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Everything posted by Recursoinominado

  1. Took 4g of mushrooms + 1/3 of a tab of LSD. First 2h i decided to listen to a series of 7 chakras meditations, it was amazing. When it ended, i was lowkey exausted and realized i still had like 10h of trip lol The trip was strong and getting stronger by the minute, i was losing control of my body and my mind started racing, non-stop thoughts. Then i lost my sense of time, so fully "now" and no memory of what i did 30s prior, so i entered a loop of walking around the house trying to calm myself for some time and i looked the time on my cellphone and realized that time was passing really slow like 1h for me was 10 minutes in "real time". So i panic more and more, thinking about what to do. At the time, i couldnot imagine going thorugh that hell for 9 freaking hours. Considered if i should call someone and reached for a friend first with great difficult because i could barely unlock my phone, or type or speak. Then he took like 20 minutes and no response what to me looked like 2h. Then i considered call my dad but i knew it was a awful option for obvious reasons. Luckly, my friend did reply to me before that happened and when he said that he was coming to my home, i imediately calmed down and when he arived, i was chill altough high as fuck lol
  2. It is a "just in case" of some emergence. I have had very difficult trips that i almost lost my shit, one time i got desperate enough to consider calling my dad lol thank god a friend answered me faster
  3. 1. Underestimating a psych because i took lower doses before. 2. Mixing it. 3. Not preparing properly like some digital detox or something. 4. Reaching out to people while tripping or soon after (still feeling the after glow). 5. Making huge decisions by impulse during the trip. 6. Bad set and setting. 7. Doing with trip sitters. 8. Taking way to much for months/years and fucking up my material life motivation. 9. Not having a good fast-acting benzo when tripping alone.
  4. Last few years my anxiety level up a few notchs, maybe because of the pandemic, long covid, i don't know. 6/10 on a good day. 9/10 on a bad one. It is basically a awful feeling in my belly/chest area that i can't get rid of. This is really bothering me. Had this as long as i remember, to be honest, but this is no way to live.
  5. lol sure, sorry, TDAH is the term in portuguese. Nice! I have experience with psychedelics and have ayahuasca righ now in my fridge, will experiment with low to moderate doses to see if i can purge the stress out of my nervous system. I am also thinking and researching about holotropic breathing, i did a few times but nothing consistent, maybe is time.
  6. @Federico del pueblo Its both general, constant and triggered by specific situations like siting to read, write, intelectual, slow and tedious work in general. I am diagnosed with TDAH, so you can guess how it is... I would bet it is due to early trauma. Had a very stressful childhood and family situation. All my family has severe anxiety or worse.
  7. I know that in theory, but that's your direct experience? Have you healed chronic anxiety or something? My health is ok, everything i could do as health goes, i did it. This anxiety is a lifelong thing.
  8. Black market exists in every market, stop this non-sense.
  9. None of those were ever socialist. Not even close. Not even todey, Sweden doesn't have "socialistic tendencies", it is a capitalist state with a big well fair state that only works because of very specific historical and geographical context. LOL That's why the US is interfering in every fucking country and marked in the world for more than a century? Wars are fight for Oil control outside the US, not because this is fun, but because it is essential. If that ALONE would somehow stop, the US would collapse very quickly. Embargos affect EVERYTHING, including technology exchange. ALL socialist experiences suffered huge embargos from birth, including the Soviet Union. China survived because it has LEVARAGE. HUGE population = huge market. Most megacorporations depends on China to produce its products like Apple. It made itself essential to most of the world, including the US so the US has to tolerate it. If China were to cut all relations with the US and its corporations, what a disaster to the US it would be...
  10. Depende on the dose but usually the body load is intense, like a hard come up from mdma. Big change to purge (pooping or vomiting). With higher doses, you can barely stand and walk straight. Heartrate to the roof, sweating, anxiety are a common thing. The highest dose i took, in 10 minutes i had to get up from my chair to go to the garden to puke and only got stronger the next 2 hours. Almost felt possessed, dissociated, my body moved by itself, rolling in the grass, taking my clothes off lol Hardest trip of my life But in mild trips you can meditate a little. Each place has its rituals. The place that i used to go (Santo Daime church) had a silent meditative point at the come up for 30 minutes to 1 hour. At UDV church, you basically stay sittted in silence the whole ritual.
