yin yoga space and images, not words, appeared. It was sorta an internal story, yet not like thought stories. Was this imagery "thinking"? Sorta. I wonder if this is how some people usually "think". Or perhaps it is how animals like dolphins "think". -
It depends on the context of "spirituality". In the context of expanding our mind of symbolic representations through language, learning foreign languages would be really important. As well, learning foreign languages could open up new avenues for communication with other people and understanding other perspectives. In the context of transcending linguistic symbolism, learning a foreign language would be counter-productive. Here, we would want to do the opposite. We would want to dissolve linguistic symbols and explore non-verbal realms. You could also do a combination of both. It just depends on what you resonate toward.
This is the result of an orientation toward an outcome. We can create a destination called "enlightenment" that is peaceful and lacks fear. We can create an imagine in which this peaceful, fearless place is permanent. This is a relative construct: a place without fear is relative to a place with fear. This is conditional. Enlightenment is conditional on being happy, joyful and peaceful. This is a super common orientation and leads to seeking. This orientation will limit potential. If I am seeking a peaceful, joyful state of being, I am avoiding a non-peaceful, non-joyful state of being. When potential insights involve fear and discomfort, I will recoil and say "This is awful! This isn't what enlightenment is about!". . . Notice the mind-body's reaction to the fearful situation. The mind and body recoiled away yelling "Enlightenment and self-actualization is bullshit and a waste of time!!". . . According to the meaning you give "Enlightenment and self-actualization", I would agree it's bullshit. Yet, I would say the bullshit is the meaning that enlightenment is an experience of perpetual peace and bliss. That meaning doesn't resonate with me. Now that you have decided the your old construct of enlightenment is bullshit, a couple options have opened up. We can say that the idea enlightenment is a never-ending feeling of comfort, peace and bliss is bullshit. We can put that idea aside and allow space to open up. . . At this point, we can maintain our orientation toward seeking never-ending feeling of comfort, peace and bliss. Since we trashed our old, outdated idea of enlightenment, we would need to seek this in new ways. Perhaps we could seek never-ending feeling of comfort, peace and bliss by making a lot of money, buying an island and living there. There are many other ways to seek perpetual comfort/peace/bliss. Trashing our old idea of "enlightenment" also allows an opportunity for an energetic shift. This is a deep/advanced shift that is very difficult for a person because the person is no longer the source of energetic motivation. At a personal level, we are motivated to find a place of "enlightenment" in which we no longer personally feel fear and other negative feelings. What if there was an energetic shift in which the source of motivation is to discover Truth for it's own sake. This is a radical shift. Now we are unconditionally seeking truth, regardless of whether it benefits us at a person level. With this orientation, the mind would not reject an experience of fear. There would be space for insights to be revealed within that fear. The ISness of fear and fearful situations has deep insights of truth, just like the ISness of a peaceful meditation retreat in a forest. . . . At a personal level, I have experienced terror and panic so intense that I wanted to kill myself. I couldn't make it stop. The only way I could regain control and make it stop was to kill myself. Yet I couldn't make it stop that way either. There was no escape and that made the terror/panic even worse. . . These experiences were among the most "enlightening" in my life, because there was space for deep truth to be revealed. Those moments of terror/panic were just as much "enlightenment" as my deeply peaceful, blissful experiences. There are deeper truths that transcend personal experiences - there are deeper truths that are not dependent on conditions. Yet these truths will not be revealed if the mind is seeking conditional states, such as feelings of comfort, peace and bliss. To me, it sounds like there is a wonderful opportunity for an awakening here. You can toss your old conditional idea of "enlightenment" as a never-ending state of fearlessness and re-orient yourself toward truth for its own sake.
