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Everything posted by Recursoinominado

  1. Peter Hotez is right, putting them in the same level to "debate" is an insult.
  2. REAL scientist DEBUNKS RFK Jr's Joe Rogan interviews.
  3. Yeah, double standards are real. Those two women seem the worst. He is right on this one, women often say and do shit that they would freak out if it was the other way around.
  4. A good dose of psychedelics.
  5. About open eye meditations, i found that my eyes get dry fast and i tend to blink a lot, this is a problem?
  6. @Pudgey Yeah, never had a breaktrough, only mild doses of DMT and it was seriously deep. Never forgot.
  7. Yeah, fucked up my throat a few times with DMT. Then i leaned that you should avoid putting the flame directly on the pipe and smoke too fast when the crystals are vaporized. Do it slowly,put the flame near the pipe or alternating between direct and out, hold the smoke inside the pipe, wait a good 10 seconds and inhale.
  8. Leo has said time and time again that progressives are spoiled and conservatives were raised in tough conditions (in a nutshell). There is SOME truth to this but it cannot be a rule.MAYBE this is a narrow US politics view, i don't really know how it is in the US. I can speak about Brazil's politics. Here, most of the spoiled rich kids are actually conservatives, not progressives and the progressives are actually lower middle class. Not ALL middle class people are progressive, but the progressives usually aren't the ones with a nice and confortable life. What make one a progressive isn't lack of experience with the dark side of the world but exactly the opposite. Progressives are pro-minorities just because they are very aware of their struggles. In fact, many progressives were once conservatives since we are usually born into a culture that embraces right-wing capitalist ideology (most countries, at least). That was even my situation. I was born and raised in lower middle class with a fucked up family, tough situation full of violence and abuse. Grew very angry and egocentric with a lot of conservative takes, i was seduced by "The Red Pill" community, the "PUA" community", used to watch endless videos about "conservatives owning the libs" but due to my own human development i started to see other points of view and empathize with it like womens/feminism point of view. Progressives aren't born from naiveté, they are born from consciousness expansion.
  9. Isn't the case that conservatives aren't prone to those problems but they express it in different ways. Depression can be expressed as anger, like Jordan Peterson. Anxiety can be masked with alcohol, drugs, workaholism, narcisism, being "too strict" etc.
  10. Well, this proves that the URSS did work then. If it was the disaster that the US propaganda says it was, we shouldn't see that kind of jump in life expectancy eve if it was a global trend.
  11. This. Conservatives tend to live in bubbles when it comes to problems outside their little circle of concerns. That is not a mistake, that is a feature of their world-view as being selfish is a survival strategy. Being compassionate will make survival tougher.
  12. There isn't such a thing, get your sources right. No, they couldn't, many MILLIONS would have died suffocated. Yeah, i mean, the world shut down and thousands were dying gasping for air, why the hurry right?
  13. The pandemic ended after the vaccines.
  14. For the most part, the URSS didn't even had eletricity at the time of the revolution. Became a superpower in a few decades competing with the US, that is fucking amazing.
  15. TRT is a long process, probably for life. Taking exogenous testosterone for over a year will make very hard to go back to naturally produce it. Bodybuilders (or anyone) take steroids in cycles, 4-12 weeks and rest. TRT isn't a cycle, it is continuous and long term.
  16. @Carl-Richard Socio/psychopaths can be very charismatic and persuasive.
  17. Patrick and Tate are both deep in red and orange stages. Patrick is a little more developed but you can see he love those mafia guys Scarface style as he interviews many of them.
  18. Confidence and Status are the top 2 but not only. Sometimes, you are the only dick standing.
  19. It is a life long commitment, no going back. BUT, i would consider it and will probably use it when i am in my 40's.
  20. It depends on the guy and type of hair. If you have a nice body, you can let a few chest hair, maybe trim a little. This is fine but would be better smaller:
  21. Is not the size that matters