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Everything posted by Recursoinominado

  1. This is bad advice to 90% of guys. Those guys need that "stage orange" "get it done" attitude, push for the close. 10% of guys need to tone it down a little in order to make women more comfortable because they lack empathy. But most guys think waaay to much and are passive. Women hate passive men.
  2. Similar values and levels of development mean similar directions in life. If you value self-development and your partner wants to drink, party, and spent her life on Instagram, the relationship won't last long. In my experience, this is always the issue. Everything else is secondary. It isn't uncommon to me to disregard physical appearance when i find someone who is aligned with me. At the same time, the woman can be gorgeous but when we have a conflict of values, our relationship will be very short, if it exist at all.
  4. Wisdom. Only wisdom allows us to pursue high values.
  5. Psychopaths are confident, mystery solved.
  6. Some do, some don't. The ones that do didn't properly mature, so, fuck them (metaphorically)
  7. nope
  8. I suppose i am somewhat spiritually talented as i am not super disciplined and consistent with my sadhana but i feel i managed to raise my consciousness a lot since i discovered the spiritual path (5 years ago). Had i few sober mystical experiences and a few fuelled by psychedelics. I rank myself at stage Yellow/turquoise on the Spiral Dynamics and Construct-Aware on the 9-stages of Ego Development. Yes, i know i could be overestimating my development but bear with me. I feel a huge "pull to God", constantly contemplating, being drawn to spiritual teachings, meditation, and all those things we love to blow our minds around here. As this development happened rather quickly, having a well-ordered mind, solid goals and routines seem almost impossible. Reality feels more and more fluid every-day. For instance, i can spend months away from family and this does not bother me a bit. This can seem cold-hearted to most people. I feel like i am on the "edge" of a huge breakthrough but i am also slowing down things in order to build a solid material foundation (solid business, financial independence) but this seems like a herculean task to accomplish. The fear is to be too detached from worldly matters like family, career, money, etc to deal effectively with it. Yeah, yeah, i know: "who is the one who fears", but still. There are those who the spiritual transformations made them don't give much of a fuck to survival of the body, which is against my life purpose. I do not want to go into some cave and bliss out of my mind until my body drops dead, but i do feel a pull toward this path. Even the gurus i most admire are Ramana Maharshi and Neem Karoli Baba, both were deeply detached from physical matters to the point of risking the survival of the body at any point if the disciples were not too careful about their "vessels". I just want to be financially independent enough to "let go" but this seems harder and harder each day.
  9. Now i get it. That's actually good advice. But we can agree that 1h practicing Kriya Yoga and 1h editing a video to post on Instagram isn't the same for spiritual development. Self-realization isn't everything but i never said it was. As you said, the spiritual path is brutal on many levels and that's exactly my point all along.
  10. Well, i know all of that but i didn't get your point... Not a master but i deal with my emotions better than 90% of people. I live in Brazil... I am actually acting from Courage and, sometimes, Acceptance and Peace for, at least, 2 years now. Huge changes in my life like selling all my stuff, backpacking, moving out from my home city, going to a big city without any guarantees etc. It is common that i feel good without having or achieving much and that's a small problem. I moved from being motivated by pain (negative motivation) to losing motivation when my general emotional and mental pain lessened. Then i am basically brainwashing myself every day to create an online business to reach financial independence, because i am pulled toward constant contemplation of Reality, meditations, doing pranayamas etc.
  11. Highly recommend a Kindle, very practical, light, and good to read (compared to a normal screen). Books are the best option but they are not as portable. I used to travel a lot, hard to take many books with me and the kindle is my companionship Buy the PaperWhite version as it has a built-in light so you can read in any condition (really useful).
  12. Way better! At least green girls are lighter and spiritually sensitive, so they are somewhat open to new and radical ideas. Yeah, seems like talking in different languages. Just... pointless... Loved her! True yellow/turquoise thinking, one can tell she had some glimpses of Truth
  13. Never traveled beyond my country... But it is a sure thing that the fact that Brazil is mostly a red/blue county does make it difficult to develop yourself to higher stages. I live basically in stage green circles wherever i go, i met mostly green people but this is the exception, maybe 5-10% of the population. Yellow is even more difficult to find, i rarely met someone who is flirting with Yellow which is frustrating but i do not give up, they are out there and i will find them. I found that even solid green women aren't enough anymore, i just can't relate with someone with a solid sense of Reality, it is too predictable, boring, and limited.
  14. Yes, way better than the general population. Both, hardcore and soft. Personally, i prefer retreats that are more on the hardcore side but most people don't. Vipassana is the most hardcore i participate in (for lack of options here in Brazil). Hard to put in numbers because i spend 1 month living in a meditation center created by Osho followers, and i worked in a 23 days festival during that time. We had hundreds of people coming and going every week, and lots of therapies to experiment with during the day plus all Osho meditations (like the dynamic and kundalini) every day. There i participate in 5~6 tantra workshops. In the end, i did a 3-day retreat on self-inquiry but this one, unfortunately, wasn't popular as the other ones who are more "complex" and full of movement, screaming, catharsis etc. As always, there is less interest in the "simple and hardcore" practices. Women especially seem to prefer the kind of retreats with lots of dance, singing, crying, and not that much of more "serious practices", i doubt most of them would be able to sit and meditate for 30 minutes straight. Recently i did a 5-day Tantra retreat, there were 30 women to 5 men. Just by being there, you prove that you are pretty open-minded but most people aren't really serious spiritual seekers. There i have met only a few women that seem to be more "conscious", beyond mere feminist book reading but actually doing some soul-searching and deconstructing reality. Only one seemed to flirt with stage yellow, most are stuck in solid green (which isn't bad at all but not enough for a true high-consciousness relationship).
  15. Definitely not that many at all. As i said above, i am familiar with solid green places like meditation centers, tantra centers, did lots of retreats, courses, workshops with mostly stage green women and it is rare even in those environments. One thing is what they TALK and another is how they act. Most sold green girls will speak beautiful ideas about relationships and act the opposite way in practice.
  16. By being social.
  17. I know that, it is just really hard to find those girls. In my estimate, they account for less than 1% of girls, even in stage green circles like tantric courses and workshops (i did a few of those). Playing games to me now is just so cringe and time-wasting that i am practically going MGTOW for the lack of high-consciousness girls in my path... But i keep looking for those. I am even moving to a bigger city to have a better chance.
  18. Yeah, i have watched and listened to all his videos + all his programs multiple times throughout the years. Nothing about him is like "all other youtube guys", if you think like this, you clearly aren't paying much attention, so nothing will help you. Also, you can find LOTS of his infield in those old youtube videos. Altough i am in favor of taking massive action and not being a theory junkie, i really doubt you are above "in air" theory. Changes are, your understanding of gaming and pick-up is shallow and just plain wrong.
  19. I stopped playing games (mostly) with women for some time now and i am getting flaked left and right. Honestly, most women are not ready to an honest relationship. I am talking about "i like you, i make sure you know it and i treat you good", women find this kind of relationship boring.
  20. Everything in this paragraph is wrong. Laziness + inability to recognize gold material will ruin your life.
  21. You just did lol Would you talk about porn with your parents or a boss? Probably not. This is not some everyday topic stop pretending it is. Also, it very much depends on a lot of factors, you can certainly talk about porn with female strangers if you have the right frame, high social calibration, confidence etc, but it is likely you don't. And if you talk about polarizing topics, don't act surprised when you polarize people. Some will like, some won't, that's life. Not that it is wrong to talk about polarizing topics but you have to be ok with people not liking it. If you want everyone to somewhat like you, just talk about vanilla topics, but don't expect anyone to love you either.