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Everything posted by Monkey-man

  1. Leo, do you still understand Russian perfectly? Will you be able to read long and dense philosophical book in Russian, assuming that there's no English-version of it?
  2. @Prabhaker coz abrahamic religions are not about enlightenment per se. Enlightenment can happen to you through them but it’s not the ultimate goal and main idea of these religions. And again you don’t need to believe in God for enlightenment, you don’t need religion and scriptures and faith and prayers for that. If you are God then you are praying to yourself, what the hell! How can you even pray to yourself? Can’t you see so many contradictions. Moreover, if reality is impersonal then how can you pray to something which is impersonal? How can impersonal respond to your prayers. And why you even need to pray for enlightenment? Enlightenment doesn’t require prayer. Jesus didn’t mean that he is one with reality/being, he didn’t mean reality/being by God, no one would care about him if he was one with reality because there were tones of mystics in that times who were enlightened and were one with reality. I’m only telling this because I also had same view in past so I understand your misunderstanding. It requires research.
  3. Leo misunderstands awakening experiences of oneness for God, he thinks absolute oneness is God, however oneness is not God. From monotheistic (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) perspective any awakening experience of oneness do not imply that you are God or that God is everything. In monotheism, oneness of being is oneness of being, but it is not God, because being is not God, everything is not God, oneness is not God, nothing is God, only God is God. Human and being are one(ness), while God transcends being, oneness and everything else. In monotheism, being is created by God for himself, and controlled by God, but God is not being. Here's proof: if God is being, and you are God, then why the hell you need things like: faith, prayer, God's laws, religious rituals, obedience to God, fearing God, being slave to God, religion, revelations, prophets, holy scriptures, Bible, church, heaven, hell, beliefs, and even idea of God? Awakening to oneness of being and realising that you are oneness does not need any of these things. Buddha didn't need anything for that other than meditating. Hence they all are total illusion and nonsense and falsehood if you are God and if being is God because there is no reason to believe in God if it is right in front of you and if it is you. No reason to obey God as the highest authority, if this authority is you. There is no single reason to have faith in something which you can experience and which obviously exists and can be seen. Just like there is no reason to believe in your table because table is right there, why do you need to believe in something which is right there? This is a good place to start research.
  4. If you do fasting for the sake of God because God commanded so in his final word (and not for your health/well-being/enlightenment) then it will purify your soul, and make you closer to God (not make you God because no one can become God, God transcends being according to monotheism)
  5. As far as I read from teachers experiences: Moment of Enlightenment feels like you are going to die. That moment you accept death, surrender to God, and then for a moment it feels like you are literally dying and losing consciosuness, the next moment some bubble inside of your chest is bursted, and you are enlightened. Thats why Leo says what he says.
  6. Thought = language = meaning = reason = word = logos We don't need thought or language for physical survival, we can survive greatly without ever thinking or knowing any languages. We don't really need thought or language for communication (just like animals can communicate without language and thought) So what is thought/language is really a mystery I don't think it has purpose in life of material world because all that exists for humans in material world only exists for self-survival purposes, I think its purpose is for human-being to know how to move beyond this world because frankly this world does not need thought at all. Thought is rather alien to this world. According to theological interpretations, human-beings v1.0 were living in infantile unconscious blissful state on Earth, and communicated by telepathy (also without thoughts), sounds, nonverbal signs, so communication was totally situational and not language-based. There was no language and no thoughts. And once upon a time there was creation of Adam (human-being v2.0) and Adam differed because he had language/thought and he spread it across unconscious blissful humans. Once humans received language their lives turned into suffering, they started to feel cold, hot etc. Theology says that language/thought is instrument of thinking (and not of communication), which was given to Adam by God so humans can use language to live accordingly to God's providential plan/idea (Logos). However, throughout time language became used for communication and the whole point of language is lost because thinking is opposite of communication. Internal dialogue within one's mind is still a communication and not thinking. Actual thinking occurs without dialogue as far as I understand. Also in theology, in apocalypse day human-beings will forget language and will forget that they ever knew any language, so world will be perceived as totally chaotic field of undefinable objects and this will induce sense of horror. I actually had this experience once, having deconstruction session I realised that language is not real, and after a while of this realisation I couldn't speak and think, I was speechless and had sense of horror and shock for several hours, I looked at my room and it was not a room anymore but bunch of meaningless objects, I looked at my hand and it was not a hand but something which I had no idea and no thought of what it is. U can't think without language. I had cold shower and hot shower but experienced no difference between them, discomfort couldn't enter mind and stayed somewhere in the body. Therefore, the actual matrix is not an ego, not rules, not sense of lack, but language. Others are secondary. In the movie the Matrix, this was greatly articulated - bunch of numbers and letters symbolised matrix. So language is the matrix, when person is an infant baby he receives the matrix with his mother's speech. If baby does not hear language he is out of matrix. Once he is absorbed by language completely, he is stuck in the matrix, once he is stuck - language is eating his inner time, matrix steals your time coz without thought/language there is no psychological time. Therefore, thought/language has created matrix, hence sufferings, but also thought/language is instrument of breaking out of the physical world into divine world according to God's providential logos. So matrix = culture = inevitable drawback of leading unconscious nature into consciousness. I've noticed that these days many lil kids are very late in learning how to speak comparing to previous generations, today many can't speak even being 6 years old. I guess it means that humans become more resistant to matrix/culture, in other words they have more time to develop some consciousness before they are enslaved. I guess it is the sign of progress coz it will be easier for them to break through the matrix.
