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Everything posted by Strikr

  1. Yep but it dépend. One case or another living your life imply ending others life. There is no way to be good and non destructive. I'll try all diet for me though and I m almost a vegan so I allow myself to the question. Why Indian believe the food we eat become a part of us. That is my Real question. How are they sure of this and do they know .. faith ? Any serious 'yellow' book to convince me ?
  2. ___ ( this song enlight directly ) ( I become gay for ofdream, born in the true land of god )
  3. what if "not eating meat" is a green delusion as hard as the belief in the "holy bible" what proves that chemical are wrongs in the body besides belief ? humm maybe we eat chemical permanent in air, and we are made of chemical that can be poison in quantity. we all have try drug that harmed more our balance. we all kill things permanently just by "being". What besides your ego keeps you believing that you should do this or that. is it direct experience or belief ? I m really questionning though, isn't full no meat a green delusion ? maybe it depend where you DNA has been raised. until now I eated meat until my 25 and I cannot tell if meat was "the evil", until now it keeped me alive and my mother always try to give me the best. the mother of my grand father lived until 102 years > drinking wine everyday ( she was still minded at 100 ) and eating shit food during the ww2. She wasn't vegan. She was human eating food. what's the difference between believing than meat is toxic/immoral and being a christian who "believe". "scientific researsh told that meat is toxic" , yes and you believe science now ? as long as we believe what we do is right for this precise moment, I suppose. you all talk, talk, but no one here is ready to take a bullet in the head, if you think your life is more precious, relative to whom ? I try to convince my mother that something is "not good food" she told me, "if you had the choice between eating shit and this, you'll choose this, stop analyse everything." She mindfuck me properly and It's true.
  4. be your own king, create your realm
  5. there is many ways, do the one that fit you the most, but I would aim at "mastery" and "be the best at something". then for transcend this, meditation and yoga and all the woo woo, orange will never do, but that's not what you should be doing right now. It's only when you feel that all yoga/meditation is complete bullshit waste, that you should be doing yoga hahaha that's the tricky thing if you like series & story, watch game of thrones, best serie for trigger "blue"
  6. "Michigan legalized weed today" alright alright fair enough, more us country and my country will start to suck follow as usual, please US more legalization. "even if you're a conservative, you're winning, you're just not aware of your victory" I m not a progressive though
  7. "I have some books about kundalini on my book list. Make sure you educate yourself about some of the dangers of kundalini and how to awaken it gradually and properly. Otherwise you might run into problems." @Leo Gura oops haha I only read it after 2 weeks "in the kundalini energy", I was thinking I was just "more insane than usual" haha, I stop the kundalini energy by jerking off and smoking weed, maybe it wasn't a good idea, but it sort of "tamed it". I wasn't ready for this, now I seriously follow the path with more inner work ( yoga, meditation, no thought of any agenda, just doing what my "body/earth" ( not the thing my "egoic mind" want )
  8. it's still happening. psy doesn't enlight you in like 24 hours. they trigger the path for maybe a year, or more. they open a tiny door in the mind
  9. mostly we are aware that all humans are defending their own story and choose what profit their own agenda. here the agenda for me is quite simple, makes all people "insane", and makes them eat all the politicians. litteraly.
  10. Who cares for us election. GLOIRE AU GRAND RETOUR DE LA PUISSANCE !! FRENCH WILL CONQUER THE WORLD AGAIN ! it has been written in the holy book.
  11. because it's a "green" type of framing reality. it's political not spiritual, but nature thinking, is alright, joy & life
  12. it's a good answer, but this relate more for people who already did psychedelics or intense meditation/breathing/inquiry
  13. if meditation doesn't work, may I suggest my "way" as I come aswell from a background of gaming addiction. ( until my 20 years old ) > reading a lot of philosophy about humans and thinking. ( Nietzshe for me, but stay away from Nietzsche, it will rape your dark soul time, just take a crazy philosophe you feel a "love for" ) it's a good way, more "active" and efficient aswell. ( yogi need to be "smart" aswell ) > if reading isn't your thing, another "low" thing, is being the best that you can at a video games/art style ( drawing, music, etc.. ). remember, there is "truth" in almost everything, sometimes what looks like a back foot, is a front foot. your mind can't tell what is good or not. just accept to do the things you feel will lead you to " best being, best truth, best awareness " ( I mean, being "godlike tier" at this thing ( games,art ), not just "playing around" ) it creates a solid "ego". then you can see the limit of your own. ( worked for me this way, not sure for you, the good way, is your way )
  14. I only did 2 months ago, 2 weeks and 3 real trip and like ~ 8 days microdose ( LSD / mushroom ) ( I microdosed for those weeks aswell, to "stay in" the idea ) maybe it helped, maybe it turned me with the worst month after haha, "dark soul" just use them as "I feel it" and I took many years before "deciding" it was ok. I try mushroom prior to this 1 year ago for 2 days in a row psychedelic show you how YOUR mind is working, it show you a state close from your dream, it show your subconscious to the conscious. any question you try on psychedelic will turn VERY different than your usual questionning. I don't believe that psychedelic really "drug you" they have nothing to do with "happy drug such as mdma, cokaïne and all stimulant" they do not makes you happy, they makes you feel "hell & paradise", yep you'll feel fucking good, but if you change of thought, you'll create "hell" aswell. ( only mental though ) show the "working" of the mind and how thought impact your move/perception. they just remove all your current processus, the "drug mental belief defaut mode" I don't feel a need for doing it, I feel just meditate, sport, yoga, washing my mind/body and living in balance can makes me as now/good as on psychedelic. had others mental realization that still change my life, for the good. But if your mind is a computer, be sure to be a good hacker. Because psychedelic is "hacking". Sometimes it work, for some, it's too much. It's like living a powerful experience, especially if you never used psychedelics at all. It's "normal" to turn "crazy" after those insight. just do it once, and get the call right, then, you'll see the path more clearly. ( even steve jobs & bill gates used LSD for instance, this helped me think twice, when I was very "orange" )
  15. non sense, you can even awaken without "real meditation", Not that I believe it, I experienced it. I did psychedelic with intent, no regret, without it, I would probably never be where am I now. people who fear psychedelic, good luck meditating for 10 years the only path is wanting truth at all cost.
