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Everything posted by Recursoinominado

  1. In my experience (13 years smoking), once a week is the maximum you can do it without addiction and collaterals kicking in, and also diminishing returns.
  2. "what do you mean by 'if'? what do you mean by 'had'? what do you mean by 'vote'?"
  3. This is propaganda talking point is very old. People have been saying China will collapse for several decades now and no sign of that.
  4. Thanks God damn it, that's really weird and i follow RSD teachings for more than 10 years now and i still get surprised by how creepy things can get when you live in this PUA bubble.
  5. How exactly does works Jeffy's method?
  6. I am here just for the fun of it
  7. I don't have time to educate fools.
  8. Kind of homophobic. Calling the police.
  9. I did, vaccines are safe.
  10. Plenty of people, hundreds of thousands die every year 12h after sucking dick. Maybe dick is super toxic too.
  11. The reason: they are not morons that jump to conclusions.
  12. Science 101: Correlation is different from causation.
  13. "Finally, we cannot provide a definitive functional proof or a direct causal link between vaccination and myocarditis. Further studies and extended registry are needed to identify persons at risk for this potentially fatal AEFI and may be aided by detailed clinical, serological, and molecular analyses which were beyond the scope of this study"
  14. www.iamrightandtheexpertsaren'
  15. Dumb people have been skeptical about vaccines since the 19th century, you are not unique.
  16. That proves absolutely nothing. 1. This senator is a dick, doesn't let the guy answer, keeps interrupting, and is clearly fishing for viral clips. 2. He made a very dishonest question: WHY THE VACCINE CAUSES MYOCARDITIS??? The dude answering knows what's up if he answers something like "Yes, we know, it is because *insert complex scientific answer*..." Anti-vaxxers will ignore the technical part, clip this video, and post something like: "PFIZER ADMITS THEIR VACCINE CAUSES MYOCARDITIS!!!!" Fuck you. That answer is the right answer with those types.
  17. Screw this, do you know the moon is FAKE?
  18. OMG you are so right! Why didn't I thought about it before?? Lizard people are real, Donald Trump is our savior, the vaccines doesn't work, COVID is just a flu created and leaked by a Chinese lab, this is just a totalitarian plot to divide us!! Fuck masks, I have an immune system, I can cough in old people faces because I am so smart!
  19. You can't have plague rats running around unvaccinated infecting everyone and ocupying hospital beds.
  20. You guys brains are melted by this conspiracy garbage.
  21. Big pharma doesn't have to have pure divine intentions to be competent. Yes, they are greedy but they are competent greedy. All serious professionals who don't have anything to do with Big Pharma agree on the effectiveness of vaccines. Many places in the world manufactured their own vaccines, through their own research labs and universities, as was the case here in Brazil. Vaccines were produced in record time because 1. Science evolved. 2. Many cases available to study 3. Huge economic interest in stopping the Pandemic. All three were basically unprecedented.