  7. Question to all, did you ever have experience when you had sudden divine spark? Like sense of divine around you? Its not really sense of love or happiness or joy, its rather sensing divine presence, divine or godly is first word that comes to mind when such experience happens, can be really subtle and last for few seconds, but its not really joy and any good feelings, its more like presence of divinity. Im asking coz not all enlightened people report that, they all report joy and peace and love but not all report experiencing divine presence. However, some enlightened ppl feel divine presence all the time. I wonder how to reconcile that.
  8. To make a point to previous comments, I will make point because it might help to someone who wants to progress beyond nonduality: salvation and enlightenment are not the same things. And Jesus didn't teach oneness and enlightenment per se, he taught faith and obedience to one God and salvation through being born into Holy Spirit (which is miracle that can be in this life, but it's not coming from this world/from this existence, its not some mystical experience or awakening). Although he defo was enlightened and one with everything, but that's not what he meant when he said that I am one with God. Have you ever heard Buddha saying such words about Holy , about god or anything like that? Of course no, because Buddha and Jesus taught different things. God in Christianity (and in Islam/Judaism) is not everything/nonduality/Brahman/nothingness/infinity/being/existence/consciousness/dream/reality/absolute oneness it is none of this being, it transcends this being. That's why revelations, meaning, miracle, holy, prophets, beliefs and faith, while enlightenment doesn't need any of that, has no meaning, need no faith, no god, no scriptures, and no teachings ! rabit hole goes very deep, seek and you shall find Leo is correct when he intuits and says that there can be more than just absolute truth, infinity. When you might think what can be more than infinity and absolute truth? Leo doesn't know what it is, but his intuition is correct
  9. @Ether Architect is the program within the Matrix as far as I remember, but he is not the Deus ex machina, the godhead of machines. The godhead of machines created architect so architect will create the matrix, if I remember correctly. So architect is like demiurge, lucifer, or creator of physical reality. But he is not the personification of Abrahamic God.
  10. God in Abrahamic religions is not ultimately about having awakening to oneness, God in Abrahamic religions is about believing in transcendent God, its about conscious act of faith. So one the one hand: there is monotheism of Abrahamic traditions which is based on revelations from prophets And on the other hand: oneness, infinity, void, absolute, all that is what we can call as true/absolute nature/substance of reality Humanity have known and experienced this things (oneness) long time ago, Platonism is based on that, Hinduism is based on that, Buddhism is based on that, you ask whats not based on that, everything, even polytheistic, shamanistic traditions had this awakenings to the core of reality. However, people and spirituality across the world did not exactly understand: well, all is one, now what precisely to do with this amazing oneness? Whats the point? Reach ultra-joyful state of being, have siddhis, do magic, have out of body, go to spend some lifetimes in heavenly dimensions, live to the full on the earth, quite all whatsoever and annihilate into nirvana? What exactly to do? The 'burden' of self-awareness were always too much to carry on, this burden asks questions about future even if you are enlightened guru who is 'joyful'. Being joyful didn't help people to drop hunger for meaning, hunger for something which is not what is, hunger for at least some importance. One could say that strive for such things coming from ego, however experience of enlightened sages in history proves that even when ego is gone, question for meaning is still there, ability to have faith in something beyond what is - is still there. Some subtle sense of restlessness still bothered greatest sages of all. Some like Ancient Greeks have adopted 'life's good approach' or hedonistic treadmill, it is what we call polytheism. Just have joy, love, live, and philosophise like Platon. However, happiness never lasts forever because you will die, and be maybe reborn again and suffer again. On some point joyfulness stopped to satisfy human beings. Didn't seem enough. Some like Hindus and Buddha, were sceptic about limited possibillities of hedonism, they didn't feel quite right about having endless pleasure on earth or in heavenly dimensions without any meaning whatsoever, especially given that joy for them was illusiory anyways, especially given that you reincarnate and must suffer again until you realize truth again and so on forever, so they decided to adopt 'quitting everything' approach having decided that life is pointless suffering samsara, quitting also were via escape into the nirvanic ecstatic state, being in the empty silence of ananda. Buddha was very much about that. But this escape too couldn't satisfy majority, whats the point of coming here if we are just to vanish into nirvana? Something put us here so we just leave? Didn't seem enough. If some advanced beings in Greece and in India at least had some strategy of dealing with life or had 'earthly wisdom', but so-called unspiritual part of humanity were completely lost in the sufferings and passions of this world, if you look on the history of humanity of last 10,000 years, its just never-ending