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Everything posted by Recursoinominado

  1. Thanks I am always alert for this, luckily, i am super intuitive about people, I can read people pretty good.
  2. Yeah, i know, i know... It is sad that we can't have a raw communication like that. "Let's just hear what this wise person REEEEALLY thinks about anything". We could learn so freaking much! This is possible in 1-on-1 conversations where nothing is being recorded, though.
  3. Whatever, dude, i couldn't care less with this "is this a cult or not" debate. I pay attention to the message, and I decide what I do with if it, all I want is to learn, evolve. If I respect the person and I consider them wise, I do this exercise of "what if it is true?" when learning from them, it keeps my mind open and I learn a LOT more than if I listen to them making judgments about how delusional they are. It is like mindful learning. Most people are too reactive and judgmental to what is told to them, especially if it does not fit their narrow reality model. To me, this is a sad waste.
  4. Bro, don't give me that filtered shit, i want the raw truth, fuck those people who are close-minded and stuck in this judgmental state. If it is only for 5% of your followers, so be it. Share it. SHARE IT!!!!!11
  5. Sex on LSD. Make-up sex. And the few occasions where I didn't had to be concern with cumming (mostly due to substances use like LSD, alcohol and MDMA) but still maintained a full erection. In those, I could be fully present and give everything to the girl who came/squirted over and over again.
  6. Stage orange can't differentiate green/turquoise from red/blue.
  7. He does have some good points where the aversion to authority can be caused by unbalanced masculinity, as we reject it in ourselves, we reject in the world. Our ability to accept authority can be reflected in our relationship with ourselves, as we also reject our own authority, making decisions, following plans and being self-disciplined is almost impossible because it is constantly met with unconscious rejection. But he is completely delusional about Trump being a good masculine role-model. He fails to see how unreliable and selfish Trump is, which is the opposite of a good masculine leader. Yes, Trump has some strong traits, you don't become president of the US by accident, you could see this in debates where his strong frame demolished his opponents. The problem is that he is so unconscious and narcissistic that giving him power is like giving a loaded AK-47 to an overly-ambitious chimp.
  8. Schizoids are also unaware of his feelings, emotions and body, which will be a bottle-neck to his self-development. They lack root, ground, how do you want to reach the sky without a proper foundation? Their path is not the path of the mind, but the path of the body, because that's where their biggest weakness lies. Without a solid ground, trying to go too high can be dangerous, one step away from schizophrenia. As a schizoid myself, I noticed that most of my "natural tendencies" are, in fact, an escape. As we run to our heads to escape our bodies, we run from people and the world. Yes, we have this contemplation skill developed through a lifetime of being in our heads but we also can have massive blind-spots due to lack of connection with the body, which can be disastrous, in my experience. Don't ever underestimate the wisdom of the body and feelings. That's how our higher-self communicate, not through our logical mind, where any intuitive thought would be drowned out among a continuous stream of random and useless thoughts.
  9. I don't know, man, if you read their books you will notice that the authors also complain about the same stuff that we see today like people wasting their lives distracting themselves endlessly, eating copious amounts to satisfy animal desires for stimulation, chronic negative thoughts, low self-esteem, lacking focus/concentration, lacking presence etc. I guess all those things are relative, life doesn't come with manuals, even if there is fewer things to distract yourself, the ego-mind will find a way,
  10. I love the New Thought Movement, a lot of great little-known gems like this one. The fathers of modern self-development books.
  11. @Aspiraling Wizard Blank mind = no thoughts = peace Doesn't matter if you call him beta or alpha
  12. Blank meaning calmness and presence, absolutely!
  13. Assuming you are a creepy guy that has no/little experience with women, which is the experience of a lot of guys nowadays, you have to start somewhere. Yes, it will be brutal in the beginning, but things will smooth it out. As you approach, you will learn that what people call "rejection" doesn't matter that much, and when you do get rejected, it is not YOU that got rejected but your approach, this makes a spark of self-esteem and self-confidence to blossom, which can be something new for a lot of guys. As you approach, your inner AND outer are being polished. Bro, you seem to have a lot of hardened opinions on the matter and, at the same time, know nothing about it. Be more open-minded, wonder why people like me and Leo are spending time trying to convince people like you to give it a try. "Field experience is KING" Stop trying to make assumptions and conclusions about something you are not experienced in.
  14. No, they don't lol. That's what only someone who is afraid to approach would say. It's inner + outer game, not one or the other. You don't learn social skills without socializing. You don't need it. It is totally possible to learn by yourself, but it will take you a LOT longer to go figure out all by yourself, which, frankly, is just dumb if all you need is a google search to learn the step-by-step method that will make you learn 10x faster then you would by yourself. Again, assuming that you are willing to GO OUT and APPROACH women like your life depends on it. Tons of guys learned this way, especially at the beginning of the community, all they had was some forum posts to rely on and had to figure it all out from zero in the field.
