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Everything posted by ZenLucy

  1. Not sure if any of you have already read this but it goes in line with everything Leo says when he talks about enlightenment. I'm really surprised I haven't seen this posted more often around Leo's channel. http://www.truthcontest.com/entries/the-present-with-religion/ This first pdf is for those who grew up with any religious background. It relates enlightenment to what Jesus said. I grew up a strong catholic so this was perfect for me. http://www.truthcontest.com/entries/the-present-universal-truth/ I actually haven't read more than the first 10 pages of this second link but it seemed to be the non religious version. Ever since my first enlightenment experience about a month ago I've been doing non stop research on different masters and different people who know the experience we're talking about here. This is the most clarity I've seen in one place so I couldn't wait to share it. I have to disclose I'm only 100 pages in and this book does have ideas of how reincarnation might work so take it with a grain of salt like you should take anything. For anyone hesitant about wanting to read just a bit, the first 3 pages may take about 3-5 minutes to read and I strongly believe it's well worth it.
  2. Maybe it will but I don't think everything should be dismissed. The first 100 pages have been well worth it to me so far, they're relatively short too.