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Everything posted by Monkey-man

  1. infinity = one infinity is free but its one so there are causality and limits within one free will = determinism
  2. Big insight on dream dreams try to comfort persons psyche needs Think unrequited love A guy has deep need in another girl or guy wants to know something about her that can calm down his psyche voila! Dream: girl is being desperate and think of wrong choice she made, and sort of admitting her lost. now guy’s mind can feel better because it’s no longer defeat for him, he can chill truly our mind is mystery... it’s genvious
  3. i mean philosophical debates and cosmology and hidden aspects of physical reality and global issues and nondual understanding of the world. those has no absolute true perspective. otherwise you would already know it the best is to combine all together and try to see structure, system, pattern, order in all these. usually it works. all the free will vs determinism and many more debates can be sort of solved with such method
  4. Here’s good way for open mind every single perspective on any issue especially on philosophical debates is right in its own way - this is very often the case combine all perspectives together and you will form something closer to universal model of reality of this issue for instance, after-life: heaven hell reincarnation being ghost another dimension of beings void or eternal nothingness combine them all together and u will get something close to how things are but Truth is simply about being in your natural non dual state of being (like all animals) when life is absolute meaning for itself, it’s not about opinions or models
  5. There are enlightened ppl who talk about love, happiness, peace Those who talk about meaning of all these Those who talk about meaninglessness Some talk about being creator in life, embrace your passion, create your own reality Some about just not doing anything and being content, and accepting what is Some care about future of humanity and evolution Some doesn't give a damn and says that nothing ever happened, nothing can be changed Some embraces free will, some determinism. Some says we in control as we more conscious coz we r god, but some says we r manipulated by god 100%. Some embrace reality and existence, and some embrace dream and non existence Some talks about after-life and personal reincarnation, and some rejects that. Some talks about god and that he loves us, some doesn't, or that he just having fun Some says enlightenment is must for all, some says it doesn't matter. Some are like Spira and Shinzen talking love and humanity and that it matters and we choose, and some like Parsons and Mckenna talking it doesn't matter and we are not in control of anything Lets combine ALL views into holistic model of enlightenment and looking at reality post-enlightenment. Because clearly every single point is valid, and there are many ways of looking at this.
  6. are homo sapiens just the product of evolution? evolution is intelligent, but is it just the intelligence of evolution? is there something more to that?
  7. one day: Heyyyy this is Leo, there's nothing to know, nowhere to go, nothing to do.
  8. insight: Ego = thoughts and emotions being aware of themselves. Thoughts and emotions = tools for survival. Survival = actions for continuation of life. Life = predominantly just being, just living in moment with or without actions. Because our brains have developed so much, our thoughts became aware of themselves and emotions. This lead to illusion that thoughts and emotions are 'control centre' for survival of body. When in fact thoughts and emotions are only tools for survival, not the 'centre'. Once thoughts think they are boss, they turn whole life into survival process, instead of life being process. Moreover, once whole life is survival, we suffer. Because negative emotions and thoughts are there to help us to survive! Not to make us to die (suffering). But when all day all night thoughts and emotions are running the show, negativity will always turn into suffering. Survival (continuation of life) is food, reproduction, sleep, security. Thats it, for all animals. Animals 'have life' both during survival and during 'leisure time'. Coz their thoughts and emotions are not bosses of life. Think of lion who hunts but then he sits and looks at sunset, being completely content with himself. But human turned whole life into survival process because emotions and thoughts being aware of themselves are present all the time. Not to say that human can't have 'being' during actual survival process. He also can't have 'being' during non-survival process. Thoughts force to engage into survival games all the time. Even relationships, education and entertainment have turned into survival ('if I don't watch this movie my life will be worse and I will die' - thinks brain, 'if i don't go to college i will die' - thinks brain, 'if she rejects me, I won't reproduce and I will die'-thinks brain). So human think of survival all the time, but do this extremely stupidly, we do all kind of things to survive, in fact almost everything average human-being does for life is survival. So we are good in not-dying, but we are awful in being happy. Because survival is there to have more being! But human survive to have more survival! We live to survive. But why don't we survive to live? Human-being is hunting all the time, he is even hunting for information online in order to survive better. But you cannot survive better, survival is binary, either life or death. You can only live better, but how? If thoughts and emotions are bossy... But real boss is Life. Survival tools are there to support life. We survive to live, not live to survive. Survival is good, it makes life to continue, but use survival intelligently, make it to fuel your life, not to sabotage. And also enjoy survival, don't make it you to suffer. We are surviving all the time, but not being conscious of it, so we engage into different activities which we think we do for life, but actually we do them to survive - and it makes us suffer. We mistake one with another, and cannot understand why can't we have fun from these cool activities. Coz we r trying to have victory in things that are not supposed to be for win-lose. But if we survive consciously, i.e. be mindful of doing surviving - it can make us to feel alive, hence happy. Because certain things we will do to win = survive and we try to win only there, but everything else we can do to live = being, happiness. So we feel ok in survival and in life. Rise above thoughts and emotions, so they can serve you, not you serving them. Be like lion who looks at sunset, this is being.
