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Everything posted by Recursoinominado

  1. All from RSD and from Todd Valentine (after RSD, solo career). I learned a LOT from watching the RSD free content on youtube, a lot of gold nuggets there. They deleted everything but with a google search you can find where to download everything.
  2. @Jaccobtw How small are we talking about?
  3. This is mine, took several hours to finish but it is awesome!
  4. Flatline is a widely reported phenomenon. Part of the healing process, it will get better eventually. IMO it makes the process easier if you don't freak out about it. Being horny all the time trying to not Fap is pretty hard, one moment of weakness and your momentum is gone.
  5. It's about your inner game. When you know that every time a girl sees your dick, she will brag to all her friends about it, you will have a lot more confidence in approaching women. The reverse is also true if you have a 3-inch dick or less, you can be sure the word will be spread out, think about it, how much more anxious you would be?
  6. Big dick energy is a thing, bro
  7. Women secretly love big dicks, they love to brag to their friends that their man has a big dick. I have a lot of girl friends and spent a lot of time with them, often being the only heterosexual male of the group, they felt at ease talking their minds and, man, women talk a LOT about big dicks and sex with themselves, more then men talk about it, in my experience.
  8. Yeah, if you want a highly masculine woman, go for it.
  9. @Consciousone35 I would totally go to a Tony seminar, if you think it is just a waste of time, I don't even know what you are doing in a self-development forum. I don't know what happened in the situation you talked about but maybe she had wrong expectations about the guy, maybe she was hoping for someone to hold her hand and tell her how much he is sorry for her situation and cry together and Tony has chosen to not fuel this perspective. Every teacher has it's style, some are more aggressive than others, some can simply tell you to quit being a little bitch and that's what you needed, and another one can hug you, show you with motherly love, you feel good and nothing change. Triggering transformation in people is a lot more complex than most realize, you are going to have to touch some deep wounds and some people are not ready for it yet.
  10. Well, let me tell you, there are LOTS of worse ways to procrastinate.
  11. Good looks give you a better first impression, when the woman doesn't know anything about you, she has to make an assessment by your looks, style, body language and tonality. You can be beautiful all you want, if your inner game sucks, you are fucked. Trust me, I know from experience. I am usually considered 7-9/10 in looks (because i am short). Not gonna lie, i have lots of girls giving themselves to me easily (all i had to do is NOT fuck up, which isn't that hard), but very rarely the ones you would really want. The quality ones don't care that much about looks because it is common for them to meet hot guys, but it isn't common to me alpha, confident, smooth, grounded guys. I always had a major problem with beautiful girls, my sense of entitlement is fucked and this is clear to them when they met me.
  12. I used to listen to his YT channel but all his videos are the same message with different words. Meet and spend time with successful people. Fuck what you are feeling right now, do what is important on the long-term. Take action, you are going to die soon. Plan your day and life, be pragmatic. Not that this is bad advice, but isn't anything new. I would bet his $5k course is the same shit. Someone on this forum took his course and said that he doesn't even teach that much, his assistant does most of the work. That being said, I would pay to meet quality and successful people, the kind who would pay that amount for a self-development program.
  13. High-quality organic foods (as said above) A good Juicer Water distiller High-quality supplements (like spices, minerals, probiotics, mushrooms etc) Nootropics Retreats and live sell-development/spirituality programs, events etc. Coaches (all kinds) Intensive courses like one month of intense Hatha yoga training. RASA online sessions Meeting in person and living with successful, conscious and uplifting people. All kinds of therapies (experiment with everything and see what works for you, be open-minded). Living in a good place (peaceful, healthy environment). That's basically what I will do when the big money starts to flow to me.
  14. What you IMAGINE to be your past will define you. IMAGINATION is a keyword here because your memories and interpretations of what happened in your past are totally flexible, meaning that you can choose to think whatever you want of your past. REFRAME the shit out of it. Also, you don't really need to live in the past, you can only build what you want NOW, in the present. Imagine yourself being and having whatever you want.
  15. That's your perspective, man. Try to imagine how a fighter feels when he is on that ring, with millions of people watching, doing what he does best (aka mastery), in the flow, being cheered on etc. That's a peak experience that only a handful of things in this life can match. Recontextualization. Slapping a woman at the street for no reason is bad. Slapping a woman in the bed making her cum harder is good.
  16. That's not torture, that is two highly trained grown men earning a LOT of money to do what they love, it is no different than football.
  17. The worst things to unground me are screens (phone, PC, tv, whatever) and headphones. Do a dopamine detox for an entire day, only books and journaling with pen and paper then tell me if you didn't felt a lot better. Also: exercise, long walks, Hatha yoga, bioenergetics etc. The options you tried are the most common suggestions but are also too basic for someone who needs real grounding.
  18. This video blew my mind. Made me realize i am thinking too small. We have so many possibilities that it is not even funny.
  19. What are you doing on a Internet forum? Go do the work! WAKE UP!
  20. That was interesting to watch, respect for Russell after this one.
  21. This discussion is useless if we are going to have this "how many books did you read" arguments. Pure diversion tactic. You can write all the books you want, but when your average movement activist is clearly moved by unconscious hate and fear, I will watch out for that, not your beautiful theory. "It's just your opinion, man". Doesn't make any less true. When you see the anger and resentment in the speech of red pill guys or Jordan Peterson and this lights up a red flag, you are not wrong nor crazy. They can have a lot of good arguments but, deep down, if you know human nature, you know that their motives are not what they preach. When you are moved by unconscious hate/fear, you just project the shit out of it on others, you will forever seek reasons to justify your hate and fear. Not surprisingly, the average woman is not happier than 70 years ago, despite a world of difference in the quality of life and rights. Why? Because it's is all about what do you focus on, if you make your whole identity out of looking for reasons to why you are not as happy as you think you should be, chances are, you will find an endless river of reasons, the ego is a GENIUS for finding culprits. If I naturally insecure because I have poor self-esteem due to childhood traumas, I will project my insecurity in the world and blame everyone but NEVER feel safe because I didn't address the cause in the first place. That's basically what I see every single time.
  22. Writing and contemplation is a great way. They really do organize my thoughts, try it. Pen and paper are great also, maybe a typing machine because with a computer or something like it, I have a lot of distractions and it is hard to focus on my direct experience.