  15. 1. High-quality conscious women still have fun. 2. You can meet women anywhere, streets, parks, beach, in a hike, yoga class, meditation retreat, ashrams etc. If you don't know how to do cold approaches, you won't meet them, you will see your perfect woman passing through you to never see her again. 1. False, all women love a funny, charismatic, confident, charming, socially savvy guy, that knows how to flirt, create comfort, play with sexual tension, lead the interaction. She will totally fall for that "PUA shit". 2. Good PU is like good plastic surgery, invisible. The better you get, the less you do. You can approach without saying a word, lock eyes and kiss in a matter of seconds. 3. It is like any skill. At first, it can seem forced and, with time, it becomes part of you. You don't just do stuff that women love, you ARE what women love. All childish behavior, neediness and possible inauthenticity will be rooted out. The better you get, the more authentic and free you are.
  16. Yet, he probably will have to go through this experience of meaningless superficial sex with random girls to have this insight that it really does not fulfills you. It is like telling a hungry homeless guy to focus on expensive fruits and vegetables instead of cheap fast food. Also, you need a good game with high-quality girls too. Imagine that you spend all your time developing yourself and your career but don't know how to attract girls, flirt and all of that, then you meet your perfect 10 (in all aspects), that one in a million girl that is a perfect match for you and you suck at flirting, making her get turned off by you. Do both, learn game and work on all the other areas of your life. You can be extremely successful and still suck with women. By the way, this leads to all those "#metoo" cases, basically, successful guys that are still creepy as fuck and don't know how to create comfort, read body language, flirt, be funny etc.
  17. Damn, that hurts Anyways... *clicks on the next video*
  18. @General 2 My goal is not to feel awesome because I manifested a car, is to feel awesome and have a awesome car.
  19. Had some big experience on Love lately?
  20. You are always feeling something, Neville didn't said to feel blissful, that's my 2 cents, he did say to fee like your wish is fulfilled, which can be calm gratitude or boredom, yes. But, in my opinion, this is just a waste. Why the he'll wouldn't you want to feel awesome? Those won't be two separate manifestation if you imagine them together, you are living a mark in your subconscious mind by imagining the thing and feeling like you feel.
  21. That's interesting, contemplate why the ego mind prefer evil and suffering to emptiness. And congratulations for the courage to go deep into reality.
  22. Well, i guess that's fine, not everyone is ready to live an amazing life.
  23. Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant. -Robert Louis Stevenson Pretty good rule of thumb for life.
  24. The manifestation is less about the car and more about the state, if you imagine a boring and worry state, that's what you are going to get. Nothing is stopping you to imagine yourself being in that car feeling blissful and safe. If someone is in a shitty mood constantly, they are going to get more of that until they decide otherwise. It is needed to make a conscious effort to really feel (with all senses) how you want to feel. Like an actor, embody how you would feel in a perfect condition, use physiology, affirmations, imagination, like a child pretending she is a pirate or a king or something. One I am using these days is simple affirming: I am amazing, my life is amazing, fuck yeah, I am amazing, my life is amazing, I love myself, I love life, I love my body, life loved me. While I put a big smile and spread my arms like I had won the lottery or something. Make a victory dance, jump and shit like that. You have to normalize this awesome state, make your subconscious mind be comfortable with feeling awesome and your life will change radically. I love Neville Godard and all the New Thought Movement authors.
  25. Buddy, don't worry about me, my goal here is to wake people out of this arrogance position in which they keep talking and shitting on something that they are clueless about and THEN missing on the life-changing benefits of it and that's just sad to me. Again, all of this stems from a fundamental assumption that you know what you are talking about, which you don't. What I want here is for you to drop this idea that I have made of what PickUp is and go look into it deeply and practice it. All you have said are superficial, apparent stuff, this is what most people think when they talk about pick up. And this is also how most newbies think when they START this journey. First of all, you don't have to approach hundreds of girls before your first success. It all extremely personal, some people are way ahead of other when they begin, depending on several factors like charisma, confidence, social intelligence, self-esteem, previous experience with women, knowledge about PU etc. Second of all, success is a personal definition, some might define success as saying hi girls, some as having sex, some as exchanging numbers etc. This seems obvious but is crucial because if a newbie defines success in PU as having sex, yeah, maybe it will take him hundreds of approaches or more and this will demotivate him a lot. If a newbie defines success as saying hi to anyone, he will have a lot more chances in succeeding. It's like defining success in meditation as having super focus one-pointed concentration for 1h straight. Yeah, it will take you years to accomplish it. Anyway, PU is way more complex and fluid that you imagine it to be, go do some serious research before making conclusions.