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Everything posted by Recursoinominado

  1. Women are so delusional about pick-up, i am yet to find one that admits that it totally works with them, at the same time, my field experience is that it totally does work on any woman. Good pickup is like good plastic surgery, INVISIBLE. Women tend to think they know what pickup is and how to spot men that know it, they DON'T. That's a fact. When I approach you, you will think "who is this cool guy that appeared in front of me from thin air?". And I am not even that good.
  2. Yes. you can be a 5 in looks but date a 10 if you focus on developing other areas that women value WAY more than looks: Status, social calibration, confidence, masculine energy, career success, leadership skills, social proof, free self-expression, self-validation, sense of entitlement etc. MOST of those are develop with GAME. I have seen this play out over and over again. If your game/status is better than mine, you can be the ugliest motherfucker, women will prefer you over me. THAT BEING SAID, do improve your looks as much as possible, get in shape, buy some cool clothes, develop a nice style, maybe some awesome tattoos. Style often trumps vanilla good looks.
  3. And you just ignored it. I was talking about fish ?
  4. I have no idea how many approaches i did. It depends a lot to which venue I was, sometimes i did daygame in a shopping mall, find 2~3 girls worth approaching was lucky and sometimes i went to gigantic parties like the carnival here in Brazil, with endless girls to approach, 12h a day, 6~7 days straight. I wasn't a complete retard when i started actually practicing game, i had a few GF but i was never able to do cold approaches consistently and efficiently, also i always wanted to get high-quality women, which i wasn't able to do. Even just learning about gaming gave me a nice understanding, i got my hottest GF before i started to do some serious practice. At one point, i actually break up with her because i wanted to learn game and it was the best thing i did. The best thing to me is to learn how to get yourself in state, and from there, everything is SO MUCH EASIER, even if you are a newbie. I remember my first closes from cold approaching, it was amazing. Think about the possibilities: you see a girl you don't know in a mall, you go talk to her, you guys exchange numbers, you meet later and have sex, how amazing is that?
  5. Some guys get really motivated to make shit happen and some guys get too needy. With me, when I am REALLY interested/horny, I tend to game way better as I lack that masculine energy, closer mentality when I am not that interested, which is common. But some girls just wake something in me, making me horny as fuck, oozing sexual energy, my whole vibe changes and she feels it, they love it.
  6. Don't ever ask a fish how to catch them. Ask the fishermen.
  7. @Hardkill Post one photo, i am curious.
  8. This calcification thing always sounded like bullshit to me. But yeah, it seems that the pineal gland is super important to spiritual development.
  9. Started to be fine with paradoxes. Most of my friends are green and I am always meeting stage green people, they are so silly to me now. They can't deal with conflicting ideas, they are naive, ideological, and, frankly, somewhat laughable, sometimes. There is some sort of silly implicit competition of "who cares more for the oppressed", who is more WOKE, which generates comical stereotypes. This is a Tier 1 thing to try to isolate yourself from all other stages like there is nothing above them. This is pretty annoying to deal with. What got me was when I noticed my bad reaction to stage blue and orange, especially when it came to money, career, work ethic and materialistc abundance. This was so limiting and silly. I am the kind of person with high ambitions in all areas, I want to get enlightened, be a millionaire, successful entrepreneur, a sex god, with a great body, ultimate alpha male, oozing masculine energy etc and stage green wasn't helping me, had to drop it.
  10. He realized that his looks don't matter, his status/fame trumps everything.
  11. fuck pretty good, i want the best
  12. My whole point is that I would SUCK with women if I didn't learned game. In fact, I still think I SUCK because I can't really get the top 20% of women and if my looks mattered that much, that wouldn't be a problem. As I said before, I grew up socially isolated, sucking with girls, which made me somewhat autistic-like. As "good looking" as I am, I am not nearly as good with women as I should be based on you guys opinion.
  13. I am not an Adonis but i am maybe an 8,5 (considering i am short, 1,68m). This has happened to me a lot considering that this doesn't happen to the average guy but it is still a rare occurrence. Also, it is never the best girls, only average, 7 or 7.5. This can NEVER be relied upon to get girls, it is just an occasional bonus. The 8's, 9's and 10's don't give a fuck about your looks if it is all you got. It isn't anything extraordinary to them. The best girls i picked up were with pure game, i was on fire, completely in state. When looks is all i got, rejection is almost a certainty.
  14. I would like a Jeep and a hot tantric yoga teacher gf
  15. He didn't said anything like that lol The woman is crazy. Check your sources.
  16. Celebrities usually are far from your average joe or the clerk at the corner store, the same for Leo. Most of them are masters at what they do, have an insane work ethic, high self-esteem, feel extremely entitled (to be where they are), have to deal with lots of haters etc. If you talk to one of them and don't know the difference, you are blind.
  17. @Leo Gura So, realistically, if I were to reach basic enlightenment (not necessarily full blown omniscient God mode) without psychedelics, what level of spiritual work I would have to do? I am not yet interested in Ultimate Truth but I want to live in a bliss state experiencing God and love 24/7 like a Indian Saint (Raman Maharshi or Anandamayi Ma).
  18. Stop REACTING, start ACTING on your own intentions, BEND reality and your environment, not the other way around.
  19. Been there, done that. If you are serious about improving, send me a DM and I will help you.
  20. Well, i am not enlightened but i noticed that I had several profound insights in my self-inquiry journey that affected permanently how I experience Reality. Sometimes people talk and teach about enlightenment as it is a binary thing, one moment you are lost in Maya and the next moment BOOM, full enlightenment, you are God. In my experience, it can be slow and gradual with peak experiences along the way.
  21. Jesus, this should be some kind of stage green bingo for this video