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Everything posted by Monkey-man

  1. @Leo Gura these are metaphors and they are powerful. For example I learned a lot about spiritual path from Lords of the Rigns. Ring of power is an ego, look how hard it is for Frodo to throw it away. Whole trilogy is an amazing map of how to get rid of ego and what are the obstacles for that. All the great virtues and values like Faithfulness courage nobleness that are arises in human on this journey is increasing as ego decreases. I learned that human-being is designed to be servant of higher will, not his own . In lord of the rings everyone wants to serve to ONE purpose even if it means death, they all find the only reason to live in that, and those who served ego lost. And even some simple cartoons like Pinocchio by Disney - this cartoon is so simple and yet genius! How mechanical puppet becomes real boy! Every second is metaphor of spiritual path and of development of consciousness. Also very good maps: Matrix, original Star Wars, Lion King.
  2. You don’t skip them, that doesn’t work; you transcend/sacrifice your psychological needs.
  3. Every time I have some meditation/self-inquiry breakthrough/insights/higher consciousness state I feel like slacking off, laid back, chilling etc and so I waste next couple days or even week not being as productive as before. WTF? How not to slack off after every spiritual 'achievement'?
  4. You see we can be happy in doing what we want and love only when we transcended our ego. Only in this case life aimed on doing what we want and love is not dangerous. BUT if we did not yet transcend our ego and our life becomes happiness-seeking thats essentially assumes suffering, its almost a law that I observe, because then you do what your ego wants/loves and thats not really what your true self wants/love and also ego is self's emotions based so it assumes bad emotion for every good emotion. If you use your mind to get happiness you end up with additional suffering, its like an emotional rollercoaster. Because emotions/feelings are outcomes, signs and bonuses, its not there to be pursued. See mind is a survival tool, it becomes completely out of hand and experiences suffering if we use mind for happiness-seeking, pleasure-seeking, feelings-seeking. We should use it for survival instead, at least before we did not transcend ego. Psychological Suffering is a merely a sign that something is going wrong, that you are not surviving well enough on psychological level. Yes! There's also a psychological survival additional to physical survival. If we are suffering emotionally it means that something is attacking us on psychological plane: psychological fears, negative emotions. All these things are stemming from ego-related or self-related thoughts. And these thoughts are coming from outside, we are attracting them but its not our thoughts. Its good to use spiral dynamics to map where you at in the current moment and see what can be the solution. If we are talking about psychological self-related suffering then it usually assumes Red on spiral dynamics, Red is when we act upon our vital self's will, if personal growth has stopped and vital self cannot develop anymore and it suffers instead then we start to think about meaning of life, purpose, how to be happy, seek solutions etc, and in the end after 10000 hours of self-help work we realize that we don't know solution and we are really powerless to change anything on the radical level other than to make some cosmetic changes, but thats not true radical change, so in order to go forward we must transcend our vital self, to proceed from Red to Blue one must sacrifice his vital self or vital ego and consciously (not out of fear) accept presence and surrender to absolute's will and be sort of servant of absolute's will 24/7. And its better not to become hermit or monk, its better to be in where you are, be in society - its much better. Be and surrender to society's stupidness, its so powerful. This will get rid of ego-related thoughts which are 90% of our thoughts on a daily basis. With our silence mind - THE descending energy will start to dive into your head easier without meeting thought-obstacles as before, and this energy will transform or clean up psychological mess in your head. This happens when you hear noise in your head, or when your head is buzzing during meditation. This is all about trying to establish contact with absolute-being and basically spiritual path in the beginning is all about this, about surrender and serving to the absolute infinity or god. This will devote you away from being under ego's control. Now from here you will start being like a patient and faithful servant until you are ready and brave enough to 100% surrender and here you will have your first permanent awakening when you transcend all psychological sufferings at once. Now you can be happy regardless of emotional circumstances, its Orange, here you left with your mental ego, then journey proceeds further in order to transcend it as well and become Green where you really connect with reality on a very heart-based authentic divine love and peacefully happy level. But anyways even before that, once vital/emotional ego is gone after complete 100% surrender which will take time, you no longer affected by emotional suffering, by fears, by psychological fear of death, your state of being stabilizes, its already very much happy state. So all these is just one way of looking at things but of course paths can be different for different people, but all paths lead to Rome anyways.
  5. this is absolute infinity, you accept that, but you still doubting whether parallel dimensions such as hell and heaven exists this is pretty much evident if you research this staff - Bible wasn't written by human's imagination, its coming from direct spiritual experience into higher planes of consciousness or to say better info was rather sent to spiritual masters from higher planes and and then it was interpreted by human's imagination into words, so source is true but of course its not free from wrong interpretations made by those spiritual masters. But also Bible is just as metaphorical as it is literal (as above so below). So heaven and hell are just as human states of being as they are parallel dimensions. Don't believe into mainstream understanding of Bible and religions in general, make research instead, holy scriptures and religions are more profound than what churches and media and 90% of the religious crowd thinks or atheist crowd thinks. I'd say Biblical cosmology with heaven and hell is just a tiny part of what is happening in parallel of our reality. After researching cosmology and spirituality I'd say that its highly likely that there are many various kinds of heaven and hell and that we'll go there in future and were there in past, and heaven and hell serve very much practical purpose for our reality's functioning, but of course the point of life is not about aiming towards heaven or trying to avoid hell. Actually if we aim towards heaven or avoid hell its very much ego-boosting goals, instead we should surrender, devote and serve for absolute infinity's will, this will bring us to truth. coz we either act upon ego's will or absolute's will
  6. and how to be instrument of absolute infinity
  7. Consciously accept being the servant of God's will or the will of Absolute Infinity in other words, and be it every second of your life until there is no you, this is nonduality.
