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Everything posted by Recursoinominado

  1. It definitely play a part on it, that's why I know it is a "mental" problem and not an organic one. That's how I was able to learn so much about self-development in all those years, I kind of saw every information as my salvation from my hell and dive deep into it. The problem is that I can't be dependent on a massive interest to focus, as we know that our brain tends to trick us into distraction of subjects that challenges our current beliefs, often we easily dismiss information that could change our lives if applied correctly. Can you elaborate on this? You are right, discipline and organization, being a strategic motherfucker as @Leo Gura would put it is the way. The problem is that every moment of it I feel like hell, anxious as fuck, super distracted etc, it is extremely hard to be present on the task when I feel like shit every moment of it, like reliving past traumas during the task, I almost can hear everyone that put me down and abused me when I wasn't perfect which creates a huge fear of not being enough that perpetuates itself when i eventually fail on the task. Or maybe everyone feels like this when facing challenging subjects, trying to develop new habits and I am just being a little bitch.
  2. I assume this is the video: Have you tried it?
  3. I always think of this as pure bullshit but recently i have find that astrological phenomena do affect us greatly.
  4. If you are in a prision in a first world country, maybe. Here in Brazil you will be tossed in a tiny cell with 30 other inmates, no ventilation, no bathroom(just a hole), sickness, violence, rape everywhere, good luck trying to meditate here. But i guess is the only thing one could do.
  5. Nice nootropic for anxiety but it makes me kind of mind numbed, not clear and sharp, could be why it is commonly used with caffeine (for alertness).
  6. It is sad to see the close-mindedness of people in this forum which theoretically, represents a high consciousness part of society. Why the hell would you dismiss a tool like that without even trying? If it doesn't not work, you lose some money and a couple of hours (I bet everyone here lost way more than this with way less significant stuff), but if it does work, it would be a HUGE help in our self development /consciousness work with lots of benefits in practical aspects of life.
  7. lol that would be epic! Months talking about enlightenment, infinity, non-duality, actuality, life is a dream, brains don't exist and this weeks video: Heeeey this is leo and today we are going to talk about how to fuck your bitch properly
  8. No, basically the subliminals are audios that contain messages like: "i am confident" "i release any belief that blocks my confidence" or something like this. Those messages are repeated over and over, really fast and in a volume that only your unconscious mind can process, so it bypasses your conscious mind and go straight to your unconscious and over and over until your beliefs change gradually and your thought patterns, actions, feelings change day by day until the goal of the program is achieved. You will only hear the ocean or a stream but your brain are getting the real messages.
  9. Reading and listening to Vernon Howard(recommended by Leo), i am having a grasp of how much we all bullshit ourselves. Everyone is lost and desperate pretending to know what he/she is doing and putting a mask of confidence and goodness. I say that i don't care about materialism but i am scared shitless to fail in life (career, financially etc). I use a mask of spiritual and calm person but it's only when everything is fine, when shit hits the fan, i might freak out. I used to think i was a good person but now i know how selfish and ruthless i can be. I say that spirituality is my priority but i don't take nearly enough action, mostly i collect knowledge(mental masturbation), don't practice enough nor contemplate to generate real insights. I am afraid of going too deep with spirituality and psychedelics. I don't give a shit about anyone who can't provide something for me, even if it is a confirmation that i am a good person like giving a homeless some change (hello self-image).
  10. There are free subs on the site i posted, they are really powerful, probably the best on the market. Give a try for a week and post here if you feel anything
  11. I listen to 4 loops of 1h06min each at night and maybe one more during the day. The listening time is very personal and each sub has its own instructions, you have to experiment, for instance, if you listen too much, you will be tired, mentally numb for the rest of the day, in my experience is better to go slow and steady.
  12. I am not earning anything here, just recommending because i am really a fan of this subs and what a pity it is to see most people dismissing it because they are too closeminded. This program is one of the most successful ones, LOTS of positive life-changing reports, unfortunately, i live in Brazil and the dolar here is expensive so 500 bucks is like 2 minimum-wage salaries but i STILL plan to buy it as soon as i can. Until then, i will use more foundational programs to clear energy and emotional blockages and limiting beliefs. Some tips: More isn't necessarily better, don't try to listen to all you can, but observe your reactions and feelings, if the resistance is strong, listen a little less the next day. Experiment between the silent and the masked versions, i recently noticed that i react WAY better with the masked versions although its not optimal to sleep with all that noise (you get used to it). Shannon, the creator, said that the silent versions is like orders to the subconscious mind and the masked is like suggestions, so the later is better if you have a tendency (like i do) to resist people telling what to do or think. Stay consistent, resist the temptation to trade subs (its most likely your subconscious mind resisting and making you sabotage yourself) and be aware of the changes in thought, feeling and action. I use them for more than a year and i still have moments of "HOLY FUCK, THIS SHIT REALLY WORKS!".
