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Everything posted by Forestluv

  1. I dissolved it in water and felt no burning, yet I only used about 5mg.
  2. He might be setting the stage for if he loses the election. . .
  3. @meow_meow It can feel kinda freaky, yet it is the doorway to freedom and infinite creativity, which is pretty darn awesome. Here is Adya on the topic:
  4. It’s conditioning. Awareness is an important key in de-conditioning and moving forward. You are aware of the conditioning when it pops up and realize it doesn’t feel right and not what you want. It still pops up, yet if you continually re-orient yourself toward what feels genuine and good you will orient yourself toward the feelings and growth you truly desire. A couple things that helped me was to get curious and put myself in environments that can allow me to expand. For example, I had a sheltered religious upbringing and when I went to college, all sorts of new opportunities arose. Yet there were negative “voices” in my mind that would pop up and judge others that were not like how I was programmed to believe that people should be like. The awareness and desire to be free of it were essential for me. I started going outside my comfort zone - for example in exploring the material in some of my courses and the people I spent time with. As old programmed beliefs arose I could acknowledge it and let it go. With time, I realized the negative voice wasn’t even my voice. It was a voice programmed into me!
  5. @DivineSoda I would make a distinction between regulation and censorship - although there are lots of relativity and nuances. In the context of social systems, I would also make distinctions between cognitive levels of regulation. The majority of human history has been spent in red/blue/orange levels. At these levels, there will be a lot of toxicity in terms of regulation. Yet at Green, the dynamics begin to change and at Yellow the dynamics are very different. Imo, it’s not so much about regulation itself, the more important factor is the average conscious level in which the regulation is occurring. If the U.S. was a Green-Yellow-Turqoise mix (rather than a red-blue-orange mix), the dynamics would be very different. . . One value of of ‘regulating from above’ is that it allows and pulls development up the spiral.
  6. Yes, some blue toxicity as well. I was referring to the parts of the video that highlight plutocracy and corporate control, which is orange toxicity. Overall, there is a red-blue-orange mixture of toxicity.
  7. Start with half the dose, in this case 7-8mg to give it a test ride. Based on reports I’ve read, overdosing on rectal 4-aco-dmt can get seriously hairy. I’ve only done rectal roa once. I did about 25% of a standard oral dose to be extra safe. I was surprised by how fast acting and potent it is. It kicks in within 5-10min. and it was about 50% the intensity of a standard dose and about 50% the duration. Relatively to the intensity, it was much smoother and cleaner than oral roa. I’d say it lasted about 2hrs, yet I was still able to stay trippy for another hour because I wanted to. This is consistent with most reports I’ve read, yet I wouldn’t assume this. For the first time, I would use 50% or less of the oral equivalent you desire and give yourself a full 5-6hr. time frame to be safe. If 15mg oral gave me a mellow trip, I would start off with 7-8mg and be mentally prepared that they intensity could range from an underwhelming trip, a mellow trip or a bit more intense than mellow - yet unlikely to be overwhelming.
  8. Nice work and insights. At times there is discomfort, yet there is also a lot of beauty. Your post reminds me of a time I was watching Adyashanti describe a point of “no turning back”. He spoke seriously. He described how the vast majority of people engage with spirituality for self improvement and to live a better life. This is fine and one can go very far spiritually with this orientation. Yet there is also a ‘point’ of seeing self transcendence (not self improvement). There is a point of no return in which enough has been revealed that there is no turning back to the previous immersion in self. Similar to Truman in The Truman Show. There came a point in which he became aware of enough that he couldn’t go back believing his True Self is the Truman character he had been playing.
  9. Ime, this is consistent with 4-aco-dmt as well. Rectal roa reduces trip duration about 50%. As well, dosage is twice as potent. It’s much smoother and ‘cleaner’. I don’t think I’ll ever go back to oral again.
  10. Backlash against Orange toxicity. A satirical view is the below Onion piece.
  11. Several of my family members had the same reaction. . . . It’s a contraction into prior conditioning, self identity and self preservation. This limits one’s ability to expand their experience, awareness and imagination of what it’s like to be someone else. And to add salt in the wounds, Trump is claiming that he is honoring George Floyd’s life and his death will not be in vain. He is trying to take ownership of Floyd’s life to re-enforce and intensify the racist dynamics that led to Floyd’s death (as well as the maltreatment of many poc). It’s red-level manipulation and brutality. I hope more people start realizing how much of a threat Trump is to civilization.
  12. Imagine human consciousness condensed into ant consciousness. Then keep multiplying by 2. . . .
  13. @Username Could you describe the body of rectal vs. oral. Ime, rectal 4-aco-dmt has about 50% the body load of oral. As well, could you please update the dosage amounts in your post? “mg” should either read “mcg” or “ug”. It would be disastrous if someone used milligrams rather than micrograms.
  14. It takes a lot of courage to stand up to Red-level bullies. As well, it offers a different perspective to which will trigger an extremely visceral Red-level reaction, due to the loss of control.
