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Everything posted by Monkey-man

  1. Enlightenment Spirituality What's Good Life and whats Bad Life. How to be happy, how not to be. All of these are known for humanity for thousands years and yet humanity still living in darkness and suffering. Didn't learn history lessons. Don't understand basic truths of life. And suffer over and over again. What lies behind that really? How can that be not to understand that simple rules of having good life for thousand and thousands years? Is it because history is cyclical? One generation can be wise and waken up, while another will be in darkness. Is it possible to send wisdom throughout future generations at all? Is it fault of our ancestors that they couldn't transmit wisdom to us? Whats the core reason of that? are we pre-destined for that in future or is there light in the end of tunnel?
  2. @HII yes but is it possible at all to teach kids to avoid traps on this journey? So they can deeply understand why they are bad without having neuroticism and in the same time raise them enlightened and without restraints So they won't spend whole life just to figure out life and have only few time to actually live it coz otherwise I'm doubtful about 'evolution of consciousness', progress of humanity etc how to if in the end all will start where it begun, same mistakes over and over again
  3. Anyone from christian background? I see metaphors of enlightenment, from going to duality (tree of good and evil) and towards enlightenment (Jesus) But is enlightenment a central theme of bible?
  4. My pineal gland is making progress I starting to communicate with entities made of waves and light they seem to respond turning lights on off and moving fast never thought that it can be more than Hollywood movies fantasies seems like angels or some spirit support but no idea I felt presence of god once, enormous power everywhere my meditation is better now reality still feels unreal though which is awful my dreams on the other hand became even more vivid, now I see huge patterns in them my head is buzzing all the time and I'm having more sleep paralysis, even had something close to unpleasant out of body
  5. One part of me want to experience this life to the fullest and then reincarnate again and again and explore more and more Another part of me wants to die and never exist again resting in eternal peaceful void, never ever coming back to earth
  6. If I'm dreamy idealistic adventure fantasising save the world kinda dude but it never really helped me in life, and I don't think that if I live in dream paradise I'll not think about even bigger never ending dreams Should I embrace it and try to fulfil dreams regardless of how unrealistic they are? So my journey would seem adventurous even that goals won't be fulfilled? Sort of die trying without any achievement or should I grow up and learn to accept magic of small and mundane things and realistic goals? Which in turn can lead to achievement and climbing to top of small mountain but at least I'll be happy from sense of fulfilment for instance if I wanna be moviemaker, should I accept doing small films, be assistant at small projects and just try to make most of it or should I start doing small films but seriously aim and strive towards making world class, Hollywood etc etc? i know that you can grow and your appetites will grow but should you aim too high from beginning? Coz if you do your plans won't include being happy from small and learn bit by bit but rather try to be best of the best from beginning and invest enourmous energy which in turn might play a bad trick with ya by obsession, perfectionism and never being fulfilled (what many big artists have) you might be forever dissatisfied of doing small things if you aim too high so would you climb to the top of the Everest and never do it but at least you tried or you stop trying when you're old and went back to the bottom or should you climb to top of small mountain and actually do it i wonder which strategy is the best to be truly happy for dreamy ppl actually achieving and reconcile ambitions with realistic staff or never achieving but having big ambitions how important is achievement of goals in the end of the life? Will it bother you if you never achieved anything but had great ambitious journey? You might also have bad ambitious journey and be bothered from not being happy from doing small things and never settling up and sort of finding, stabilising and grounding yourself coz what if you suffer from being loser with big goals or if you suffer from being winner of mundane life?
  7. @phoenix666 @Annetta pretty much. I like to explore new, but I do it rather holistically and see big picture instead of knowing every small technical detail of one thing.
  8. @Annetta personality twin yay! We are top wishful and dreamful folks out there, let's embrace it ?
  9. INFP-T with hint of ENFP-T I'm INFP and when life is going exciting I become more ENFP My intuition and thinking are extraverted, while feeling and sensing are introverted I'm introvert, only when life is really good I can feel natural to be extrovert (case for INFP) I find my thinking to be much stronger than sensing (case for ENFP) But I struggle to differentiate between being lead by feelings with help of intuition (INFP) or by intuition with help of feelings (ENFP). Any ideas how are these different?
