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Everything posted by Forestluv

  1. @Mystica45 You seem to lack understanding of 5-meo. How many times have you used it and at what dosages?
  2. You seem to be creating a construct in which there is an internal me ‘in here’ that has a relationship with a separate external god ‘out there’. That’s not how I use the term God. With my impression of your framing, I would use terms like “spiritual experience” or “divine”. My relationship with your question is that you are asking why some religious people had spiritual experiences, yet you did not (until you tried very hard). There are many reasons for this. Some people are more open, in-tuned and believe in such experiences. If I go to mystic to guide me through past life regressions with an attitude of “This past life stuff is airy fairy bullshit. No way can this so-called ‘paranormal’ hypnotize me” - there is a low chance of having a spiritual experience. Yet if someone is open, curious and allows space for exploration there is a much higher chance of having a spiritual experience. As well, prior conditioning and spiritual abilities come into play.
  3. Of course they can feel God, because they are God. It would be like asking “Can someone feel themself?”.
  4. Entanglement of Instability and Stability. During my hike yesterday I came upon this stream. The path is above the stream. I put one foot on the planks and new there was no way I was crossing it. The planks were old and unstable - and it was too high up. Then I saw a fallen tree below as a method of crossing the stream. On the bank, I was stable yet when I started walking across the log, I quickly discovered that the log was unstable. Rather than crossing the stream, I decided to sit down on the log and sit with presence. Yet I couldn’t find a comfortable, stable position to sit. After a few minutes of moving my body around, I found a position of stability. If I sat motionless, it was as stable as sitting on my meditation cushion at home (I sat near the bottom right of the photo). . . Yet if I fidgeted around, the log would move, balance and instability arose. So I sat motionless. With right balance, it was effortless. I simply sat still. I then realized there was a ‘place’ of stability within instability. I was sitting completely still and stable within instability. I then noticed the entanglement of instability and stability all around me. Notice the unstable planks that form the ‘bride’. These unstable planks are entangled with the stable earth on which they rest. Now move down to the walls of the ‘bridge’. Notice the instability of the walls eroding away. This is particularly evident with the loose boards protruding outward on the left side. (There is eroding earth that broke the boards. The unstable earth and wooden boards at the walls of the bridge are entangled with the stable earth that lies adjacent and below. As we go further down, the unstable flow of water is entangled with the stable banks. As well, the unstable / stable entanglement is relative to perception. To me, the old planks of wood felt very unstable. Yet to the breeze passing by, those planks were very stable. As well, to the ants crossing over, the planks are very stable. And. . . the unstable / stable entanglement is relative to time. As I sat on the log and observed, the wooden boards and earth were not moving. From this perspective, they appear stable. Yet if we did a 20 year time lapse video and watched it in 2min., there would be a lot of motion appearing as unstable. There wooden planks would be degrading, breaking and falling. The earth would be eroding and falling. Further, we can consider the entanglement of space. In the ultimate big picture, there is One entangled entity. Yet the entanglement dynamics are modified as we get closer together. In this photo, the wooden boards, earth, river, trees, birds and wind have close entanglement dynamics that they don’t with a bridge on the other side of the world. This photo shows an entangled ecosystem within a larger entangled ecosystem. After about a 30min. sit, I continued on my way. I then noticed how I was entangled with space and time. I observed how I was entangled with the environment Here and Now. Both me and the environment influenced each other. Together we were One, influencing each other’s beingness and experience with a dance. . . As well, there was entanglement ‘outside’ of the Here and Now. Memories of hiking in California and Oregon arose. There was an appreciation for the beauty of Here and Now along with a nostalgia within imagery not here and now. And thoughts arose revealing that to which I am most closely entangled. The school semester ended weeks ago and the entanglement dynamics with students, grading, preparing classes etc. has been modified. The subjective experience is detachment, space and freedom from this entanglement. Part of this has come through de-conditioning the entanglement. Rather than being pre-occupied with work, I have been spending time with nature, yoga, contemplation and nonduality talks. These give rise to new forms of close entanglements. For example, I started doing yoga everyday for the past two months. During my hike, I realized how I was doing Yoga while hiking. It was all modified forms of Yoga. A whole new experience with my body arose. As well, each day I’ve been watching a Deepak Chopra series. In the series, he describes infinite creativity, entanglement and synchronicity. I’ve had very strong resonance with his transmission and this modifies my relationship with reality. For example, the experience of entanglement I observed and experienced with the bridge was also entangled with Deepak Chopra. . . This is not merely intellectual construction. Here, intellectual appearances are integrated with imagination, creativity, knowing, sensation, connection, intuition and being. All entangled together.
