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Everything posted by Florian

  1. When I read that, one thing comes to my mind. In the book "The Sedona Method" (at least in the version I read) there was this model of human consiousness made of 4 deeper wishes that can be visualised as a tree. The 4 wishes are the wish for survival, approval/love, control and being seperate. All these wishes also have a flipside, like the wish for dying, being disliked, getting controlled and being one. As for the visualisation as a tree, the wish for serperateness would be the ground in which the tree stands and that feeds the tree, the wish for survival would be the roots and the wishes for love and control would be the trunk. Then the branches and leafs would be particular emotions like sadness, anger, courage, acceptance etc. (branches) and thoughts ("I hate this bitch", "I'm so lucky, that I got this job", "Why didn't I do ....") I'm sure you read the book (since I found it on your booklist) and if you read the same version you also propably now about the 4 deeper wishes but what I'm trying to tell you is that maybe if you concentrate enough on the wish of being seperate/being one and work with that/let enough of it go it becomes obvious how you can do such things. This wish to me seems like the very thing that your human existence is made of and as such blocks your higher consiousness.
  2. In a positive or negative sense? Why don't you do it then? Health?
  3. Im gonna use this opportunity to get out my thoughts regarding you @Leo Gura, this forum and myself. I would say I'm not really that invested in this forum and don't really care about being a part of this community. Sometimes I start a thread or comment under a thread when I feel like it or I see that I could maybe actually help someone. But I love just reading through some interesting sounding topics and looking if there is some goldnugget I can keep, cause I found quite a lot of gold nuggets on this forum. I just randomly read through the comments and then *puff* I read one sentence that sticks with me and gives me some value, sometimes a little, sometimes a lot. I think I'm quite good at distinguishing what is actually valuable and what is not. Most of the times these comments are from Leo, so I started to just go on his profile everytime I'm on this website and read through his latest comments on any topic. Sometimes I wonder if people on this forum remember me from my past comments but idk. Would be interesting for me to hear from someone who reads this or from you Leo. I think you are a pretty great human being Leo and you really have a lot of value to offer the world and I am lucky to have found you. I also think I am lucky that I resonate with you and pick up what you have to say super fast. It's fascinating to me to witness such a great understanding for all kinds of topics. You really are a wise motherfucker. I had a phase where I idolised you and thought you must be "perfect", but now I see that you are also just a human and have some flaws. Of course these flaws are just flaws because I judge them as such but I mean thats what this post is about. I wrote the last sentence because I imagined some people criticizing me for saying you have flaws. I now think I am just writing this all because I do infact kind of care about being a part of this community, contrary to what I wrote at the beginning, at least a little bit. Also because I like interacting with you Leo, not mainly because I hope to gain more wisdom from that really, I just read without commenting for that, but just cause it makes me feel good. That's my thoughts for now, maybe I write another comment if I feel like it later.
  4. The alpha of the stupid-clan
  5. I think NoFap can help you get laid since it's like a kick in the ass. When you are hungry, you are more likely to eat right? And if you normally eat one kind of food (porn) but then you can't eat that anymore, it's more likely that you will eat food option 2 (sex). And since one of the main purposes of the design of a mans body is to ejaculate, once that homeostasis effect of regular ejaculation is broken, all the connected parts in your system also break out of homeostasis which could result in effects like more energy for a while (comparable to an adrenaline rush), to get you back into a homeostasis. @Leo Gura Have you consciously gone without porn for a while in the past?
  6. @Leo Gura Do you also have such genetics?
  7. @Zion Shame is a kind of self punishment when you learn from "outside" that something about you or some behavior is "bad". Then you feel shame and try punish yourself cause you believe that will make the punishment you will receive from the outside, that judges you as bad, less. It's always connected to a deeper wish to fit in, feel secure, loved or in control. That's what I learned.
  8. That's interesting. Some time ago I watched some YouTube video about his future plans after winning the war and apparently he wanted to build a giant new city with some really exaggerated architecture. Even though corrupted by his ideologies, I feel like he could have been a great architect or at least the passion for it was slumbering inside of him.
  9. Shiiiiit I want to post troll comments in here SO bad
  10. @Leo Gura I feel like you were talking a bit too fast even though it seemed like you noticed that yourself and adjusted your talking speed after some time. And also it was hard to follow what you were trying to bring across, which I think is because it was a conversation and a conversation works differently then you just talking alone. In a conversation the partner also plays a role with the direction of the converation and if there is a big gap between the understanding of the topic that destroys the coherence and clarity of the communication, but since you said something similar in a reply above I guess you are aware of that.
  11. @Max_V Hey bro, it is what it is, I have/had similar problems (I dont think im autistic but also have/had feelings like I'm a complete piece of shit not even worthy of a smile from a woman or something like that, caused by something else), but to maybe encourage you: I already dealt with big parts of it and I can see now that it is actually possible to change that and it is also possible for me to have a dating/sex life and be liked/loved by women. What I found is that the situation you are in is what you want, like you literally chose to be like that. And paradoxically to change that I think you have to accept it and say "fuck it, thats what I want" and I guess really get yourself to love the situation that you are in and if you manage to do that you are free to really change. Also reading the book "The Sedona Method" helped me a lot with letting go of a lot of my inner emotional blockages. And the book "The Big Leap" helped me learn a lot about inner beliefs and where they come from/hold you back. Found them both on Leo's booklist. @Preety_India Simliar to what I wrote above I think you accepting your situation and saying fuck it, it is what it is, can be very good and propably necessary for you and maybe you are actually aware of this. But the thing is you, it is definitly possible for you to change and have what you want as well, so maybe you have to be in that phase now where you think that it is all hopeless, but why not try to keep in mind that your whole situation might completly change instantly, or after a few weeks/months/years. Can also recommend both books from above to you. But if you don't want to change you will propably not buy them (or some other tool to help you) or even if you buy them you will propably just toss them away when you get to the point where you subconsiously realize "wow this could actually help me". I think the key is to be really really honest with yourself and if you realize you really want to be miserable or something like that accepting it and only after that the possiblity for change arises.
  12. @Preety_India Thank you for letting others read this lol Reading this is actually helpful to me since I have some problems with believing women don't want sex and don't have these feeling and if I want sex with women I'm bad cause they will always hate me for it no matter what.
  13. @StudentOfLeove echt gut, vorallem wenn das dein allererster Song ist, aber man merkt auch, dass noch viel Raum für Verbesserung da ist.
  14. @Leo Gura What do you mean? I don't remember the films explaining the force in much detail. Do you have a source for a better explanation of the Force from Star Wars?
  15. I think value is something personal, so you have to look for your personal biggest value. And I guess you could also say "love", as many here on this forum would propably say, but that's literally everything so yea
  16. @Leo Gura Fuck you Jk, thanks for your work
  17. @Preety_India Wow, you seem like a very shy and anxious person but also very couragous. Do you know your exact intention behind that new project of yours? Like whats the purpose behind your YouTube channel? I'm asking because clearity is key to success.
  18. @ilja Motherfucker ;: |
  19. Your mom is you too