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Everything posted by Recursoinominado

  1. The first one is always brutal but with time you get used to it and "jump in" easier. As RSD Tyler said: "It is easier to approach a 10 in the end of the night that a 6 in the beginning." He is referring to the concept of momentum. After one or two approaches, if you keep approaching without thinking too much, you start to enter this momentum and is all smother from there. I like to have a meta-perspective of the approach. All i see is that i have to physically move my body until i am in front of a girl and start talking like i am talking to a mirror or something. I fully concentrate on what i can control. This helps a lot, I have found.
  2. Well, it depends on several factors like tolerance, sensitivity, your inner "purity level", set and setting. It is my experience that, with time, I got more and more sensible to psychedelic substances. Now it is somewhat unpredictable, even low doses make me high as fuck. The other day i took a 1g of shrooms and it was way stronger than i expected, had to calm myself down a couple of times.
  3. I guess being able to flow with changes is an essential skill that only a few have. Backlash happens because we have a self-image that hardened with time and habit. I guess that if you are conscious and present enough, that will lessen the problem by a lot because we would not live by that past self-image but by our present surroundings. Particularly, I have massive ego backlashs any time I do a significant progress. I noticed that I have a limit to how good I am able to feel and when I feel good for a few days, I have this awful day afterward and all my progress is nulled.
  4. Well, we are the dominant species on this planet because we are social, we depend on one another and that's our strength. Groups that communicate better have a better chance to survive over some other group that doesn't do so well. People that have high social intelligence, charisma, influence skills are able to survive better than some autistic guy that no one likes. It is not a coincidence that women love guys that are socially savvy. Orcas, dolphins, apes are known as highly intelligent and they are also social animals that hunt in a pack.
  5. I am no expert but i would guess it evolved from basic sounds like the ones babies do trying to symbolize something, then it escalated as it is a highly effective form of communication, something that sets us apart from all animals and benefits our survival. Then came writing which allowed us to store knowledge and build from there, instead of relying on someone's good memory to pass down on younger folks. When books and paper became popular to the average human, that's when things took of. At last, we have the internet that unified all of it globally and here we are.
  6. Self-love, motherfucker!
  7. This seems like stage blue moralism. Stop with all those shoulds. You don't have to marry the first girl you get into a relationship with, especially if you are not compatible. You can try to love her unconditionally without necessarily being in a relationship. It looks like you are trying to apply some principles you read somewhere but did not come up with them yourself, don't live your life trying to get "good boy" points.
  8. Volume and anonymity, can fuck up all you want.
  9. Why not both? Work on yourself AND learn game. In fact, game is self-development for men on STEROIDS. You will learn so much about yourself, how to manage yourself, how to deal with emotions, be more charismatic, go for what you want, confidence etc. Do you think those benefits won't spread to all areas of your life? Nothing substitutes game, there are a lot of successful guys that are a tragedy with women.
  10. Yes, you have to enjoy yourself. If you have the proper game mindset you will realize that approaching women is FUN AS HELL. The first one is always going to be brutal, you have the right to be a little creepy because you will be nervous and in your head. The secret is to be aware enough to not frighten the girl, with calibration you can keep the proper distance, looking for signs of discomfort, offer her assurances that you are not some idiot who lacks basic self and social awareness and it will be fine. Here are some guidelines to have FUN and build from each interaction, even if you got blown out: You can say: Hey, how it is going? I saw you, found you cute and came here to talk to you. Then offer some comfort statement like: I know it is kind of strange to approach someone in the middle of the street, but fuck it. I only have 2 minutes before i have to get back to my friends. Then you keep talking, anything, don't expect the girl to do the work for you. Short and sweet at first, 30s or 1 minute at first, when you get some momentum and your mood is better, you can try to keep the interaction longer.
  11. That's because 90% of guys don't have the balls to do cold approaches and rely on warm approaches (usually through social circle), man have been doing that since the beginning of times. But we are in a self-development forum because we are not satisfied with mediocrity. I don't know you but i want to have control over who will be the mother of my children instead of rolling the dice on that one praying for God to send me a wife that will not ruin my life and/or my children's lives. I guarantee you that is better to choose one girl in one hundred because you had the balls to do cold approaches than it is to chose one out of two because you listen to some shitty relationship advice from a Youtuber that is scared shitless to approach someone.
  12. Read my last post, you are fundamentally wrong about how women attraction works and all your assumptions after that is going to be wrong also.
  13. By approach, i mean every girl that you would like to approach. Masculine energy goes for what it wants, it does NOT wait for permission like a good little boy. Women respect that. Also, you guys are fundamentally mistaken about how attraction works for women. They are NOT like men, they need time to experience you and seeing you from a distance is often not enough. She can totally be disgusted by you at first sight and love you after you approach and do your thing. For women, no means not now, try again later. Men are like a light switch, we are on or off, would fuck or wouldn't. Women are like a dimmer, they increase their interest gradually, and for this to happen, you have to spend time with them.