  5. This website integrates science, paranormal and nonduality. They offer a variety of blog posts and videos - including a live presentation with QandA each Friday. I watched the most recent presentation on intention and manifestation - which was quite good. They have a variety of experienced contributors and facilitators, led by Dean Radin.
  6. I like how you term it “crossing boundaries”. It reminds me of all the great boundaries we’ve crossed in the past and will cross in the future. For example. . . for over 100 years it was thought that running a mile in under 4 minutes was physically impossible. Physiologists even wrote articles about explaining why it’s impossible. Thousands upon thousands of men tried and failed, which re-enforced the belief it was impossible. Yet it was not a physical boundary, it was a mental boundary. In the 1959s, a few runners started getting close, yet it was still considered impossible. How could a man run a 4:01 mile and everyone still think it’s impossible run just 1 second faster? That is the power of an ingrained boundary that had been passed for many generations. Our DNA has been passing on the knowledge of how to create the perfect antibody to fight a virus that doesn't even exist. This was figured millions of years ago, long before viruses like the Coronavirus appeared. It wasn’t figured out through the intelligence of human brains. The knowledge arose through different forms of the intelligence manifesting within an infinite Intelligence. Yet some knowledge passed on are illusory boundaries. Why would Infinite Intelligence create illusory boundaries? Perhaps it has fun crossing boundaries it created. If so, it would need to forget that it itself created the boundaries. If I create an obstacle course and know how to get by all the boundaries, it’s not very exciting trying to cross the boundaries. And it certainly wouldn’t feel rewarding when a boundary is crossed. Roger Bannister ran the first sub-4 mile has n 1954 and then dozens of other men ran sub-4 in the next few years. Today the elite runners run sub 3:50 and most Uni runners go sub-4. It's now ho-hum boring. It’s only exciting when a high school kid does it - and even that is starting the process of becoming common. What might our boundaries be today? Perhaps there are mental, intuitive and creative boundaries we will soon cross and amaze ourselves. I think three interesting areas would be: Development of A.I. and explorations into psychedelics that integrate science, mysticism and immaterial energetics. For example, an integration of psychedelics, quantum mechanics and Reiki energetics. We would cross boundaries we don’t even know exist. This is why visionaries are so valuable. They have intuitive intelligence expressed as creativity. The creativity of as both material art and technology as well as immaterial imagination, sensations, feelings, concepts and memories. One could say creativity is the arising of new existence (both immaterial and material). In this sense, everything happening now is creative. Everything arising now and being created now. This form of creativity is often not known. Most people are unaware of it. In part, because the mind often restricts it’s awareness into intellectual engagement. This brings us back to your original point that it’s important to allow perceptions / senses to kick in. This is a much more expansive baseline level of consciousness. And this too involves a boundary. The mind likes to divide it’s different forms of intelligence into categories such as feeling, thinking, knowing, empathy and intuition. Most minds aren’t even aware that most of it’s intelligence exists. . . Yet these areas are all inter-related. What’s exciting is that their combination together is greater than the sum of their parts. An emergent property arises. This can allow new visions and new creations to emerge. Things that we cannot currently imagine. Psychedelics are masters at breaking these boundaries down. Yet it is highly leveraged. From the perspective of development over time, a psychedelic can allow the mind to undergo a million years of development. Within this area, it would be like having the baseline views conscious level of a humanoid who lives 1 million years in the future. One ‘problem‘ is that the current mind is not empty, flexible or clear enough to allow the space for such an expansion. The mind has all sorts of conditioned filters through which it tries to make sense of reality by creating constructs. These filters are useful for functioning and surviving in today’s perceived reality, yet are woefully short-sighted and limited when considering one’s potential The mind uses conditioned filters to transform infinite direct experience into finite experience. Within an immersed view, this appears as “my” experience. One’s baseline level of conscious influences the potential extent of the expansion, integration, insight retention, embodiment and utilization. At a transcendent view, there arises awareness of these filters. This allows higher intelligence to observe and evolve higher. Some filters may get discarded, some filters may become forgotten, others may get upgraded. Yet the pace of this development depends on many factors, collectively what I call one’s baselinelevel of conscious. A limitation of psychedelic expansion potential is the degree and forms of mind conditioning.