battles for survival and physical suffering, tragedy after tragedy, burden of having self-awareness. However, here comes the mysterious part of God. You see oneness/absolute/infinity is not the mystery coz it is what is, it is what can be realised, it is what were realised by many people before, it is absolute truth. Hence its not the mystery, its obvious. But for human-beings it was never enough really, what was the point of the whole deal they asked themselves, if nothing ever changes under the sun? What is the truth within the absolute truth? Whats right in the truth? For millenniums people only had hope that maybe something will ever change, they believed that maybe something will change in this undifferentiated bowl of oneness jungle. Also, if its oneness, how does that explains duality within oneness? Why there is opposition? Why there is individual awareness being within this moment of here and now? If awareness is one, why it has individualised aspect present within human-beings? Thats when we come to the Abrahamic prophets, and their mission. These prophets are messengers of so-called 'the good news'. The good news is coming from that very mystery of 'why anything? why we are here asking about meaning in this bowl of oneness?' Message tells that yes, there is something in the future, God (or Mystery within Absolute oneness) gives you promise of this and that, but there's no proof for that, no rational understanding, you can only believe in that, have faith in the message, have faith in that which is not what is (God), not because I have proof, but because your essence (spirit) within your heart and your mind comes to the conscious conclusion that there is something true in this message that resonates within your heart and your mind. Your spirit smells truth. And you left to make leap of faith into the impossible thing, leap of faith is act of conscious will. To believe into impossible thing (God is whats impossible to be) which is silently sparkling within your heart ever since you were kid. And faith makes you to live accordingly to the message (message is the map for those who thinks for themselves). Not because that has any ground in the being (God here is the opposite of being), but because there is faith in something, and you yourself don't quite understand why believing in something even happens. What is the promise? Kingdom of God, New heaven, New earth after last judgement (not old infantile heavenly dimensions which never satisfied ancient people but mature heaven with things to do) . But however, this is interesting thing: its not really the heaven that motivates people, its rather that this promised thing is whats real within the dream world. There is one tiny real thing in between truth of absolute oneness. And this real thing has so many 'grande' things within: like faith, will, fight (holy war), 'God's plan', greatness, sacrifice, meaning, virtue. Things that do not really exist in the dream world, yet the revelations triggers the very hidden ability of human beings to actualise virtual virtues. To make dreams come true. To make impossible and non-existent to be. The dream world is simulacra and simulation, or copy, enlightenment makes you to realise that its the dream and you come to conclusion that the dream is the only reality. However, this what make people to be dissastisfied, they wanted real reality, not reality = dream. They wanted something from the source, something free from lies, otherwise enlightenment just make you to be one truthful dude living among lies, didn't make sense to people. People wanted real. This real is what is holy or divine in the Abrahamic sense. Thats why Holy Spirit, not just any spirit. Now the question, is that for real? Or do people just trying to feel important in the meaningless samsara? Well, the answer is figure out for yourself, you were given mind to think about this very thing. Revelations are just like a map that you find in the desert to finish the journey. Its not about blind belief, nope, faith in the benevolent mystery plays role of the last key of deconstruction of reality. Adam, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad. Gospels, Quran. God in Abrahamic traditions is that very mystery of whats beyond 'what is'? Mystery of why do we have ability to believe if there is nothing to believe in within the meaningless samsara of oneness, why do we have ability to give meaning to something if all is meaningless? God is the very origin of meaning, the very origin of cosmic drama played out among cartoon characters made from matter. Logos = meaning/word/concept. In the beginning there was Logos, and Logos was with God, and Logos was God. 'In the beginning, God taught Adam to name animals (to give meanings to things)' In the end of the day, nothing in this world, neither body nor mind nor external world want meaning or want to believe in anything, only tiny divine spark within you wants it because its very job is all about meaning, believing and actualising potential of believing. Not intelelctual belief in anything, but belief of divine spark in the very essence of divine spark. God in Abrahamic sense is the mystery, it is transcendent = that which is not anything of this world, its not absolute oneness but that which is not. It can't be known and realised, you can establish 'connection' with its spirit here, you can feel its presence in your life, you can experience awakenings to the spirit, but overall on the grand scheme of things (beyond your death) you only can have faith in it, of course not the blind faith but conscious faith, faith is the act of intellectual will. And holy revelatons