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Everything posted by thehero

  1. I agree. my insecurities fucked me up. I thought all this time it was because of my looks. but once i started to take care of myself and bust through my comfort zones, people started saying I'm an 8/10 in looks! What the fuck!!! I thought I was a 4/10. It was insane
  2. @Leo Gura greatest advice ive ever heard. thanks. been thinking about that for a while. but now I've heard it from the man himself
  3. What practices would you tell your 2013 self to start? What philosophy would you tell your past self to embody?
  4. stab em in the neck let me know if this works out. usually they stop talking
  5. How to overcome not finishing tasks/goals? Do you have a tendency to start things and not finishing them? What do I mean by this?: - Attempting a challenge and quitting after some time - Doing something half-way and not finishing through Sticking points: - Don't feel like doing it - Seems too challenging or overwhelming - Excitement wears down and the challenge kicks in Solution: One main reason we quit something is because when we are confronted with challenges and obstacles, we tend to throw in the towel because it gets too hard. We don't want to go through that challenge, because we label the feelings of challenge and obstacles as something bad rather than realizing that the challenges and obstacles are: 1) Simply part of the journey 2) Discomfort and challenge are feelings that make you stronger and better If you want to learn a difficult move in basketball, or a solve something in your programming, or solve a deep philosophical questions. All of these things are challenging It's important to realize that these feelings of challenge are the period where you grow into your next level. They're not a period where you give up because it's too difficult Rather it's a period where you're on the path to obtaining mastery in that field. You start something with interest or excitement Then eventually you run into you first obstacle. This is where you are challenged and it's difficult If you persist, you'll eventually overcome the challenge When you run into your first obstacles, you will face feelings of frustration, challenge, or being overwhelmed. Recognize that the path to mastery of anything has included those feelings, you just need to have the grit to endure it until the end This is a great opportunity to strengthen your ability to be mindful in that situation and train your "grit" Thinking about the reward is very motivating I'm at that point now where I enjoy the challenge because I know this is where I am growing. Even when contemplation is difficult, I enjoy it because I'm getting things and I feel like I'm moving forward. I think also because I get into flow You're not growing if it's easy. Do you get faster at running if you walked? Do you lift more if you lift 5 lbs?
  6. i got banned what the fuck good suggestion though
  7. Nlp

  8. Quotes to go off of: "Learning = Behavior change" "if you've learned something, you'll see it in your behavior" Summary: It's about genuinely producing insight on a deep level. You must get a feeling of *understanding*. It's a feeling. Understanding is something you feel. You'll know when you're there. Benefits of this idea: I decided to contemplate this topic because I was explaining to a friend how to build skill in a sport. I was genuinely explaining it to him (actually producing insight) and I got some epiphanies myself. Once I gathered these epiphanies, I was able to easy apply them to my own skill building. I THOUGHT I KNEW how to build skills. But it was SURFACE LEVEL. It wasn't until I produced the genuine insight did I actually know how to build the skill. In some occasions, I see my behavior changed because of the insight. My skill building has improved. But before the insight, behavior had not changed. --- When you explain things to someone, you are actually get into a process where you start understanding the topic better yourself But you have to genuinely explain it and not half-ass it otherwise you're not actually understanding the topic. It becomes deception, because: Self-deceptions: Explaining something without actually producing genuine understanding. I find that I'm doing this because I can be tired and procrastinate the contemplation or not want to face feelings of confusion Traps: Explaining something to the minimum degree without going all the way until you produce an insight. Seems like a way to be lazy or save energy. mechanically explaining it just for the sake of explaining it. "eh, explained good enough" NOT GOING ALL THE WAY TO INSIGHT or sometimes explaining it just to look smart and just say some cool theories or sometimes explaining something to not look dumb and end up therefore lying Explaining it without actually putting in the effort to actually explain it Observations: Real Contemplation requires energy and is a bit cognitively demanding I got into FLOW writing this. It was beautiful
  9. Suppose Leo were to change from his current Life Purpose of sharing his deepest insights through Video into something new, like game design. And suppose Leo only had 6 months of pay saved up. His options are: 1. Side-hustle game design until it makes enough money to become his full-time job Question: I feel like this is incredibly nonoptimal because it takes away time from doing his enlightenment work and other meaningful pursuits 2. Get a game design job Ruling this out because a job may not coincide with his values 3. Quit YouTube and live off his 6 months pay and grind game design to make money (assuming it takes him 6 months to make money from it) Question: If he's working on his new purpose and is now in need of money, what should he do? Can you have both the passion for your work & mastery but at the same time genuinely need to work to make ends meet? Or does one come after the other, and his motivation for mastery and contribution will come after he gets a stable living? According to Maslow, stability 2nd, contribution 3rd (or more like 6th). 4. Move to another country where cost of living is cheap and live 4x longer off his 6 month income. Question: Even if this is the case, won't he still have to focus on money first? If not then this seems like a viable option 5. Crash at a friends place until his new pursuit makes enough money to thrive This seems similar to #4, but maybe even better because you get to work without having to pay money and possibly get to live in the city you were already in. How would you do it? My only real solution would be to build a passive income stream, this would make it easy to transition from one life purpose to another because you don't need to think about money nearly as much.