  7. I don’t disagree with you. My impression is that you are attracted to and desire what most would consider paranormal, transpersonal, transhuman or super natural abilities. Ime, it’s not so much about eliminating a self construct - it’s more about transcending the self construct. There is an energetic shift such that the source of energy can flow smoothly, purely and clearly. When the energetic source must pass through self filters, there can be obstruction, distortion and pollution.
  8. @IAmTheHolySpirit Name calling and trolling is against forum guidelines. If you disagree with someone or want to help someone, please do so in a respectful manner. If you don’t change your tone and behavior, you will be suspended from the forum.
  9. I’m not familiar with his work. Thanks for sharing that. From what I’ve read, medium/high dose clinical sessions were more effective and longer-lasting for psychedelic therapy. Yet these were done with normies wanting to overcome deeply ingrained conditioning like clinical depression, addiction, PTSD etc. I’m not sure if the dynamic is the same for relatively well-adjusted people with a long history of meditation that want to go deeper into spirituality with psychedelics. I haven’t used psychedelics for personal therapy, yet what Grof says about lower doses activating unconscious rings true for me. Activating unconscious would be another way of saying consciousness expansion. In terms of meditation techniques during low dose trips, I imagine this could be of particular value for those that are new to psychedelics. I’ve found that at lower doses there is a certain type of effort involved, yet not in a way that controls / steers. For example, a couple days ago, I took a low dose of 4-AOC-dmt and went hiking in a forest. At one point, there was a presence of wonder that arose. Time and space began to dissolve and karmic inputs of the mind-body began to arise. We would normally call these memories of past experiences. For example, times in my life in which I experienced awe and wonder while deep in nature - going back into childhood. Yet these were not ordinary memories, there were no time and space stamps. It was all now, like entering a dreamscape. However, at a low dose the rational mind entered and was pulling consciousness out of the timeless / spaceless dreamscape. There was a type of letting go and surrender needed to allow the creativity of the dreamscape to arise. Yet not in a controlling way. More like an effort to stay on the ride and go with it.
  10. That is his range. For me, 30-50mcg is low dose, 100mcg is breakthrough territory and 300mcg is blackout territory. I’m more sensitive than most people. Dosage is relative. It’s important that novices discover their own sensitivity and not go by the sensitivity of others.
  11. Desire, intention and perseverance can be useful on such a journey. I would definitely put them in my backpack. . . Yet too much of them can weigh us down along the journey. Part of this quest involves humility, letting go and surrender. And if the orientation is toward a personalized self-centered destination one will fall far short of their potential.
  12. @Peo If this is your first time using psychedelics, I would consider starting with a low/moderate dose and working your way up. An incremental approach has it’s benefits. For those new with psychedelics, I would consider planning at least three trips. First, because you have no idea what your personal sensitivity is. For all you know, 100ug would give you all you can handle in a non-dual experience. Second, trips can have very different themes and impacts. You don’t know which may yield deep revelations. The first trip may be super whacky and doesn’t reveal much, while the next trip may have a very different theme and yield deep revelations. Third, the higher the dose, the harder the integration. If a student goes straight to high level calculus, it can be very difficult to process. Also, I would not assume dose is proportional to level of realization. 300ug is not necessarily 3X the realizations of 100ug. Especially for novices. If you have access to 300ug, I would consider taking 100ug or less the first trip. For the the vast majority of first-timers, 100ug would offer an experience beyond what they could imagine at their baseline conscious level (a taste of awakening). Then if you desire more, take 200ug. As well, dose is only one component. I would also consider creating a good mindset and setting.