  9. Nothing you can do, but you can learn how to be you in time
  10. It might be a good idea to make a rant video enlightenment idea became something super-cool and super-desirable when in fact it is merely coming back to your true nature. coming back to state which human-apes left after development of thinking its coming back to our animal nature, but consciously. thats all. its not some goodie, it is just being how nature has designed you to be.
  11. @lmfao we can say that because people already in duality and already familiar with good and evil (born in sin), they now have to undertake purification or choose good as an essential part to enlightenment, therefore it makes sense to differentiate between two and make duality so ppl can know for sure what makes u closer to it and what doesn't. but heaven (enlightenment) is described as all good place without evil. I like Peterson's description, listened to him many times. However he interprets Bible as a survival guide for human, which is one way of looking, but he doesn't talk how it all has to do with enlightenment and what is god really. He mentions enlightenment but doesn't really dig into it.
  12. biggest insight anyone can possible have to be open-minded is every single opinion is right. it is right from its own angle. all together they can make something closer to universal model of reality nothing that you can imagine can be out of equation
  13. paul was right all along let it be is wisest wisdom of life and so much related to enlightenment
  14. i think its only about 1 thing which is being in natural state of being, which all animals and babies are, nondual perception. only difference from animals is that we can be conscious of it. and true nature is: a) u no longer suffer coz nature didn't design us to suffer. negative emotions are needed to survive, not to make u suffer (die). b) complete and whole. you finally feel complete and can simply be c) u r complete, so your being is meaningful itself. u no longer need to find absolute meaning for life. life is meaning for itself. d) connection to god, reality, other beings. so u start feeling that u r not lonely, and that life is sacred, and start to feel good (god) e) realizing that you exist (I AM (c) jesus), i don't buy realization of non-existence, i think its 180 degrees opposiite. ppl in dual state think that they lack existence coz they aren't complete and not in true nature. so they feel holes and feel that they lack something to be important enough for this world. i think we in duality because of self-awareness. but we are not supposed to be in duality. we have to be in natural state. correct me if im wrong.
  15. damn this elves music makes me high
  16. forget absolute perspective. from absolute all is absolute and all is relative in the same time. absolute perspective has zero care whether u good or bad. but also it cares 100% coz you are IT. its you who needs to care for your life and for your life and surrounding reality only. GOOD = GOD. EVIL = DEVIL (EGO) You can choose good being or evil bad being. To be good is to be in your true non-dual state of being, like all other animals and babies. Unified with reality = god. JUST FOR ONE REASON - not to suffer anymore. Most stable thing for it is to enlighten yourself. Thats why spirituality is important - best ways to no more suffering. To be evil is to continue ego separation and continue suffer in long-term even if it feels good in short. ALL HUMAN DRAMA IS ABOUT THAT. ALL GOOD VS EVIL FIGHT is about that. doesn't make you a bad person for a bit. but from your perspective you often gonna feel bad in your duality awareness u can surely have very good life in duality, but its not 100% stable. and it is full of resistance instead u can choose path of least resistance.
