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About Chris40

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  1. how do we convince people that journey is not so hard. I think this is the biggest barrier to people doing this work.....they dont understand that this is completely necessary. Chris.
  2. did you start a a meditation habit
  3. in the how to be a man pt 2 video it states to wear your heart on your sleave, and in the lower#higher consciousness videos this is a sign of lower consciousness Im must be missing something Chris
  4. use the do nothing technique for 3 to 6 weeks, then try guided meditation and see how you do with that...this can be a huge adjustment for people using the do nothing technique because its a complete 180 from do nothing,, now your concentrating on your thoughts instead of just centering yourself away from your thoughts, and can be very agitating, frustrating, I found when I started guided meditation it was taking me 20 minutes or more to finding that tranquil restful state.. I had a lot of limiting beliefs that I didnt know I had, meditation made them very clear to me....and I learned that understanding them is one thing, dealing with, coping and finally not resisting was another...and then focusing your awareness on them to breaking the pattern was another thing all together......I see now the artistry of meditation.
  5. what do you think about the MEO 5 ? would you try it?
  6. I have been emotionally suffering for maybe 1 to 2 years and its made a great deal of change within myself, my relationships that I never thought was possible.....thanks Leo you have been a great source of inspiration to me, a calming influence in my life, a guide through stormy seas. I havent aced life yet, I have fallen off track many times but I really see the difference it has made.....I intend on helping others to the best of my ability. Thanks again, Chris.
  7. Can I really be mistaking paranoia for awareness?? And if so what does this mean to my psychology? Anybody else ask themselves this question? Id really like Leo or one of the moderators to weigh in on this as well because I feel this will have major and serious implications on my growth of my level of awareness
  8. I want to experience true existential happiness
  9. I think Elon Musk is a smart man when it comes to making money, will he ever be happy? I dont think so, so he builds a multi-billion dollar company, sells that, starts another company, it grows like a weed, now he has 2 multi-billion dollar companies, and working on a third, does this man take the time to enjoy life, maybe later, but doubtful. This guys character and values show some real red flags for his future and may not be aware of them until its too late.
  10. an excellent guide for expressing the process, when there is no process, it gave me for the first time real practical traction of the possibility that I am not aware of how unaware I am.
  11. @Ayla I never realized to what extent your mind is trying to deceive you, its one of the most thought provoking of personal development concepts I have ever encountered and plays a huge part in self introspection. The idea that the mind can't tell the difference between a thought and an event just blows me away
  12. Heres what i have learned so far... No matter what the age women are they still emotionally driven, this hasnt changed Women are more about stability than adventure Romance and seduction play a larger role now, they expect your approach to be more elaborate than simple Women want to be be courted instead of simply "picked up" Dont think of complexity, it will undermine your approach, use what got you there, and think about just making adjustments, this will promote more confidence and more success
  13. I find that what a women wanted and are attracted to in their early twenties is much different from what they want and what they are attracted to when they get into their thirties......changing my game has been eye opening and difficult...I find myself falling back into my old game approaches are totally different now and unpolished, and I find women reading that in me. It makes me nervous that I may not find the girl of my dreams
  14. I think a meditation practice would be beneficial to you if you havent already started one.....seems you have very ambitious goals which you need to break down to help you micro manage your truly have one of the most active minds I've seen on this forum so far.
  15. Wow.....other self actualizers in action! Thanks for the invite Leo. I hope to gain knowledge and wisdom here. As well as share some of my own ideas and techniques I have honed "in the field" Cheers and happy self growth! Chris.