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Everything posted by Forestluv

  1. If she sincerely believes her orgasms drain her and causes unspiritual feelings she doesn’t like, I would have some respect for that and work with it. Imagine if orgasms caused her physical pain? Wouldn’t we show some respect for that? I’d be curious if her preferred sexual experience is fully non-orgasmic. She might be very unique and wired this way. Has she had orgasms before? What was your sense of her relationship to it? Not your feeling of being a good sexual partner, rather your sense of her experience with it? It also doesn’t need to be an either / or scenario. For example, she might not care that much about her orgasms and there might be some pleasure with orgasming, with resistance to orgasming. If she genuinely is not into her own orgasms, that would shift the energetics from desiring to give her pleasure and experience mutual pleasure to me trying to satisfy my own desires by making her orgasm against her preference. It would be similar to the guy wanting to receive oral sex when she isn’t into giving oral sex. This dynamic is more about the guy receiving pleasure than giving pleasure. In such as case, compromises can be made with good communication. I might say “I get a lot of pleasure when you orgasm or when we orgasm together. I know it’s not your preferred sexual experience, yet could we occasionally orgasm together?”. Overall, I would shift away from the mentality of “I need to make her orgasm to be a man and good sexually” to a mentality of wanting to share deeper intimacy together.
  2. I started off by watching guided videos to learn poses. Starting off, the poses should be held for about 2-4min and should be held at about 70% max stretch. This allows for incremental relaxing and release. Both physically and mentally. The poses are often uncomfortable (yet not painful) and the monkey mind is often active. This allows for letting go and surrender. It can be very meditative. Yet at first, I needed a YT guide to gently talk me through the posture. Almost like a guided meditation. It’s much harder to do in silence. . . And a big benefit is that it’s so good for the mind and body. My range of motion has increased dramatically and my tension has decreased dramatically. And I’ve learned so much about my body. For example, last night I focused on hips and became aware of how many memories and tension are stored in my hips. As I released deeper and deeper, all sorts of old memories also appeared and were released - as if they were stored in my hips. The two yin yoga guides I use are Boho Beautiful and the Yoga Ranger Studio. . . Boho Beautiful is a younger woman that is super active and healthy. She has a lot of intermediate yoga, yet also a playlist of about a dozen yin yoga videos. Aprille Walker at the Yoga Ranger Station is older and much more motherly. She has around 100 yin yoga videos.
  3. I haven’t watched this video yet. I don’t see any videos on YT or the blog with “superhuman” in it. Can someone tell me the title of the video?
  4. @Nahm I’m curious about your impressions on a couple of things: — Can the relationship change such that thoughts aren’t “thoughts”? A sense of one inter-related happening arising. Feelings, thoughts, intuition, dog barks are all swirling around, prior to thoughts being distinguished as “thoughts”. — There are times I’m having a conversation with someone in which there is simply listening and speaking. There is no internal thought dialog in the mind. Words are simply coming out of my mouth. If we look back on it, it would seem like I was sharing “thoughts”. Yet that’s not what the relationship was at the time. There was simply speaking words happening, similar to blinking eyes happening and moving fingers happening. — In some ways, the appearances of images seem more like thoughts than thoughts. There are periods in which there are no linguistic thoughts, just images. Then there is an awareness shift and it seems like I was thinking. Yet it also seems like it was thoughtless imagination. Again, it seems prior to categorizing as “thought”.
  5. Fair enough. I could have misremembered. I’ve had to deal with a lot of gaslighting in the past and perhaps I’m overly sensitive to it. I’ll give the benefit of the doubt and retract my previous statement. I’m willing to say I’m not totally certain what the original post was and that you may be correct. I wish you the best along your journey ❤️ ?
  6. I didn’t add the rest later. If you don’t trust me that I am being honest with you here, I agree there is nothing more to say.
  7. Not cool. First of all, if I edit a post it will be marked as “edited”. That part was in the original post. For some reason, you didn’t see it or process it. Secondly, if we are to have a mutual exploration of ideas, there needs to be a certain level of trust and personal responsibility. Cynical gaslighting alters the dynamics of a conversation and it is a dealbreaker for me. That quote was in the original post. Period.
