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Everything posted by Karla

  1. Day 13/365 Earlier I was wondering about how little we use our brain and how much it relates to the cognitive distortion and discontinuity of consciousness. Ooouuu— so glad to see this juicy little tid bit here I found in an article on the brain: “Ultimately, it's not that we use 10 percent of our brains, merely that we only understand about 10 percent of how it functions.” Boom. We probably DO use less than 10% lol... nobody knows. How much would we use a bike that we only know 10% how it works lol. So gratifying when people just keep it real. He he. Mysterious and interesting AF. I was so curious about how much of our brains we really use and how related that is to our low level of consciousness... It’s just so normal to operate way below our potential that we don’t even really know just how far off we are. We haven’t the foggiest idea what is possible for humans, yet we stay labeling stuff so we can comfortably turn the other cheek. Crazy pants. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/do-people-only-use-10-percent-of-their-brains/ I mention this at the very end of my video... coming... if I remember to edit and add it. Taking long to upload for some reason. Tomorrow I am doing a 30 day recap so I may do something different. I want my vids to be more fun.
  2. @MM1988 Is your goal to increase flexibility? Or what is your goal exactly? There are lots of other poses. Lotus is hard for many people, if you have never practiced sitting like this before so it’s okay to give yourself time. Is it for meditating? Your yoga teacher would probably tell you to approach all moves with non-judgement and curiosity. A few suggestions: Drink water before and after. Use a block, blanket, pillows, etc. to allow your body to situate and relax properly. I assume you may already be doing this but this can be extremely helpful. Warm the body or stretch some of you tighter areas (hips and back of thighs perhaps) BEFORE going into longer/ intense holds. Focus a lot on using your breath. Use your breath to inhale into any resistance (visualize breathing into your lungs and into the tightness where you feel resistance) then exhale your resistance. This is something to practice... and maybe helpful. Try for the 10 minutes for awhile and increase only after you are feeling ready/ less pain. Hope this helps.
  3. @Harikrishnan I am reading that too and doing the sentence completion at the moment!! Once you answered the questions in the list, do you see any recurring patterns in your life that stem from any of the beliefs? I feel like you already answered your question because now you want to go back and look at your self beliefs that are really just you clinging to experiences from childhood. Most people have not taken this step, so they are unaware of how they are effecting their actions-- therefore they just become slaves to those past experiences. You Can now begin to see that those were just a false beliefs you can begin to let go.
  4. Interesting. Louise Hay has a great symptoms and causes list if you google it... Have you ever read the book, "You Can Heal You Life"? I have never heard of this, unless if we think of a stroke or something. In which case it effects one side of the brain and then that opposite side of the body. Some of the ones you listed seem like it could be from lying on one side-- the congestion and watery eye. One side being stronger and/or more flexible is actually quite normal and depends on the person's dominant side typically. Following.
  5. @DnoReally Lol. I was like good point... But wait you're here too?
  6. @blaircooper I do kinda dig Grant Cardone. He was an alcoholic and drug addict and totallt flipped the script.
  7. @TheAvatarState love this answer.
  8. This thread is everything gahhhhh. My fave enlightenment quote: ”The truth of who you are, if realized, will set you free.” -Eckhart Tolle
  9. @Enlightenment Hmm. Each individual’s secret sauce— that I can dig. Great discussion here.
  10. @Shin Interesting that in one sentence you said that most people haven’t suffered enough and in the very next say that Eckart was a bad example because he was suicidal/ extreme sufferring. The fact that he was suicidal Is somewhat of a metaphysical question— a life or death question that ultimately forced him to realize a middle option. Should I kill myself was an awakening metaphysical question for him ha ha.
  11. Day 12/365 Todayyyy I had some good ahas. I feel so grateful to be on the awakening journey, even though I fall off at times. I started reading some of the book “The Psychology of Man’s Possible Evolution” again and I felt grateful for that too. Obviously, there were some really good commonalities in that book and in the book, 6 Pillars of Self Esteem, that contain the sentence completion structures that I am working on for this journal. I can see so clearly how self esteem is rooted in the acknowledgement of truth. So gratifying to read some deep truths that nobody ever talks about. At the same time a bit disheartening that I didn’t find out about them and actualized.org sooner. Lots of gratitude for being able to access this now. Thennnn at dinner, I was talking to my friend and he seemed to beat me to the punch in stating that everyone is insane— even though he probably has a different layer of experiencing this now that I think about it. We got to talking about my sister, and how her schizophrenia is a bit similar to dementia. I speak more freely about it since doing the work and I even considered mentioning a tidbit in my signature talk. I know that at some point it needs to be a big piece in my talks but I feel the need to baby step it for now. He didn’t really say anything when I told him that everyone has delusions... and how we never talk about these things. Delusions unchecked is self destruction. I just feel like schizophrenia, mental illness and most physical illnesses are preventable if more people could access the books and the talks that I am so grateful for but it’s just over looked in this way that is super annoying for me. My vid was super rambly because I think I drank coffee too late and welllll hot mess express.
