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Everything posted by Recursoinominado
The way i see, it is better to fully grasp and integrate ONE good concept than simple memorize one hundred. True life-changing moments come from deep contemplation, laser-focused in one idea at a time. Sit for 30 minutes and try to articulate and question any idea and your life will change pretty fast because you will truly know why you do X or Z, it isn't just something someone said in a video, even if it is from the most enlightened being, you must come to their conclusions by yourself (assuming that this being is right, of course). The concept of contemplation for me is how you truly learn something. I means to give yourself all authority, full autonomy since you are deriving all your answers and beliefs from yourself, not others.
That is key. As someone who suffered from really bad discipline and bad habits my whole life, i am finally seeing a light here and this is helping me a lot with taking action. I am basically doing a lot of contemplation and trying to be precise with what i really want and what i have to do to achieve that. This puts a lot of things in perspective. Do i want to realize my true existential nature or do i want to be a couch potato wasting way life with video games, weed and junkie food? If i really want X and i KNOW doing Y will get me there, why the fuck i am not actually doing Y and doing some bullshit instead? I think it really comes from being brutally honest with myself and ground myself in my direct experience, not what i think but what is actually. I often thought that smoking weed and playing video games and eating garbage was actually helping me deal with my anxieties from the spiritual purging process, i was fucking deluded! It is just an escape, increase in consciousness (grounded in reality) is always the way to go, self-deception is really a BITCH.
Every time that Leo misses a Sunday video without any communication I get legit worried that he finally lost it lol
Recursoinominado replied to White Monk's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Can you share exactly how you did it? I am a Hatha Yoga teacher and i am also interested in adding Kriya Yoga to my practices without turning into a 2h long session(although the isn't even THAT long). You did Kriya practices(which ones?) in the beginning of your hatha yoga? My routine is usually this: Warming up > 3x Oms > Sankalpa > Pranayama > asanas > shavasana > (sometimes nadi shodana) > meditation I was thinking in including Kriya after the shavasana but you seem to have included before everything. -
Recursoinominado replied to StephenK's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
See Leo's video "What is Actuality" and apply it, work on your first chakra, ground yourself in your direct experience, stop mental masturbation, practice contemplation (aka how you use the power of your brain in a healthy way). When in doubt, look in your direct experience and see if you really have to do anything and if this anxiety is justified or mind chatter. -
Your frustration shows that you may be doing this from the wrong reasons, you need to be someone who is helping/saving people and thus you also need them to need you. When you help someone from the position of the helper (and superior), this causes all sorts of devilry. Been there, done that. I would focus on being the example first above all, let your life be your message, as Gandhi said. Secondly, of course, spread your message to whomever is interested in hearing it, the believers and the ones who are open to change, not the non-believers. Strive to be effective in spreading your truth, of course, but don't get too attached with the results and, certainly, do not try to convert everyone.
That's a pretty big statement you are making, on what bases do you say that?
Recursoinominado replied to AlphaAbundance's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I did 3 sessions and really did see something happening, i noticed how my level of awareness increased and saw how i went to a new level due to this. I didn't had any non-dual experiences, nothing really dramatic but it works like a temporary booster and you have to integrate. It can take several sessions to start to experience enlightenment, it depends on where are you at in your journey. I will do it again when i have the money. -
Have compassion, could easily be you but get the fuck out and don't look back.
Recursoinominado posted a topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Recently i am going deep into self-inquiry, even did a 3 days retreat using only my direct experience, dropping all knowledge, ideas, beliefs, concepts etc, i have made some progress but this is bugging me. Usually, it is said that we are not our thoughts because we can perceive them (or anything else) but i cannot grasp this on my direct experience and never saw any explanation for this, only this dogma vibe this seems to be a basic premise of self-inquiry. I mean, why couldn't i see myself? I am not even doubting this statement, it is just not my experience, how can i grasp this? -
Recursoinominado replied to Recursoinominado's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Nahm Holy shit, this is beautiful! -
Yeah, they are notoriously dogmatic about vipassana meditation, i was advised to conceal my psychedelic experiences from them when applying, just straight out lie to them. They surely have some spiral dynamics blue in them.