are not about entering organised cult, no, scriptures are maps in the dessert of unknown, maps are for people to read consciously and through heart, for people to understand and to realise truth resonance within the scripture (divine spirit within you is this discernment mechanism of true and false). Probably the biggest thing to think about is not god, but faith and believing.Why there is faith, why to believe in impossible God? If there is ability to believe in impossible transcendent God, then there must be a reason for this ability to exist in the first place? Don't ask so much of whats the meaning instead ask why do you have urge for meaning? Just like there is a reason for eyes - to see, and for ears - to hear. This question is worth to ask yourself. This is indeed the matrix. if you remember, in the beginning of the movie: Trinity (God in Chrstianity) were first one who appeared, she was hacking the matrix, trying to contact 'the one' and in the end we see that the godhead or deus ex machina or boss of machines was the one who created the matrix, one who put humans into the matrix, and he was the one who made humans to escape the matrix through creating program 'the one'. The one is your spirit, individualised awareness. PS. Think about nonduality and enlightenment as the high school of spirituality, and about Gospels and Quran and Abrahamic scriptures as the university of spirituality.
  11. One must be aware about the crucial difference between God in pantheistic, monistic and nondualist sense as = absolute/oneness/Brahman/nothingness/everything/infinity/void/emptiness and God in monotheistic sense
  13. I think present moment is awareness, hence there is no present moment in time, hence present moment doesn't exist per se, present moment is presence or awareness
  14. @Dinesh Karki I find him worth to listen to if u interested in psychology and maps of meanings in extraordinary stories that reflect ordinary life. he also has great understanding of Old Testament but not yet of New Testament. JBP is expert on so called lower plane of truth or dark side of life and how to handle it, that's why he likes Dostoyevsky, Nietzsche and other ppl who investigated ugly side of humanity. This is Old Testament (God is strict judge). Truth seeking starts with realisation of suffering that were caused by ignorant actions, and ways how to start doing right thing in terms of behaviour that is more with alignment with reality so you don't need to live in chaos, and through that process you meet with judge or karmic aspect of god (Old Testament). That's JBP s area of expertise But he doesn't talk about higher plane of truth or bright side of humanity (Jesus and New Testament, God is love). But on the other hand, we have plenty of people who talks about bright side of truth through direct experience like Mooji etc. And not so much of dark side, so JBP is ending up to be on the right place, doing something which we also need in order to see bigger picture.
  15. Best thing JBP does is cartoons. I want JBP to make archetypical analysis of every Disney cartoon. Are there any good books, websites, videos about archetypes and meanings in Disney cartoons, and in movies in general?
  16. i don't trust in shaking and dancing thing for kundalini awakening. did u awaken it with such method? are there anything else we can do for kundalini awakening?
  17. What do you do to humble your self? Very essential thing
  18. Lord resonates with me for some reason, benevolent Lord that will take care of you if you adopt his will and give your life to him. I believe that human beings are very bad in controlling life and in chasing their own desires, own goals, in having own opinions, and having burden of control, none of that is truly satisfying, we are just too limited to even control our own mouth, but they are very good in serving someone, pleasing someone, they are good if they receive a task to do. This is very satisfying. I believe that what we really want in our current immature stage of evolution. And thats how we are designed to be. Coz at some point you realize there's truly not much to do on this earth, u realize you don't really want anything, you don't really need anything, you realize you are ready to die and not exist at all. But then you see that God (or infinite intelligence) itself wants something from you, and you are designed to serve the God 'him'self, you see that you have your own role to participate in this infinite game, you have some sort of a job to do and that kind of awakes your very essence, its like your very essence or your 'soul' wants that, wants to work towards this 'God's plan'. Even if this plan is just a meaningless game. Just like your hoover is designed to clean your carpet, you are designed to do some small things in this world, like a toy soldier is designed to play particular role on the the board game. You can see human-beings as programs and it can be a beautiful perspective. Reality also cares for itself, so God cares for itself, you can feel that sometimes if your faith becomes stronger, as if you are being watched and sort of 'cared' by someone invisible. This are two things that human being truly want I believe. 1) To do something that his soul is designed to do or 'to please and serve the Lord' and 2) to be taken care of so you don't need to have burden of worrying for self-survival. But to control this infinite game is not really what we want, and its simply impossible but ego of course wants that and if ego becomes too big it can become a dictator who lost his mind because his desire to control is just not what his nature is designed to do.
