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Everything posted by Recursoinominado

  1. Watched 23 minutes, i am going to save you some time: All they talk about is the danger of doing 5-MeO-DMT on a bathtub, his friend was experienced with it and died this way. Well, i am sure Leo is aware of the danger and does what he can to minimize it to the point of not taking dumb risks. It is no surprise for anyone that taking strong psychedelics substances in large quantities for a long period of time by himself has an inherent risk that can't be totally erased.
  2. Seems like you are winning this game, bro, congrats! Can you tell us a little more about your meditation routine? Books, teachings that helped you on your journey? Tips?
  3. No way around it, buddy, just face it time and time again until you can go all the way.
  4. I love it but it can be addictive and turn into an escape. Smoke when you earn it and 3x a week at most.
  5. You would die of boredom and dissatisfaction. Humans thrive on growth, authentic self-expression and contribution.
  6. I did only a little of DMT a few times but it was the most profound shit i ever seen, deeply spiritual, the visuals looked like more real the normal sober consciousness and i had some deep insights that came spontaneously. I have a good experience with ayahuasca, shrooms and LSD but DMT is something else.
  7. That's interesting, MDMA is a hell of a drug, i have used several times but never alone. I imagine that taking it alone would be annoying, at least, due to the almost uncontrollable urge to socialize and be with people and give love to people. And as a general rule, never touch your phone during trips, it will save you lots of cringe moments pos trip. It's also interesting that for some time i resist using it because of how vulnerable i get. Usually, i am kind of cold and distant and being extremely lovely would be so far away from how i normally behave that i equal it with someone drunk doing some foolish behavior that they will regret later. I guess is just my fear of love.
  8. This is a story told by Ram Dass in one of his (hundreds of) talks, His guru was Neem Karoli Baba. Here is the story:
  9. As someone prone to dissociation, i recommend the book "The Betrayal Of The Body" by Alexander Lowen, founder of bioenergetic therapy. The book explains the schizoid type of personality and the importance of bringing consciousness to the body.
  10. Make a video teaching how to heal 5th chakra and release energy blocks on this area.
  11. Difficult for me too, i like guided visualizations and hypnosis programs because of that.
  12. Like it is Christmas
  13. I like his content, epitome of orange mentality but we can learn from everyone. Focus, purpose, discipline, self-control, delaying gratification, strategic thinking, productivity, business, entrepreneurship etc are all great skills that everyone can benefit greatly, even the ones on the spiritual path. I guess is way easier to meditate in a comfortable house without worrying too much about money because you have plenty and you run a successful business through your life purpose etc. Success is not random.
  14. Holy shit, I just opened YouTube thinking "what if Leo posted something? Maybe he had enough of his break"
  15. I love Owen, he is a really smart person that was able to get out of a hellish existence through sheer will power and commitment. One of my top mentors/role models, i resonate a lot with his path, especially how kind of weird he is due to his past traumas.
  16. Yeah, do not underestimate the power of weed as a psychedelics substance nor it's potential to spiritual work. I do not recommend mixing Marijuana with high doses of other psychedelics as they tend to get out of control pretty fast, a lot of people have bad trips after they smoke weed under the influence of other psychedelics.
  17. I certainly observed in my experience a certain fluidity of my sexuality as I became more self-accepting and authentic, my tastes in women changed and I kind of embraced a more fluid movement and way of being that a lot of people are confused with me being a homossexual or something, lots of people asks me that question. I came to accept more thoughts of homossexual nature, which does not make me want to have sex or have sexual attraction for men but I do feel some sort of "attraction" for some men. It is hard to explain but i do feel I was something that I repressed and suppressed a lot due to some childhood events. Later, it turned to be very authentic for me to dress and move in a kind of feminine way but at the same time I can be very masculine (not in that macho Terminator way). I am not doing it for anyone but I have to say that women love it, especially stage green and above. In conclusion, I am certainly way more feminine that I would think until some time ago and that's an effect of my raising consciousness.
  18. Science of human development and purification with the goal of total liberation, union of the individualized consciousness with the Universal One.