  13. The most popular course in the history of Yale University, known as the “Happiness” course has been modified and condensed into an online version that is. . . now free! The online course is titled “The science of wellbeing” and free on Coursera. The course “starts” today, March 24th. Over 1 million people have enrolled and its unknown how long it will be available for free. The course could be a good project for learning, personal development and well-being during the crisis. I plan on taking the course and will be posting my thoughts and experiences in this sub forum. If anyone here enrolls, I’m curious about your impressions. I’m considering creating a similar course at my University - although I’d plan to create a more holistic course that includes science, yet is not limited to science.
  14. Everyday Immortality. . . Delightfully Turquoise. I recommend watching on FB (no ads).
  15. Observation and awareness when it arises. No judgement, intellectualizing, attachment or identification. Observe and become aware as they arise. . . Relax the mind and re-orient toward a purer relationship/experience with Now and begin to create. . . There are lots of practices - whatever resonates with you. What resonates with me now is: yoga, time in nature and watching to a new daily series by Deepak Chopra on creating Now. . . . Yet each person needs to experiment and find their thing.
  16. @Bratcat I would try to reduce the mind space pre-occupied with him. If a lot comes up, I would let it out by writing. Then re-orient yourself in a new direction. Most importantly, learn how to become friends with yourself. Start a project. Do 30 days of yoga. Start a meditation practice. Cook yourself healthy meals. Get into self massage. . . . Building a social group is good too. Perhaps look into meetup groups or events at the University. I would try to establish healthy friends (primarily female) that have common interests and “have what you want”. Women that have the traits and lifestyle that you would aspire to. . . Yet again, I’ve found becoming friends with myself and self care to be most important.
  17. @Elisabeth Omg, wasabi is my kryptonite. . . @James123 Awareness, letting go and going with the flow is great. Yet I’ve also found it beneficial to de-condition and purify out that toxicity. I’m not into going with the flow with toxic water, I’d much rather flow with pure mountain spring water.
  18. In addition to animal suffering, there is also a lot of human suffering in the meat slaughterhouse industry. The work conditions are severely unhealthy. Workers are pressured to undergo extreme mental and physical distress on the chain as well as duress from draconian bosses trying to squeeze out productivity and profit. Workers are often denied healthcare for their work-related injuries and are often fired if they can’t continue to work on the chain with severe injuries. Workers often end up with lifelong injuries. And bosses know how to sidestep OSHA regulators. . . So for those that don’t feel a sense of empathy for the animals, consider your fellow humans.
  19. I would describe it as a sense of being trapped between two states.
  20. I have three young nieces. Occasionally my sister asks me to look over them for a while. . . . When I try to control them, it is exhausting. When I go with the flow with them, it is much less tiring. And yes, there is a sense of love (even when it’s hectic). . . . . I observe a similar dynamic in my own mind and body. I also try to get in touch with the underlying substrate from which feelings arise - which, as you say, we can describe as love. Others have described an underlying essence ‘beneath’ the feelings as intuition, wisdom and grace.
  21. Observe your hand. Give it a good look. . . . Now put your hand behind your back and imagine your hand . . . Notice the sameness and difference.
  22. You don’t know their experience and reality. You are projecting a reality based on your own conditioning and perception.
  23. Yes, we could say underlying both joy and sadness is love. I like your imagery of flow. I didn’t know that. Perhaps that’s one reason I feel drawn to visit Japan. Years ago, I saw an elderly Japanese woman in a park drawing Japanese symbols for people. She was using traditional medium - the type of ink/charcoal/paper. My friend who lived in Japan for years told me this was authentic. I asked her to draw me “joy”. As she did, there was a sense of sadness about it and I didn’t know if she was drawing the symbol for sad. Yet it was so beautiful and I felt both a joy and sadness. . . . I remember placing the paper in some type folder/book to protect it during my travels. I forgot about it and months later was reminded. I searched hours and hours for it and couldn’t find it. I felt so sad about impermanence and the loss of joy. Yet it was beautiful. I know longer have the physical paper/symbol that I desire, yet there is the immaterial essence that appears. . . . Years later, as the memories now reappear, there is both a sense of joy and sadness.
  24. You understood fine. There are many meanings that can arise. Similar to a Rorschach image. When I watched her, there was a sense of innocent observation that arose. A sense of beingness prior to filters of interpretation. Yet I’m not saying any interpretation is wrong. They too have value.
  25. You are creating this story. If what I wrote stimulates creative insights within you, great. ?