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About Cameron

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  1. @datamonster And no I don’t believe you about the flat earth. I’ve done my own research and didn’t sit on my back side asking people to hand me the evidence.
  2. @datamonster I’m not here to convince you. Research if you’re interested. If not I couldn’t care less.
  3. @datamonster Just research it yourself. I’ve just said a bunch of stuff you could follow up on. Above all else, listen to your body
  4. @Michael569 you don’t know what you’re talking about.
  5. Stop eating seeds. Completely toxic and have serious health consequences. Mental and physical. Like animals, plants need survival mechanisms too. The seed is the plants offspring so it wants to protect it. Physically and chemically. Physically because they are rock hard and chemically with toxins. Its only due to modern processing that it’s even possible to consume them. Ground down into powder, pressed into oil, soaked to be softened, cooked, etc. We consume them because we have to fill stomachs. Not for peak human health. But if you are in a developed country where you have access to as much animal products as you can afford, it’s all you should consume. Fruits and Vegetables aren’t as bad but have similar issues. Anti-Nutrients, toxins, fibre. Anti-Nutrients prevent vitamin and mineral absorption, toxins like in the seeds release stress hormones and ruin your nervous system and fibre is just another word for undigestible. Useless matter inside your body which has to make its way through. Massive effort for you body to pass this all through. Bloating, constipation, rapid aging, etc. - Coffee (you should have stopped consuming coffee by now but if you haven’t, wake up and snap out of your addiction. You don’t need it) - Nuts (Almonds, Brazil nuts, Cashews, Chestnuts, Filberts, Hazelnuts, Hickory nuts, Macadamia nuts, Pecans, Pine nuts, Pistachios, Walnuts, etc) - Legumes (Baked beans, Lentils, Chickpeas, Garden peas, Black-eyed peas, Runner beans, Broad beans, Kidney beans, Lima beans, Haricots, Cannellini beans, Flageolet beans, Pinto beans, Borlotti beans, etc) - Wheat (All Purpose Flour, Bread, Cereal, Pasta, Pastry, Cake, Biscuits, etc, etc, etc....) - Oil (Olive Oil, Soybean oil, Corn oil, Cottonseed oil, Canola oil, Rapeseed oil, Sunflower oil, Sesame oil, Grapeseed, Safflower oil, Rice bran oil, etc) You eat seeds because someone told you they are healthy but you don’t have a clue. And if you reckon you have a clue because you researched it, you got lost in the muddy waters of diet. Don’t be a domesticated human who doesn’t listen to their own body. Wake up and listen to your body. Spend enough time in nature and it will all make sense.
  6. @Devi Shanti You’ve really tried to help me and I appreciate that. But I just don’t understand what you’re saying. It’s frustrating but almost none of it makes sense to me.
  7. @Devi Shanti Same with sex. I’ve noticed some people have a penis and some have a vagina. Nothing about their body parts tells me who they like having sex with or what their personality/energy is like. Whether they are mostly feminine by nature or masculine by nature. These aren’t concepts. Look around, talk to people and you’l see what I’m saying. People have sexual preferences, people have different body parts and people have different masculine/feminine energies.
  8. @Devi Shanti I’m not sure what you don’t understand? Are you saying people having a sexual orientation/preference is complicated? It’s not a category. I’ve just noticed people having a preference with who they have sex with. Isn’t this obvious?
  9. @Devi Shanti I never said anything about 30 genders. I don’t think we need to label anything. People can just be whoever they want, have sex with whoever they want. Doesn’t get simpler than that.
  10. @Devi Shanti I find it useful to break it into 3 categories. Sex, Gender and Sexual Orientation. Sex is what you are born as. Can you make a baby inside of you or not. This never changes. Gender is your psychology or the energy you have. Masculine/Feminine. Be whatever you feel most authentic as. And Sexual Orientation is who you like having sex with. Have sex with whoever you want.
  11. @Devi Shanti Thanks for your response. I feel like accepting who I am is being feminine though. Being masculine feels forced and unnatural. I’ll keep thinking about it!
  12. I was born with male body parts. And for most of my life I’ve had a masculine attitude. Dominate the world. But I’ve always from a very young age had thoughts and feelings of being female or feminine. I watched Leo’s video on masculinity vs femininity and based on his descriptions I feel like I’m a lot more feminine than masculine. I’m 25 now and have been doing consciousness work for at least 5 years. Watching Leo’s videos, reading books, contemplating, meditation, psychedelics. I’ve had amazing experiences that have dramatically changed my perspective. One area my mind is open on is gender spectrum. I feel like anyone can be whatever gender energy they feel most authentic as and anywhere in between. I don’t think it’s important that if you are born with a penis that you have to have a male attitude/energy and vice versa. I think it’s far more important to be authentic. I under this isn’t oneness. It’s all still identity based. I am.... Which is what brings me to my question. Is being transgender unconscious or delusional and just some identity distraction? Or be what I feel is a more authentic self and keep practicing spirituality?
  13. @tsuki I like that partial perspective. I’ll share mine, seen as though I didn’t when posting this. The point of the picture is to show that language is always putting off its meaning. You can’t directly communicate using language. Or any dualistic construct. So none of it has true meaning. And can be considered meaningless. Sure it’s useful if you’re into doing stuff. But not absolute. Which is exactly why we shouldn’t get caught up on word games or trying to explain things the right way. True meaning like you said comes from what is beyond that. That which includes all. The pointed I found worked was “to understand is to be”
  14. @thesmileyone Thanks. Had no idea. I’ll check it out