  17. read this. its good
  18. @Dodo nope. what can i say. imagine if u never heard about australia. does it mean that australia doesn't exist? i think nonduality makes me and everyone here to lose coordination of language. wise man said to follow truth. no need for more
  19. @Dodo ur faith aint strong enough : ) truth is all, including all appearances. u see i had times when i didn't believe that human can experience god and rejected this as a silly belief. but now bald dude on youtube tells me that its all one infinite god and i can discover that for myself. whats next in this wonderland
  20. @blazed how vr can have love... but reminds me of that -love is human emotion -no it is a word, what matters is the connection that word implies
  21. @Nahm yes she has children, she's getting better. no idea about regrets. i try to stay away from that haha doctors actually know about this kind of things. especially in the east. eastern medicine built on tao, ying-yang, energy, mysticism etc... its difficult to prove mechanism of all that though.
  22. @Nahm some delirium, instability, panic attacks, hallucinations (lol). not that close with her but she was mentally ok before. i dunno some medication probs. its infinite folks! and if its really infinite im not gonna be surprised of anything anymore even Santa
  23. @Nahm example bout my relative and her mother in law, mother in law does occult as a job and she is real hater and difficult kinda person (relatively), so she promised to curse her ex daugher-in-law after a fight. and after a while daughter in law has suddenly developed psychiatric disorders out of thin air and undertakes treatment now. sounds like bollywood stories, but its everywhere, especially in eastern cultures where people simply notice it more than in west. coz they are more attentive towards inner world and state of inner-being so ppl are superstitious not for zero reason. evil eye is especially easy to put on little kids or on someone who are always under attention, even through receiving many praise and compliments as it creates jealous kinda vibes towards them. so you yourself can put evil eye on someone without bad intentions. or receive it, again without someone intending bad. @Dodo thought is energy or frequency (i dont know what exactly haha) but in nondual terms thoughts = spoken words = emotions = physical body = soul = whatever exists in any 'dimension', all one. thought has some kind of energy, especially strongly emotional thoughts. and u can send it in universe or to person. thats why so much fuse around law of attraction. thoughts are no different than your hand, you can hit with your hand, and you can hit with your thought or your word, or you can create. don't take Leo's 'thoughts are stories' without holistic approach. Everything is story including your flesh and blood (and everything is real in the same time), and also neither. So we still here living our stories-realities, even after enlightenment!!! And our thinking shapes our reality-story because it is part of reality-story. he says mind and body are stories to stop identifying with any of them, so you can realize infinite nature. infinite nature still includes everything and nothing. ppl who knows techniques like occult can do it more effectively than others, for good or bad purposes. so do develop strong aura, its relative protection in oneness of infinity lol.
  24. @blazed hmmmmmmmmm there is no place on earth of such limits where u can run of the map like in the computer game and if its VR, it wouldn't be so mundane and limiting (average human life) @snowleopard yep but why first cause is homonym of word/idea/principle/thought.............
  25. its both dream and reality and its neither. its undefined, infinite = undefined. the only 'constant' i think im getting is that (and try to deconstruct this one across all human culture) in this life you either not suffer and be in stable peace by realizing truth of being infinite god in finite form, or suffer from not realizing that and being unstable, and i guess u suffer till infinity until that (infinite karmic stream). tada all of religions explained. all gods explained. all of human culture explained. all of morals explained. all of stories explained. all of hustle explained. all of psyche explained. all of spirituality explained. all of good vs evil explained. all of bullshit explained. all of non-bullshit explained. its neither bullshit nor non-bullshit. messiahs were right all along. its infinite playground (heaven) after u stop suffering. but before that its infinite hell btw, after leo started talking about deconstruction of words i was expecting that twist will be in that: Can anybody explain that ??? I guess it has to do a lot with derrida's language deconstruction. Is everything a word ??? why infinity is word?