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Everything posted by Recursoinominado

  1. What the fuck is wrong with those people?
  2. You are kind of stereotyping all RP men as this monster you made up in your own head. I am sorry if you feel personally attacked, it was not cool from my part, i wanted to trigger you a bit more and that's not ok. I mean, i am not wrong, but i can see how this can be unnecessary and hurtful. Therefore, i am sorry. You are not "asking for respect", you are making a lot of serious assumptions of something you know nothing about. "Holocaust deniers" WTF! lol I have been visiting the reddit's Red Pill community daily for, at least, 6 years, this is probably the biggest RP community on the internet and i NEVER saw ANYTHING about holocaust or racist or even homophobic. This is simply a non-issue in the community, which is mostly dedicated to helping young men with dating and life in general, the most popular suggestion there is: work on yourself. Which is pretty reasonable. I would LOVE to debate the RP theory but that's NOT what you are doing AT ALL. You are attacking a whole community, especially the MEN in that community, not the "philosophy". Here: Read the sidebar material, show me ONE point about the holocaust denial, homophobia and racism. Inform yourself and come here with reasonable points, not general platitudes, and false shocking statements.
  3. Of course you don't, it is easier to be certain and hateful about something you know nothing about. All your posts in this section on this forum seem very resentful towards men and you are totally in denial about it. One can see this from miles away, even in your profile photo. Self-honesty, self-reflection and open-mindedness are pillars of self-actualization, none of it you seem to practice. Maybe spent more time actually doing inner work than posting nonsense.
  4. That's a lot of hate.
  5. Go read about it yourself, not from second-hand information. I once met some PUAs in person and they were all creepy as fuck, but that doesn't mean that PU sucks or that there is no good PUAs. Abou your girlfriend, it all depends of where it is coming from. Most guys date to escape from loneliness, ignoring all red flags that inevitably leads to it all exploding in their faces later in life. A bad relationship can permanently ruin your life, as much as a good one can improve but bad ones are like 90%, so, choose wisely.
  6. The irony is that you yourself seem full of hate and ignorance.
  7. I actually used to be very active in the reddit's Red Pill community and here is my two cents: 1. They are mostly on point with a LOT of RP theory about women's psychology and hypergamic nature. 2. They give a lot of emphasis on self-development, focus on yourself, not the girl, improve your SMV (sexual market value), have a purpose etc. 3. It is very beneficial to lost young men that were lied to all their lives about women with stuff like "just be a nice guy". 4. A lot of guys find the RP after horrible break ups, got cheated on and other major life crises, so, they have low self-esteem and anger. 5. The anger is acknowledged by the community, it is actually accepted as one of the steps (like grief, depression etc) towards acceptance (of the "red pill"). In my opinion, the world is a better place with the community than without.
  8. 99% that she won't change in this lifetime. 1% that she will change IF she realizes that she WON'T get what she wants by acting the way she does, then she will, maybe, be open to change. Not necessarily to a less toxic version (could be, but not always), sometimes people gets even nastier to get what they want. I have seen this pattern play out in my own family over and over again. I have seen people transform themselves in a matter of seconds to get what they want, it is actually shocking to see that all that time she was acting out a character and when it didn't suited her anymore, she dropped like a hot potato.
  9. If the person is too unconscious, this means she has almost zero self-awareness and self-reflection, nothing you can do about it, just her karma. 99% of chance that not only this situation won't get better but it will probably get even worse with time. I have a few of those in my own family and after years of suffering, i finally cut them off my life and that was the best decision i ever made. Ideally, you can do this with no resentment and truly loving them from afar but every moment you spent with her, you will have everything good suck out of you, that's the nature of toxic people, they are like black holes, sucking everything and giving nothing back (only if they see the possibility to get even more from you). You don't have to hate them, just be aware that this is the case and there is nothing you can do about it. Think this way: do you really think that getting drained by your mother is helping her in any shape or form? Don't you see that the problem is way deeper than it seem? No matter how much you give, it will never be enough, it is a hole that only her can fill.
  10. This is a classic case of "he is nice but don't make me tingle". Seems like you don't know what you really like in a man and bought up the bullshit society told you should like in a man. "Attraction is non-negotiable." This is a old pick up / red pill community term, it basically means that you can't fight with what makes you attracted or not, doesn't matter is he is text book perfect but, in the end, doesn't make you wet to see him. Tough spot to be in, must admit. I also hate to break someone's heart but, as you said, he is madly in love and you are not nor will you. Trust me, is not you that needs "time", he is just not the right guy. When you find the right one, it will be all you think about, will be like a obsessive thought, could happen pretty fast. Maybe you should have "the talk" with him and end things, he will be crushed but is for the good of everyone involved.
  11. Trump is not the sharpest guy but he has that Million Dollar Mouthpiece, which is a Pimp term to free-flowing verbal skills, he just opens his mouth and lets the shit confidently flow from his mouth which makes his whores hypnotized, aka his supporters. Joe Biden is just... senile. He is betting on being neutral to gain the election and this is always a big mistake when comes to trying to make people remember you. Imagine if Trump was a moderated guy, with plain opinions and a well-polished character, do you think he would ever be in the position where he is now? People like and remember Trump because he does provoke strong emotions on most people, being adoration or hate. He is constantly in the news and, by consequence, in people's mind's and this is no accident.
  12. "To give people deep insights, making them wiser." True story
  13. That's the problem since dementia is strong with this one.
  14. What is exactly the problem with having sex with prostitutes? Can you elaborate?
  15. Yeah, don't do that, it is a crime.
  16. Nahh, dude, just search on YouTube: Here is my two cents: 1. As you are talking to her, try to touch her in a light and not awkward way. Start with high fives, they are easy and fun. If she tries to grab your hands, it is ON. If she doesn't, keep talking and making light touches. 2. Hug her, doesn't matter much why you are doing it, just make it fun and like a reward for her. Maybe she says she does meditation, you say something like: heeey, awesome! And go for the hug. Again, if she hugs you back, she is ON. If she tries to escape, you back the fuck away, pretend nothing happened and keep the interaction, try again later. 3. Much of it is in the eyes, the way she looks at you. If she has a look of admiration, like she is hypnotized by you, it is ON. If she looks at your eyes and at your lips, it is ON. If she is biting her lips, it's ON. 4. Don't go for the kiss suddenly, out of nowhere. Do it while you two are talking, divorce your speech from your actions and get closer to her with a smirk while talking whatever, keep looking her in the eyes and come closer to her mouth. Here you can stop real close, keep talking and looking in her eyes, if she doesn't backs away, it is ON. 5. Every time you come close to a girl and she backs away from you, STOP and take a step back. This is very important and they appreciate a guy that understands them.
  17. hahahahaa that's fine, dude you will make a LOT of cringy mistakes in this journey, just put yourself out there and take risks
  18. Yeah, but it is nice to realize this. Otherwise is like having 1 billion dollars in a bank account that you are not aware of while dying of hunger and sleeping in the streets.
  19. Can you be more specific? What do you think about the teachings of Nisagardatta Maharaj of sticking to the "i am" feeling?