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Everything posted by Monkey-man

  1. Prayer works. In the beginning you try to pray as sincerely as possible, pray to connect with G
  2. i was solipsist back in times when i was 10, without even knowing it i was like: 'whats it like to be someone other than me? how's that possible at all?' i had deep feeling that i'm the only person who exist in this world, the only one who has experience
  3. of course hell exists, its not totally eternal though because everyone will eventually be saved, and it exists for our reality to function properly
  4. @phoenix666 don't focus on the energy itself, just let go and observe or be aware of presence as a whole, not one part of presence
  5. It is THE DESCENDING EVOLUTIONARY ENERGY or THE POWER, its coming straight from THE-SOURCE and descends into our heads and purifies us from 'ego structure' with its energetic blockages unlike what 99% of seekers think, its that evolutionary energy or the power that make us enlightened, not techniques u only need to be open to and surrender to this energy through surrendering and heart-based sincere willingness to connect with god-the-source its the most direct path to dissolve ego, your path will become much smoother and shorter, you will save years of techniques-based seeking, techniques are important to connect and you need to continue using them until first awakening when mind becomes meditative, but essentially the whole work is done by the energy, not techniques.
  6. the only true/natural/transformative yoga is integral yoga of Sri Aurobindo. he's the only yogi who understood true implications of enlightenment and spirituality and jesus christ's mission for humanity. Everything else is for fun.
  7. @pluto you must surrender and accept the world's reactions against you! this will diminish your own ego. thats a part of the game! life is a school
  8. forget that, don't even try to talk about this with anyone. instead become enlightened and your mere presence will change others
  9. we can say that everything is consiousness and also we can say that there are many degrees of expression of consoiusness or light minerals are lower animals are higher and humans are higher than animals etc
  10. what about devotion/worshipping God or bhakt people? are there many people like that?
  11. @Prabhaker so you are from India? do people there discuss enlightenment at all?
  12. communism of course, people will have all the food, shelter and all the basics provided by governments. These will mark end of capitalism as we know it today. First countries to reach that stage are Scandinavians. The golden era of wealthy and peaceful and spiritual times on Earth with unification of all nations and with 90% of the world population being enlightened will begin in approx 22 century and last until approx 25 century and then it will be followed by rise of 1 or 2 centuries of antichrist's rule when even enlightened people won't be able to abstain from his influence, and anarchic war that will follow after his death. War will be ended with the judgement day which is the quantum leap of evolution, homo sapeinses will be transformed into new race, then there is no need in money and economy at all.
  13. what is reproduction? what is sex? why it is pleasurable? why it is such a strong instinct? are biological instincts of the physical body primordial to mind and spirit and love? what is evolution? what is body? what is human? what are instincts? Ask right questions OP and you shall see right answers, don't fall into materialist paradigm that can't see beyond chemical reactions of the body.
  14. hey this is wrong, and misunderstanding of the game. the point of game is not to 'make it how we please' but to surrender to absolute infinity's will. If we make it how we please we only cultivate our ego and continue living in illusions. surrender until you have zero desires - this is the way. also, this reality has logic, but its not our human limited logic. it is META-LOGIC
  15. zen devil is when you are enlightened to the extent that you have transcended your vital ego or your fears, psychological fear of death, doubts, sufferings, attachments to life, but still have a mental/spiritual ego which is a sense of superiority. It happens because after person have put so much effort for enlightenment and finally became enlightened he will feel like he is a spiritual hero. Because enlightenment doesn't yet mean end of mental/spritiual ego. By enlightenment I mean enlightenment that most people have attained which is birth in the soul when you no longer identified with body. There is also a higher stages of enlightenment when your ego disappears completely and you don't even consider your enlightenment as something special or differentiate between your state and other people's state. The main danger of zen devil is that you will become affected by dark forces if you feed your spiritual ego, and become Darth Vader, this is no good if you do it for too long because your spiritual ego might eventually EAT your soul and you can end up messing up with egoic use of different siddhis and eventually gone insane, or you simply will slow down your spiritual growth by feeling superior, and then you have to resolve your karma in the next reincarnation instead of growing your soul. Zen devilry is a phenomena of ZEN because Buddhism is nontheistic, and Buddhists rely on their own power only, but if you only rely on yourself you will eventually take enlightenment-reward as something that your SELF has achieved and mastered, these will fuel your spiritual ego. To transcend spiritual ego you need to rely and surrender to higher power or God as a higher authority, this will speed up dissolution of spiritual ego. But Buddhists and also modern Western ppl usually don't like to do that, thats why even first enlightenment might take decades if you only rely on yourself, then of course you will feel like a spiritual hero after spending decades in lotus posture.
  16. God is a dreamer, he dreamt to have humans in heavenly world, but he realized he wants to have conscious humans, coz he can't talk with unconscious humans, and human can become conscious after learning process, so he created earth where humans evolve from microbe towards homo sapeins and into superhuman. The reason why humans like to daydream about having a great life is because thats how God is, he is the greatest dreamer
  17. In atom there are negatively charged electrons and positively charged protons, also neutrons with no charge. I wonder does it somehow relate to negative and positive feelings,emotions? Can we say that love is positively charged feeling and hate is negatively? How does it relate to good and evil? Why positive and negative electrical charges exist from physics standpoint? Why atoms cannot be only positive? Why electrons are essential?
  18. whats the difference between consciousness and awareness? and between being conscious and being aware and being self-aware and being conscious of self?
  19. @Leo Gura ohhh thank you very much Leooo!! its really seem to be subtle differences
  20. @Leo Gura @Nahm why electric charges called as positive and negative, plus and minus? I don’t really know physics. Can you clarify why it is the case?
  21. This is not proper enlightenment, it’s a witness state, man you half-assed spiritual work with your crazy techniques, eventually they led to such painful experiences. Who told u to live in the darkness for a month and to make ice bath? OMG
  22. Oh yeah, it’s a masterpiece! And it’s a great map. Only when main character stopped pretending and acting (playing ego), only then Groundhog Day has been overcome.
  23. I see enlightenment motive (or spiritual path) in every great movie, novel, story, animated film, piece of art. Enlightenment is embedded within the hero’s journey. Truly Great movies are like great visual maps for spiritual path, maps that includes obstacles which are often not addressed by modern spiritual books. You too?