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Everything posted by Monkey-man

  1. pffff you just want to have strong beliefs to justify your emotions.
  2. I'm not gonna joke here, I had several attempts when I felt stuck in life but only two things have stopped me: biological fear and fear of being punished after-life (karma) fear is what will stop us from doing it. and just think about it, what if karma and reincarnation exist and we actually will be unsettled ghosts or in hell or in bad abusive life-situation in next reincarnation if we actually commit suicide! really contemplate that. that's no woowoo staff to prevent people from harming themselves, that can be real deal of how reality works. reality is causal in the end of the day. so think about future. don't try to run from suffering now to have full bowl of suffering afterwards. instead work to change situation now. think about why ancient spiritual traditions considered suicide as the greatest sin? is it just made-up? or is there some knowledge and understanding of the world behind that? truth is you can't claim its bullshit, and you can't claim its not. because we don't know. while if its actually true you will end up in worse place if you do it. you want to suicide because you want to get rid of wounds of your self-image/ego. so instead of suicide, just 'get rid' of ego. there won't be desire for suicide any longer.
  3. Although I didn't nail Orange stage in spiral dynamic, but I was there for a long time and I'm quite fed up with it. My values are already Green, I already have deep understanding that I don't really need Orange values because of their current and eventual dissatisfactory nature. But my plans and thought-patterns are still Orange, coz self-image has a bit of 'hope' to get some goodies. Ego's attachments I still cannot leave behind: Thoughts about dream-job Thoughts about success, fame Strategising, thinking about future Need for acceptance from others Need for love and finding future spouse So I've no wish to act upon Orange, its just subtle resisting ideas and dreams about future. Green assumes being in the moment and connecting with surroundings. Green has no manipulative, goal-oriented, ever-strategising and calculating behaviour as Orange. So how do we leave Orange behind? These cravings are VERY small now, but they don't let to be fully present. I really wanna leave all desires behind and make quantum leap towards green and yellow.
  4. @Mighty Mouse my concern is that my orange dreams prevent me from awakening from ego so i use SD as a map where yellow is sort of first self-realization/awakening from ego.
  5. @Mighty Mouse how to address things without pursuing them? i don't wanna pursue them at all hopes are for full yellow, but i think i can't be yellow until i don't become green in-the-moment.
  6. @Mighty Mouse i think green is sort of be in the moment thing, is it not? listed things might come back, its just right now i don't wanna deal with them, but instead focus on spirituality
  7. @jjer94 i meditate, had many glimpses of higher stages, its just orange dreams prevent me to fully relax
  8. I stumbled upon brainwaves (alfa beta gamma etc) and different hz frequencies through use of binaurial beats. I wonder if you know how are they classified, what's the difference and how to use them for meditation, raising consciousness.
  9. scientists tell that in future they want and see it legit to clone dinosaurs based on bird's dna (dinosaurs are birds' ancestors)
  10. @Mighty Mouse flow of love is what left after there's no more fear imho
  11. @Mighty Mouse how about love
  12. @Mighty Mouse and what's left after there's no more fear
  13. @Mighty Mouse and what fear is there between turquoise and coral
  14. @Mighty Mouse every new stage is about releasing some fear/self-image fear goes more subtle as spiral progresses
  15. All the time whatever I do being aware of being aware, watching yourself watch thoughts arising be hearing not hearer be you eyes, don't be someone who is looking through eyes Binaural beats
  16. My need for criticism and judgement have started to fall away i can feel it and it's good be aware of being aware!
  17. @Mighty Mouse merged is when you and reality are one I'm lazy, you tell me
  18. @Mighty Mouse no need for literalism, i mean merged, fully merged
  19. Pros cons What's mechanism and how healthy it is how to use properly How useful for enlightenment work How useful for other things like mood, DNA repair etc
  20. @Mighty Mouse haha no these are all my speculative outtakes from article but I think anything beyond turquoise is very rare even among enlightened ppl
  21. @Mighty Mouse no clue try to find it in article. I haven't check this guy he claims he hits coral
  22. Yellow turquoise are more about merging with current reality coral and teal are more about merging with current plus direction of future potential reality thats how I see it from article the guy claims he's coral
  23. Stage Description tier 1 - gross Beige Express self for physiological survival Purple Sacrifice self to maintain the ways of old Red Express self impulsively at any cost without shame or fear Blue Sacrifice self for reward later Orange Express self for self-gain, but calculatedly Green Sacrifice self to get acceptance now tier 2 - subtle Yellow Express self with concern for, and not at the expense of, others Turquoise Sacrifice self to existential realities Coral Express without shame or guilt for evolution's sake Teal Sacrifice self to emerging existential potential Orange2 Express self awarely for Subtle self development Green2 Sacrifice self to get Subtle energy acceptance now tier 3 - causal... as i see coral is new red. its impulsive and spontaneous self-expression here and now without need to dominate others. coral is concerned with body, mental and spiritual evolution of his own with deep need to express it. and coral is very much serious about that. probs evolution of humanity is also big concern for coral. coral wants to have effect on evolution of humanity and has its own stance on this. probs it can have bad side-effects like rejecting 'under-developed' people who are 'bad' for evolution. teal is flying with flow, seeing big picture of universe flow. being child. concerning with global evolution and seeing where its heading and trying to fit into flow of evolution with accepting whatever will happen with others without need to change (unlike coral who needs to change it). orange2 and green2 are about own self-development as coral but without need to express. as i see its 100% about spiritual and mystical development. and this is speculation: people here are very mystical and magical. orange2 is black magicians. green2 is white magicians.
  24. @vizual true but this is seen on macro-level. when we investigate micro-level we see that in regard to psychology human-beings do sort of same mistakes that have been done 2,000 years ago.