  19. You are on the right track. Have been there lots of times and, looking back, it was the crumbling of an old paradigm, like a snake shedding it's skin (could hurt, i don't know), it was forcing me to face my inner fears, like an animal cornered and running was not an option anymore. This is a great thing, it means you are ready for it, most people can ignore this shit for their whole life, if you can't, i bet there is something special in you, there is enough conscious attention that the issue can't be fully ignored, hence the crisis. The Dark Night of The Soul could also be pushing you to make some changes, and those changes could be radical changes like moving to another place, travel, doing something that scares you, pursuing your inner calling, being authentic, changing career etc. The thing that was bothering me so much was all that old stuff that served me at one point but now it doesn't seem to be coming from the deepest authentic place in myself. I made RADICAL changes in my life, fully embraced the concept of Hero's Journey, sold everything and started an epic adventure that, to be honest, scares the hell out of me but i know, deep down, that it is the right thing to do. Intuition is a calm ever-present voice inside, easy to ignore in the short-term but when you raise your consciousness high enough, it gets so obvious that ignore it instantly seems "off", something is wrong, you just feel it, it brings unease. So, you got cornered, the question is, are you going to ignore it or take the leap?
  20. Don't be one-sided, learn to deal with paradoxes, life is rarely about this OR that, it's a mix, a spectrum. This kind of extremist mentality will keep you in mediocrity forever, that's what mentally lazy people do, look for definite, short, clear answers. Black and white thinking is cancer.
  21. Yes, I found out they travel it is self-actualization in steroids if you do it properly. It correlates with the concept of anti-fragility, as long you put yourself into chaos, situations outside your comfort zone, you will be forced to grow, even if you are a lazy fuck. Solo travel, backpacking, try to spend as little as possible with anything that's not essential, interact with your environment, learn new skills, go somewhere you feel like the dumbest person alive because you fail to know how to perform basic tasks, this will give you loads of humbleness coupled with self-reliance. You will have to ground yourself a lot as your environment keeps changing and the only constant is you.
  22. I know because i have one and i have used it, pretty effective method, although there are some even more powerful like Yocan Magneto Vape (tried to buy online but it is illegal here in Brazil and it got returned). Yeah, i get it, smother and longer trip, i had researched some time ago about plugging DMT but didn't found anything really useful. I know it is too powerful and too fast for most to get any useful insight but i did had pretty important insights with only one weak ass hit with this crack pipe (too fearful to go deeper). In a 5 minutes trip i had realized: 1. Leela, its all an eternal and infinite play, Existence is playing with itself. 2. Spirits DO exist, i fucking saw one just calmly hovering in my room, like he was watching me like a science experiment. 3. Materialism is bullshit, pretty self-explanatory to anyone who ever did DMT (or any psychedelic for that matter).
  23. A crack pipe made out of glass will do the trick easily.
  24. Loneliness is a big part of the self-actualization process, there is no way around it, even if you do find like-minded people (they do exist but are rare), ultimately, you can't rely on anyone and must derive the answers by yourself if you want to raise yourself to the higher levels. It is necessary to strip yourself from all beliefs and dogmas acquired by osmosis and not derived from direct experience. I do understand your fear of judgment and loneliness, they are primal fears of human beings, really common. One of my biggest fears is the fear of abandonment and i suffered from non-intentional social isolation for most of my life which put me in serious suffering for a LONG time but it also gave me a unique perspective at life since i had to develop a kind of self-reliance and intellectual freedom from my environment which led me into self-actualization and on my way into levels of consciousness that most people can't relate at all. So, it was a blessing in the end. Also, don't be a dogmatic preacher, if you really want to share your ideas, share with the ones who are interested or, at least, open-minded, don't fall into the self-righteousness trap where you try to convert everyone. Really wise people don't even feel the need to talk about deep topics all the time, they can even do small talk without feeling like they are wasting time, dumbing down or something. If you want to express your ideas, do it in a detached way, do not expect any fruits from it, do it just because, be a channel for the divine and don't be concern with the results, you only can control your actions, not its consequences. The way i deal with it is: i only talk about deep topics if i feel an opening (which doesn't happen often), most of the time i am the quiet-zen type, i mostly listen to people, ask questions, give short vague answers without expectations to be fully understood. I rarely explain myself to anyone who isn't at least stage green and above.