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Everything posted by Monkey-man

  1. Vegetarians tend to look very young even in their 40s-50s thats what I observed.
  2. No of course not, I just wonder - is it really healthy for the body to live without all the essential elements only meat has?
  3. I have some mild or medium form of derealisation also known as depersonalisation, and I have it for quite a long time now. I wonder, the descriptions of enlightenment (especially those articulating to stance when you feel like you don't have control of yourself and you feel like watching yourself from 3rd person view) is actually quite similar to what I feel with this derealisation. I wonder are these experiences share any degree of similarity? The only sure thing I can tell is that derealisation is not very pleasant condition when you feel like you are walking in the dream and lost sense of reality where colours become greyer, while enlightenment, which I never had, sounds as a positive realisation of walking in the dream and here you gain more sense of reality and more colourful life. Also, if someone have or had this, how did you cure it? Coz I feel like after about 6 years with it, there is no permanent cure, only temporary reliefs.
  4. That I should have gone and pursue an art carrier that I wanted to from early ages, and should have drop out from school, or at least don't go to uni and go work in that field instead which I think was possible. Don't waste best years of your life in 12 years of school and 4 years of college; if you, for example want to become an artist or entrepreneur, go and be it instead! ESPECIALLY if you want to see the world and if your parents can provide you at the beginning. Don't become locked up in the system of meaninglessly many years of education and corporatocracy. These institutions were built to serve us, but instead 90%of ppl serve those institutions becoming locked up there. ESCAPE FROM MATRIX. MAN THIS IS THE BEST ADVICE I CAN GIVE TO KIDS! You can gain knowledge which you 'will miss' or need through self-education, which is 100 times more efficient. Any subject at school that you don't like you want really study and remember or apply even if you are at school every day! While any subject you need or like you can learn by yourself much more efficiently! And all the social life which u think u will miss at school - the social life u can get through real life outside of the school will be much more enjoyable!
  5. But there's a deep controversy I don't get here - Leo said that small babies until around 3 years old and animals are permanently enlightened, they are just not aware of that. And yet animals and little babies are driven by self-survival only. Does not that imply they are simultaneously completely ego-driven, and act, feel and perceive reality purely as absolute consciousness and their true nature??? Please clarify
  6. So does it mean that once you truly enlightened your ego is gone forever? You mean you can become permanently enlightened 24 hours?
  7. I think Jim just summarises how fragile and temporary our life is - funniest artist of the world, turned his job into constant fun and yet ended up in deep depression.
  8. You guys perhaps heard what mirror neurons are. They are responsible for many things such as learning through copying others and empathy, i.e. they are directed towards external world. I wonder, since enlightenment is an awareness of ultimate unity with external world and realisation of no-self - is it not then a condition when those mirror neurons are being so highly activated that it shuts down our 'internal-oriented parts of brain', so we can feel so ultimately connected with external world to the extent that abandon ourselves? Especially when I read abt how psychedelics help you to achieve enlightenment. Don't they manipulate chemical processes in brain? Then doesn't it mean that enlightenment is just a chemical process in brain, i.e. just another EMOTION like fear, love, sadness which are ultimately illusions created by mind coz they are merely a chemical processes? The only difference is that this emotional state reached through various techniques such as meditation. Please clarify and give me arguments against (without throwing stones)
  9. Hey, folks This is something I've wanted for ages now. And I feel like time has come. I am going to India to live in ashram and meditate. I've no idea though which one is better and not a scam? I'm for some reason leaning towards Himalayan in Rishikesh city such as Parmarth Niketan Ashram along the Ganges river. Or to Dharamsala, where Dalai Lama resides, although it doesn't seem many ashrams there.. Anyways, which are the best ashrams, and which area? Would you recommend go to North (Himalayans) or to other parts? I am afraid of both too touristy hotel-like ones (such as famous Osho centre) and too authentic hardcore ones (due to their hygiene standards mostly). I guess it should be something with taught group practices? I feel like this forum has plenty of ppl who've visited or researched the subject.