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Everything posted by thehero

  1. @Joseph Maynor much easier to read with the spacing ?
  2. the way leo explains game is different than most PUA teachers. There needs to be a PUA teacher that is heavily centered in green+. I would love that
  3. @Serotoninluv yeah you know what i was definitely feeling orange. i was writing it off thinking it was something in coral because apparently coral can be any other stage nothing wrong with being orange. just further my understanding "leo's video on love is too feminine" "stop being a weak little soy-boy" "echkart tolle's weak crowd needs to man up" "im on my way to be #1 in everything i do" "im #1" it seems like he's resisting green okay cool. moving on
  4. Just to provide a diff perspective - I'm an extrovert with poor social skills I love talking and connecting to people. It really energizes me and makes me happy. But sometimes I can have fear due to past trauma
  5. 100% responsibility love is the answer
  6. yes your mind manifests the repeated images in your head
  7. @Shin your choice. the critiques helped me carve different viewpoints that were contradictory to Leo's perspective
  8. @Shin yes. It's really mindblowing what he says throughout the video about himself, spiral dynamics and he has many critiques about Leo in the video
  9. @Shin i couldnt. i didnt want to hurt her feelings by telling her i didnt care (even though i did) thing was when i tried to change the topic she would barely entertain it. so i guess yeah. that's my answer
  10. is this possible if i was literally just trying to be a loving and good friend? i got angry at someone who would only talk to me about her guy problems but i wanted like a good friendship where we both cared about each other. not some guy that i was just there to talk about relationship problems with and not be willing to even have a conversation about the day or other stuff
  11. dont date them for your vision for who they can be, but who they are
  12. @TheBeachBionic maybe itll give you hope if you see girls that are uglier than you that have boyfriends
  13. @Soulbass which one is your favorite that isnt the animal stuff im asking for a friend
  14. im working on doing the same. i need femininity in my life
  15. @Leo Gura at what point does the increase in consciousness come about? for example increase in consciousness in relationships means - i have a higher/better understanding of what's occurring the relationship. my perception of the relationship, of my self in the relationship, my needs , wants and desires in the relationships are all operating at a higher perspective. i have better understanding of my fear in my relationship = increase in consciousness? i make an insight that me and my partner clash because of different spiral dynamics values = increase in consciousness? me reading a book on relationships =/= increase in consciousness yet, unless understanding is produced?
  16. @Haumea2018 i agree @GaiaGoddess is there any chance your habits are poor yourself so you attracting those with poor habits? especially since it happened twice
  17. I love Overwatch quotes lol. Every time you die they say inspiring things Everytime you die Brigette says "this is all part of the learning process" edit: btw we already have a few megathread quote pages
  18. you take some psychedelics and realize death is an illusion or some shit
  20. @Serotoninluv did you ever watch those youtube videos with ben shapiro type people? they are arguing against these transgender people that there is no such thing as male or female because science says that there is only male and female. are they simply not contemplating the idea?
  21. @XYZ googled that quote. was pleasantly surprised. similar to what leo said in his wage slavery vid
  22. yeah. im pretty dis-satisfied with my friend groups. they don't care about anything. well they do... it's just video games, complaining, and watching TV im also looking for a GF that is at least somewhat developed. Leo recommends finding someone with 50% similar values. because 100% will be difficult. i'm looking for a gf that is on some kind of path moving forward. any kind of path. just not be stagnant and complacent. someone on that's orange/green+. i don't know. pure orange people irk me. could be my shadow side because i'm orange. but orange people are annoying and shallow. of course a great vibe and connection with is most important. and she needs to be a 5/10 in looks this is literally my bare minimum. if she meets this, i'm ecstatic but then comes the problem where she has to like me back D:. ahhh
  23. this is how i got out of blue when i was 14-15 i questioned god. i believed god would grant me all wishes. so I said: "god if you exist, give me a million dollars in the next 10 seconds" "god if you exist give me a girlfriend tomorrow" it never happened. for me that made me skeptical i read r/atheism a lot. it turned me into a hardcore atheist. i've let go of the ideology since and am transitioning into green now, but i thank leo for that :). thanks leo! atheism would debunk religion with the following phrases: "how can you just believe a random book with random laws that was made by an arbitrary person several thousand years ago?" "religion is the cause of many world injustices" "science is empirical! science is the truth! science shows the religion is wrong! this is what our rigorous studies say!" "there's no proof for religion! show me your god! show me your proof! you have none! science!!" "SCIENCE BITCH!" - jesse pinkman "fuck all those stupid laws from a random book. no dumb book will tell me if i can have sex or not" basically seeing that there is no proof to religion is what helped me. yeah theres a bunch of dogma in these statements but this is what helped me transition. i came full circle when i looked into enlightenment.
  24. I know RSDtyler has aspergers, and he's done very well in his domain