Recursoinominado replied to Yonkon's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@herghly 1h is a good place to be in. -
Recursoinominado replied to Yonkon's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I recently became a Hatha Yoga Teacher, i started with my path on Hatha Yoga recently but i think i progressed a lot in a short amount of time and as far as i know, the best form to learn is: 1. To take an intense Hatha Yoga Course, you will learn a lot more than if you take a simple class, they will direct you with the basics, and you will go from there. 2. Take personal classes. It is important because in a group, usually, the teacher will lower the standard of the class due if one student is having trouble following the class. Most people are not serious or trying to get enlightened, the teacher does not give all they got into the class. One-on-One is different, you can say that you want to take it seriously, ask for guidance and for them to take you far from your comfort zone. 3. Take classes, it is great to practice with others and a teacher in person. 4. Take online classes, not the BEST way but you can find good classes on YouTube. 5. Read from books. This is the last one not because it is useless, in fact you have to study books all the time but if you are trying to start from them you can easily feel overwhelmed and unmotivated, it is easy to make stupid mistakes and not know about it. And last but not least: Practice, practice, practice. You will only really learn by doing it, observe your body, and you will get insights about the practice that will take it to the next level, and the next, and the next etc. -
Recursoinominado replied to Amy Irene's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
This a subject that i have been studying and experimenting with for a while and here are my conclusions: 1. Hatha Yoga is great. Breath deeply, feel the stretch, let go. 2. Challenging yourself, trying new things, going out of your comfort zone. Chakras affect our behavior and our behavior affect them in the same way. 3. Raw living foods, fruits, fasting. Lots of energetic blocks are correlated with toxins, mucus, old fecal matter the body is stuck with affecting the chakra of the correspondent area and vice versa. It is common, for instance, to have diarrhea after some energy work/therapy, this means the body is expelling toxins and it was holding due to energy blocks on the spot. -
Recursoinominado replied to UNZARI's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Fuck yeah, infinite love, baby :))) -
On Youtube you can find some videos about intrusive thoughts, it is not necessarily something to worry about, could be just some deep-rooted fear repressed, ultimately they are just thoughts, reflecting some inner neurosis. "My fear of being X is so big that i repress the shit out of it, stuff it way down my mind and it occasionally bubbles up to the surface for some reason." I just try to not resist them coming up, just ignore like it was nothing. Just my experience with it using the tools i learned with spiritual practices. I have a history of being sexually abused as a child by older boys, so, this could be it.
As a heterosexual male, i have recurring intrusive thoughts about: -Being gay, although i THINK i am not attracted to men, which is confusing as hell, i hope i am not just repressing the shit out of this and in denial. -Being a pedophile, although i am NOT attracted to children and wouldn't do such a thing, i still have anxiety about it and avoid kids in general. -Something horrible happening to me like a huge disfigurement, losing a limb, getting paralyzed, raped or something. -Losing my mind, getting crazy (lots of family history + deep spiritual path + weed addiction and occasional use of psychedelics + self-imposed social isolation). -Having some kind of autism, Asperger or something due to the fact that i don't see things as normal people do, especially in a social context (i don't "get" most things and had to learn by studying and experimenting), probably started because of my self-diagnosed Complex - PTSD and social isolation most of my life (until 17 when i decided to do something about it). Also: -People pleaser, codependent, tendencies of narcissism, manipulation and anger issues.
You could have some good amount of trauma energy stored in your body thus making consciousness primarily focused on your head and thoughts as a means to escape and distract yourself from the pain (tensions, blocks). Most of our traumas are relationship related, we often shut down and get overly cautious and anxious when dealing with people in order to protect ourself from an imaginary, almost expected attack. People with a history of abuse tend to develop lots of strategies to "read and feel" people (an empath is born) and escape from possible abuse, this makes you ungrounded, always on alert, trying to manipulate your way into being liked by other people. When i learned about social dynamics and body language it became like crack to my trauma-oriented mind, i developed a quite good skill in reading people and manipulate my way into making them like me, this made me anxious as i paid too much attention to all the details and often get distracted by their reactions instead of grounding myself on what i was saying. One possible solution to this is to just make the conversation about the other person, this also can be quite manipulative, but just be aware of it at first. Shut up and pay attention to what they are saying, try to be genuinely interested in their story, resist the urge to talk about yourself and how you are being perceived. Also, avoid casting judgment on what they are saying, try not to create debates or correct them on your mind. Treat it as a meditation practice.