  10. People are Doubting Thomas They won’t believe until they actually see it So There’s no way other than do magic like Jesus Or at least live to your own wisdom and people will see how good that life is and will agree with you and follow you. But it’s still unlikely coz Doubting Thomas want to see real deal like real miracles
  11. We are punished by ego, life feels unfair If we are egoless we flourish, and life feels fair
  12. there’s a difference between these two, so let’s learn about it
  13. suicidal ppl are more prepared to real tragedies of life such as death watch melancholy by lars von trier, its a movie about depression and suicidal thoughts. in the end the depressed girl was the most prepared and confident towards actual apocalypsys than other people
  14. This is exactly how average citizen thinks when someone claims that enlightenment is real u r doing same mistake, it's just ego defense you cannot claim something is not real if you dont experience it for yourself also all new age bs is getting proved by non bs science. Check out science and nonduality YouTube channel
  15. i like to listen to various perspectives on awakening
  16. @Ruby White what aeon says about afterlife
  17. @Random User did u see 'evil' entities looking at you while paralysis? i saw them often during paralysis, so i wonder if it can be something more or why brain chooses to bring this imaginary staff (if it is imaginary)
  18. @hinawashi we worship ideal staff, for some ppl ideal is bill gates or another money-god for some it is gods in heaven, who represent ideal values why do we want to worship ideal with its ideal values??? coz we wanna be like ideal and we have no clue how and why we wanna be like ideal??? coz we want to know the best and the most sustainable strategy for life here in now, survival in long-term and after-life in even longer term. and then follow this ideal strategy and why de want best possible way for life??? because we see that reality and even your body is structured by certain objective rules, and if you want to be happy long-term, you need to understand rules. not simply create your own which will fail you. By rules I mean objective things like how psyche is structured (for example, if you lie you have more neurosis and less inner peace, that in turn will turn life into suffering and hell, and that in turn may lead you to quicker death - here you go, thats where good v bad morals rise) and why do we want to be happy forever? hehe its not really what we want. because why not suffer for whole life? no happiness is what our body and mind, or EVOLUTION wants. thats how evolution of life is. it evolves by creating more productive and adaptive and more conscious organisms, and happiness is a sign that evolution of consciousness is in right way. unhappiness is a sign that life is in danger and evolution can end. and why evolution exist at all? well its just how absolute infinity or god is. it creates to create better and better. its creator never-ending or beginning.maybe love pushes everything forward as tom campbell says. so its just love dude. also mind that contemporary post-modernist culture is very twisted around values of life, ppl of materialism forgot that what we have is life itself. so any ethics, morals, ideals, values should be about life of (and after-life if you wish) and sustainable survival strategies (survival is needed only to continue life) by life i mean yours and others, people and other living beings. BUT we turned life into game, so we compete for the sake of getting more victories, we play roles for some imaginary 'life-points', we try to win something but we don't see that there is no score! there's only life. and we won't be able to take anything with us. So why do we walk playing in 'who has more money, career, power, relationships, success' ? Why all that if its all merely an attributes, but what is really important is life itself. Not gold that you wear during this life. 'Gold' is needed for survival, and survival is action for continuation of life. Life is far richer than survival. However, we humans survive today to have more surviving tomorrow, instead of surviving today to have more life tomorrow. This is significant difference. And we cannot have stabilization of life or being in NOW without constant thoughts about survival unless we can be in our true nature. btw animals survive to have life. they don't compete for ideas. so human should recall something important from watching animals So if u wanna worship, it should be about best ideal for life in longest term. also, worshiping god in religions is a form of prayer, and prayer is contemplation, meditation and spoken words = vibrational frequencies, and these were effective forms to raise consciousness, enlightenment and connection to absolute, in ancient times. However now it is also twisted and worshiping turned into unconscious lip service for goodies or out of fear. But the point is to be concentrated and highly aware.
  19. (its first out of 18 parts video on youtube) there are many more on his channel what do you think about Tom Campbell and his theory of everything? its mind-blowing, this dude is hardcore he's a physicist who studied out of body experiences for 30 years or so and visited many alternative realities. he tried to explain reality, esp. quantum mechanics and consciousness using both objective experiments and subjective out-of-body experiences basically these are just some notes from his theory from video: (anyone read his book?what can u add from there?) We live in VR, its just how universe works, as a VR VR is consciousness and its one Everything is non-physical All is one reality but consists from many layers of parallel realities Reality has its objective rules to operate at all, but there is no objective world in traditional terms, any experience is subjective, therefore world is subject to constant change due to differences of individual perception It explains what consciousness has to do with theories of quantum mechanics and relativity (watch video) All is coded information (binary 10101010) Everything you perceive is information that translates to you in forms Information is consciousness Consciousness is one and its everything Its evolving Consciousness is finite and learns itself There are many parallel realities outside our world and he visited many of them through out of body He also visited past and future Past is written in consciousness as a data and it exist as calculated probability Future is calculated probabilities Consciousness operates by free will, making random choices but chooses the better one for less entropy Every single living organism has its own limited free will, coz consciousness is sort of outsourced throughout system but its one Evolution happens by reducing entropy Entropy never will go to zero, but evolution is going towards less entropy Spiritual growth, higher consciousness, love reduce entropy Fear, ego increases it Its never-ending process without clear end. Why? it is just how this VR works The goal of evolution is to always change and reduce chaos or disorder (entropy) Life is about learning and growing, your soul stores data too Everything stored as a data Everything evolves, not only biological organisms but also souls and everything in the parallel realities Good v evil is about reducing entropy vs increasing entropy Reincarnation exists, you will get into new body sometime after death to learn more and enhance evolution further Animals reincarnate too I guess karma or choices of your past life will affect where you gonna reincarnate next (its my speculation from his points) He saw dead people (souls) in parallel realities There are both nice and evil entities flying in the parallel realities (heaven and hell?) There are many alternative realities with physical rules that are similar and not similar to our, in general parallel realities are less restricted in rules You can get into trouble with evil entity in parallel reality during out of body, but it is unlikely, it is usually safe His theory explains everything as he claims, science and religion, evolution, quantum mechanics and relativity theory and consciousness and both 'objective' and 'subjective' staff
  20. @Arman can u mention some weird and interesting points about reality from his book?
  21. What are dreams? What science, psychology, history, religion tell us bout what dreams are? Why animals too have dreams? What's the purpose of dreams? Its mystery. If reality is already a dream, why we have more dreams at night?