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Everything posted by Florian

  1. @Hellspeed Yes okay, but I meant this more like a tool for your mastery in your career/life purpose then in a spiritual way.
  2. There is a whole section with books about emotional mastery on the booklist.
  3. I want to fix my sleeping schedule because I currently go to bed at around 5am and wake up anywhere from 2-4pm. My goal is to go to bed at 11pm and wake up at 8:30am. I have already tried not sleeping an entire night so I can go to bed the next day at the time I want and that worked for 3-5 days but then I always went to bed a bit later until I finally was at around 5am again. Now I wonder if it is better to take it slow and wake up a little earlier every day and go to bed a little earlier as well or if I should try the "hardcore" method again and just dont sleep for a night, go to bed early the next day and wake up early and just focus more on that until it becomes a solid habit. Advice is appreciated
  4. @Leo Gura So do you think NoFap is a bad idea?
  5. I think it helps to focus on the current moment. If you want to read a very good book, i think, about the current moment and emotions and some more, deeper stuff I recommend 'Becoming Supernatural' by Dr. Joe Dispenza.
  6. @Viking I really have no idea how to do it XD, gonna watch the video
  7. @Viking I am in the same spot as you, but two days ago I managed to talk to a girl.When I said that she is beatiful, she answered with a smile and then I instantly asked if I could have her number and she stopped smiling and said no, XD. I don't if that was because I asked too fast for her number or because I was too insecure. I guess it was because I wasn't confident enough though. But I didn't manage to do that completely alone, I was with a friend who pushed me to do it and I drank like a sip of beer before so I was a bit more relaxed. Don't want to relay on the alcohol though, so next time I'm going to do it sober.
  8. I once had a discussion with someone about what the purpose of life is and I said that it is to produce children and she said that your life purpose is to create your own life purpose. And now I had the thought that you "only" create your life purpose to have sex anyways because finding your life purpose is also finding your identity and women (or feminine people in general) are only attracted to something or someone with an identity (which is masucline). So in the end the purpose of life is still having sex and shit, isn't it?
  9. I'm coming from your video The Grande Model Of Psychological Evolution and I had this thought while watching it since you compared it with a pendulum: If every stage is like the side of a pendulum which ist swinging (your stage develops), then doesnt the pendulum stop swinging at some point which would maybe be enlightement? Because the more you go up the stages the more they come closer to each other (yourself and others) and in the end it would be in the middle.