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Everything posted by Strikr

  1. Pasta alla carbonara. (good food)
  2. almost all markets are "falsehood" on the cover. even leo. it's your choice to push the monney and "trade". Things have the value you push on them and believe they have. Your own delusion. or you can get "full enlightment" for "no monney" at all. " no price, I didn't say that, everything has some sort of price " but some "can't believe it", so they will have to cash out until they are well fucked to get it.
  3. Am I even in control of my mind ? Am I in control of the shape of my life ? Are my thought created by me or by an external things ? isn't direct experience still an idea from the mind ?
  4. not sure, 30 days ago, it was really weird weeks for me, it's like I m in a new life, though "nothing change" but everything changed. edit : ok I m done for tonight, get me on PM if you want to talk.
  5. Like drug I m doing it day per day, way better. I was inside my mind since I m 5 years old day by day, at my pace now. I m very what you all call "conscious" and "in my body" and in "direct experience", it's still very new and I m still in my "house" with the same kind of people around me, so I m doing it my way. the trick is for me, what destroyed my thinking though : wasn't meditation, it was exactly this : thinking too much to the point of crash. all thinking started to spiral up, and show me it was all "infinite imagination" and then.. my mind started to crash in infinitum rework. This is why I cling more to thinking than meditation ( even If i like it a lot since this "crash" ) But I think there is still something like energy and all thinking cannot be wrong, nature cannot be wrong about "thinking", it's something powerful that is here for a reason ( or we don't have the same definition of " thinking " ) we cannot deny the thing that thinks, maybe even deny it, is a "thinking thing trick" " proof you're all here writting through your mind with your thinking "
  6. I think there is only one way to know it nahm. I'll just quit the forum and let the universe speak to me. I m already dead, but I think I have some stuff to be doing before more work, I m the only one to know it I suppose, you all try to guess what is it. ... how can I abandon something I don't know about ? what is love ? humm I should inquiry and not in my mind. Death and evil ? haha, that's where I m born baby. maybe meditation will show me the way, "universe will show me" I don't worry that much. "my curiosity is worry" @now is forever : -> no :laugh:
  7. I don't see the point in talking with everyone, I m still confuse why I did even create this shit topic. All I can do is listen to music, all music, again and again and again, dancing aswell, and meditate to keep the energy and the tchat "clean". I don't see the point in thinking a lot, no more. Speaking to people is now becoming even worst than "shitty", I feel like a permanent actor, having to play my own role. my new "me" is : violent music, love music, dance music, calm music, ost music, listening music all day. and drawing drawing drawing drawing and playing to be good with people. or playing to even be angry, just for the fun.
  8. What if I "awaken", but I m not like all of you, you all presume there is a way and a "end" and a "path", we all know it's "infinite" and you believe I m in my ego/mind. I wouldn't presume such things if my spine wasn't weird and that I feel pretty good all day. ( neutral good, no real thought or "problems" only if I "create them, like right now ) that's not even placebo. I feel good/bad it's hell and paradise, it's a dream state. I m just playing right now, I m not even sure someone here can provide me with anything, cause I get it, it's all "about me" ( without being egoic in this sentence ) I have a pure diet that I follow through intuit, and I m doing body push up everyday now, I like to suffer even more now to contrast something, maybe there is still piece to work on, I hope so, I need it. it's not like I want to be strong or something like this, I didn't choose to "awaken/kundalini" it's like I fucking need it now to upgrade myself, like a bird need to fucking plane, I need to suffer more now for whatever reason.
  9. Yes but I don't like being borred, that's probably even worst than living war for me. Maybe I'll choose war, if there no choice, but as I have no choice, even further self actualization will not be my choice apparently. what's the point then for you to post on this forum then, just playing, doing your bird thing ? what if you're "wrong" about humans being as a part of nature, and we are the hand writter. what's the point to awaken people ? nothing ? why do you keep fucking posting if you believe in pure nothing ?
  10. nothing change, but everything change to "me". I feel like a dream walker. Everyday looks like a dream now, every morning it's almost as if, ho yeh I m still here. fuck I was almost happy being asleep, now I can see that. Everything in my life resonate different now, all thought etc.. it's like my mind is rebuilding himself I aswell have this "kundalini" / energy thing. It's aswell a product of my mind / body ? what's this ?
  11. no no I m saying, what's left now, if there is nothing to control. what's the point of getting out of bed ? what's the point to anything ? what's the point of being ? if there is nothing to control, there is nothing to build. do I just have to cry, laugh, and do all the mondain things like being ? The only thought of having nothing to deal with makes me neutral sad. is being the end ? what's left to discover ? what's left to create ? is it borringness that his left ? I wasn't into this work for not suffering, I was here to improve.. now that I see there is nothing to improve, what's left inside me ? what do I live for ? I have no free will at all ? nothing I think or do is my product ? acting on fear or acting on love, it's all over control of the universe, there is nothing for me to choose ?
  12. enough, I m gonna play my monkey
  13. I m less than 2 hours footwalk from germany. My grand mother has been slaped by her teacher to not "zig heil" at school, then she did. but for me Hitler, who knows anything, he was just the voice of the whole germany at this time. People needed jobs et many things. it's too easy to guilt one men. and He was as good as evil. He was a dreamer. He didn't do everything with bare hands, there was many hands, too easy to guilt one men. Maybe he did it the wrong way but to me he was mostly a good men, and life broke him ( he lost his best friend during the war ) I'm not telling he was good, I m telling he was just a man.. his misstakes just touch us. Jesus started much more war than Hitler in a way. and killed more people by his teaching. ( probably ) that's easy to call someone full of shit, now that your ass is well heated on a couch. like you would have been less full of shit...
  14. hey shin do you watch anime? I didn't since a while, any advices? time for some heavy dubstep ( every music is music ) HEAD DOWN - HEAD UP - BANGER TIME Then you have the right to chill and dance not enough chill ? alright more dubstep bangerrr you say ? let's do it can't handle the dub? alright maybe another life time
  15. -> Instant enlightment true evil nature of humans ( all ) _____________ -> What is an evil belief ? what am I ? try something else go watch them, stop sitting in circle
  16. "arrogant, irritating, and annoying" nice boyfriend that you get
  17. you're not nothing, but you're not something are you a monkey ? hummm are you a ant ? hummm are you "you" ? hummm