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Everything posted by Recursoinominado

  1. What about direct experiences, contemplation etc? Books vs real life, big difference, especially talking about social-political ideas. I have a LOT of female friends that are also firmly feminists (a lot of activists) and, in my experience, what I see is: virtue signaling, extreme victim mentality, demonization of men, delusion, lack of basic knowledge of history and human nature, unwillingness to discuss ideas, very dogmatic behavior etc. Now, i do support a good 80% of the ideas, i do recognize that women have gotten a bad hand in some cases and i want all of them to prosper and be happy, just not in the expense of anyone. In my opinion, most feminists are driven by unconscious anger/jealously/fear of men and thus are extremely biased but don't ever admit, which makes me not want to be explicitly on their side. Not to say also that they don't have reasons, some of those even confessed that they suffered abuse, which i have a lot of empathy as i too suffered abuse by men and women, but i cannot accept this as a valid reason to be at war with an entire gender for it.
  2. Sometimes, i drink socially, it helps to create real fun memories, tight bonds with people. Getting drunk with someone usually makes our friendship stronger afterward, the same as MDMA (this one is way better for bonding but it's a rare occasion). Don't drink too much because of the after-effects, very hard to be productive the next day with poor sleep quality, brain fog, lack of will power, craving junk food etc.
  3. You won't if you are committed enough with self-development. I know exactly what you are going through and i assure you that you came to the right place, this forum and Leo content are excellent resources in a sea of crap. First, realize how blessed you are, most people live and die without an opportunity like this one, let alone have the wisdom to recognize and value it. How old are you? Talk a little about yourself and we can give you some great piece of advice.
  4. You will if you don't get the fuck out as soon as possible.
  5. First of all, we should have a Self-Inquiry mega-thread. Second: I have been contemplating this for a long time now and listening to Rupert Spira lately gave me some questions that I did like to get explained. Our true nature seems to be this omnipresent field of awareness, meaning that I am all that I see, hear and feel. There seems to be this knowing of all sensory input and nothing outside what I can perceive. So, what happens with what I can't see like when I close my eyes, the objects just cease to exist or they exist even when there is no awareness of them? Awareness is All? I am this Awareness? I have read that we are God experiencing himself, through awareness (sensory input) of himself (the Reality we are perceiving). It there was no way of perceiving itself, like a Reality that only have rocks or something, can it still exist or it just exists when there is some sort of channel through which God can experience itself? All I see is just as "me" as all I feel? We tend to feel like we are somewhere inside the body/head, but shouldn't be any hierarch between organs of perception, so this feeling of "I" isn't more "me" then what i see or hear. When i see a rock, this rock is just as me as when i feel my head?
  6. Well, that seems to me the structure of language, not reality. And awareness only exists when there is some sort of means of sensory input like vision, otherwise, it would be a complete blank like in deep sleep or before this body was conceived or after it "death". Well, that's a serious mindfuck lol
  7. @Leo Gura H o l y s h i t ! This is so strange and shocking @traveler The question and answer format if more like a "point me to the right direction and I take it from here" kind of thing, I know I have to come to those insights through my direct experience and that is what i am doing, the theory is supplementary when i am stuck and cannot find my way through direct experience alone.
  8. If it makes you workout, this aggressiveness does serve you. If I had to choose between "aggressive" behavior in order to workout or no workout at all, I would choose the first one.
  9. Well, maybe, when you were little, you lived in an environment that wasn't safe to speak up and shine and you learned that your best survival strategy was to fit in and don't make any unnecessary noise. Children exposed to frequent traumatic events will often dissociate, withdrawn and make themselves invisible, like a frozen still animal pretending to be dead hoping to make the predator lose interest. Take this passive approach to life long enough and you have a deeply ingrained character trait, changing it means that a lot of deep-seated fear will come to the surface. There is no way around it, be bold and brave, gradually desensitize yourself from fear by being exposed to it little by little. Also, look for areas that you are confident and explore it, this will spread to your whole life. I found that when I started to workout, gain some strength and learn how to fight (through martial arts), the confidence I discovered wasn't limited to those areas but I got bolder in a broader sense. I recommend for you to visualize yourself being successful, try to feel it as much as possible and just stay with it, make your body feel comfortable with confidence and success. This will also become a habit, soon will be your modus operandi.
  10. Apparently he took it like a champ. People asked him why he wouldn't use his powers to cure himself, he said that it was time to left his body and that just accepted it.
  11. @Roy it is certainly a skill and can be learned, improved and mastered. But, as it is said in the community, especially in early days: direct experience is king. You can read all you want, watch hours of infield footage and courses but you will really learn by doing real approaches, interacting with women and getting a feel for what works and what doesn't. This way you can learn the deep nuances that only direct experience can give you. Like meditation, you learn by doing it, not by reading, although it you also have to study the or.
