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Everything posted by Strikr

  1. depend, mushroom show me, how I expected to be "real life" with a lot of depth and meaning instead of "empty", I didn't really lost anything.. I m born an alien to this reality from the start hahaha
  2. can someone explain me the story with 2 prolifics sentences
  3. for me .. it would create imbalance in my move ..
  4. no that's because your ant brain modulate too much for my eagle brain to process !! man you're so in your bubble, keep playing the victim, you're doing it just very fine.
  5. no he is here for the 1%, I can believe he is honest in a way and have valuable teaching, ...... though !
  6. fair enough mate you win this time, but I keep my stick close ;p I m just gonna inquiry the whole for myself and stop playing around
  7. guide me then, it's not bullshit questions, I don't understand what you meant by " like this ", for real. you didn't help me with my sincere question on life force, and speak how all thinking is deluding, isn't this concept of thought being "nothing" a concept of what has value and what is out of value. Against what ? what is the thing inside you that decide there if it is a "valuable questions" or " not a sincere questions". " like this " my questions are 100% honest in my way of inquiry, you can believe it or not this is why 98.9% I believe I m more enlightened than you, but to me it doesn't really mean fucking anything, it's bullshit to say this for "me". the "fact" is, you don't get me, but I don't believe you can, and that's fine anyway.
  8. - do you really believe you can guide people and give "sincere answers" or are you deluding yourself ?
  9. tell me something about me, I don't know, but you do know.
  10. Everyone who use langage to point toward "higher reality" is full of shit, including myself. if we could be enlightened by readings a simple books/answers, everyone would be discover truth for yourself in yourself, that's all there is.. really, that's the more ultimate you can get. ( I m taking this note in my own folder <3 )
  11. all I see is ANT, you're all fucking ants to me black ant, white ant, doesn't matter ! what a tons of bs to defend a bs idea, didn't read the whole thing. if 99% have the mindset of a rock, it doesn't make it solid shit. if an infant is educated by wolf ( it happen'd ), believe it or not, he believe he is a wolf, not a human. so what you believe in your little box isn't reality, but for you it is very real at the moment, I agree it's real then.
  12. for me it's logic when quantum type of thinking sounds logic. that's logic who is a paradox builded on sand thinking. sometimes you really are in control, sometimes not, but the game doesn't only play by himself I m sure there is a part of free will, maybe that's the path to enlightment, maybe for some it's total " loose of control " for some it's "total control", you create your paradise or your hell, but by this, I doesn't mean in christian terms, get it ? haha or maybe we are just here to soothe the vehicle, but for me, I would call it "body memory", maybe what you call "no free will, everything is written" is maybe just the intrinsic intelligent body in action. ( and maybe conclude with your conceptual mind : we have no free will, is a bit too quick ). So I stay on my position there is a bit of free will and a bit of no free will, it depend of many things. or maybe I should upgrade my skills in psychedelic field, but 5 meo DmT & salvia doesn't sounds like an experience I want to be in. hard meditation on the life force sounds a better way ( for me ) I would be even more quantum in the fact, that I do believe we have something related to the idea of "soul indépendance", connected to something bigger than we don't really control, but in the same .. we control something. but maybe I m totaly wrong, that's just a feeling, I cannot believe "everything is written" that sounds too stoic for the universe to be this way. OR another way of seeing things that pop up, imagine the universe was really written until you believe you have no free will, the exact moment where quantum is giving you free will. like pushing your boat at first, then let you the choice of " no free will " or " free will ". everything is possible, and my thinking is modulating to infinity haha. so my rules is not claim anything about "reality rules", be with the flow, but having the mind straight to surf, and not accept any wave coming around ( if you do not feel it ). Thinking can be tricky. Sometimes there is energy that push us while thinking, sometimes it was a complete cloud. everyone his path, this is why it sounds almost cloudy to spoke with people now. For me it sounds just like a game we just push energy and music around, nothing really solid, clouds on clouds it's almost impossible to really give "pure knowledge", cause there is nothing like this. (or maybe there is) Maybe live with pure faith in yourself and in the universe is the best way ( to me ) but you're asking.. what do I mean by that ? haha
  13. exactly exactly what I was looking for my friend, that's new fav
  14. no but I listened more than 50 different vibes through my life, something I almost never noticed in people. metal, electronic, jazz, rap I mean "genre" what the fuck do you mean, show me good music there is a time for bass & a time for silence
  15. that's true it's just hard to realize, because everyone is on his own "quantum part of his story". Doesn't mean there is no "passager", it's a concept to believe we are "powerless" and another to believe " it's all free will ". to me, being in power is a gift of god, and being "not in power" is aswell a gift, both are possible in this reality. don't you agree ? Reality is it's "both". I think life is "quantum" in the same way. we have free will and we have not. "God" is tricky about this. Believing we have no free will, or believing we have free will, for me the answer is "both" ! really, there is some "ground" to the idea of "karma", but that's not what "most people" think it is. Maybe I m fucking wrong, or maybe I m right, but does it matter ? 1. I was sincerely happy to be punished and could "sense" it even before the punishment trust your sense then
  16. for me to read it. INTERCONNECTEDNESS proof ! will save your topic in save/folder, I have the "urge" aswell that I'll need to read this again.
  17. so when I did kill all those people in skyrim while laughing and put their dead body naked on the fire for makes god happy, it wasn't me !! good to know that it was god playing with my body. so why punish me when I m doing evil on the forum, it's not me !!
  18. Throw a coin before each décision and comit no matter the side. Destinity handled
  19. Jordan would loose his shit against the true lightbringer. JP cast : clean your room ! He doesn't affect le leo gura* Leo cast : there is no you and there is no thought Jp : it isu a metaphysicul assumption blublu Leo launch a pokeball* * sweet silence *
  20. #fire&noise ok my meditation favorit song after all this weight, ok bye bye, enough actualized for todays, guys, enjoy
  21. Your post always made my day me I speak to the fire and I listen order