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Everything posted by Recursoinominado

  1. I usually stay away from people like those you described. Sooner or later, their bullshit will spill on you.
  2. I like my stomach empty before and during the whole trip. Maybe a little green juice at the middle to the end (6h in) with a fruit at the end(9h). I don't like the idea of having to digest food while on heavy psychedelics. The empty stomach gives me freedom to move anyway i like without worrying about vomiting.
  3. Does affirmations ("i am confident") are opposite to Self-inquiry? I don't consider myself self-realized, but i guess i had a few big insights and came close to it. I still repeat affirmations but they do feel silly when contrasted with Self-knowledge. Are affirmations a contradiction? Are they still worth it to a serious seeker? PS: i have been experimenting with "WE are" affirmations and they feel better to me but i never saw anyone talking about "we" affirmations.
  4. Leo will release a course about it soon enough
  5. Of course it depends on the dose but i would guess Ayahuasca is more "serious" then mushrooms and that's no disrespect to mushrooms as they kicked my ass a few times, but ayahuasca will take you to some dark-ass places. I have drank ayahuasca more than 10 times and i am more fearful of it. Both cases i would take seriously and increase the dose gradually.
  6. well, it seems awesome
  7. He only said that a previous negotiation would be way better than war, which is true. The world profited from this war and applauded it. Lula is a master conciliator and that's why he is our biggest historical figure. The elites in Brazil are extremely reactionary and segregationists, they hate poor people and freak out even with small advancements as poor people being able to travel by planes or going to universities. Lula knows he has to make huge concetions to do something for the poor. The middle-class here is also completely bought-in with this hatred for the poor and that's how we have 50% of the population praising the extreme-right.
  8. I literally cried with happiness, maybe the first time ever. Lula is a giant and Brazil deserves this break.
  9. Well, the amount of educated and rich/high-status people who vote for ult-right politicians make me doubt we could have any sort of accurate filter. In practice, what would happen is this "filter" would favor the interest of the elite, as always. Here in Brazil, the poor people are saving what lasted of our democracy and the middle and upper classes are mostly in favor of our version of Trump.
  10. All those do work IF in sufficient numbers to have a great impact in the big pictures. Systemic problems only are solved by systemic solutions. That's why the government should be in charge of systemic problems. One big good social program like healthcare free for all can deeply change the entire society like no other individual effort can. That's where marxists get it right: the problem is the system and we have to change the system. BUT until then, sure, help people in a small scale but i would focus on systemic changes.
  11. I am half joking. To be honest, this political situation is triggering me a lot the last 6 years and it's getting worse day by day. Yesterday, at the election, i was really emotionally involved and, at the end, i was worried. Maybe Bolsonaro will win again and we are fucked. I am seeing Brazil gradually being taken by the ult-right and evangelics. With the support of million and millions of people, including intelligent people (mostly stage red/blue/orange) with lots of influence. I am starting to lose hope.
  12. Bro, you won't have any self-esteem using society standards. What you need is a intense and abnormal amount of self-love and self-belief even if you seem delusional at first, fuck other people's opinion, nobody knows what you really have been through and nobody ever will. That's the beauty of spiritual practies in my opinion: they transcend any "normal" objections like the need to have good motives to feel good and confident. Realize you can literally feel like you wish, even if the whole world says otherwise. Stand ALONE in your own power. Unshakable. One way of doing it is to meditate deeply on success, and love, and hapiness, and God. One-pointed concentratation for long stretches of time on the above objects until you feel those all the time. Start to feel delusionally good without any apparent reason.
  13. Well, we do do that with other substances (give out freely). People can and do fuck up their lives with porn, food or videogames. I can't see how doctors or psychologists can judge who would be able to handle smoking weed or not.
  14. Dumb/messed-up people will fuck up their life with anything they can. Psychedelics are not for those people.
  15. This is very common and reported in sexual traumas books. Frequently the kid feels shame and guilt for a feeling that they in fact kind of wanted to be involved in that relationship because they felt "good" sometimes during the abuse. Even women who are raped commonly reported to have felt arousal and even had orgasms during the rape, so they feel conflicted, guilty and ashamed, but the general feeling of the experience is a negative one. Kids don't know what they are really doing and adults do often know, so the relationship isn't equal. Kids can think "it might feel good" in the moment but they are usually oblivious of the consequences of that action. Adults are usually much more aware, so the relationship isn't equal. Adults are way more savy, so they can manipulate kids to do what they want and even make the kid feel like they wanted that. That's abusive/manipulative relationship 101. Pedophiles do prey on children because they are a easy target. Imagine a relationship between a 40 old men with a 16 yo girl (even a 18yo girl or more). Is the power balance equal or even close enough? No way.
  16. Well, kids are considered vulnerable because they can't give (valid) consent to sex according to the law (might vary by country), men can give consent. Technically, all sexual interaction between kids and adults is considered rape.
  17. maybe a kick in the mouth, but with love and light