  14. This is the "Red Pill" equivalent to "just be yourself and you will find the right one". Bullshit. Just go approach, stop with those silly rationalizations to not approach, and wait for women to magically sense the ALPHANESS oozing out of you and automatically drop their pants. Cold approach is NOT a numbers game. Approach is NOT the same as CHASING women. You can be alpha all you want if you a locked in an office pursuing your "purpose", women will NOT magically find you. There are plenty of well off guys that fell into this trap and wonder why they aren't drowning in pussy. Stop trying to cut corners, stop trying to take short cuts in order to protect your fragile ego.
  15. No, men should develop themselves out of that creepy, needy, low conscious state of animal desperation. Develop self and social awareness, develop charisma, raise your vibration. Women are incredibly aware of your vibration, your inner-feeling environment. Most men are very low in that scale, completely lacking self-awareness, approaching women exuding fear, anger, guilt, despair, neediness, and act surprised that they didn't like that. You know that feeling when a sketchy figure approaches you? You know, some man with a mean demeanor, thug-like. This guy approaches you in a desert street at night, how would you feel? That's how women usually feel when they talk about creepy guys.
  16. It is like homeless people being "nice" to you, they want something and you can see it miles away.
  17. @ColeMC01 I live in Brazil where rape and sexual assault are a real thing and women walk permanently on alert for any kind of possible danger and that includes being defensive and try to avoid approaches at all costs. Believe me, it is not easy to approach someone that is afraid for their lives. Anyway, this "girls are harder to approach here" objection is quite common, usually from newbies trying to justify their lack of balls and results. This has been debunked time and time again.
  18. Not true at all, this is just a way out of your fear of rejection. I have approached tons of bitchy face girls and it worked fine. Big principle of game: Masculine energy goes for what it wants and is grounded on itself. Meaning that you approach even if the girl isn't giving you clear signals and do your thing without being affected by her apparent bitchy behavior. In fact, women often put up a bitchy face to scare off anyone who doesn't have the balls to approach her like that. It's a filter, it works wonderfully and your post proves it. Most high-quality females won't give you much to work with, she wants to see how you react when you don't receive any external validation. Are you going to let your state drop because she isn't laughing about your jokes, playing with her hair or even responding to you? Or are you going to remain grounded with a stable sense of confidence? I have had girls barely responding to me, and even being bitchy, telling me to go away, suddenly transforming themselves into a loving person when they saw that i remain unphased and in a good mood. I remember one specific approach that i was in-state and the girl was doing this whole "i am annoyed by you" thing but i simply was in the flow and kept going with a good mood, great calibration, touching her and all of that, the interaction took like 5 brutal minutes like that until she said something nasty to me (i don't remember exactly what), i stopped for a moment, looked her in her eyes, genuinely smiled and said: "and i love you". She then proceeded to make a huge smile, looked at me with those "i want to fuck you" eyes, and kissed me.
  19. I don't even know where to start... But a part of me is like: fuck it, do it and post here a trip report.
  20. I feel you, too much theory consumption can definitely confuse and hold you back. Maybe try to be a creator and develop your own personal system of knowledge based on your direct experiences.
  21. Ginger prevents nausea, make a strong ginger tea, then add shrooms, turn off the heat, let it sit for 20 minutes, filter it, repeat the process one more time to make sure you extracted all the psilocybin possible and PROFIT.
  22. That laughing at the beginning ? can relate
  23. In field is best to do sober and get momentum. This way you will be incredibly sharp. Doing game while high is tricky as fuck, I experimented a lot with several combos and the best one for me was: Low dose lsd to give you 10h energy, 1/4 or less depending on its concentration. This is starting the night, ideally you start approach before it really kicks in and when it does, you are already in a game mode momentum, it will only enhances it. After 1-2h this way, you crush half a mdma pill into fine powder and dissolve in a water bottle. Then you take a sip (no more than that) every 30 min to keep a kind of stable mdma microdose in your system. If you want, you can also take a sip of alcohol (like one can of beer each hour or two). Keep approaching all night. This way I managed to enter some amazing flow states, super mental clarity and extreme self esteem and confidence. So grounded and present that a lot of the time I did silent openers and girls would love it. Of course this cannot be a frequent thing, one time a month maximum, specially because of the mdma, do not abuse it. One time I did this combo in a psy-trance festival, I managed to pull a girl to my tent, we had sex, ended and I came back to do more approaches. Man, I was in a unbelievable flow state that day, although I took more Lsd than I would recommend, i sticked to the game process and kept approaching, it worked beautifuly. I will never forget the insane self confidence and presence I felt that day, I even approached a famous Brazilian actress in front of her husband (a professional surfer), and she loved it (her husband, not so much).
  24. Yes, go make some money to pay for awesome enlightenment retreats and shit like that.