  13. Make sense lol doesn't mean isn't true though, but probably I shouldn't worry about it until I get a direct experience of it, not in a sense of dying but remember past lives or something (lots of enlightened people report this)
  14. @Igor82 Yes you can, some are free and still high quality, there is no downside to it, just give a try, follow the instructions, read other people experiences so you know what to expect, most of the changes are subtle and require awareness to notice but do not underestimate the potential if you use it for long periods of time. @SageModeAustin The usual ego backlash that we suffer when the ego feels threatened, fear, anxiety, worry, doubts, resistance in general. Some (including me) may present reversal resistance which is doing the opposite of the program purpose (like procrastinating when you wanted to be more productive), but depends on your personality, if you don't like when people tell you what to do, you tend to resist more (my situation) but i learned that if i persist, the results get exponential, going deeper and deeper. BUT, of course, this is but a tool, is like not going uphill anymore, isn't rare to suddenly find the motivation to do stuff you have been avoiding all your life but you still have to do stuff.
  15. On the retreat, they frequently said that Buddha mentioned reincarnation, including his own (even as animals) and of his disciples.
  16. I always had this exact question in mind. I (think) i remember being said in my vipassana retreat that the Budha escaped the wheel of life and death by "reaching" enlightenment so he wouldn't reincarnate. Another thing is: what about the soul? Both concepts can coexist? The soul(individual, with a specific energetic blueprint) and the oneness?
  17. Man, those subs i suggested are the most advanced i ever seen, waaaaay better than any on youtube. And they are being updated frequently making them more and more powerful.
  18. I first discovered i think almost a year ago, i tried at least 5 different programs and the one that worked the most was the ones i used the most (2~3 months +). Is advisable to read the forum which contains the experience of lots of users and this helps you understand how the subs work. For instance, right know i am using one called "Emotional Pain Relief & Healing Aid 2.0" that intends to change your emotional state to a more positive one, i release all sorts of emotions, old traumas, my overall well-being is way better (i was 3~4/10, now i am 6/10 at least), less guilt, shame, fear, less addictions, cravings, more self validating, more self love etc. The programs work on the subconscious level so most of the time you will just catch yourself doing something unusual like cleaning up the house or going to the gym or laughing a lot, being more patient or something like that. BUT, it is normal to feel like SHIT some days because stuff is bubbling up, you will wake up with a feeling like fear and you don't even know why, but you will relax and in a couple of days you will feel better than before. You will have lots of insights, my kundalini is going crazy, i suggest the subs to everyone, unfortunately, looks like is extremely rare to find someone who appreciated what the subs do.
  19. This is key, a while ago @Leo Gura spoke about a course he was making on how to reprogram the subconscious mind but it looks like he gave up. I use subliminals from this site: It has some for free so you can test for a few weeks, just follow the instructions, play while you are sleeping and let the magic do it's thing. In my direct experience, they WORK, almost like a miracle, and it is my #1 self-development tool right now. I also listen to hypnosis audios (kind of a guided visualization with NLP), i don't know the efficacy of this because i never was able to play consistently (i think i don't believe in it enough to follow through). I love this topic and would love to hear from other people experiences with stuff like affirmations, hypnosis, visualizations etc.
  20. Brazilian here. You are not exaggerating, he is a real threat to anyone here, especially minorities and stage orange(he appeals to stage orange ideals but I am sure he doesn't know wtf he is talking about) and above. Now we know that most of Brazil population are red/blue and it will be fucking hard to rise above this. I have some family members to take care of and won't be able to leave the country(although I can have Italian citizenship) but if I were you, I would seriously consider it.
  21. I am going through this right now, energy is crazy, had BIG insights AND big shifts, like big cloud of negativity lifted and i can see more clearly now.
  22. My reaction would be: Reality is really mind-blowing all the time, especially when you think you got something figured out.
  23. This. Top it with loving energy acceptance and relaxation, it is possible to feel the energy blocks dissolving.