I feel you completely, just going through this "leaving" phase. I had an experience where i was one month away from all the toxic people in my life and it was BLISSFULL. Hope you feel the same.
Recursoinominado replied to ardacigin's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I agree with you, did a 10-day vipassana retreat when i was a beginner and it was 80% hellish, so much physical and emotional pain almost all the time. Had some cool blissful moments but it was rare and when i came out of there i suffered a huge ego backlash that made me anxious, depressed and i couldn't meditate for months. -
Get the fuck out of there, it is very common that people close to you are holding you back, don't hate them, just get away from them and find some people that inspire you.
I just give them what I can. Most of the time I give them something, sometimes I have some snacks in my car just for them. If I have more, I give more. I don't care about anything besides the fact that there is suffering in front of me, a human being like me in a shitty situation and I can do something to ease their pain for a moment.
Recursoinominado replied to Pouya's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Fasting can show you how attached you are to food to stuff emotions down and numb yourself all the time. When you strip this mechanism, all that stuff will surface, this will be brutal at first but a GREAT spiritual exercise. Much humility comes from doing it, you realize how fragile you really are and how little is needed for you to get unstable. I mean, it is not a survival thing, most people can do a 40-day water fast without dying, why would you lose your shit with fasting for one or two days? It's an addiction. A good way to transition is to eat only raw fruits and vegetables, then you go for only fruits, then monomeals, then juices (without the pulp), then grape and lemon juices, then water fast, then dry fast. This will start a strong detoxification process, physically, mentally and emotionally/spiritually. -
Ok, i am kind of stuck with this one and it is a BIG one blocking me from following my life purpose. BASICALLY, i want to be some kind of life/spiritual coach/teacher like @Leo Gura giving insights to people to free themselves of their mental prison and unleash their full potential in life. For this, i will have to expose myself massively like he does with social media, sites, programs, YouTube channel and stuff like that, fully putting myself out there and this scares the shit out of me because of "mistakes" i've done in the past, not to get into too many details but let's say i was a huge asshole with lots of people, an abusive boyfriend and i get a giant fear of getting exposed like i see so many great people getting for shit they have done years ago and ruining their career and respect. I regret a LOT of things, maybe i am being too hard on myself for i hadn't the awareness i have now, i am working on self-forgiveness in order to give myself permission to be happy and successful, but right now i feel like a spiritual impostor. That being said, i think that my biggest problem isn't only about self-forgiveness (or is it?) but that if i ever get exposed, most people don't give a fuck about forgiveness and won't think twice at condemning someone for life because of the mistakes one made in the past and i saw great people going down for this. Recently here in Brazil a spiritual guru (probably enlightened for real) got exposed for having sexual relations with his devotees years ago and went from God on earth to scum in a matter of days, losing almost everything he worked on building his entire life and the most loving people turned into vengeful devils in the blink of an eye. This scared the shit out of me. As a side note, my own mother is capable of doing such things as she is mentally ill (hard drug addictions), trapping herself in a rut of self-harm due to her inability to forgive herself for the mistake she made in her life (and they are quite abundant) which led her to an hellish downward spiral, i am talking about extreme low vibrations and capable of the most hideous acts. I am not even mad, she is a quite sad case at this point as she looks like a person that got possessed by the devil BUT she IS capable of trying to bring me down (and she proved this recently). I even kind of fear for my safety living in the same city as hers, i plan to move because of this but she can travel just to fuck with me as i will be exposed in social media. Now the solution i thought about: basically to remedy this i think i need to be painfully honest and authentic with my audience, being upfront about my past mistakes without entering in many details but making clear that i am not some kind of perfect love and light being, or maybe i am but let's say that a lot of my past actions didn't come from this higher-self but now i am aware of it a realized i needed to let that shit go in order to give myself permission to shine and help other people, especially people that are in the place i once was. Maybe i inspire people to forgive themselves but i may be super innocent and idyllic here. Maybe this is a specific case or maybe this is so deep that it is universal as i am sure everyone has something they deeply regret about. Would love some insights on this one