  19. Unlike what most people think, Blue seems to be as a phase of Truth-seeking. Its even called Absolute Truth stage. So all truth-seekers are Blue. This is the stage when you try to discipline yourself and get rid of Red compulsions. All religious (dogma-oriented) people and people who are trying to find meaning in other-than-Truth activities are also Blue, but real Truth-seekers are stronger Blue, and can go beyond Blue much faster. All the rules, morals, 'virtues', discipline etc arises in oneself from this very process of truth-seeking or meaning-seeking. Socially imposed rules and morals are not yet Blue because you just copied or were enforced to accept them from childhood to adolescence, when you still not very conscious, and not seek for a meaning. You accepted them unconsciously so they are not yet Blue. But when you do it willingly or you find morals and find rules and find its benefits on the path and adopt them then it is Blue. And Orange is first proper Enlightenment (same what Buddha realized under Boddhi tree). Yes, Orange is that, mind free from compulsions, joyfulness of life, realization that life having many possibilities (freedom) or life is the game for the sake of a game. If you dig dipper in spiral dynamics you will see it. Its my opinion of course. I never saw anyone refer to Orange as to enlightenment. And Green is equanimity stage of enlightenment, 3rd dhyana in Buddhism. Less of a rapture and playfulness, and more of a peace and equanimity. Yellow is when you can't feel your body if you don't focus on it, or 4th-5th dhyana (infinite consciousness, god-consciousness). This stage is achievable if you continue to live spiritually or do sadhanas in the marketplace after your enlightenment.
  20. From what I've noticed only 'low conscious' people make kids. And Enlightened ppl aren't driven by reproduction instinct so much. They can easily be celibate for whole life Ive noticed that 'truth seekers' or people with spiritual talent tend to have problems in family, with tyrannical father, weak father, devouring mother, overprotective mother etc etc etc Its almost like souls with high spiritual potential incarnate into baby of low conscious parents so the kid can save their parents from unconscious catastrophe. Or like Jordan Peterson says: rescue your father from the underworld. Its almost like parents are captivated under a spell after baby is born, or baby is being under a spel after a birth that changes parents behaviour . It's a common archetype: baby is born and bewitched or father is thrown into the underworld. According to stats, Families tend to become very unhappy after kids born Maybe birth of child triggers some sort of subconscious mechanism in parents that make them to realize on subconscious level that they gave birth to a baby because of mechanic or unconscious lustful intention? And that's how ppl usually make kids, being driven by lust. 'Born into sin'? And so they get stucked into feeling ashamed but on deep subconscious level, sort of traumatized and their consciousness level falls down without them realizing that. So they gradually change from angels into demons after kid is born and until this kid is 20,30,40 or until kid won't 'save them' by saving himself Probably this is some sort of self-preserving mechanism of our reality, it's the way reality protects people and enforces spiritual evolution by mixing ppl with different consciousness so they can change each other. Mixing them up creates tension and tension creates conflicts and conflicts create growth Then one of the reason people are programmed to make kids is not only reproduction program but also that kid is a potential saviour of their parents from the underworld of unconscious or eventual 'damnation'. So there are not only material but also spiritual component for giving birth. Kid does it by of course enlightening himself and that eventually might affect parents consciousness through spreading high vibrational level or energy I guess. So parents have subconscious need to give birth to a 'hero' coz they are not yet conscious enough to save themselves and they don't know they need to be saved but their subconscious knows and it knows the way out: to give birth to someone who can That doesn't change the tendency that highly conscious/enlightened ppl don't tend to make kids, maybe because there are no reason for them to do that from reality's self-preserving perspective, if they are already 'saved' and are not driven by reproduction instinct, then reality ,which cares for over-population I guess, wouldn't prefer to encourage baby-making for them as they have no utilitarian need in that.
  21. haha of course not the second. I mean I learn many new things or new ways of understanding spirituality even from just one post you write, so I wondered whether you have collection of your writings somewhere, I'd like to read them. If you ever start blog again send me a link plz!