  16. I m currently reading a book on kundalini and collected one or two on Reiki ( ) best way is my own practice, I have no monney really and that's better this way, and I do not feel the need to go see others for doing my own work. I just want to do the "full inner work", I want to understand things my way, lonely way most of the time. but I have energy and pure trust in myself currently : meditation, yoga, sport, breathing, reading, drawing, music, eating well balanced, no pills/no drug. ( I m not a dogma vegan of some sort, I focus on fruit and vegetables, but I do not cry on a chicken legs or fish, especially if someone ask me to eat meat, I'll do it because I prefer "respect people food invitation". ) doing things my way
  17. maybe you didn't read me well, I only meditate since a month, but we can say that using weed and wanting to understand "music" everyday is kind of a pre-meditation practice. ( wanting to understand arts are a way of meditation ). And yes.. being skeptical for everything kind of made me what am I, ( as we all have our challenge though, I cannot tell, where you're, or where I m and what really plays on helping me, it's all relative ) I'll not say I m a genius, but psychedelic just destroyed a door and show me something "large", > "wanting truth" and philosophy for truth ( and leo for this ) kind of helped and all thinking disolve, I use thinking to destroy thinking, ironic and paradoxal. ( but it has taken a lot of time and many books, books that I choosed to read, not leo advices or anyone advice, I mean, people can help, but find your help, from a place of wanting "the truth for you" ) follow your path and believe you can find the truth by yourself in all part of the world ( there is better part, but if you can't see why, they are maybe not for you right now ) I think this is what helped me in my path and can be abstractly apply to your own ( believe in yourself and what you put your mind on ) Even if that is playing " mindless video games ", I mean there is better way, but the best way is the one you carve for yourself. I m still having trouble with kundalini energy raising, but I m reading on it, and still fixing my own path. but meditation has been working "high" because I could disolve my own thinking by using.. thinking ( this thought is pure "non sense" ! focus on doing "nothing" being "nothing" ) ( at first ) now I can just "connect" to "no thinking" the thing is, there is no one way, and some people I feel : meditate 5 years and never get where am I now ( and I m still at the early stage of this path ) good luck, believe in yourself first. Sometimes bumpy roads, are the good roads.
  18. France is god free source <3 at 25 years old though especially ! > 600$ a month just roleplaying for finding a job ( as long as the country stand haha, no politician would dare to stop it ) > you don't need to be a "wage worker", but the mind of people is still very blind to this, so they are socially pressured to work. > healthcare : 120€ a year ~ ( then they cure EVERYTHING, psy, teeth, etc.. ) I have been healed once for 0€ wasn't assured for weird reason, they just fix my head, and then right : go away ! they never call'd me back no real fear of lack, it's "root chakra" for everyone and food is great, we take care a lot, even if there is a lot of meat and cheese. ( it's high french quality ) > best advices for life is taking opportunity where they are, starting "in" your land. and never be "lazy" though
  19. I m doing my way to find if Reiki is real for me. sport, yoga no mind, meditation no mind. healthy diet and trying to be more balanced in my body in all ways. Any quick tips ? Reading a book about ?
  20. what is fun, is I never meditated before this month, until I "feel it". ( smoked a lot of weed while laying down and listening to music for observation purpose those last 3-4 years ) and I used psychedelic 3 month ago ( and meditate while on LSD ). ( I m not a regular user at all of psychedelic, I just abuse 3 drop and 10 microdose day in 2 weeks to see the limit. ) I can completely be out of this world while meditating now ( sober ), without any thought of "reality" entering. I can even loose track of things in front of me, like if they have no label for my mind anymore. But as a guy who is "fuck society" hella fight club style life, since I m 6 it probably work easy for me to disconnect and be in "fuck it mode", as I m almost jealous of people bullshit worry in fact. I always did things when "feel it" when it's right time for me to do things. I drop all fears aswell ( I maybe have still a bit of chaos that I want to keep inside me, but I need that for my lifestyle, and I don't need to be "FULL enlightnment" not currently ) currently need chaos, and so I m keeping a bit of it for now.
  21. and a piece of cake with your thea ?
  22. We are all, everything. it's only a matter of perspective, time, perception. psychopath, empath and all labels are "humans labels created from a human mind, and spread in others human mind" in "reality" there is no label, everyone is a killer and a lover. if tomorow Zombie start to eats your whole city, believe me, maybe you'll even become a psychopathic cannibal. Who could have known ? why not diagnos it before ? the sick, is only the one who do not conform to the people paradigm, those people who call you "sick". there is no solid label in reality, only a bias toward a self perception. means nothing is really, real, it's only mind fuck game to play with words and label, and model. they are useful, to guide, and maybe this, I m not sure.