  12. @electroBeam This is actually not that hard to do when you are in the right state, because you need massive positive assumption and calibration. When you are "in state" (could call it flow), women just sense this shit oozing out of you, sometimes you lock eyes with a girl and you just see that it is ON, she is in a trance, you approach her like you approach a cat, smooth movements, leading the interaction physically while still locking eye contact and go for the kiss. You also have to be extremely aware of her state to stop at any sign of discomfort, this means you have to be all-in, 100% present, playing to win, not to not lose.
  13. Even with a trip sitter, what if you just stand up and run through a window, how could a trip sitter seriously stop you? They are fas and strong enough? If you fight them? Think things through.
  14. Can relate, going through this right now. This basically means that your old ways of doing things aren't going to work anymore, almost like you aced a level in a video game but to go to the next one you have to transform into something else. It is time to let the old die and the new to flourish. Create a new, more authentic vision of the future you really want to live. Deep soul searching is required. Alone time. Contemplation. Paper and pen. Make powerful questions to yourself and just write freely. Try new stuff, don't be afraid of bold life changes like moving to another city, selling all your stuff etc.
  15. @Zak "If you want to improve, be content to be thought foolish and stupid with regard to external things." -Epictetus. It is a skill, you must try things outside your comfort zone to improve it and you WILL fall flat on your face frequently. Showing me a clip of Michael Jordan missing shots doesn't make him less of a legend. If you follow the advice of the guy in the video you posted and go out approaching 100 women, I guarantee you that most of those interactions will be so cringy that you will actually get used to it. The mark of a man that women love is his ability to withstand great amounts of social pressure without breaking down.
  16. In a way, he isn't wrong, but the game here is not only about numbers, but about skills. Preparation + opportunity = Luck If you lack skills, you are going to have a bad time, even if you approach 100 women in one night, yeah, you will find one or two that is interested in you but the quality will be awful. And when I talk about quality, I do mean compatibility, not just looks. Most newbies can't put their real personalities on the line and end up with the wrong type of girls. If you want quality pick up resources, check the channel of Todd, he knows what he is talking about:
  17. Looks like you have too much conceptualization in your mind and this is dangerous when they don't match our direct experience. What does your intuition tell you? Could the truth be more simple?
  18. Here in this forum, everyone feels this untapped potential you are talking about. Self-help is all about trying to actualize this potential, bring it through fruition, actually using it, as much as you can.
  19. I used to like him a lot, even had him in my "life goals list", bought some of his products etc, but ultimately he seems to have regressed a LOT, he became ultra-conservative and narrowminded, just setting a shitty example for his followers (mostly young man looking for good role models).
  20. This is interesting... People nowadays are being canceled for way less than that, it is interesting to think about his music still selling on platforms like YouTube and Spotify. That just goes to say how much this outrage green stage movement can be selective.
  21. I guess you still have to honor your particular incarnation with its preferences
  22. You are going to have a bad time. The vipassana retreat I did as a student I was meditating with ease for 1h every day and when I did the first meditation there I realized the mistake I made because after that meditation session you usually have a few minutes of interval and is sent back to meditate again for one more hour. This means that if you had a painful last sitting, this time will be worse and it accumulates all day long. I guess is part of the retreat to take you to your limit, physically, mentally, and emotionally. But I do recommend that you go there well prepared to meditate for 2-3hours straight and then you will have a much better learning curve, I suppose. You will go deeper into the retreat, otherwise, you'll be pure chaos and pain for most of it leading to a huge ego backlash after. I did finish the retreat but it was hellish for me and I didn't meditate or did anything related to spirituality for the next 6 months.
  23. I guess it depends on your mindset going through conversations. You can listen to learn about the subject, about the person, to respond etc I try to learn about the person, the subject and everything else (small and big picture thinking). When it is small talk, i get myself reacting automatically, with generic responses that fit that situation energetically. You can also just listen like a mindfulness practice and in this case you can go so meta that you hardly learn anything about the object but you learn about the structure of reality itself. Sometimes when i read a word, i become aware that letters are just drawings that we attach symbols to and when this happen it can be hard to pay attention to the symbol itself. I got myself a few times starring to a word as common as "house" without making sense of it, finding everything so weird like saw it for the first time. This isn't bad, but it is another level of awareness. You are not required to say something every time people direct a word to you. I often just stare people blankly when they finish talking because i don't have anything to say and i don't want to use the usual generic reactions. Usually, people just laugh, with time it became just "me" to do this, it is something that makes me unique, in a good way.