  8. LEO is NEO LEO’s consciousness is Morpheus LEO’s doubts are Agent Smiths is Zion Matrix is Maya Machines are karma Red Pill is 5-meo-dmt LEO’s relationship with God is Trinity LEO’s intuition is Pifia LEO’s rational mind is Architect
  9. Maybe you’ve already noticed that our life is a battleground between various forces and entities. Before ego is fully gone, forces of light won’t grant us full protection, and we are mostly powerless puppets in the hands of dark forces and also many other forces. One of them is Satan or He-who-must-not-be-named because why grab his attention. It is just one name of very very ancient spirit who rebelled against the Source. As far as various mystics concerned, his main purpose is power over Earth and every other worlds as much as possible, he doesn’t limit himself. Little things that HE makes you to experience through sending his demons to you: fear sufferring doubt Tic disorders worries about future bad or useless thoughts related to self any kind of ego’s thoughts and desires swearing anxiety engage in pleasure-seeking activities engage in useless addictions Emotional criticism Clinging to materialist paradigm and blind atheism Thoughts like: ‘nah, such things do not exist’ also come from him, yes such thoughts are good for him not for you, because it will leave you asleep without being aware that your life is not under your control and prevent you from growth Being afraid of him is also not good. It’s better to be aware but without paying emotional attention. There are also big things: depression, suicide, self-destruction, anger, violence, power-seeking. All These things are his food just like banana is yours. he will do everything to prevent your soul from growth. I guess it’s better to use word prevent him instead of fight him because we can’t really fight or resist him if we have ego, fights or resistance are only beneficial for him in this way, we can only try to prevent him. Heres things that I do to prevent his little victories: Rubber band on a wrist to hit yourself whenever you-know-who is around forcing you to eat that junk food or indulge in pleasures or think about your self’s future and past Heart prayer against him, or listening to prayers (Islamic prayers against Jinns, Shaitans are very powerful, also Chrstian ones) Observing yourself without reacting negatively or positively to his commands what do you do to prevent him? Any techniques? Besides obvious ones like meditation and being aware. I’m asking only coz it’s getting diff, spiritual growth correlates with increase in his attacks, hope you already noticed that.
  10. Only ego wants to get something
  11. I don’t think it’s his decision, he probably received order from God to move on ( he is devotee of Shiva)
  12. @dorg @dorg yes, but Bhakti is also when you devote and surrender yourself to God and when you consider God not as yourself but as a higher power which is other than you. If it is other than you then you can fully let go control and surrender to IT, otherwise if you think that you are god before enlightenment then to what thing you surrender? To your own self? That doesn’t work very much imo This is common trap.
  13. If I can go back to my teens I would drop everything I’m doing and just work sincerely towards spiritual realisation, make it asap and only after realisation start truly living and know what I want to do. Because when u r still teen your mind is not as corrupt with beliefs yet so it’s so much easier and faster. Nothing else is more worthy to invest time now. But that’s just me
  14. @egoless nope, u can combine Jnani and Bhakti, actually it’s much better to combine them, they will unite in the end anyways
  15. IMO Leo relies too much on Jnani way, I think he needs to start Bhakti way more
  16. Jesus can materialise anything he wants out of nothing but he doesn't need anything
  17. And Green is not compulsive emotions/feelings. Green is heart-based feelings, this is something either above our ordinary emotions/feelings or transformed state, another side of the coin of our ordinary feelings, I think it’s what people call as ‘religious feelings’ such as agape, peace etc all those which makes us just to be in the moment, unlike Red compulsions which make us to act and go from point A to point B.
  18. Ppl tend to misunderstand spiral dynamics very easy. Spiral dynamics is not so much about your beliefs, beliefs are outcomes and secondary, it’s more about your state of being. Blue is when you become fully conscious of yourself, your actions, thoughts, habits, emotions. Fully self-disciplined, it’s emergence of the cold witness. Old Testament where God punishes and watches everyone is representation of how to become Blue, here God is only a witness, not yet all-loving Green dude like in New Testament. Before this witness emerged one is still very much Red because one is still slave to compulsive thoughts, emotions, habits, stereotypical actions. See, you might be big thinker and think that you are Orange or Yellow but if thinking is not under control and your mind can’t be in silence - you are not Orange, but Red. Orange is cold rational mind so it should be free from compulsive stereotypical thoughts because otherwise it’s not cold and rational, and Red is compulsive one, with compulsive unregulated thoughts even if it is highly intellectual thoughts.
  19. So Hawking didn’t agree with Bohm and other fathers of QM?
  20. IMO Twin flames are real deal but often what we feel for twin flame is just an illusion, an ordinary lustful love/passion Often but not always id say if you aligned with your higher-self or what’s called god’s will - your chances to meet your twin flame increases significantly. Just do research on cosmology of spiritual traditions, it has many things on feminine and masculine halves connecting on earth, and also make some observation of your own life - there are various types of love that we experience through life
  21. R u sure? Have u tried? Is there any articles on this topic? Interesting
  22. Pigs-daddies eat their children
  23. @Truth yes I know, I meant from perspective of localised phenomenas
  24. Interesting, why did you pick this one as one of three main obstacles/needs that u listed along with diet and meditation? I know it’s a big obstacle but what makes it so special to be in top 3?