  15. @4201 Reducing what I described to “tripping after a heartbreak” is not an accurate representation. As I described, there was a period of getting distance and creating space. There was a period of becoming friends with myself, that included things like cooking healthy meals for myself, self massage, yoga, spending time in nature etc. Once space and distance was created and there was a sense of grounding and self love, a psychedelic was one component of a larger healthy holistic process (including things like EMDR therapy, holotropic breathing, various forms of yoga, contemplation in nature etc.). Removing one component of a holistic process as stand-alone is not the same as considering that component as it relates to a larger holistic process. . . . What I am describing is very different than “I just had a heartbreak, maybe tripping would help”. This is a much narrower, incomplete view. In fact, I would say it would likely be counter-productive. It would be like someone training for a decathlon saying “I lifted weights like someone suggested, yet I haven’t made much improvement as a decathlete and ended up with a hamstring injury”. . . Of course, because becoming a master decathlete is not limited to lifting weights. It includes lifting weights, yet much more. The athlete also needs to work on things like agility, flexibility, balance and endurance as well as having a healthy diet.
  16. To me, what is described is a very limited view of intelligence. It is contracted into analysis and rational intelligence, which is just a subset of a more expansive intelligence that includes creativity, emotion, intuition and wonder. Ime, there is no need to reject analytical/rational intelligence since it is one spoke on the wheel of intelligence. The problem is when there is contraction into that subset of intelligence and it wants to “run the show”. It can become a bully. In terms of SD theory, this would be like being contracted in Orange level analysis/rationality. Someone like Richard Dawkins. Is he happy? It doesn’t seem so since he is so contracted. Yellow level thinkers inter-connect various forms of intelligence including, yet not limited to, analysis/rationality. It no longer dominates and Is integrated and balanced. Are such people happier? I would say yes, since they are no longer contracted into a subset of higher intelligence, they are free to explore.
  17. I’ve also been involved with partners that cheated and know the mental and emotional entanglement. What I’ve found helpful is to first get some distance and space from the immediate source. That source is like gravity pulling a mind and body back in. It can take a lot of effort to break free of that suction. This means recognizing and letting go of entanglement such as obsessive “what if” thoughts, checking their social media, rehashing with friends etc. All of this re-enforces mental dynamics and keeps the mind engaged. While in this space, it’s really hard to do deep introspection, have realizations and grow. It’s just too noisy and distractive. What I found helpful is to re-orient myself toward what feels good and what I genuinely want. This can be counter to prior conditioning and patterns. For example, I was conditioned by hyper-critical parents, bosses and partners. I had a pattern of attraction with that, even though it didn’t feel good or like my true nature. Entering non-self-critical spaces felt odd in the beginning since it was counter to my conditioning and patterns of engaging with the world. Yet with time, it began to feel more natural and I started to resonate with people and activities that were not hyper-critical. And my hyper self criticism began to decrease. This opens up space to become friends with myself. And this was one of the biggest keys in leaving my immersion into that other world. This involved activities such as cooking myself healthy meals, self massage, listening to heart-centered nonduality speakers, yoga, spending time in nature and writing. For a while, it felt uncomfortable as my mind was trying to engage in old conditioning and patterns. Yet with time, I started to feel complete with myself. I began to like myself. I began to get curious and felt desires to try new things. I began to be attracted to people and things that were very different than my old patterns. There was a leaving of that world. At times, I found experiencing absorbed negative energy, release and introspection of this conditioning to be helpful. Yet the key was not to engage within it such that I’m re-enforcing and maintaining previous identities. For example, I would talk with a psychologist about it and we would engage in all sorts of thought stories about it. Looking back, we were re-enforcing old stories and identity. I was just trying to replace an old identity I didn’t like (such as being a victim) to a new better identity (like being a survivor). Yet deep down, what I wanted was to release it and be free of it. Free of it. . . I found things like holotropic breathing, EMDR therapy and psychedelics to be helpful since they don’t engage with storytelling and identification. They are focused on release, letting go, unblocking and becoming free. At times, I found contemplation and writing can be helpful, yet not immersed into self re-enforcing and self perpetuating ways. Rather, in self transcendent ways. Yet to do so, I first needed to get distance and space from immersion into conditioned thought stories and patterns.
  18. Linguistic / symbolic pointers can be very helpful to those that have had a glimpse and for those that are clarifying, integrating and embodying. Analytical minds tend to focus on the words, rather than that which is pointed to. A rational path can be very laborious and time consuming. Similar to neti neti. One approach to take a back door into the fortress of an analytical mind is zen koans. Yet the problem here is that most intellectual minds don’t have the focus, discipline, perseverance or patience for this. . . . Another approach is a psychedelic. This will dissolve the analytical fortress and gives a good chance for a good look. Yet quite often, the mind will later contextualize as an ‘experience’ at its baseline conscious level dominated by rational thinking. Yet for most minds, there will now be cracks in the fortress which may allow pointers to enter. There are also nonduality speakers that are skilled with intellectual minds. Rupert Spira is very good at disarming the intellect and Roger Castillo is good at clearly communicating through the intellect.
  19. All language, symbols, images and thoughts are dualistic. Thus, the mind can easily counter any ‘pointer’. This may give a sense of grounding, yet it won’t allow space for realizations.
  20. Yoga ftw!
  21. My take on it was giving oneself permission to let go and engage. In this case, letting go of resistance to taking a psychedelic. Or the psychedelic itself is a permission slip allowing entry into another realm. Similar to how a concert ticket is a permission slip to allow entry into the concert.
  22. From a rational perspective, much of what is written on the forum is irrational nonsense and impractical. A rational filter of interpretation can be very useful in some contexts, yet it can also create distortions in other contexts. As well, keep in mind that there are a range of developmental levels on the forum.