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Everything posted by Shroomdoctor

  1. @CharlotteIt was really good. Learned a lot of stuff. can greatly recommend doing it.
  2. @Shin It has nothing to do with manlyness- I just enjoy the calming hot water.
  3. @Shin I normally shower warm and then turn the water cold at the end for like 1-2 minutes. Works like a charm and lets you wash yourself without a hurry.
  4. @Shin @Charlotte Yeah you are right. I just realized that I have gone into a massive ego backlash after my retreat. Like so massive like it had never been before. Most days I cant meditate even 10 minutes when before I could do 30 quite well. My feet are itching every second day (which was something I always had as a kid), I have days were I cant sleep at all, I am blindly chasing girls again, when I havent even thought a bout that for months, I am not working on my passions at all... It's crazy. Sorry for distracting from your original question tho.
  5. @Charlotte ty. gonna watch that.
  6. What? Which video? Im kinda jealous because my meditation sessions are plain old boring. And i meditate quite consistently for nearly a year. I know its silly, cant hel it though.
  7. Woah, for how long have you been meditating and how long a day?
  8. @Shin you mean my waifu? Well not better time to go for a jog than 00:00
  9. Good old NoFap insomnia Pff, I didnt want to sleep anyway.
  10. @Charlotte Know that feeling. It helps to combine logic ("I know that these feelings are not true and come from my childhood experiances", meditation and gradually finding stuff you like about your appearance and thinking about it. May sound vain, but helps if you are like the opposite.
  11. @Shin@Max_V yeeeah. My fav forum buds. Ican tell you more about when I'm free in 2-3 months ?
  12. @Shin im inretested but can't yet tell when I'm available ?
  13. @Outer I think he means muscle, not fat. @Shin I think he understood fat, not muscle!
  14. @Hardkill you need to get your shit together and life your own life. Move out, get a job, then you can think further.
  15. @Psyche_92 @Shin I think we have all established we like pussy. I think we have also established that we are all one big bromance.
  16. @Psyche_92 went dein horrible to reaĺly Good today. ? the last few days were agony
  17. @Shin
  18. @Psyche_92 Here ya go
  19. @Marinus It's good to get to that point by yourself. Its a lesson.
  20. @Ether Okay, I didn't get it. I still don't but hey thats humour.