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Everything posted by Recursoinominado

  1. Sounds like every sage, indian saint, and self-realized master ever just got diagnosed. Turned out that all that "no attachment", freedom and unconditional love thing were just trust issues,
  2. Well, most people are stuck in the first chakra, pure survival, they live in a constant state of mild to severe anxiety, even in completely safe environments. I myself used to live this way. I only started to think straight, with a clear mind when i was 23 yo and started to meditate. Before that, i was highly unconscious and toxic.
  3. Loving? Yes. Secure? Nothing really is. Again, nothing to hate or complain about it. In fact, this is real-life zen training. How loving and invested you can be while being also ready to let it go at any point? That's real gangster shit.
  4. They aren't, all of that behavior is unconscious, it is pure emotions. In a survival context, morality is ignored pretty fast. You can't think straight when you live in fear. You just act impulsively in order to survive.
  5. My point is: never assume safety in a relationship, always improve. Yeah, several. All confirmed the point i am making. That's fine... Look, i never said all of this is good or bad, i actually love women (most of my friends are women), my approach is: this is what's up, deal with it and shut up. Any second i spend hating someone or complaining is a second i will never get back and i could be using to improve myself.
  6. All of this has been field-tested over and over again by me and all PUAs. The whole game/pick-up theory is based on evolutionary biology and it works like a charm. All exceptions can be explained. Some people are just fucked up, low self-esteem, traumatized, sexually abused, dumb, adrenaline seekers, addicted etc.
  7. Murderers proved that they can... well... murder someone, so, they are dangerous and can protect their "allies", including their women. Of course, you have to take into account the context: a criminal can be a powerful ally in dangerous situations like guethos, favelas, wars etc. If i were in a dangerous environment, i would prefer criminal friends to some stage green loving man.
  8. Women respond to men in a much primal way than you think, this isn't a logical thing she one day sat down and decided on her vision board to be attracted to an intelligent man or a rich or whatever. What i am saying is way deeper than that. All comes from the way humans evolved, what made us survive and thrive, this shit is deep into our unconscious mind and it controls 99% of our behavior, thinking, preferences, desires, aversions etc. Those unconscious drives can be overruled IF one does a DEEP soul searching, which virtually no one does. So, yeah, assume she isn't as rational and logical as you would like to think she is. This is the safe bet, unless she proves you wrong, but not before that. Also, forget looks, it isn't even the top 5 things women want from men. Basically, what women want from a man is that he is a master of the "world", he knows how to navigate it, he knows what to do, he is GREAT at it. He is grounded, he is sure of himself, he is adaptable, he lives in abundance, he is ambitious, he is a LEADER. And, maybe even more important is how the WORLD treats him. Do men respect you? Do women get aroused by you? People come to you looking for help? Are you able to help them? Yeah, this is relative. You can be the SHIT of your tribe, all women wants to fuck you but then you go to a city and you SUCK there. Now your value just plumed overnight, those same women will suddenly lost their attraction to you and look for someone who is better at surviving in that new environment. So, yeah, if the GF of the OP works with him and she sees him doing worse frequently, his attraction value will drop and drop until, one day, CHAD appears on the job (maybe a boss), by showing dominance, mastery, leadership, high status on that environment etc. The woman will get aroused by him, this isn't a choice. And chances are, she isn't even conscious of that until it is so clear that she is in love with CHAD and lost all attraction to OP.
  9. May be for a number of reasons, spiritual development is only one of them. One possibility is: you adopted a spiritual ego, pretending you transcended shit you didn't. Another: sex sucks with your gf. Another one: sexual repression. You got the point.
  10. I love women. Sorry if evolutionary biology hurts your feelings, life must suck for you.
  11. Sorry, I have mistaken this forum for one that aims for self-actualization, not one where we virtually hold hands and confirm each other biases. All of this means absolutely nothing.
  12. Women don't date down, if you are not doing equal or better than her, she will lose respect for you sooner or later.
  13. GIVING DICK lol joke sort of But, seriously, my presence, positivity, deep insights, authenticity, giving without expectations, attention, empathy etc
  14. I don't have a clue on what you are talking about. Be clear.
  15. This resistance women feel to men's effort to improve their dating skills is truly fascinating. There is a theory that this happens because what women fear most is getting pregnant by a beta male, so they shame the betas who try to improve in order to not risk being impregnated by them by mistaken them with natural alphas. Women hate beta males trying to improve themselves, they have this fantasy of the natural-born alpha who is born ready and knowing everything he needs to know.
  16. This post is sponsored by Disney. "And they lived happily ever after, without doing shit to improve themselves because they have high self-esteem and this means to be your seeelf." Fuck actualization, this screams low self-esteem
  17. @Preety_India Being the best version of yourself is it's own reward, women turn out to be a fun bonus. It is just fun to live this way. If sex is part of life, why settle with mediocre sex? Why not shoot for an epic life instead of a boring one? This is the definition of high self-esteem.
  18. Of course, it does, but we are talking about men attracting women here since it is a human convention that men pursue women. The strategy is important. Yeah, when she is old, tired, and full of high demands. I totally agree with that, but even a healthy woman will feel attracted a lot of the same characteristics a toxic woman does, that's why game works with every woman. Game, in a sense, is becoming the ultimate men that women love and other men respect. Also, women act based on their feelings. On this forum, you are in logical mode, you can say whatever you "think" is the best option but when your feelings is urging you to do something your logical mind does not agree with, your feelings win 99% of the time.
  19. That's why 1 an 2 involve self-deception. The third is a straight out lie. For instance, women never admit they like guys that make them have random shots of adrenaline from now and then, they will tell you they like good guys but they will often go for the dangerous guys. This makes perfect sense in an evolutionary way, that's why they are attracted to it. One thing is what you think you would want in a man and another is what actually makes your flower dripping wet.
  20. They are often blended together. If you want to learn about fish, ask the fishermen instead of spending years learning by yourself what he can tell you in minutes or hours.
  21. 1. Lack of self-awareness. 2. Self-bias. 3. People lie to look good. They will tell you they like A because A is more socially acceptable, then you go waste your life trying to be A only to discover they really like B, but they lie about it. Men get frustrated, depressed, angry, confused and when they gather to study this matter deeply (aka seduction, game, pick-up), women get MAD. Try to tell one of your female friends that you are taking a course on how to pick up chicks and watch them get aggressive and shame you.
  22. If women teach you something about women is NOT TO LISTEN TO THEIR WORDS, only watch their actions. Asking for dating advice is not even pointless, is harmful.