Forestluv replied to Adam M's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Inliytened1 It’s amazing what’s possible. -
Forestluv replied to Adam M's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Before I re-frame. . . To me, you have an energetic orientation of genuine, curious and open. Those are super important traits. There might be other traits you might not naturally have, yet the ones you got are high up on the list in terms of awakenings. I would consider integrating your intuition, awareness and resonance with others. This combination is a powerful guiding force. Regarding “difference”. . . When I first saw “Huge difference” my mind went to “No difference”. The mind could have made a choice between two. My mind may have taken the position of “No difference”. This in and of if itself isn’t the snag. The mind could have temporarily taken a “No difference” position and simply tried to explain it. No attachment or identification. The mind is free to do explore there or pick up and explore someplace else. This is a fluid mind. The snag comes with the identification and ownership of “my” idea and the attachment that my idea is right. This snags the mind. The mind will not be able to take a meta view and see both views. It will not be able to see the insight with each view. It will be locked into its own view and may go into debate mode. This is where the curiosity and resonance comes in. The mind can explore multiple views of magnificence and intrigue. Or it can spend time working through multiple views of stupid shit. Be aware of who you resonate with. There are some amazing beings to explore multiple views of really cool stuff. The mind can do this exploration solo, yet its hard in the begging, ime. My mind really needed speakers like Leo and Rupert Spira to paint scenes for me to explore. Then my mind started doing it on its own. This is not the big fish. Just some explorations of insights. Oh. . . ”No difference” and “Huge difference” are both true in different ways. -
Forestluv replied to Adam M's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Inliytened1 In terms of the journey story, have you used psychedelics? If you got Here without psyches, I’m super impressed. -
Forestluv replied to Adam M's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yes of course that’s true too. Can you see both “No difference” and “Huge difference”? Or is it easier for your mind to see “Huge difference”? Is the mind stuck on one position? Or can it flow to and from both positions? Once this is realized many doors in mind structure open up. -
Forestluv replied to Adam M's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
No difference. -
Forestluv replied to Adam M's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Minds attached to models are generally seeking grounding. -
Forestluv replied to Adam M's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
If we say there is existence, we are wrong. If we say thereis no existence, we are wrong. And we are also right. What is it that has no opposite? -
Forestluv replied to Adam M's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You seem to be assuming there is an actual thing called “reality” that exists. How can Nothing be modeled? -
Forestluv replied to Schahin's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You say you understand there is no external god and then you speak in constructs of an external god. Thinking “I am god” is a distraction to the underlying duality, attachment and identification. It would be like saying “I realize I am not the body. . . . Why does my knee hurt?” This is just my impression: there seems to be a lot of god conditioning and moral objectivism in your writings. With this orientation, I can’t see how you will find a satisfactory answer to this question that has haunted you for so long, because there is no objective answer. The solution is to transcend it. To me, underlying god constructs are preventing realizing the fundamental. I would let go of god for a while because it’s so loaded and obscuring. I would focus on breaking down dualities that you don’t have so much attachment with. Something like “what is existence”? “what is real or imagined?” “What is relative?”.”What is Everything?” “How does Nothing = Everything?” And then let go of the logical analysis. The mind may think “I already know that” or god chatter may re-enter. Let it go and allow free space for insights to arise without analysis. These are just my impressions. Perhaps they will resonate. Perhaps they will not. Either way, I wish you well. -
If I understand the structure correctly, there is an evolution of consciousness of game (e.g. through SD). This would be similar to the evolution of spirituality up the spiral. Blue spirituality is religion, Orange spirituality is personal goal setting, Green is New Age / Yoga etc. I'm not well versed in game content, yet it seems analogous to what I'm seeing with science. Similar to how most people may see pua game as guys just trying laid for personal satisfaction (orange), most people see science as logical, materialists, objectivists (orange science). Yet there is a higher level Science that would see as not science. At yellow, Science would becomes highly integrated and would include both physical and nonphysical. For example, current scientific studies at the cellular level did not include inputs at the collective conscious level (a social field of consciousness). There just isn't enough awareness yet. As well, the scientific experimental design and theory development includes higher conscious intuition. (rather than a hyper-focus on logic). Currently, many scientists subconsciously are using intuition, yet they would rationalize it. At orange science, intuition appears "woo woo", touchy feely and irrational. . . Yet when I speak of yellow-level science - people are like "huh? that aint science" because they are contracted within an orange-level scientific paradigm.
To me, it seems like there is a distinction here between low-conscious blue/orange game and high-conscious Green/Yellow/Turquoise Game. Similar to how terms like "intelligence" or "god" can have low-conscious and high-conscious contexts. I know from my own experience in dating the difference between the two. In the past, I would not have considered the Brand video as "Game", yet I'm cool with that being a higher evolved term to encourage lower-conscious blue/orange men to evolve up to. Yet, I'm still skeptical about the underlying energetics of how most men talk about "game". To me, it seems to be heavy on the lower side, yet there are often mixtures of both levels - so there are nuances. . . . For example, when I see a guy speaking of a woman he "scored" like an object and brags about getting a BJ from a married woman, without any apparent concern for her, it doesn't seem like high conscious Game to me. That type of stuff is not what Russell Brand level Game is about. He would not behave or talk like that. It's not his energetic orientation. I'm not an expert the pua game community, yet most of what I hear seems like the lower variety - at least to me. If the genuine mission of pua game is to help men evolved up to Russell Brand yellow levels - I'm totally for it. Yet to me, that doesn't seem to be the mainstream goal.
