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About cosmicrays

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  1. I suffer from depression and general anxiety (situation where you feel constantly anxious even by yourself) and found out that eating only when I'm hungry instead of every 1-2 hours increases my willpower and clears my thinking process. However with that and the experience of anxiety becomes stronger and I feel physically weaker. Anyone been in this situation? Any tips on how to achieve higher willpower and clarity in my scenario without restraining the body?
  2. Hello everybody, According to Mayers-Briggs type I'm an INFJ. I realized on many occasions in my life but not in it's entirety that my external senses get overloaded with information quite quickly leaving me in a state where I don't feel myself anymore unless I have some quite time. However, the problem isn't this (I believe this is what makes me unique as a person) but the fact that I lack the conscious filter of my mind that tells me: "hey you! you need a break from everything!" Instead I have a belief running in my mind that I should constantly be busy. How can I break this cycle?
  3. What do you think of LLLT? Do you have any experience? Is it dangerous? I'm thinking of buying such a device for around 25 bucks from Amazon and see if it can help me combat my anxiety and depression.
  4. Just when you most need it, the Universe responds. Thank you @Privet!
  5. Hello friends, This might sound dumb to you and not so common but I've a short reservoir of psychic, physical and emotional energy. I just easily get my senses fed up. My current situation is that I'm kinda "stuck" in my dad's bussiness, helping him out because ocassionally need a spare hand. It's a really draining physical job that expends my reservoir of energy. This leads to feeling down throughout the whole week until weekend when I recover. This has an effect of my social life because when I come home, I'm not in the mood of meeting any friends in 90% of the cases. The thing is I've some issues with my heart chakra, if you remember my last thread. I (just had this insight : ) have a low self-esteem and I really need psychic energy to work on that but when I come home, I'm not in the mood for anything. Although sometimes I know I have this energy inside me, I feel blocked and cannot access it. Any advice to stimulate my energy threshold in spiritual, esoteric, mystic or whatever possible way? Share the first thought that comes to you when reading this. This might help me. I'm open to everything. Have a great night/day
  6. @artPlease, expand on Eckhart Tolle. I want to hear more.
  7. @Leo Gura I've actually thought about that same thing of having my heart chakra blocked on numerous ocassions! I've a really hard time connecting with other people. And from my observations, I'm unconscious of my entire body. @art Will look into that. I love trying new things. Thank you. @SOUL Thank. You.
  8. @MarinM @Richard Alpert Thank you guys. This was really insightful.
  9. That was the name I put in my diary prior to writing this up here too. First, I want to say I'm sorry if this is not the right section to post my thread. It all started yesterday, going out with old friends whom I haven't seen in a while and deciding to smoke weed together. In the beginning it was alright, everything was under my control but then I lost the control and my whole experience got screwed up. However, during that trip I sank too much in my head and received some insights about me. I realized that I'm 24/7 caught/trapped/dominated by a some sort of fear and that I'm locked in my head and cannot consciously access my heart. I can best describe this feeling as blocking my ability to feel relaxed, to be spontaneous and having intimacy with others, ultimately having better relationships with people overall. Like with this feeling my attention is constantly on me and not on other people. Something that I should mention is that I believe that this feeling that governs my state of being is suppressing my ability to evoke memories about myself. Need your input on this. If I can be helped I would be more than grateful if you share your comments.
  10. Absolutely correct. I realize there are others factors in the mix, although I'm not trying to create a recipe here, but believe these factors are the active one in a positive change of consciousness. Suffering from my experience is due to ignorance.
  11. I had a somewhat insight while going back from my trip in the mountain and wanted to verify if it is true or not with you guys. And that is if 1) self-awareness and 2) spirituality the two ingridients that are the cornerstone to expanding your level of consciousness. I'm not entirely if 2) is entirely correct but it is in the lines of being connected with the Source energy. P.S. - I'm amazed how I've no self-awareness (maybe because I might be neurotic?) and I'm 23. Need to catch up with myself.
  12. Whenever I see a hungry dog, I will feed it because I cannot stand watching it sarve. People will watch me curously and most of the time in disdain as my act is a source of a false act trying to impress somebody. I cannot stand the sight of blood. I get immediately turned off when I see someone injured as it deeply resonates with me as it is my own blood. But sometimes I can pick up the good & cheerful mood of others and I feel happy around them.
  13. I'll tell you this: if you take lsd, dmt, shrooms or any other psychedlic and you do it in an environment that you know and you feel safe, your experience will most likely be positive unless you carry negativity in yourself.
  14. I graduated this year. Speaking from experience, I can say that I was divided like you, more like had this idea to stop my studies back in 2nd grade and pursue something else. I didn't quit and I don't regret it. I'm happy with my current situation as this is something I wanted to do.