  12. Ooh I so get this! From my experience— we have A LOT of distilling to do and then we can be authentic without having to install beliefs so much. What we need to drop, goes beyond just roles actually. Being who you are— being your truest you without trying to be anything in particular would trump any version that you would come up with in terms of “the kind of person we want to be”. Can you think of someone who is just super authentic and natural? KInda spontaneous and seems to have no agenda? That person is probably not having to instill beliefs as much as just letting go of self concept or trying to be anything in particular... that person is free. I kinda feel like installing beliefs is a bit 2 thousand late he he, or really law of attraction-ish. Works for some people but not if you only jive with the realest truths...
  13. So many great suggestions and I do love me some yin yoga! If I were in your shoes, which of course everyone is answering as if they were in your shoes— I would do some self inquiry around what’s going on and if I was avoiding something in particular. I get lazy or resistant when I am scared of an action or something feels off... in which case it is easier to chillax instead of facing it or continuing with a routine even when it is beneficial. Like yin yoga is amazing but sometimes I want to skip that too! You always have the answer. Different strokes for different folks. Hopefully one of the responses points you in the direction of what’s best for you. I remember Leo referencing Obama’s quote on how growth is not linear in a blog video. He applied it also to personal growth work, and it’s so perfectly true. Growth is not linear. Therefore, ups and downs on the your path are expected and very beneficial. Purification is dirty work sometimes, which is why so few people choose to do it. It can be painful and confronting. Avoiding it can be a way to overlook it short term. So, if that’s what’s going on at all, it may seem easier to ignore it for now in some way.
  14. @Belay kelemework when I first found Actualized.org I totally binge watched for at least a month. I didn’t even realize there were new videos lol. I feel like you need to listen to your intuition and do what you need to do. It definitely helped me A LOT, there are a few I have watched again more than once. I think you were lucky enough to find the channel and you can take advantage of the material if you feel it’s helping you. You have to decide and trust yourself. I think it’s okay as long as it is helping and healthy.
  15. Boom! Day 12/365 Besides my big cheek pimple, things are rolling along well. Keeping it realer in my sentemce completion and overall self esteem increase is good. I feel especially at home saying somewhat difficult things lol which is great. Let the all day savasana continue he he. I have a lot going on tomorrow, so maybe some more interesting shares for the next journal on day 13/365 on here. Ma video is below... I will say I am very drawn to exploding up my public speaking skills along side writing. I think my speaking career will be a lot like my teaching journey because being online all the time is a blower. Leading with speaking and using some social media to enhance the path... Is cool.
  16. 11/365 Today was kinda yummm. "Once you spot your flower you can't let anything get in your way." -Adaptation (such a good movie) I am working on my talk- draft one done. It just needs more life and the other 2/3. He he. In my video I say day 25 bc I started earlier on video but uhhh yea it's day 11 on this journal... Basically the vid does my reflection.