  8. Here is the perspective of a lifelong LAPD cop. He kinda rambles the first half of the article, then gives some of his insights into the events. He makes the argument that the prosecution won’t get a murder conviction. He mentions how Floyd resisted arrest and entry into the police car, he was intoxicated on fentanyl, was a meth user and was an “egg shell” due to his drugged state and a heart conditIon. As well, he mentions that “I can’t breath” is one of the most common ways to resist arrest and floyd claimed he couldn’t breath while resisting arrest into the police car. As well, he says the police report is written with seeds of doubt for a jury. After considering these points, I think a downgrade to manslaughter might happen.
  9. I didn’t say he was. I gave an example of different degrees of indifference. They are not all the same dynamic. In the case of the cop, being indifferent to wether you physically kill an unconscious man would be a degree worse than being indifferent about a starving child in Africa.
  10. I consider there to be different degrees of indifference. It’s one thing to be indifferent about starving children in Africa. It’s another thing to be indifferent while actively torturing someone. They are not the same psychological dynamic.
  11. If he thought floyd might just be unconscious, that would shift the dynamic toward intentional murder. They had him handcuffed with three cops on him, he is motionless for several minutes and the cop thinks he is unconscious and continues to put his weight into his neck. That seems like intention to induce more harm than unconscious, since he was already unconscious. I doubt he was intending to maintain a state of unconsciousness. Yet I’m also not saying he was intentionally trying to murder. He seems indifferent to me and his indifference might be considered a mental derangement.
  12. After a paramedic took his pulse and told the cop he had no pulse? C’mon.
  13. I just watched the second half. The me, it looks like the cop knew he was dead and kept his knee and full body weight on him for several minutes. That elevates the severity in my book. That is a level worse than a cop doing his job and using excessive force. It might not be a feature of a law, yet it is a sign of derangement.
  14. Intention gets tricky for me. The bank robber originally intended to steal the money and get away with it. Shooting a teller would put him in a worse position if he got caught, So during the robbery, things don’t go as planned and he needs to shoot the teller to get away with it. . . . How much time and calculation is needed to qualify as “intentional”. Lets say a teller tried to ambush the robber, the robber freaks out and shoots her. We could say this was reflexive or instinctual. Not intentional. . . Yet what if the teller looked over at the alarm switch and for three seconds, the robber surveyed his options and decided to shoot her. Is this sufficient to be “intentional”. When I think of unintentional, I think of something like a couple having an argument. He pushes her, she trips and falls over a balcony and dies. The guy killed her, yet didn’t intend to push her off the balcony. He actually is horrified she fell and died. That’s not what the cop looks like to me. Afterwards, he wasn’t like “oh shit! The guy died. Fuck.”. It looked more like he didn’t care.
  15. To me, it looks in-between intended and unintended. It looks like he didn’t care if he lived or died.
  16. I notice Minnesota has 2nd degree manslaughter as well as 2nd degree murder. I heard they are going fir 2nd degree murder. I’m not well-versed in law. I’m just speculating about which one fits best.
  17. Seems like 3rd degree to me. If the prosecutor goes for 2nd degree and comes up short, can there still be a3rd degree conviction? Or is the guy off the hook? Second-degree murder: According to the Minnesota statute, whoever causes the death of a human being, without intent to effect the death of any person, while committing or attempting to commit a felony offense other than criminal sexual conduct in the first or second degree with force or violence or a drive-by shooting” is guilty of murder in the second degree. Third-degree murder: According to the Minnesota statute, whoever causes the death of a person “by perpetrating an act eminently dangerous to others and evincing a depraved mind, without regard for human life, is guilty of murder in the third degree.”
  18. You are not. You are unaware of how radical, deep and expansive it gets. As I’ve said, I was immersed within a rational, logical, scientific paradigm for 25 years of my adult life before transcending it. I know these dynamics very well. There are aspects you are unaware of and assuming you are aware will limit you. Your potential is far greater than you are aware of. If you are serious about transcending the current paradigm you are within, I would highly recommend utilizing psychedelics. They will dissolve all of your rational/logical/science constructs and help you expand and awaken.
  19. If you would like to broaden and deepen your view of science and it’s relationship to reality, I would recommend listening to, and learning from, people that have gained expertise within science, have transcended science and can see the big picture, rather than accuse them of lying about their experience. I never claimed authority, yet I would be considered an authority in my areas of specialty by societal standards. Yet this has little relevance in the bigger picture that is transcendent to science. And upon further reflection, I came down too hard on you relative to where you are at.