  11. Hi, i am looking for spiritual coaching online, like a private call. Not talking about RASA or spiritual transmition, but guiding, mentorship kind of service. I only know Anna Brown and Fred Davis offer coaching calls. I remember the old moderator Nahm did something like it (i know he was kicked out of this forum) but i don't have his contact... Please share anyone you know :))
  12. too wild i would say
  13. Nice family memory lol
  14. What worked for me is: 1. Carnivore Diet (ultimate elimination diet). 2. Quit weed and coffe. 3. Lots of sun. 4. Go live in nature for a while. 5. Brain trainning like meditation. 6. Exercise or Hatha/vinyasa/ashtanga Yoga. 7. Solitude (less stress).
  15. It's wild, rough but DEEP. Reminds me of mushrooms but diferent, more "spiritual and profound". Depends on the dose, though. Very hard to dose it correctly. I live in Brazil so i have access to it. Right now i have almost 800ml of it in my fridge.
  16. I got covid months before my first shot and still got all those symptoms of long covid.
  17. Cuba in one word: EMBARGO. The US would turn into Mad Max in one year with the embargos that it was imposed on Cuba. And Venezuela isn't a socialist experience.
  18. You sr, are missinformed. In socialism there is difference in salaries, just not the extreme difference that Capitalism promotes. This is a common myth that everyone will earn the same, if you are a lazy janitor vs a phd doctor. The doctor earns way more. There is still entrepreneurial competition, and free market, altough more regulated at the top, holding down the power of billionaires and overpowered companies that could eventually corrupt the goverment in its favors. China is a great example.
  19. Socialism doesn't work because of a big mean bully called Captalism, for now...
  20. Nice! Would love to go to one of those some day, maybe a bootcamp just for the fuck of it. I know they are kind of scammy but how bad can it be if you are a fan and money isn't much of a problem?
  21. Yes, me too. My health never was great but i dealt with it, specially because i was very active (workout, muay thai, yoga etc). I was in a good groove in live until i had COVID at least two times. The first was brutal, there wasn't any vaccine so i was unvaccinated. Excluding 14 days of misery, the brain fog, fatigue and light depression kept going for months, until, one year later i had COVID the second fucking time. Altough i was vaccinated and the symptoms during the 14 days was manageable this time, the brain fog, fatigue and depression got worse. My health and life in general spiraled downwards, gained like 40lb (muscle and fat as i was still working out) in one year and still not 100% to this day. Long COVID is not a joke. Don't know the answer but i put health as number 1 priority since then, moved to nature, lots of sun, started canivore diet recently (which surprinsily helped a lot), kept exercising but my self-esteem took a huge hit and i am struggling to recover since.
  22. I am living in a very high vibe place surrounded by nature lol My previous plans was to be eventually strict fugivore or something like that but that was my being dogmatic about what I thought would be good. Lots of stage green here, low consumption of meat and animal products, to the point I feel weirdly judged buying and eating meat BUT that's definetly what my body needed. The inner conflict is real. I don't want to contribute to animal suffering but I will not sacrifice my health for it, this is for sure. Time to embrace my shadow.
  23. After veganism, raw foods, frugivorism, vegetarianism, onivorism and seeing my health decline steadly, i got desperate enough to try other options, found out about this carnivore diet thing (different from keto, which i have experience with). So i tried a few days but not strict since i ate some fruits and some seeds BUT... Initial results are promising, feeling MUCH better overall, the best thing i have tried for my health in years. My mood got better, mental clarity, energy, way less pain/joint pain, teeth are stronger etc. And i didn't even went full carnivore and also ate some dairy and whey protein (not good for me). BUT, i probably will cycle with some fruit and green juices doing periods of each but not mixing it, i found that monomeals are better for me.
  24. Develop STRONG concentration + Yoga that ends with pranayama + self-inquiry