  17. 10/365 Just posting my reflections today... I like to write them but typing feels faster so trying that out here. WHen I reflect on how I would feel living consciously I realize how simple life is/can be. WHen I reflect on how I would feel living consciously I could ignore Angela’s call without feeling guilty even though she would’ve seen me not answering When I reflect on how I would feel living consciously I would be a lot less exhausted WHen I reflect on how I would feel living consciously I would try less and be more When I reflect on how I would feel living consciously I would be nicer to my mom WHen I reflect on how I would feel living consciously I would focus on focusing When I reflect on what happens when I am bringing 5% more awareness to my activities, I woul have less drama about doing reports and other non-fun work When I reflect on what happens when I am bringing 5% more awareness to my activities I communicate better When I reflect on what happens when I am bringing 5% more awareness to my activities I get more done When I reflect on what happens when I am bringing 5% more awareness to my activities I had a hard time today because I was groggy When I reflect on what happens when I am bringing 5% more awareness to my activities I can type this in here and not care if this goes or not.. no carrot When I reflect on what happens when I am bringing 5% more awareness to my activities I can play the game— have fun WHen I reflect on what happens when I am bringing 5% more awareness to my activities I can relax like all day savasana When I reflect on what happens when I am bringing 5% more awareness to my relationships/ interactions I started off good but uhhh then not so great When I reflect on what happens when I am bringing 5% more awareness to my relationships/interactions, I do feel more relaxed When I reflect on what happens when I am bringing 5% more awareness to my relationships/interactions I can see where I have so much control over my communication and reactions WHen I reflect on what happens when I am bringing 5% more awareness to my relationships/interactions I am not as annoyed When I reflect on what happens when I am bringing 5% more awareness to my relationships I can be chilled out mode in my bubble WHen I reflect on what happens when I am bringing 5% more awareness to my relationships I am more comfy in my body Not sure if I will post my video.. earlier I had a mini freak out because some of them are so bad. In my mind I thought of some people that I might be embarrassed if they saw any of them lol... Half way kinda care about that possibility even though I know it’s small potatoes. Ugh.
  18. Day 9/365 I had to revisit that 6 Pillars book to clarify my reflection part for the end of the day. The book is so super good, I nabbed a couple quotes I never noticed before. I actually didn't finish my morning sentence completion. No good reason either.? I could be more vulnerable on these... Going to start practicing my talk on it too...
  19. I had a come to jesus with my coach. This is me lol. Today practicing more awareness/ mindfulness-- I feel groggy because detoxing does that. Happy to be doing the uncomfy things now.
  20. @Zigzag Idiot I was also thinking that!!! I think Leo tries to ruffle our feathers a bit— I thought that was interesting as well. I’m sure there may be others ha ha. I checked out that guy fascinating— looks like you’ve done your research on the “altered states of consciousness” topic. LOL, I can’t imagine Wim Hof shaking his head at anything!
  21. 8/365 I think my biz coach is stage orange and I adore her but omagahhh. What a drag sometimes... like today. I kinda think I usually end up with an orange coach in biz, maybe I am missing something that intuitively I know I can get from an orange coach. I keep feeling like I am certain and move along with things, then she is like no— you’ll need to have a weight loss outcome for that product (like my Aligned Eating)... Such a blower for me. I just had a mini-melt down. I think I’m gonna have to rebel and just deal with the consequences. Just time to fuck some shit up. I might consider a free weight loss solution since I lost a few pounds after the holidays lol. I just don’t feel excited about it at all. Howeverrrr, I did do a mind-body video for my other YT channel. It’s posted. Done. Whew, now I can move on. I also got a cute note from a sub saying I was changing the world he he. Gahhh. Love those... I started a detox challenge with my group today. I actually enjoy doing those he he. When I am eating super clean I just feel like a mofo boss.... Liiiike why don’t I always eat this squeaky clean yo!? Anyways, my mood was blah yesterday because of PMS I think. So, that makes me feel better about it. I also think my feathers were ruffled after the What is God video Leo posted because I am not meditating or doing yoga regularly... or any of the things. It felt better today to just admit that I am not as conscious as I’d like to think. Kind of a strange relief to just be where I am and move along. My sentence completion today felt ? though probably because of the super foods in ma system. Too lit!
  22. @Zigzag Idiot Yea I sometimes have that resistance too around Kriya but I definitely feel so good throughout my day when I am practicing. Odd. Glad you are feeling better?
  23. Ooh YouTube was looking out for me because this old Leo vid was in my feed. Perfect for right now. ? So perfect along with my self esteem research at the moment! Never even seen this. Love it. Definitely a keeper with this sentence completion stuff. High quality consciousness realizes there is always plenty of room to grow. Big picture perspective. Long term gains > short term gains? I was listening this Alan Watts vid earlier... And noticed that this is kinda similar to whay I was expressing in my vid yesterday. I am creating a eating in alignment guide and I will incorporate some of these concepts??.
  24. 7/365 Super late and ugh just kinda off right before and after my videos argh. I think I did too much research late in the day... Perhaps. Working on my speech/ core message and going back and forth on what I reeeally want to be focused on with them. Thinking of connecting cognitive dissonance & power leaks as it relates to entrepreneur health and performance. Meh.