  10. @dude Yep, I was just using Leo as an example. This is my current path. @Sevi @dude So what about the idea: Can I have the path of mastery & passion but also working for money both motivating me at the same time?
  11. this dude just came back from 30 days of meditation and he comes back to casually write his daily comments as if nothing has changed. Hahaha
  12. holy fuck he's alive. i thought he would die lol
  13. @pluto Which CBD oil do you take? And can I eat curcurmin and black seed daily? I'm thinking about putting it in my tea or just downing that shit in a shot daily.
  14. 5/28/18 What I want to journal about: - Morning routine - Top sticking points - How to not repeat the same mistakes Today's topic: Purpose of this Growth Mindset: Carol Dweck talks about mindset. In her studies she notices that when skill building people have two types of mindsets. One being a fixed mindset vs growth mindset Fixed Mindset: When someone believes their abilities to be fixed Examples: - I am bad at X subject - I can't overcome a challenge - I can't be social - I am bad at X sport (basketball, tennis) Growth Mindset: When someone believes their abilities can be worked on and improved - I can get good at X subject with practice - I can overcome this challenge with time and effort - I can practice being social and get good at being social - I can practice this sport and get good at the sport A person with a fixed mindset doesn't look at challenges that can be overcome, but rather as [to be continued]
  15. I have such deep compassion, because this reminds me of me at times. Much love <3
  16. has a money back guarantee. see for yourself
  17. You can look at hitler's military strategy but not his morality. you can also pull some things from his leadership (of course not all)
  18. How come I don't have any girls in my life? How come girls aren't talking to me? Why do I feel so invaluable to women and how do I get girls to like me? I've been struggling with this for a while and I just want some women in my life to have fun with. I enjoy their company
  19. A good diet, sunlight, socializing with friends, not sitting so much, a strong meditation practice are some of the fundamentals of being human. You're missing some edit: also nature
  20. Gotta disagree. A lot of her content is actually really profound. You have to deeply contemplate it though. She had a video on self love that I watched 2 days ago. I found the root causes to my lack of self love and her perspective on healing is great. I want to delve into it more. Please try to understand the philosophy before you make judgements. If you do a google search, there are people on the internet that feel the same way about Leo as you feel about Teal Watch Leo's video: "why do people seem crazy?". itll explain why you feel the way you feel about Teal. @Jed Vassallo
  21. Leo said something about psychedelics having a profound benefit for helping mental health edit: i dont understand this topic deeply enough to give you a super accurate answer. but that's what leo said
  22. I kind of tried. But I sucked real bad at it. I wanna get back into it. I have some fears to get over with my mind. But it's nice to see you guys into it. How does abundance work when you have a GF? Do I still need to keep abundance? Does game work like the gym? I knew decent theory for the gym, not that much honestly but I got massive results just because I went hard and went every day. What about my inner game? I feel like this is so much more important.