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Everything posted by Forestluv

  1. This can be very challenging, yet also very rewarding. It seems meta to ‘love vs. hate’ is Love.
  2. I said it seems like you watch sensationalized media that is FoxNews-like. Your ideology is reflective of that type of media. To me, you don’t have a broad, balanced view of America’s politics. You are free to disagree and dismiss my impressions. I am not a socialist and never said I was. Please don’t do that.
  3. Hmmm. . . Maybe I should try to coax some hunters in my area to take psychedelics to improve their hunting performance (as a sneaky way to move them up the spiral. . . ) I did yoga one time on 5-Meo. It was like God controlling my body. I couldn’t believe my body could move like that and do the things it did.
  4. I disagree with your views of American politics. I think you have a distorted view and are overblowing extremists. They are few ,marginalized and don’t have the power you think they do. It sounds like you are watching sensationalized media. Comparing a few radicals to millions of good-natured progressives is absurd. Progressives are the most loving people I have ever met. Go to a Bernie Sanders rally, it’s like a love-fest. I do not consider the radicals you describe to be anywhere near progressives. I work in U.S. academia and in my view, you don’t understand academia in the U.S. To me, it sounds like you have been watching a lot of FoxNews-like media. You are free to disagree with me. I don’t care. After I gave representative examples of progressives, the examples you listed included Kulinsky and Dore. My impression was that you were using them to support your views of radicals. I may have misinterpreted what you were trying to convey.
  5. Here is a video of citizens toppling the statue of slave trader Edward Colton and throwing it into the sea. If you’re one of the people who thinks throwing a statue of Edward Colston into the sea is bad, wait until you find out about the 19,000 slaves who died whilst his company transported them to the Caribbean.
  6. @Willie I’ve read those arguments. I think they had more relevance when the electoral college was created. America was unstable then and they need to hold it together. Today I don’t think those arguments over-ride the basic feature of democracy that each person gets one vote. It’s fine if you disagree with me.
  7. I would no longer be certain of that. . . As well, the only thing holding Trump back from his darkest desires is the election. If he gets re-elected, he will have to guardrails of accountability. He has taken of the Justice Department, protected himself from indictment and has created a trump-friendly Supreme Court. If he gets re-elected, act 2 will be much worse.
  8. If I lived in a society with a low enough conscious level to have a dictator, I would rather have that society be a democracy than a plutocracy, fascist or autocracy.
  9. The House of Representatives does not use the electoral college. For the House seats, everyone in the district gets 1 vote. That part is fair. The problem with House elections is gerrymandering of districts.
  10. I disagree. No authority should decide who is “ready” to vote. In a democracy, everyone gets 1 vote. Even people that I disagree with - they still get 1 vote. Even people that I may think are too stupid to vote wisely - they still get 1 vote. Just like me. No more. No less. The power of voting should be with the people. All people.
  11. @dkamenev I love his metaphor of “All Bones Matter”. If my femur bone is injured, I need to direct attention to healing my femur bone. As well anti-anti-racist = racist.
  12. @roopepa I love it. I was just thinking about how racial tensions would be significantly reduced if more people used LSD.
  13. Of course republican conservatives at heritage foundation think tank want to preserve the electoral college. I have read the arguments for it. Yet imo, they do not supercede the fundamental principal of democracy that each person gets one vote. It is unfair that some people only get one vote and other people get three votes. That is not a fair democracy imo.
  14. Then stop using the term “progressive” and use a more accurate term like extreme leftists. Using the term “progressive” for extreme leftists is inaccurate and misleading. And the priority of Kulinsky and Dore is not to “make everybody brown or make the whites a minority everywhere.”
  15. @Preety_India I’ve been there a few times. I love it.
  16. @Preety_India Hmmm, maybe Wyoming should get 3X voting power:
  17. Lots of cowboys there and Yellowstone National Park is amazing. Plus, we would get to increase our voting power ?
  18. I disagree. It is inherently unfair to give one person 1 vote and another person 3 votes. A tomato farmer in California gets 1 vote and a tomato farmer in Wyoming gets 3 votes. That is biased and unfair. Imo, each person should get 1 vote.
  19. No you don’t. The priority of progressives in America is not to “make everybody brown or make the whites a minority everywhere.” As I said, if you would like to educate yourself, look into prominent progressive politicians and progressive talk shows like the ones I cited above.
  20. This is a fear of white people and a FoxNews talking point. It is not a progressive position. If you would like to learn about the progressive platform, check out Bernie Sanders, AOC and Ro Khanna. As well, check out progressive talk shows like Rational National, Majority report and The Hill.
  21. @Consept I think Biden is a weak candidate, yet may pull it off as long as he doesn’t say anything batshit crazy. I think his strongest asset is having Obama’s guys write speeches about the heart of America and have Biden read it of a teleprompter. Biden is seen as a decent guy by the majority of Americans. He is not hated like Hillary was. And for most of Biden’s blemishes, Trump is worse. Biden says racially insensitive things while Trump says racist things. Biden has one credible sexual assault case, Trump has about twenty. The country just isn’t ready for Bernie yet. There are a lot of democrats whose #1 priority is beating Trump and they see Biden as they best shot. And Bernie only had about 40% of the democrat support. When the moderates coalesced around Biden, Biden won fair and square. The party is still more orange than green, yet things are shifting. I think in 4-8 years, someone like AOC could rise to the top of the Democratic Party.
  22. That is awesome. I would support building a statue in Amsterdam for a leader that helped lead to the acceptance of gay people. Perhaps it could be built next to the Homomonument.
  23. Yes, of course it was terribly one-sided. White Europeans invaded America and had much more sophisticated weaponry. They wiped out the native Americans in a horrific manner. It was very much a terrible one-sided era of history. Imo, we should build public statues for the best of the best. The people that are inspiring and give us hope. The people that we aspire to. The people that symbolize “This is what our country is about”. We should not build public statues for men that made their money and power trafficking slaves and fighting to continue slavery. The U.S. is not so morally bankrupt that we have to drop to that level. There are literally millions of Americans higher up than slave traders.