Forestluv replied to Gneh Onebar's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Of course. I am neither pro-science or anti-science. I am an integrated whole that includes science, yet is not limited to science. If I was to do formal research on paranormal phenomena, my experimental design would include aspects of traditional science as well as other modalities. For example, if I was setting up an experiment, part of my consideration might be something like "does this experimental setup alter nonphysical energetics?" (like the stuff I'm actually testing for?!). For example, a traditional scientific design to test for ESP through Zenner cards may have two people that have never met sit opposite of each other with a sheet between them, so they can't see each other. This is a biased setup, that is intentionally trying to be hyper-objective and physical. It is so biased it actually prevents the nonphysical paranormal it is investigating!! For example, I tried Zenner cards with my students. I would randomly match up with someone and try to predict their card. To be even more objective, we didn't have eye contact (we don't want any "cheating" - you know like actual paranormal activity). This was conducted in a sterile laboratory setting. We already pre-determined what evidence would paranormal evidence would look like - it means that I would be able to predict their card correctly at a frequency statistically higher than random chance. After many attempts, I was unable to do so. . . So, now evidence of paranormal activity. Yet this didn't sit well with me, because I have some sense of paranormal activity and this experimental design didn't seem to be picking it up. As a high conscious scientist - it is important to be open to new methods. . . A month later a student came to me and told me that she has paranormal abilities that she has never told anyone before, yet she heard I was open to testing. She said she felt resonance with me and I am the only professor she thinks she can do it with. We went to the lab and she said she wasn't feeling it there, only in my office. So we went to my office (notice the "unscientific" elements). . . As we started, that it began to appear. I went into a deep meditative state and shapes started appearing in my mind. It was like I was on a light trip, As each shape arose, there was an essence or feeling to it - yet it was cloudy. (science wants a clear yes/no). It was like I could sorta see/feel, yet at a low resolution. It was energetically exhausting. I would go to the imagery, look at her and I would "sorta" know. I scored 80% with her - which has an extremely significant p-value in a T-test. And several of the one's I "missed", I sorta got right. . . For example, for one of them, an image of her lying in nature arose. There was a stream there, so I guessed the flowing water card. She showed me the star card. She told me that she was lying in nature looking at the stars. . . There is a paranormal energetics here, yet this card was "objectively" scored as a "miss" - yet what was actually missed in the scoring system was the actual underlying paranormal energy. We were actually on the same energetic frequency: guessing the flowing water card is trivial. Yet it was scored as incorrect. As well, I was only able to do it with the right person (this one student) with resonance and in the right environment. I don't want to trash scientific design - I want to evolve and improve scientific design to higher levels such that it can actually observe and discover. -
I don't have a YT channel or online business and can't speak from that perspective. Yet I thought it might help to get a perspective from the client perspective and what credibility might look like to them. When I am looking around for personal development, coaching, helping people - the most important thing is that the person has what I want. There are tons of people trying to convince me that they have what I want. Yet, I want to see that they have it - by being it and expressing it. It is an essence of attraction rather than promotion. For example, I think @Nahm website design shows people the outcome in a way that is attractive to those that resonate with it. His website will not attract people looking for pua strategies or how to beat the stock market. It attracts people that are stuck - they know there is more to life, yet can't quite put their finger on it. They see the imagery and questions on nahm's site and are like "yes, that's it". It's attractive to that person. There is an underlying credibility that is subconscious to the viewer. It is not a credibility gained by degrees or certifications (which could help in some contexts). Rather, it is a credibility of being it and expressing it. To create that website design, one must have actualized it themselves and are now expressing it. Someone attracted to it, may pause and think "Wait a minute, this website could have been designed by some marketer trying to entice me". Yet I think it's so genuine, a curious person would continue to on and look deeper into it. Another example: I spent some time looking for good yoga channels. To me, yoga with Adrienne and April Walker had the most credibility. Not because they tried to be credible with Yoga certifications and how much training they had. Rather because they were it. They are it. The way they instructed and guided me through the yoga itself was the credibility for me. She is the embodiment of mind, body, spirit expressed through yoga. As a consumer, it seems to me that YT and online is saturated with people trying to convince me they are credible and trying to sell me something or get me engaged. I understand that this is probably necessary to some degree to compete and make enough money to survive. Yet there is so much of it that it can be a turn-off to me.
Forestluv replied to MrDmitriiV's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
10mg is a relatively light dose. It's a starter dose for a newbie. I'm not surprised you got weak effects. I would bump up to 15-20mg. I get stronger effects eating it on an empty stomach. I'm not familiar with eating fatty foods before hand.