  20. @Nak Khid In a relative context, I don’t disagree with you and I know how it’s upsetting to see people claim higher ground and refer to police brutality, rape and murder as love.
  21. From a human perspective, it seems like this is much easier realized in nature. I’ve walked with others in nature and have pointed to birth, growth, life, decay and death as one inter-related beautiful cycling of Love. Many people can see it. Yet as soon as humans are introduced, it’s like a switch is triggered and they go into a totally different mode and cannot see it.
  22. @Leo Gura Do psychedelics to allow some beings to temporarily access superhuman?
  23. In a rational, relative context of love you are correct. In this context, no one here is advocating to accept or cause harm to oneself or others. You are perceiving what you consider to be “nonduality” through a relative, rational filter. This creates distortion. A dead-giveaway of the attempt to maintain a relative, rational filter is that you continuously default to rape and murder as not being love. Of course, rape and murder are not love in a relative, rational context. You write: ”This is the danger I am talking about that occurs when nonduality is divorced from it's traditional and then when further confusion is added by attempting altering to change the meaning of the word love”. You are creating that divorce. No one here is advocating for the divorce of what you call “nonduality” and a relative form of love. A transcendent awakening reveals both and how they are connected as one. If you haven’t had a sufficient awakening, you will not be able to see this and absolute and relative will get conflated. The divorce, confusion and conflation is your creation by trying to figure this out through a limited rational, relative lens. As well, there is no objective, universal meaning of love in relative, rational constructs. You can easily explore this yourself by examining grey areas of what qualifies as “love” and how meaning is relative. For example, my parents don’t consider homosexual couples as being “love”. They see it as unnatural, deviant behavior. Yet to the homosexual couple the meaning is love. As well, you obviously don’t consider rape as love, yet I’ve known rapists that clearly considered it love. . . Yet again, these are relative explorations to breakdown the illusory construct of an objective, universal love within relative constructs. There are much much bigger fish to fry. What is being pointed to here cannot be figured out rationally, because the rational filter itself is causing distortion. You would need to awaken beyond this limitation. In doing so, you will not have to reject any of your relative constructs of love, yet you will become aware that they exist within a higher transcendent love. Some body-minds may realize this in a “Big Bang” type of awakening. Yet from what I’ve observed, most body-minds need to continually expand their capacity to love in a relative sense. The further out the boundaries are pushed, the higher likelihood of a big awakening. For you, rape and murder are too far outside your current edge. Focusing on rape and murder is just re-enforcing your relative, rational construct. I would consider working at your edge. For example, consider someone/something that is right on the edge of being worthy of your love. Who/what is in that grey area in which they sorta deserve your love, but don’t quite qualify for your love. Work in that range and expand your capacity for relative love. Ime, this will provide grounding for higher awakenings. You could also take a fast track through psychedelics, yet it would be much harder to integrate the higher awakenings on the small ground you currently stand. If and when you have a full awakening, you will realize “It’s Love”. There is no other word for it. It will be the word that appears.
  24. To me it seems like what you find “attractive” is evolving in a way that is foreign to you. There were times in which I started noticing things about women I never used to notice or care about. As they first surfaced, there was uncertainty whether they counted as “attractive”. Yet these features began to be attractive to me. I am now attracted to women very differently than I used to be. Yet with that said. . .. there can be an “it” between us. This “it” has had many different manifestations. These days, it is a combination of mental, emotional, intuitive, physical, intellectual, energetic flow. Yet it is not something I can create or dismiss. It’s a key ingredient in relationships for me, yet it’s rare and doesn’t always work out because of practical reasons. Currently, I am dating someone with whom we connect and get along very well, yet that holistic “it” is not there. It seems there for her, yet not for me. Unfortunately, it’s not always mutual. I enjoy being with her, we connect in a lot of areas and the practicalities are aligned. We are on the same page. Yet, I do miss that “it” and wish it was present. As well, for me what you are describing is getting waaaay ahead after only two dates. That creates all sorts of analysis, expectations and pressure. I’ve found it best just to enjoy time together for a while and get to know each other.